A. 怎樣寫描述性的英語作文
only.but also,還有一個最常用最能給人留下印象的就是it is
diffilut\easy\important\hard\impossible\likely to do
B. 描述性的英語作文怎麼寫
C. 英語作文題目
1. The power of smiles微笑的力量
2. The meaning of life人生的意義
3. Value every minute珍惜每一分(秒)
4.Never give up永不放棄
5.The greatest pain in life人生最大的悲痛
6.Shake it off and step up重整旗鼓向前進
7.Nothing to fear無所畏內懼
8.Yesterday, today and tomorrow昨天,今天和明容天
9 Love is understanding愛就是理解
10.Grandma's vase/grandpa's chair/mom's gloves/dad's bike
提問者:RBilly - 助理 二級 :
D. 英語文章標題的寫法
例如:Discussion About the Envy of Children an the Aged(兒童與老人之妒論略),Principles to Follow inEnrolling Talents in Higher Ecation Institutions(高校人才引進應遵循的原則)。短語型題名要確定好中心詞,再進行前後修飾。
少數情況(評述性、綜述性和駁斥性)下可以用疑問句做題名,因為疑問句可有探討性語氣,易引起讀者興趣。例如:Can Agricultural Mechanization be Realized Without Petroleum?(農業機械化能離開石油嗎?)。
B.每個詞的首字母大寫,但三個或四個字母以下的虛詞(介詞、冠詞、連詞、感嘆詞)首字母小寫,超過5個字母的虛詞,如between、without、alongside、underneath等應該大寫。全部小寫。例如:From「Go-back-to-history」to Non-history—- A Criticism of New Historicism。
C.題名第一個詞的首字母大寫,其餘字母均小寫。例如:Topographic inversion of interval velocities.一般採用B格式。
1)作者。中國人名按漢語拼音拼寫。中國作者姓名的漢語拼音採用如下寫法:姓前名後,中間為空格,例如:Li Ping(李平)Li Xiaoping(李小平)。
2)單位。單位名稱要寫全(由小到大)。例如:No. 152, Xingan West Road, Guangzhou,Guangdong。地名的拼寫方法是:第一個字的頭字母大寫,後面的字緊跟在後面小寫,例如:Beijing, Nanhai。
採用被動語態的情況主要有:說明事實經過時,某件事是誰做的,無須一一證明;為強調動作承受者;有些情況必須用強調的事物做主語,例如:In this case, a greater accuracy in measuring distance might beobtained.在某些情況下,特別是表達作者或有關專家的觀點時,又常使用主動語態,其優點是鮮明有力。
3)英文摘要的人稱。摘要的首句多用第三人稱This paper…等開頭,或採用更簡潔的被動語態,一般不用第一人稱。
例如,英文中有不少動詞do, run, get, take等,雖簡單常用,但其意義少則十幾個,多則幾十個,用這類詞來描述研究過程,讀者難免產生誤解,甚至會不知所雲,這就要求根據具體情況,選擇意義相對明確的詞諸如perform, achieve等,以便於讀者理解。
(1)表示研究目的,常用在摘要之首In order to…;This paper describes…;The purpose of this study is…
(2)表示研究的對象與方法The curative effect/function] of certain drug was observed/studied…
(3)表示研究的結果:The result showed/It proved/The authors found that…
(4)表示結論、觀點或建議:The authors suggest/conclude/consider that…。二是盡量採用-ing分詞和-ed分詞作定語,少用關系代詞which , who等引導的定語從句。
例如:The author designed a new machine. The machine is operated withsolar energy.由於現在縮略語越來越多,要注意區分a和an,如an X ray.
B.數詞。避免用阿拉伯數字作首詞,如:Three hundred samples arecollected…中的Threehundred不要寫成300。
E. 20篇英語作文題目
1.my favourite star:介紹一位你喜歡的明星(成龍、貝克漢姆、布蘭妮)
2.my partner:介紹你的搭檔(一般是好朋友)
3.our school:描述你的學校(用寫信方式)
4.my family:談談你的家庭(有多少人,幾個兄弟姐妹,他們的名字,性格.....)
5.Food and drink:make a food and drink poster(寫一些健康/不健康食品,還有你喜歡的不喜歡的 蔬菜水果...)
6.self-introction :自我介紹
7.my weekend :周末做些什麼
8.my school day :在學校的一天
10.my favorite animal
11.my birthday :write about what you usually do for your birthday.
12、my dream school
13、my favourite Olympic sport
14、my partner's past life
15、a hero
16、write an email to your friend about your holiday.
17、How to improve our English
18、World in the future
19、Chinese traditionnal festival
20、My hometown
21、.A meaningful class
22、Happy is coming
24、My idol
25、Changes in people's life
F. 描寫性500字英語作文
Charater Decides on Success
There is no doubt that one's success does have something to do with his character,for one's charater determines the way he acts,and the way he acts determines the fruits of his work.
