A. 用英語寫一篇關於美國的音樂
The most glorious gift America has given the world is jazz.jazz originated in the music of africans shipped to america as slaves.the music was enriched through the slave experience.and later through african-american struggles for freedom.blended with the music of other immigrant groups.jazz has spawned most american music forms popular around the world today.
Another uniquely american genre.broadway musical thertre.also owes much to jazz though it has its toots in th experience of eruopean immigrants.the shows play in big ornate theatres on or near broadway in new york city ,and are then acted by road companies in cities and towns across america,then people hear the songs over and over again on the radio and on recordings.in this way the tunes and lyrics of broadway musical have become an integral part of american life and culture.until world war 1.broadway imitated the old fashioned eruopean models its writers brought from their homelands.but eh post war generation born to these immigrants was raised in the u s a .the shows new settings.themes and characters break down social barriers.cross class and even race lines.the upper classed are usrally made fun of .while working folks .and even the underclass of thugs and thieves are made human and lovable .hte language is never high brwo but in the idiom of ordinary people .the songs are easy to remember .so the tunes are hummed or whistled.and the lyrics sung by millions of americans to this day.we sing them in hte shower.on family car trips.as we go about our daily tasks.there are songs to match any mood wehappen to be in.
as i began work on each unit of this book .i found that old broadway tunes just popped into my head.weather.oh.
B. 求美國流行音樂歷史的英文介紹
American popular music had a great effect on music across the world. It appeared early in the 19th century, and in the 20th century the American music instry developed a series of new forms of music, using blues and other elements of American folk music. These popular styles included country, R&B, jazz and rock. The 1960s and '70s saw a number of important changes in American popular music, including the development of a number of new styles, such as heavy metal, punk, soul, and hip hop. Though these styles were not popular in the sense of mainstream, they were commercially recorded and are thus examples of popular music.
