『壹』 關於工作努力的六年級英語作文
【My dream job:Lawyer】
I have made up my mind to be a lawyer.There are two main reasons for my choosing this.First, I want to help the innocent people out of guilty. Since I have seen many innocent people being scapegoats of the true criminals in the films ,I decide to avoid this cases in the reality.Second, this is a well-paid and promising job. Although I have to confess that this job may be much more difficult to do it well, the handsome wage and excellent treatment give me the stimulus to pursue it.
To realize my dream, I have to make full use of the leisure time to acquire the essential knowledge to become one of the best in this field.
『貳』 my dream job英語作文 1、我想成為一個教師 2、小學5年級水平 3、35字到40字左右 急急急急
My dream job is to be a teacher because I think it is the greatest job in the world. Teachers teach the students the whole knowledge they own. Besides, they also ecate the students how to be a good person. I hope I can become a good teacher and have many great students in the future. So I must work hard now to make my dream come true !
我夢想的職業是老師,因為我認為 它是世界上最偉大的職業。老師將自己專所有的知識毫無保屬留的都教授給學生,除此之外,老師還教會學生如何做人。我希望未來我能成為一名優秀的教師並且擁有很棒的學生。所以現在我必須努力學習讓夢想成真!
『叄』 以我選擇堅持一份工作做下去為題的英語作文
(How to Get a Job After Graation
The past decade has witnessed a more and more fierce competition in the job market.Consequently students voice growing concern over how to get a job after graation. To this problem, in my mind, there are at least the following three approaches.
First of all, the main approach is to take part in grand recruiting fairs in big cities. The student hands in his resume and waits for the notice of an interview. Secondly, the students can go over the advertisements on newspapers, TV or the Internet to find a satisfactory job. Of course he should also wait for reply after sending out applications. Finally, going directly to an ideal company is a brave behavior, which sounds pretty rare among the job hunters.
Personally, I would like to choose the second method in my own practice. On the one hand, I don't want to have a try at those companies which are not advertised in the mass media. The success rate is so rare that I cannot afford the time and energy. On the other hand, I would not like to go to those crowded recruiting fairs, which often provide only poorly-paid posts which are neither challenging nor promising. As long as I am sure of making sufficient preparations and distinguishing myself ring interviews, it is out of question for me to get the ideal job which I have been dreaming of.
『肆』 寫一篇關於堅持一種工作英語作文
Everyone has his dreams, but not all these dreams can come true. People give up their dreams for this or that reason. Those whose dreams become true have at least one thing in common, that is, they always hold fast to their dreams.
Marie Curie, a famous scientist, has set a good example. In 1898, Marie found a new element in the pitchblende. In order to prove her discovery, she must get it and show it to the world. Then to get the new element became her dream and goal of her life. After four years' hard work and refinement of tons of pitchblende, Marie and her hus-band at last saw the dim blue light of the new element -- radium. Her dream had come true. There are many other examples. Just around us, for instance, the athletes who gain the gold medals, the artists who are popular with the public, and even the students who enter tile university after years of hard study and preparation, are all dream-holders.
Hold fast to your dreams, no matter how big or small they are. The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide, even some sacrifices are needed, but hold on to the end, you ,sill find there is no greater happiness than making your dream come true.
『伍』 寫一段小學英語作文四到六句,大概寫父母的工作,怎麼去的,還有他們的愛好
There are three people in my family. My father works in a bank. He goes to work in his car every day. He likes fishing very much. My mother is a teacher. She goes to the school on foot. She likes cooking for us.
『陸』 英語作文做事情堅持不懈很重要
I think it's important to persevere in doing things. From my point of view, there are three main reasons. First, if you can't stick to do it, you can't do anything because nothing in the world is so easy.Second, only insist on doing one thing can we do things well. Third, insist on doing one thing can cultivate our perseverance and perseverance is the quality we must have.
Only by adhering to the struggle against difficulties can we achieve victory.
