1. 40篇英語作文搞定高中單詞3500的mp3有木有呢,跪求啊
你好,[font=宋體]背單詞一直是學習英語最大的困難,詞彙量直接關系著水平的提高和參加各種考試的成績。在此我為大家介紹幾種比較有效的單詞記憶辦法。[/font][align=left]1[font=宋體]、[/font] [font=宋體]詞根、詞綴記憶法[/font]
[font=宋體]這是最基本也最有效的記憶方法,必須要掌握。舉[/font]GRE[font=宋體]中最臭名昭著的一個單詞為例:[/font]arteriosclerosis[font=宋體]。這個詞讓無數人口噴鮮血,但了解了詞根,無非是[/font]arterio+sclero+sis[font=宋體],即動脈、硬化症,過目不忘。用詞根記憶法,往往事半功倍,如[/font]carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, [font=宋體]本來一個都記不住,放在一起,一目瞭然。而且以後記[/font]carnage, carnalism, herbaceous, herbiferous, omnicompetent,omnificent, omnipotent[font=宋體]等,更是不費吹灰之力。[/font][font=宋體][/font]
2[font=宋體]、分類記憶法[/font] [font=宋體][/font]
[font=宋體]很多時候,孤立地記一個事物,反而不如同時記憶多個同類效果來得好。所以把意義相近的詞放在一起記,可以大大提高效率,更對日後實戰時的類比題有著莫大的幫助。分類可有兩種,一種是把同義詞歸納在一起,如關於格言的:[/font]adage, proverb, allegory, fable, dictum, maxim, motto, aphorism[font=宋體]。關於欺騙的:[/font]deceive,beguile, betray, inveigle[font=宋體]。[/font]
[font=宋體]另一種分類是把相關的單詞歸為一類,如關於寶石的:[/font]ruby, sapphire, emerald, jade, turquoise, amethyst, rhinestone, opal[font=宋體]。關於植物的:[/font]oak,cypress, almond, [font=宋體]這種分類工作利用電子辭典來做最為方便。[/font][/align][align=left][font=宋體]
[/font][/align][align=left][font=宋體]這個網站沒准可以幫到你呢:[/font][font=宋體]http://gaokao.koolearn.com/[/font][/align][align=left] [/align]
2. 新東方作文背誦50篇及對應mp3錄音,有人需要麼
3. 誰給我介紹一本高中生用的英語作文書!不要太難了,要含有mp3文件就跟好了… 小弟先謝了噢!
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5. 我想知道有沒有優秀作文以朗讀的形式可以下載到mp3里的
我搜了 在網路上沒有!!~可以參考「西東網」看看!!~
6. 靈犀英語 背誦優秀獲獎作文128篇 高中版 mp3下載
## is not only the city where I was born, but also the only place I've never been able to leave. 5 years ago, I moved from here to another city to begin my college life. The day I left ## I felt as a fish out of water.
## is the only place where I've walked past a schoolyard and pictured a future son or daughter of mine playing balls.
I love this city. She』 small and quiet. Every day I live here, I could have the safety feeling which I got when my mother held me in her arms.
I love this city. She is very beautiful and lovely. Everywhere you can see the flowers, grass and trees. The shops are full of all kinds of goods. When you walk in the street, you can feel the gentle wind touching your face and breathe the fresh air.
I love this city. The climate here is very warm which is very suitable for people to do some outdoors activities.
I love this city. She is where I have lived for ____ years with my parents, my good friends, and my teachers who have supported me. She has almost all my memories.
I love the night of ##. People sit in the gardens of their houses or in the small restaurants, chatting, drinking and enjoying the delicious seafood which is abundant in our city.
I love the sunrise of ##. When I was still a little girl, my parents and I used to climb up the hill in the morning to see the sunrise. When the beautiful sun went up, the gentle breeze brought us the fragrance of the flowers, the golden sunshine made our hair shimmer, and my heart would be filled with hope and happiness!
Maybe someday I will have to leave this city, but no matter where I would go I will never forget this city, its people, its trees and its sunrise. Yes, everything that it gave me could be given by other places, but my love won』t be changed, because it is my home town.
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哇,你能不能發給我一份錄音啊。我剛買回來那碟就碎了。拜託你了。如果可以發到這里給我好嗎[email protected]