C. 美國黑人音樂的英文介紹
D. 呃,典型的英語歌曲的發展歷史
早期鄉村樂(Early Country) 早期商業操作的鄉村音樂是與美國南部18、19世紀大不列顛移民帶來的傳統民歌謠一脈相承的。但早期鄉村樂並不堅持口頭敘事的傳統,而是經常用小提琴這種樂器奏出旋律,代替人聲的作用。鄉村音樂家John Carson把這兩種傳統結合了起來,在1923年他的"78"這首歌中既演唱又演奏,被認為是早期鄉村樂的第一首暢銷單曲。 這一時期最負盛名的組合無疑是The Carter Family(卡特家族)----他們對鄉村音樂發展的重要性怎麼描述都不為過。他們是南部民謠傳統的堅守者。他們被認為是"鄉村第一家"(The First Family of Country Music),他們的那首歌《Will the Circle Be Unbroken》就象"野花"《Wildwood Flower》一樣是鄉村音樂的典範,並第一次把Maybelle Carter的極富感染力的吉他風格介紹給人們。The Stoneman of Galax,Virginia也是早期鄉村樂的先驅者。 Jimmie Rodgers,"鄉村音樂之父"。他把大眾對鄉村音樂的接受度提高到一個新的水平,並且是流行音樂史上最具影響力的歌手之一。他那獨一無二的嗓音和為潦倒者寫的歌詞給它帶來了全國性的知名度。由此,他為鄉村樂打下了一個嶄新的牢固的基礎。他在那短暫的錄音生涯(1927-33年)的原創,他的歌唱和寫曲風格,即使是現在也並未過時。 牛仔音樂(Cowboy) 牛仔音樂來源於美國人對大西部的迷醉,這還體現在好萊塢的電影里。鄉下人現在變成了打扮漂亮、精神抖擻的牛仔男孩和牛仔女郎,唱著來自鄉間的浪漫歌曲。展示著孤獨大草原中的浪漫景象。西部片中總會拍一個自由的牛仔在一天的辛勞後圍著篝火旁唱歌,追逐著長途汽車的情景。這乾乾凈凈的扮相被許多音樂人採用,象Gene Autry,Roy Rogers和The Sons of the Pioneers,這使鄉村音樂越來越受到人們的歡迎。 西部搖擺(Western Swing) 一種經濟大蕭條時期的音樂,誕生在德克薩斯和俄克拉荷馬州的臟兮兮的舞廳里,西部搖擺樂把鄉村樂的感覺嫁接在復雜的爵士節奏上。採用不同於傳統鄉村樂而更接近大樂隊(Big band)的陣容(一般包括小號)。Bob Wills不久無可爭議地奪取了這一音樂類型的王冠。在即興演奏方面與他的"德州花花公子"(The Texas Playboys)樂隊在一起,他是一個真正的革新者。在任何一個晚上,他都有能力發揮他的同伴和他的最佳狀態,這在鄉村音樂史上產生了深遠的影響。其他的西部搖擺樂隊包括折中音樂形式的創始人Milton Brown(以及他的Musical Brownies)和Spade Cooley。今天,象"睡在輪邊"(Asleep At The Wheel)這樣的樂隊還在繼續這一鄉村音樂傳統。 蘭草音樂(Blue Grass) 一種精緻的,純正的,原汁原味的音樂,很容易辨識。折中音樂有兩三部和聲,激烈的節奏,不受約束的情感。這"孤獨而高亢"的聲音產生於20年代末的"弦樂運動"(String-band Movement),成名在來源於創始者Bill Monroe的樂隊"蘭草男孩"(The Blue Gass Boys),蘭草音樂被Bonnie Clyde,The Beverly Hill billies在60年代末極力推動,贏得了一批全新的聽眾。今天,蘭草音樂仍保持者極高的影響力,象著名鄉村音樂人Alison Krauss就是一列。 酒吧音樂(Honkyu-Tonk) 一種自由進行,經常是很喧鬧的音樂形式,產生於戰後南方的酒吧。40年代末,鄉村音樂的劇集場所由公開社交場合轉到酒吧,那裡表演者不再擔心再他們的歌曲中要保持宣揚"家庭倫理",結果,歌詞往往反映出現代藍領工人艱難冷酷的現實狀況。 Hank Williams那讓女人們著迷和讓男人們模仿的歌曲使Honky-tonk這種形式,在40年代初成為了鄉村音樂的主流。他活得就象他所唱得一樣,然而他那過了頭的生活作風最終導致了他29歲的早逝。 Rockabilly(鄉土搖滾) 1953年的孟菲斯,音樂上的種族界限也被劃分得一清二楚。大多數黑人聽節奏布魯斯(R&B),而當時的鄉村音樂卻是受白人歡迎的音樂。為了尋找一條黑人、白人音樂融合地道路,製作人Sam Phillips要為他的唱片公司"Sun Records"找一個能唱黑人歌曲的白人男孩。於是就有了Elvis Presley----貓王。 製作Bill Monroe的"肯塔基的藍月"《Blue Moon of Kentucky》這樣的經典名曲,再加上培養出"貓王"Elvis Presley這樣具有突破性地藝人,製作人Sam Phillips開創了一種後來大家所熟知地混合音樂形式"鄉土搖滾"(Rockabilly)。雖然這種音樂形式在50年代並不怎麼受歡迎,但是許多不同的音樂人如Johnny Cash,Jerry Lee Lenis和Carl Perkins都是以錄制這類歌曲開始他們的音樂生涯的。 