1. 蘇州作文
2. 我也想去蘇州作文600字以上
獅子林是蘇州園林中最美的園林之一,在北京圓明園,承德避暑山莊中則各有一處仿建,獅子林中的假山則更令人稱絕。清代文人朱炳靖鑽過假山後寫道:「對面石勢阻,回頭路忽通。如穿幾曲珠,旋繞勢嵌空,如逢八陣圖,變化形無窮。故路忘出入,新術迷西東。同游偶分散,音聞人不逢。」 乾隆下第一次江南時到此,在假山中鑽了兩個時辰才出來,於是題下「真趣」匾額。
3. 寫一篇蘇州的作文
SuZhou classical Gardens
The Lingering Garden was listed from the first as cultural relics of national importance in 1961. With an area of 23,310 sq.m.it is celebrated for its artistic way of dealing with the spaces between various kinds of architectural form.Buildings make up one third of the total area of the garden,the hall of which being the most remarkable in Suzhou. The garden is separated into the middle ,eastern,northern and western parts. The ancestral temple and the house lie to the south of the garden.
Featuring man-made mountain and lake scenery in the west and garden courts in the east,the middle part of the garden is the original site of the Xu's East Garden and the Liu's Hanbi Villa,and is regarded as the best part of the whole garden. The eastern,northern and western parts are the extensions of the Sheng's Garden. The eastern part is noted for its strangely shaped limestones,the northern part idyllic scenes,and the western part the delights of woody hills.
A winding roofed walkway behind the small entrance of the garden,while leading to the places of quietude,shows the masterly use of contrast between big and small,straight and zigzag,and light and shade. After strolling for about 50 meters,one can catch a glimpse of lattice-windows revealing a half visible landscape garden behind. Interestingly enough,the view is changing at every step.
The middle part of the garden is centered upon a lake with man-made moutain in the north-west and a numger of attractive buildings in the southwest ,such as the Hanbi Moutain Villa ,the Pellucid Tower,the Green Shade Pavilion,the Zigzag Stream Tower,the Hao Pu Pavilion,and the Refreshing Breeze Pavilion by the lake.The mountains made mainly of yellowstones and earth,believed to be desigtned and piled up by Zhou Binzhong,look very much archaic and splendiferous.The admirable Crane House, the Small Garden of Stone Forest, the Return-to-Read Study in the east with the Celestial Hall of Five Peaks as the chief stucture are laid out in such a way that the indoor spaces have been brought into perfect harmony with the outdoor spaces. With an evocation of infinity,they are successfully made to be labyrinthine.
Flanked by the Auspicious Cloud and Mountainous Cloud peaks,the 6.5-meter-high Cloud-Capped Peak, the highest limestone in the classical gardens of Suzhou, is believed to be left behind by the imperial collector of the Northern Song Dynasty,Mass of buildings, including the Old Hermit Scholars' House, the Cloud-Capped Tower,the Cloud-Capped Terrace and the Awaiting Cloud Temple,are put up to give emphasis to the Cloud-Capped Tower,
The northern part is now a bonsai garden in which about 500 valuable bonsai are put on display.
The western part of the garden sets a fine example of good-looking earthen hills studded with yellowstones and covered with maple trees.There is a winding brook lined with peach trees and weeping willows.
The number of stelae in the Lingering Garden has never been surpassed by any other gardens in Suzhou.Superbly inscribed with the works of more than a hundred calligraphers in the Jin,Tang,Song,Yuan,Ming ,and Qing Dynasties, these invaluable stelae bring to light the evolutionary course of Chinese calligraphy in the past 1,000 years.
The whole garden possesses with pride 42 rooms and halls , a 670-meter-long roofed walkway,200 lattice-windows of different kinds, 44 parallel couplets and stone carvings , 373 stelae,and 17 such valuable old trees as gingkoes,southern wistaria,etc. which fall into 8 catalogues.
4. 去蘇州玩的作文 - 百度
5. 關於去蘇州的800字作文
6. 水城蘇州作文的結尾可以怎麼寫
我認為可以用游覽順序去寫。先寫景色和開頭語。然後由遠及近。先寫首先內看到的,比如 過橋後看到容了什麼,看到了什麼景色。然後再寫接下來的景觀的特色,和外觀的美麗之處。再寫體驗的東西,比如 坐船之類的..........最後總結觀賞威尼斯的感想。
7. 寫蘇州平羌路作文結尾
8. 去蘇州旅遊的作文怎麼寫
今年暑假爸媽帶我去了抄蘇州。 到了蘇州我們的第一個目標就是蘇州的購物天堂—— 觀前街。這里人山人海,人流如潮。商店裡濟濟一堂,那些 商品也讓我看得眼花繚亂,目不暇接,個個都是精品。不一 會兒,我來到了書城,不用說了,我買的都是科技書唄! 從觀前街出來,拐了一個彎,我們到了怡園。一進大門,只 見一座亭子,我們在這兒休息了一會兒。經過一個大堂,就 到了玉皇廳,據說這里每天只能請一桌客人享受皇帝吃的午餐。走過大廳,我們來到戲劇館,我們一邊聽著音樂,一邊 吃著蘇州的特色小吃——五香豆、豆腐乾等,很是愜意。出了怡園,我們打的來到位於蘇州工業園區的金雞 湖。這里湖水盪漾,正舉辦汽車彎下腰看,碧波盪漾 的湖水在陽光下,一閃一閃的,很是好看。呀!這里 真美呀!展呢!汽車有小轎車、卡車、麵包車等型號, 有上海大眾、日本豐田、德國賓士等品牌。從高處俯 看,汽車幾乎包圍了金雞湖嘍!再往前看,密密麻麻 的汽車一直通向碼頭。這美麗的地方,有機會大家要去哦。
9. 蘇州園林作文結尾
10. 蘇州的小船作文的結尾