『柒』 關於堅持工作利弊的英語作文
第一個:During my summer holiday in 2003, I found a part-time job as a cleaner in KFC. I did not realize that it was not an easy job before I didit. I had to work seven hours a day, which would last three weeks. The job was tiring and boring because I had to get up early and went to bed late. Every day I had to repeat the same work, which nearly made me mad. I almost gave it up, but finally I sticked it out until thenew semester began. The experience taught me a lesson that there is no free lunch. I have to work hard to get what I want. So the experience is very meaningful and I know the value of labour.
第二個: It has been estimated that smokers have made up half of the population in China. And the smokers are becoming younger and younger, even ineluding some middle school students.
Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm to people'shealth. However, some people still enjoy smoking. Why? Because some of them think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others, think that smoking can refresh themselves.
In fact, smoking is a bad habit. It can cause a lot of diseases. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.
Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers.
Therefore, I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them.
第三個:some people take it for granted that some lucky numbers can bring them good luck. for instance, the so-called lucky number 「8」 is widely used now because it is sounded like 「getting rich」 in chinese and is believed to bring good fortune.
yet many others don't think so. they think that numbers have nothing to do with luck. they regard numbers simply as a mathematic symbols for counting. they are anything but a mystery. they laugh at those who think numbers can bring good luck.
i'm in favor of the latter opinion. i think our society is very modern now. we mustn't count on the so-called lucky numbers to fulfill our wishes. whether we can have good luck depends on ourselves. if we work hard, good luck will come to us.
『捌』 我要查個英語作文題目是把自己和父母的小時候生活比較
我國自古就有「羊跪乳,鴉反哺」的古訓。感恩,就是意識到今天自己獲得的一切,不是憑空而來,除了自己的努力,還有許多人在背後的創造和奉獻。這意味著要永遠記住那些人和事,承擔一份歉疚,並准備為回報而付出努力。但是在當今社會,卻有許多人忘記了那些幫助過、照亮過、愛過自己的人,甚至傷害他們。我們身邊的「啃老族」就是一個例子。這些好高騖遠、拈輕怕重而不願就業的年輕人,吃靠父母,住靠父母,結婚靠父母,房貸靠父母,養孩子靠父母,工作幾年了沒有一分錢存款最後還是靠父母,感恩之心嚴重缺失。 從感恩的缺失,想到了那首風靡全國的《常回家看看》,這首歌曲的流行並不是一個簡單的現象。實際上,它唱出的不僅僅是父母之愛,更多的是父母對兒女日益淡薄的感恩之情的呼喚。感恩是愛和善的基礎,當有恩不報的現象越來越多時,「誰幫人誰就是傻子」、「硬起心腸來做人」就會成為一種文化,社會就會失去最起碼的良心。 愛因斯坦曾經說過:「每天我都無數次地提醒自己,我的內心和外在的生活,都是建立在其他活著的和死去的人的勞動的基礎上。我必須竭盡全力,像我曾經得到的和正在得到的那樣,作出同樣的貢獻。」