納什維爾之聲(The Nashville Sound) "納什維爾之聲"主要以鋼琴、弦樂和背景和聲為配器,與傳統的小提琴和班卓琴的伴奏不同,這也是納什維爾之聲的為人所知的特色。50年代末,隨著鄉村音樂的逐漸衰落,一些製作人如Chet Atkins和Owen Bradley有意識地在拓展鄉村音樂地趣味,並使它更接近主流的pop音樂。 60年代早期,這種轉變實現在幾乎所有從Patsy Cline到The Browns(借著納什維爾錄音室一大群音樂家地幫助下)的鄉村藝人身上,使許多這樣的歌曲名列鄉村和流行音樂榜地前列。 鄉村搖滾(Country-rock) 一種來源於加利福尼亞的音樂形式,後與嬉皮運動交互影響,把他們那"回歸自然"的感情帶到了鄉村音樂中。由於他們吸毒、蓄發遭到了傳統鄉村音樂價值的詛咒,鄉村搖滾藝人極力想以次開拓那些傳統樂迷的口味。 60年代末的先驅者象Gram Parsons(還有The Byrds,Flying Burrito Brothers和後來的Emmylou Harris)把傳統的懷鄉和心碎的鄉村歌曲加上了搖滾的節奏。後來,一些象The Eagles這樣的樂隊把這種混合音樂形式帶上了流行排行榜的榜首。今天,象The Desert Rose Band(由Byrds的合作者Chris Hilman領銜的)還在繼續這一音樂傳統。 叛道運動(Outlaw) 所謂的"叛道",只是在強調根源色彩的鄉村音樂傳統的繼續,它是在納什維爾之聲的背叛。這並不是一種新的音樂類型,只是一種對傳統的回歸和對當時製作體系的背叛。 這場風暴的中心人物是Willie Nelson。1968年時,納什維爾對他那較新的更多個人化的嘗試的音樂的排斥,使他很沮喪。Nelson由此離開納什維爾,到了德州(Texas)的奧斯汀(Austin),在那裡他開始了一年一度的音樂會,並吸引了其他一些相似的當時不被注意的歌手,作曲人如Waylon Jennings和Kris Kristofferson等。 他們那種淳樸的,根源化的嘗試,是為了保持鄉村音樂在一味迎合大眾流行口味之前,獨特的甚至粗野的個人化表現方式。不僅"叛道運動"迎合了那些徹頭徹尾的鄉村樂迷,而且在電台和校園中也得到了回應。結果,1976年如Waylon&Willie所願,"The Outlaws"成為了鄉村音樂史上第一張達到百萬銷量的大碟,更為帶有根源特質的鄉村音樂打開了大門。 新傳統主義(New Traditional Country) 一種回歸到藝術性和音樂性比形象更重要的時代的音樂風格。新傳統主義在早期的鄉村音樂中找尋靈感,而且是以後頗為大家所知的新鄉村音樂(New Country)的先驅。Ricky Skaggs,一個難得的天才,受Bill Monroe和Ralph Stanley的啟發,他超越了當時所有的藝人,並把鄉村樂帶回了它的根。不僅傳統得以發揚、創造,而且還很受歡迎。Skaggs不是孤獨的,象Randy Travis憑借優美的旋律和精緻的聲線把尋傳統主義帶道了鄉村音樂的前端。 新鄉村音樂(New Country) 一種用來廣義上描述80年代中期回歸根源的鄉村音樂的形式。但外加了點吉他和鼓,使這種鄉村音樂更接近搖滾流行樂。Garth Brooks,Brooks&Dunn,Shania Twain和LeAnn Rimes等成堆的藝人都使名列於這一目錄之下。它並不採納小提琴、木吉他等樂器,這使其與傳統鄉村音樂區分開來。 另類鄉村音樂 鄉村搖滾樂的當代衍生物,強調嘈雜的電吉他,這使它更接近於搖滾樂而不是鄉村樂。這個逐漸興起的運動的名稱"No Depression"來源於Carter Family的一首歌,高舉著自由自足的旗幟,而他們的唱片亦是由一些獨立的小廠牌所出版。Uncle Tupelo(現已逝)和The Jayhawks是這個運動的先鋒人物,現今的Son Volt,Wilco和Golden Smog則將其推至高潮。 回歸音樂(Retro) 由著清晰的吉他聲和富有特質的歌詞,回歸音樂(Retro)追溯到納什維爾之聲之前的鄉村音樂,這是由象Junior Brown,BR5-49,Big Sandy,Fly Rite Boys和Wayne Hancock等音樂人發起的。 歌手/詞曲作者 這個日漸壯大的團體來源於新傳統鄉村音樂中原聲音樂的背景。他們的集合地點象由Nashville's Bluebird Cafe,每星期都有"詞曲作者之夜",然後開動腦筋,寫出一首歌,領導者包括Lyle Lovett,Steve Earle,the Dead Reckoing Crew(包括Kieran Kane,Kevin Welch和Mike Henderson)。 鄉村音樂旁支 凱金音樂(Cajun) 一種節奏歡快,充滿切分音的音樂,流傳於西南部路易斯安那講法語的Acadian的人群中。這種音樂主要採用小提琴和手風琴,樂隊還包括了一個鼓手,但這種音樂仍然被認為更接近原聲音樂。Jimmy C.Newman,Dong Kershaw和Eddy Raven是當代Cajun音樂的佼佼者。 Conjunto 19世紀末產生於大峽谷附近,Conjunto把波爾卡、華爾茲的節奏與墨西哥民呀融合在一起,Flaco Jimeney和the Texas Tornadoes樂隊,是這種音樂的著名的代言人。 Tejano 根源於傳統的墨西哥音樂,Tejano(西班牙語的"德克薩斯")有著它爽朗的歌詞和易舞的節奏,在Tejano世界裡,Emilio和Shelly Larees是兩位讓人首肯的藝術家。 Zydeco 一種很重的,電聲音樂,來源於Cajun音樂與路易斯安那南部克里奧人文化的結合。這種音樂用法語演唱,受布魯斯新月和非洲音樂的侵浸。C.J Chenier和Buckswheat Iydeco是Zydeco音樂的最熱門的樂隊。
