Ⅰ 介紹中國農業家的110詞的英語作文
According to statistics, China's per capita homeland area is only
0.8 hm2, 29% of the world average. Arable land actually owned by the
country is about 130 million hm2, 0.073 hm2 per capita, less than 1/4 of
the world per capita. Moreover, hills and mountains accounts for nearly
2/3of the total land area, and the low-yielding fields accounts for 2/3
of the total arable land area. In recent years, e to soil and water
loss, the land degradation, the instrial occupancy and other reasons,
the cultivated area is still declining.
Ⅱ 作為中學生能為農業做什麼貢獻,寫一篇英語作文
放學後,一年級新生小明與小豆正往家走,路過垃圾桶時,細心的小豆發現,垃版圾桶權四周全是果皮紙屑,非常不衛生,小豆情不自禁地捏住鼻子,對小明說:「這可真臟!不知道是誰那麼缺德,只差一步了,都懶得走。」說完,便招呼小明來幫忙,收垃圾。小明神秘地搖頭說:「我也 有一個好辦法,你先收拾吧!」小豆分工後,麻利地幹了起來,只見她先把垃圾堆在一起,然後,用厚紙板一點一點的鏟進垃圾筒。不一會,小豆就把垃圾全部放進垃圾筒,而此時,明明也沒閑著,他的字也寫完了,並且將它貼在垃圾桶上,只見上面寫著;文明-只差一步。
看完這幅短小的漫畫,我不僅浮現出一個問題;文明真的離我們只有一步 嗎?的確 ,在漫 畫中垃圾只差一步 就投進垃圾桶了,垃圾扔 進垃圾桶就是文明了嗎?我認為似是的。不僅如此,走橫行道 ,遵守交通法規都是文明。文明其實離我們很近。文明
Ⅲ 農業科技的影響 英語作文範文
The new technology of agriculture refers to many science and technics,inlucding the instrializing of agriculture,the green revolution and the sustainable development of agriculture.
The instrializing of agriculture improves the efficiency of agricultural proction.The green revolution brings us more proctive crops and raise the proction of agriculture.The theory of sustainable development of agriculture provides human race a bright future in which people and nature are living together harmoniously.
Ⅳ 有關於中國的農業歷史的英語作文
Agriculture is the basement of a country's economy,especially for our country,its importance seems more distinctive. The conclusion is for the reason that our country is a agricultural major country,the population ratio for agr。
Ⅳ 關於《中國現代農業》英語作文
the title should be "the changing of farm procts"
The changing of farm procts
Nowdays with the devolpment of agriculture,the procts of farm have different charicater with the past,we can purchase variety fruits and vegetables which don` exist before.Let us look at the basket of food,there are lots of food that content more nuitrition,peopel`s diet opinions have changed.the attitude of
healthy idet have changed from eating more meat to having more balance nuitrition,so the business pursure satisify the buyer`s mind,they use more tecnology
in farm procts.such as clone.
Ⅵ 緊急啊!一篇關於中國的農業的英語作文拜託了各位 謝謝
Agriculture in China China has only 7 percent of tile world farmland, but it successfully feeds 22 percent of the word population. It has the largest irrigated area of the fanaland in the world and grows more than a third of rice and other crops of the world. Fish farming is also important, so fresh-water fish can be proced wherever you hive. Vegetable waste is used (轉載自中國教育文摘 http://www.edUzhai.net ,請保留此標記。)to feed pigs and chickens in the country. Gas also is proced by human and animal waste there, and it is used to heating and cooking. Using waste can make the environment around us cleaner and cleaner. 中國的農業 中國僅擁有世界耕地面,面積的7%,卻成功養活了世界22%的人口,而且中國是世界上灌溉耕地面積最多的國家,種了佔世界三分之一以上的莊稼。漁業也很重要,無論你住在什麼地,你都會發現淡水魚。在農村,萊葉、萊根等被用來養豬和喂雞,而人類和動物的糞便也可用於生產沼氣、取暖、做飯。廢物利用可以使我們周圍的環境越來越干凈。
Ⅶ 農業與氣候的英語作文
Ⅷ 關於農業的英語作文
the title should be "the changing of farm procts"
ok ,i will have a try ~~~
The changing of farm procts
Nowdays with the devolpment of agriculture,the procts of farm have different charicater with the past,we can purchase variety fruits and vegetables which don`t exist before.Let us look at the basket of food,there are lots of food that content more nuitrition,peopel`s diet opinions have changed.the attitude of
healthy idet have changed from eating more meat to having more balance nuitrition,so the business pursure satisify the buyer`s mind,they use more tecnology
in farm procts.such as clone.
Ⅸ 一篇關於中國農業發展史的英文文章
Ⅹ 關於農業與豬英語作文