偉人和所有人一樣要懷著謙卑的感恩之心,沒有理由遺棄這份情感。很多時候,感恩並不在於回報什麼,而是在自己與社會之間創造一種互相影響的友善氛圍:我們在肯定別人的同時,也升華了自己。每個人成長的階段都離不開爸爸媽媽的養育和教育。媽媽告訴我:小時候,我什麼都不懂的時候,她天天在我耳邊嘮嘮叨叨,告訴我:什麼是圓的,什麼是方的,什麼是長的,什麼是短的,並讓我玩各種各樣的玩具,讓我在玩耍中知道,世界上有各種各樣的物品,為了讓我的腦子盡早地開發,天天讓我聽一盤幼兒英語磁帶,反反復復,堅持不懈,使我在兩歲的時候,就會背三十多個英語單詞,知道數二百以下的數字,認訓百種同的圖片。可見她對我早期教育投入了很大的耐心和精力。 我小時候就特別愛學習,什麼事情都想弄個明白,在外公外婆的教育和照料下,我終於漸漸地長大了,上小學後,爸爸媽媽雖然工作很忙,但是爸爸總是抽出時間堅持教我英語,他一直對我較為嚴厲,有時我有點怕他,他說的話,一定要聽他的,有時候我也不能理解他的話,他說都是為我好。他有許多好的品質,有毅力,什麼事都有頭有尾,從來都不半途而廢。 我上小學三年級以後,爸爸每個星期六、星期日抽出時間教我學英語,每學期都給我買語文、算術、英語方面的電腦光碟,用來提高我的學習成績。 爸爸特別喜歡鍛煉身體,每天早晚必定會去鍛煉,也經常會說:「沒有身體,就什麼也沒有,身體好是最最重要的。只要有了好的身體,才能去做自己想做的事情。」雖然這些話我不能完全領會,但我按照他的話每天都會下樓鍛煉。我以後一定能體會到的。爸爸把他好的方面毫無保留地傳授給我,讓我長大成人以後會比他更強。 媽媽是性格溫和的人,雖然工作比較忙,但是從來不發脾氣,有事情都是好說好商量的,和爸爸形成鮮明的對比。 每天媽媽都用溫柔的目光看著我,每天都會半夜起來,來到我的房間,看看我的被有沒有蓋好,還會摸摸我的頭看看我熱不熱。她很關心我的學習,經常會去書店給我買書回來。爸爸媽媽以身作則的行為影響著我,把他們的成功的經驗慢慢地傳給我,讓我少走彎路。 我在爸爸媽媽外公外婆的養育下茁壯成長,從什麼都不懂的「小孩子」變成身體好、學習好的六年級學生。 父母的養育和教育是多方面的,生活上、學習上、為人處事上,我只有好好學習,學好各種本領,長大以後才能報答他們的養育之恩,我要上個好大學,長大以後做個有用的人才能不辜負他們對我的期望。學會感恩,與愛同行 感恩,在我們的腦海中是一個飽含淚水的形容詞,然而在一段漫長的時間里,我卻與他保持著距離,不是輕易觸碰這種感情元素。我害怕,因為在感恩的同時,已經註定背負上一種莫名的責任。 直至隨著年歲的增長,閱歷的豐富,一系列的時間發生就像一把神氣的鑰匙悄悄地打開了我一直執著固守的大門。 那是一個細雨綿綿的早晨,每個人依舊出門工作亦或是學習,而就在平凡的早晨發生了一件不幸的事-------母親因被車撞骨折了,父親出差,我不得不擔負起家庭的擔子,經歷了好多人生的第一次:第一次把屋子打掃一遍;第一次為母親洗腳;第一次做飯,洗碗……十六年來我第一次發祥我對家是那麼的陌生,從來不做家務,從來不關心父母的起居。這一切刺痛了我也磨練了我:我感激那一段刻骨
『玖』 堅持不懈英語作文
The dream is beautiful, it is the moral nature most beautiful expectation; The dream is the sunlight, it causes the human to move toward steadfastness by the impetuousness, by paces back and forth moves toward firmly, and moves toward successfully. Each person life will have the innumerable dreams, some forever will not be perhaps realistic, so long as but paid has tried hard, will not regret; But tumbles after these was deliberately bad the dejected person, the dream was forever could also not arrive other shore, has not been assorted with the dream the difference. 【堅持不懈】 I have a plan for overcoming the difficulties.I should transcend myselves before overcoming the difficulties.Discovering the shortcomings is the beginning of overcoming them.Overcoming all hardships, together we build our resistance bases.Painto or through, often by overcoming resistance。My mother told me:that you need enough revision for the test。」 i studied night and day before the exams in order to pathem.As I went into the examination room, I had my heart in my boots.When I marking examination pa-pe-rs last, Have a card up one's sleeve for this first time i see like that. I have succeeded
『拾』 用堅持鍛煉寫一篇英語作文