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1. 慎小嶷十天雅思寫作完整真題庫劍9版 pdf

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2. 亮劍寫作文用什麼題目


3. 高懸賞!十天突破雅思寫作 劍10版或者劍9版


4. 劍10 test1 小作文什麼意思

The above two charts depict the Austrilianhousehold energy use and the corresponding gas emissions of each type of energyuse.
From the first pie chart we could see thatwater heating and heating are two major types of energy use, which occupies 30%and 42% of all the energy used in one household. Other appliances use 15% ofthe energy, and then refrigeration, lighting and cooling, which share the left13% of energy.
Figures in the second chart are quitedifferent from that of the first chart. Heating, which consumes 42% of a household』senergy, only emits 15% of all the gas that one household proces. But the gasemission and energy use of water heating are pretty even, at around 30%. Costs only7% of all the energy, refrigeration proces 14% of all the gas, which goes forthe condition of other appliances and the figures are 15% and 28%, and for thecondition of lighting, 4% and 8%. Cooling consumes 2% of energy and contributesto 3% of gas emission.
To sum up, water heating and heatingconsume 72% of energy and proces only 47% of gas. Refrigeration and otherappliances, though only use 22% of energy, emit 42% of gas.
大作文, 教小孩是非觀要不要從小時候就開始教, 要不要punishment
Indeed, children need to learn how to tellright from wrong as they grow into alts. But as far as I am concerned, it isbetter for us to teach this ability to them when they are older rather than atan early age. Moreover, certain punishments are required to make sure childrencould behave themselves.
For starter, it would be easier for us toteach children about the difference between right and wrong when they becomeolder. Young children, e to their lack of life experience, have difficultiesin understanding moral lectures. However, after they grow up a little, theycould better digest the meaning of what is right and wrong based on their pastexperience, thus will grasp the notion of right and wrong more easily andthoroughly.
Similarly, older children tend to know moreabout punishment, and will be able to learn from the punishment caused by theirfail to recognize the distinction between right and wrong. Punishment mighthave long-lasting influences on younger children for they are too fragile. Olderchildren, on the other hand, could handle punishment more with ease and couldfigure out the reason they got punished. Therefore, they could gain betterunderstanding about right and wrong than younger children do.
The sort of punishment for parents andteachers to use whey they are trying to teach children about good behavior is asubtle issue. But the function of punishment is undeniable. It is necessary topunish a child because of his or her wrong acting. I suggest to use criticizeor physical training, such as asking children to do cleaning, as punishment.
To conclude, teaching children about rightand wrong should be waited until children become older. Accompanied by certainways of punishment, the teaching process would be more proctive.

5. 求慎小嶷十天突破雅思寫作劍10版 (或者劍9版)

你好抄 可以襲直接下載~

6. 求《十天突破雅思寫作》劍10版或劍11版pdf!!


7. 達摩克利斯之劍適合有什麼標題作文

達摩克利來斯之劍,中源文或稱"懸頂之劍",對應的英文是The Sword of Damocles(希臘文:Δαμόκλειο σπάθη),用來表示時刻存在的危險。

8. 最近聽說新東方劍10出版了,聽力和寫作的題型有變化嗎

你好,朋友,下午好啊,總的來說,劍10口語題型變化不大,但需要大家嚴謹對待,它不僅考察學生的英 語水平,認知能力,而且更需要學生們注重細節。這個是很關鍵的,希望你能採納我的意見 謝謝

9. 作文題目,我的好朋友王劍



了。」「太謝謝你了。」回到教室,我的手是暖暖的,可王雅琴的手卻是冰涼的,當我還手套時,看著她那通紅的手,我心裡真不是滋味…… 作文





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