E. 英語介紹的美國鄉村音樂
Shawn Colvin 《Sunny Came Home》
外文歌曲 - 美國鄉村音樂 - 草帽歌.mp3
美國鄉村音樂(經典) - 外文歌曲 - 歐美經典篇 - 昨日重現-yesterday once more.mp3
美國鄉村音樂-love is blue(愛是憂郁).mp3
經典英文歌 - 美國鄉村音樂i - longer [dan fogelberg].mp3
英文歌曲 - 歐美經典 - 生命因你而動聽-落日之幻美國鄉村音樂(經典) - 雨中的旋律 mp3
美國鄉村音樂 - blowing in the wind.mp3
jambalaya(on the bayou) 什錦菜_美國鄉村音樂經
(英文歌曲)take me home country road 鄉村路帶我回家約翰丹弗(美國鄉村音樂).mp3
國外經典(外文)-好歌大家聽 - 美國鄉村音樂 - hey jude.wma
F. 美國發展史,黑人音樂發展史英文版的書
(美)富蘭克林(Benjamin Franklin)《美國黑人史》,張冰姿等譯,商務印書館1988年版。
G. 寫一篇英語作文關於美國鄉村音樂的自我介紹
Hi!My name is lisa.I am twelve years old.I am a good student.And I am a girl .I am not handsome but I am very lovely .I am study in ...shool.The shool is very good and beautiful.I like it very much.I have big eyes and my ears are big too.But my nose and mouse are small.so I look like lovely.My favorite sport is play basketball and table tennis I think health is very importante.And I hope you healthy
H. 求美國 音樂英文簡介,不用太長,初中生都能看懂的!急需!!!
爵士樂(jazz) 爵士樂成形時間是19世紀末、20世紀初。公認的發祥地是美國南部路易斯安那州的一個亞熱帶城市―新奧爾良。 在眾多流行音樂中,爵士樂是出現最早並且是在世界上影響較廣的一個樂種,爵士樂實際就是美國的民間音樂。歐洲教堂音樂、美國黑人小提琴和班卓傳統音樂融合非洲吟唱及美國黑人勞動號子形成了最初的"民間藍調","拉格泰姆"和"民間藍調"構成了早期的爵士樂。 從17-18世紀西方殖民主義者,將大批非洲黑人販賣到美洲,成為那裡白人的奴隸之後,他們被強迫勞動、受盡折磨。在田間、在勞動之餘,黑奴 們懷念故鄉和親人,常常唱一種哀歌,以表達他們痛苦的心聲。這種音樂也滲透在一些宗教 歌曲中。由於藍色在美國人民中,被看作是憂郁的色彩,這種悲哀的歌曲,也就統稱之為Blues(藍色)。中國音譯之為"布魯斯"。
藍調 (blues) 藍調音樂始於二十世紀初美國的南部。本為貧苦黑人勞動時吶喊的短曲,而其中亦混合了在教會中類似朗 誦形式的節奏及韻律。 這種音樂有一種很明顯的特式,便是使用類似中國民俗唱山歌的「一呼一應」的形式進行,英文叫作「Call and Reponse」。樂句起初會給人們一種緊張、哭訴,無助的感覺,然後接著的樂句便像是在安慰、舒解受苦的人。就好象受苦的人向上帝哭訴,而其後得到上帝的安慰與響應! 所以藍調音樂很著重自我情感的宣洩和原創性或即興性,這種即興式的演奏方法,後來慢慢地演變為各種不同類形的音樂,如Rock and Roll、Swing、Jazz......所以藍調亦是現代流行音樂的根源。
重金屬(Heavy Metal) 重金屬(Heavy Metal)是搖滾樂的一個流派.「重金屬」必須具備狂吼咆哮或高亢激昂的嗓音、電吉他大量失真的音色、再以密集快速的鼓點和低沉有力的貝司填滿整個聽覺的背景空間,而構成一種含有高爆發力,快速度,重量感及破壞性等元素的改良式搖滾樂。通常泛指傳統的主流派重金屬或無法分類到其他重金屬流派里的重金屬樂。
民歌(FOLK) 民歌(FOLK)原本是指每個民族的傳統歌曲,每個民族的先民都有他們自原始 /古代已有的歌曲,這些歌絕大部分都不知道誰是作者,而以口頭傳播,一傳十十傳百,一代傳一代的傳下去至今。不過今天我們所說的民歌 (FOLK),大都是指流行曲年代的民歌(FOLK),所指的是主要以木吉他為伴奏樂器,以自然坦率方式歌唱,唱出大家純朴生活感受的那種歌曲。
鄉村音樂(Country Music) 鄉村音樂(Country Music)出現於20世紀20年代,它來源於美國南方農業地區的民間音樂,最早受到英國傳統民謠的影響而發展起來。最早的鄉村音樂是傳統的山區音樂(Hillbilly Music),它的曲調簡單、節奏平穩,帶有敘述性,與城市裡的傷感流行歌曲不同
