㈠ 蘭州植物園迎國慶菊花展作文
中國蘭州網9月22日消息 為迎接國慶節的到來,蘭州植物園於國慶期間舉辦「2016年迎專國慶菊花屬展」。目前,菊花展的各項布展工作已完成,將於9月26日開展,10月16日結束。
㈡ 小學寫蘭州植物園的英文作文
Once three years ago, I went to Qing, three years later when I again set foot on this piece of land of Qing, I was deeply attracted by her beauty, such as the one after an absence of long-lover ... ...
青島三面環水,一面環山,獨特的地理環境,造就了她得天獨厚的風景人文景觀。 Qing is surrounded by water, one side by mountains, the unique geographical environment created a unique landscape of her cultural landscape. 這次去青島正好遇上下大霧,遠處的樓群在霧中若隱若現。 Trip to Qing, right there under the fog, the distance-rise buildings looming in the fog. 據導游說,青島的樓房建築風格有26國風格之多,我沒有細數,也分辨不出來。 According to tour guide said the architectural style of buildings in Qing, there are 26 countries many styles, I did not breakdown, but also to distinguish not come out. 青島的城市是建在小山坡上的,車開在狹小而干凈的山間街道上,一會上升,一會下沉,一會是九十度的轉彎。 Qing city is built on the hills, he drove in a small mountain and clean streets, one will rise for a sink, one will be turning ninety degrees. 人們都好奇的等待,希望下一次的轉彎出現的是另一番美景,而青島每次都沒有令遊人失望。 People are curious to wait, hoping the next turn there was another round of beauty, but each time it failed, Qing, will give visitors a disappointment. 跟隨著導游的解說,我們一路左顧右盼,鬱郁蔥蔥的青島植物園、偌大的匯賓廣場、舊時的德國監獄……還有很多我記不清的美麗景點,不斷的從我們眼前閃過,然後慢慢向後邊退去。 Followed guide, explanations, and we were glance right and left, Qing lush botanical gardens, the huge Department of bin square, the old German prison, I can not remember ... ... There are many beautiful spots, constantly flashed before our eyes from, and then slowly retreated behind. 車窗外,一個紅發、碧眼、高鼻樑的外國男士正在街邊的人行道上小跑,他穿著運動的球衣球褲,顯然是在鍛煉,我不由自主的看了看錶,才發現這是在午後! Outside the car, a red hair, blue eyes, high nose of foreign men are street sidewalk trot, He was wearing sports pants jersey ball is clearly in the exercise, I could not help of looked at my watch, it was found that this is a Afternoon! 青島潮濕的空氣、蒙蒙的薄霧和並不熱烈的陽光會讓你忘記了時間……聽說青島很多沿海的別墅樓群都被外國人買了去,作為他們休閑度假的場所。 Qing, moist air, misty haze, and do not let you forget the warm sun of time ... ... heard a lot of the coast of Qing, villa-rise buildings have been bought to foreigners, as their venue for leisure. 精明的外國人在周遊了世界之後,最後的落腳點選擇了青島,足以說明青島的魅力與吸引力! Shrewd foreigners traveling the world after, the final choice of Qing, Qing, illustrates the charm and appeal! 當你在青島旅遊觀光的時候,也許在不遠處的別墅里,正有一個金發、碧眼的美麗女郎,正在陽台上品著咖啡,朝著你深情的微笑……正所謂你在橋上看風景,樓上看風景的人在看你。 When you travel and tourism in Qing, when, perhaps not far from the villa, is a blond, blue-eyed beautiful girl, is the balcony top grade of coffee, affectionate towards you smile ... ... the saying goes, you look at the bridge scenery, the people upstairs to see scenery see you.
我總覺得生活在青島的人們是幸福的,整個青島就像一個大大的花園,是風格各異、參差不齊的樓群點綴了這個「花園」,而不是這些花園、植物園點綴了這座城市! I always felt that people living in Qing, is happy, the whole Qing, like a big garden styles, uneven-rise buildings interspersed with the "garden" rather than the gardens, botanical gardens dotted the city ! 青島不但是個旅遊的天堂,也是個消遣、飲食、購物的天堂。 Qing is not only a tourist's paradise, is also entertainment, dining, shopping paradise. 日本的足療、韓國的料理、法國的家樂福等許多久負盛名的廠商和知名品牌紛紛在青島安家落戶。 Japan's Foot, South Korea's food, the French Carrefour and many other prestigious companies and brands have settled in Qing. 如果你是個美食家、購物狂或者是個追求完美主義的人,那麼青島你一定不可不去。 If you are a gourmet, shopping, mad, or is a perfectionist doctrine, then you must not do not Qing. 因為在青島,你不用出國就可以享受不同國家和地區的異域風情,滿足你對不同國家和地區、美食和購物、物質和品位等種種不同種類、不同層次的追求。 Because in Qing, you do not have to go abroad can enjoy the different countries and regions of exotic locations, to meet your different countries and regions, food and shopping, material, and taste all kinds of different types, different levels of pursuit.
俗話說靠山吃山,靠水吃水。 As the saying goes reflects environment Everyday, relying on water draft. 黃海長長的海岸線不僅為青島提供了充足的水氣、濕度和日常休閑的好去處,也是人們財富的源泉。 Long coastline of the Yellow Sea, Qing has not only provided sufficient moisture, humidity and daily a good place for leisure, but also people's source of wealth. 青島沿海岸邊停靠著的大大小小、滿目蒼痍的漁船彷彿向你訴說著大海洶涌與強大,以及他的富有與神奇。 Qing, the coastal shore dock with the big and small, everywhere Cang bruise fishing if you tell the sea to the turbulent and powerful, and his rich and wonderful. 你可以想像這小小一葉片舟與大海搏鬥時的驚心動魄,也可以想像它魚兒滿倉凱旋歸來時的喜悅之情。 You can imagine, this little one struggle with the sea when the boat leaves the soul-stirring, it is also conceivable that the fish warehouse full of triumphant joy when they return. 站在青島的棧橋上,吹著徐徐的海風,你可以嗅到海里魚蝦的味道,它們深深鑽入你的鼻孔,然後侵入你的心脾。 Standing on the pier in Qing, sea breeze blowing Xuxu De, you can smell the flavor of sea fish, they are deeply penetrating your nostril, and then break into your Heart and. 幻想華燈初上的時候,美麗的大海上將會是怎樣的一種奇景? Across from the time when fantasy, the beautiful sea will be what kind of a spectacle 我沒有見過,不過現有的景象已經讓我深深沉醉。 I have not seen, but the current scene has given me deeply immersed. 我醉了,醉在青島迷人的景色里…… I am drunk, drunk in Qing, where the charming scenery ... ...
㈢ 2016年學校組織蘭州植物園秋遊的作文