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發布時間:2021-02-11 23:54:56

1. 高中生可以參加的英語競賽有哪些


2. 求一篇高中生英語作文……

Last weekend, my ophthalmologist professor wang for the interview. We talk about the question is: small and medium-sized students myopia. Professor wang is pointed out, and the incidence of student myopia slightly higher than 50%, occupies the first. The sick and reasons, so far, not a drug can be cured thoroughly. Therefore, expert proposal, not excessive use eye, eye cleaning. Take part in outdoor exercise can help alleviate eye fatigue. To maintain the correct posture and holding pens, this is a great relationship with eyes.有些詞需要自己整理一下,看看行不?

3. 全國中學生創新英語作文大賽

當時我們參加是學校組織的 你可以去問問老師相關事宜 至於准備的話 就比專較困難了 首先要背歷屬屆獲獎作文 其次背詞彙 然後是句型 短語 最好還背一背諺語之類的 最後臨近決賽的時候 最好每天寫一到三篇作文 再請老師幫忙修改 我就是這樣准備的 最後考試結果很好 自己英語水平也提高了很多

4. 高中英語作文比賽

全國中學生素質教育英語知識能力競賽 NQEEPC,由英語周報社贊助舉辦
全國中學生英語能力競回賽 NEPCS, 由英語輔導報社答贊助舉辦

5. 假如你所在的學校正在舉辦中學生英語徵文比賽。英語作文

Today, it is a very unfortunate situation that the environment is
facing a major threat the world over. Modern human activities can be
considered as an important contributing factor to this scenario, which
is ultimately leading to a disruption in the ecological balance. Several
on-going activities, taken up at national and international levels, are
trying to combat this issue. However, some people argue that the
government has to bear the responsibility of handling this crisis,
whereas, others are of the opinion that this is possible with measures
taken at the indivial level.

6. 如何參加全國中學生創新英語作文大賽


7. 2001年全國高中生英語作文競賽雲南賽區一等獎作品


8. 高中生可以參加的英語競賽有哪些

6、全國中學生素質教育英語知識能力競賽(NQEEPC )

9. 高中生英語作文

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother()作者:Amy Chua,美籍華人,耶魯大學教授 (3)出版時間:2010年 (4)內容:作者用中國傳統方式教育兩個女兒的故事 (5)效應:引發了中美教育方式孰優孰劣的討論 相關報道: (1)中文版:2011年初開始在中國銷售 (2)意外反應:多數中國媽媽不贊同作者的做法 (3)最新消息:17歲的大女兒已被哈佛和耶魯錄取*
Published in 2010, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, whose writer is Amy Chua, a Chinese American professor in Yale University, is about a story that the author applied the Chinese traditional ecational method to instruct her two daughters.
Written by Amy Chua, the professor of Yale University from China, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother mainly tells us that the author taught her two daughters in the Chinese traditional way.

How to write the body?
First, a connecting sentence is necessary, and a topic sentence is better. Second, one should write supporting sentences or examples in order to make your composition more reasonable. And then, draw an conclusion which can prove your main idea. By the way, don』t forget to write some proper linking words or phrases , one proverb and different sentences to make your article readable and fluent

10. 為什麼全國創新英語作文大賽收費很高要200元而全國中學生英語能力競賽只要15元兩個比賽有什麼差別嗎




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