I. 介紹美國音樂的英語作文,英語作文,200個單詞,左右,謝謝!
A song really attracts me,
Sunshine after the storm
,sang by the famous
musician Xu meijing to memorize the outstanding athletes: Chinese women's
volleyball, who created many world
s Champions. In fact,the song has inspired
a lot of people.
In this song, the first half is tenderness, then the last half is passionate. Xu
this song
the world championship for the first time. So many people were moved by the
singer's soul, and touched by each word.
keep out sky serene." Life is always bitter sweet.When we are in distress, we
must learn to be strong and not to give up. Furthermore,as long as the sun in
mind, it will disperse the dark clouds of the sky, and show a road of colorful
rainbow. Let the tears become a thing of the past, with the firm belief that with
courage, and never look back. Not easily bow in the storm but stand taller. Our
continued efforts will enable us to continue to flew toward the targets.
Still, the melody and rhythm of the song are also impressive. Whenever
the song plays, a strong feeling would come out from the bottom of my heart.
And it so deeply moved me and gives me a emotion of encourage.
" Sunshine after the storm " not only let me feel the power of courage, but
also made me get a life inspiration
The sonorous melody, such as a beam of
light to illuminate me!
J. 誰能幫忙找到一篇關於 alaska 的英文簡介 不是歌曲是美國的一個州!!
Alaska,the largest state in the U.S. A wide open frontier of dense lowland forests, midrange frozen tundra, and the towering peaks and glaciers of its many mountain ranges. Elements which combine to make it one of America's harshest and most foreboding states. Territory which prevented all but the hardiest pioneers from venturing inside its borders. A rich and rugged land filled with oil, gold, and vast wilderness areas where the largest big game animals can still roam free.
The early history of Alaska as a US possession begins with its purchase from Russia in 1867. A purchase negotiated by Secretary of State William H. Seward ring President Andrew Johnson's administration. A purchase that was widely ridiculed and called "Seward's Folly". Considered a waste of $7.2 million of taxpayer money for a rock of ice and snow. Today we recognize the vision of Seward and thank him for helping to give America one of its most treasured resources.
After Alaska's purchase it took 20 years before people began settling here. Prompted by what drove people to California in 1849, and Colorado in 1859, the discovery of gold at the convergence of the Yukon and Klondike Rivers. A discovery which soon brought thousands of people to the state in 1897. Hoping to stake out their claim to what by today's standards was well over a billion dollars in gold at this river junction. Steamships were swamped with requests. Outfitters could not keep enough supplies. The Klondike Gold Rush of 1897 was underway. A steady influx which amounted to 60,000 people descended on Alaska.
Not unlike previous gold rushes many of those who were traveling to the Yukon were ill equipped to withstand Alaska's harsh climate or trained to find its gold. As the death toll of prospectors rose, crime and lawlessness of these desperate dreamers was rampant. Prompting the government to require "standard equipment" be purchased before embarking to the Yukon Territory. Followed by the mobilization of the Northwest Mounties who were called in to help bring order.
Standard equipment was enough supplies to last one year in the wilderness. Giving those new to the tundra a fighting chance at success. Items included in this list were food consisting of 100 lb sacks of flour, beans, rice, bacon, sugar, coffee, evaporated potatoes, onions, and dried beef. Clothing consisting of wool socks, shirts, underwear, rubber boots, and heavy overcoats. Along with such equipment as gold pans, knives, rifles, axes, rope and shovels.
The march of these newcomers continued with these guidelines in place and the remote wilderness and barren landscape of Alaska was transformed almost overnight. The prospectors traveled throughout the state building roads, establishing towns, raising families. Today the prospecting that began with gold has expanded to include oil and gas which is one of Alaska's richest resources. Alaska is the largest procer of oil in the U.S.