We can see this in some famous people.And when talking about famous people in the world,we can't help thinking of Albert Einstein,who was a well-known scientist of the United States for his Theory of Relativity.He devoted all his life to science and made great controbution to our world.But how could he acquire so much success in his life?Did he have any personalities that differed from the ordinary people?Well,let me tell you about that.Einstein was born in a Jew family in Germany in 1879,both of his parents were Jews.But he recieved a poor ecation and didn't seem to be so clever when he was young as he was later.Hower he had the spirit of never giving up,when facing difficulties.He loved his job and put his whole heart in it,kept on doing everything until a success was gained.On the other hand,he had a good sense of humor.Albert Einstein was an outgoing man,we can see this from the following famous story.One day somebody asked Albert Einstein,"Your Theory of Relativity is so hard to understand. Could you decribe it in a simple way?"The great man looked at him quietly first,and then said with a smile"Well,when you stay in a toilet,you'll feel time goes slowly,while you are with a pretty girl,you'll feel time goes too fast."That was Albert Einstein,a man of good humor and never giving up.
The success of other famous people also suggests that one's success depends on his charater to some degree.For these reasons,if we want to succeed,we're supposed to develop our good charater frist,like working hard and having a right attitude towards failure.Besides,learning how to cooperate with others is also important.
G. 初中英語作文題目
1.my favourite star:介紹一位你喜歡的明星(成龍、貝克漢姆、布蘭妮)
2.my partner:介紹你的搭檔(一般是好朋友)
3.our school:描述你的學校(用寫信方式)
4.my family:談談你的家庭(有多少人,幾個兄弟姐妹,他們的名字,性格.....)
5.Food and drink:make a food and drink poster(寫一些健康/不健康食品,還有你喜歡的不喜歡的 蔬菜水果...)
6.self-introction :自我介紹
7.my weekend :周末做些什麼
8.my school day :在學校的一天
10.my favorite animal
11.my birthday :write about what you usually do for your birthday.
4.my dream school(時態)
6.my favourite Olympic sport
★7.介紹XX地 到 XX地 的旅程(寫乘什麼交通工具去的,是否舒服、有趣、流行,票價多少,所用時間。還可以對比 不同交通工具 的「性價比」)——這個比較難。
8.my partner's past life
11.a hero
12.write an email to your friend about your holiday.
H. 初中生英語作文題目(10個)
1.A ll day(寫無聊的一天是如何度過的)
2.Go to see a film(寫看電影的經過)
3.A birthday party(寫我的生日聚會回或參加答別人的生日聚會)
4.My trip(寫我的一次旅行)
5.My best friend(寫我最好的朋友的外貌、性格特點等)
6.My favourite food(寫我最喜歡的食物)
7.My favourite festival(寫我最喜歡的節日)
8.A holiday plan(寫一個假期的計劃)
9.A study plan(寫一個學習計劃)
10.I like read books(寫我怎樣的喜歡看書)
I. 跪求英語作文題目
孩子漸漸長大,在學習與教養的過程當中,也可以適時延緩滿足孩子的要求。當孩子吵著要大人拿玩具或是請求幫忙的時候,常常因為家長立馬滿足孩子,而讓孩子覺得這是必然的,既不體諒父母的辛苦,也學不會等待,難怪很多父母自嘲自己是「孝父」、「孝母」。 孩子是否能適應延緩滿足,父母的態度是關鍵,那在生活中該如何教導呢? 前後一致的態度 很多人都是在自己成為父母後,才開始學習怎樣當父母的。孩子的成長有許多不同的階段,而每一成長階段的寶寶,需求當然不一樣,因此,父母應該認真傾聽孩子的需求,態度也要一致。如果父母前後的態度不一致,讓孩子覺得大人的原則和態度總是變來變去的,會讓孩子無所適從。 漸進式方法取代強硬的規定 大人都知道,孩子做什麼是要教的,不是天生就會的。現在的父母常常為孩子設想的太周到,兩相沖突的情緒,往往會出現在不同的事物要求上;一旦不能順利延緩寶寶的需求,就會出現不耐煩的強硬態度或是投降的消極成全。其實良好的習慣是在生活中一點一滴慢慢養成的,很多孩子一開始都會不適應,一次一次慢慢地讓孩子習慣會更好。如獎勵記點、口頭表揚等等,都可以引導孩子自動自發地完成,並讓孩子在等待的過程中不會出現不愉快的情緒,不讓等待變成孩子見的戰爭。給予積極的鼓勵與關懷 延緩滿足並不是限制孩子的需求,因此,當孩子出現需求的時候,父母要用積極的態度面對,如果要求合適,但可以等一會再滿足的,那就讓孩子等一會,如果他做到了,給孩子鼓勵和表揚,強化孩子學習的動力。 看看這些時候家長怎麼做? 寶寶哭了,要不要馬上哄? 對新生兒來說,最直接的表達要求的方式,就是哭,但家長常常不知道寶寶到底為什麼哭,所以在寶寶開始哭的時候,他們只有馬上沖上去抱起孩子哄他,孩子一哭就馬上哄是最好的解決方式嗎? 新生兒的要求多半很直接,就是用哭聲告訴爸媽他們需要得到關照。當然,孩子哭的原因有很多,爸媽要區別對待,如果是尿布濕了、不舒服了、摔倒了等原因,爸媽當然要立即解決,不然會讓孩子覺得非常難受,影響他們的生理和心理發展。 但是有些情況下則可以讓寶寶稍微等一會,如有時候寶寶只是單純的肚子餓,在給孩子泡奶粉期間,不防讓孩子有機會學習等待。可以給孩子喝一點開水,和他說說話,讓寶寶知道,一會兒就有奶喝了。這樣不僅能讓寶寶學會等待,大人也能有更充裕的准備時間,不致手忙腳亂。此外,家長的態度也是延緩滿足中十分關鍵的地方,父母的態度一定要溫柔而堅定,可以不急不徐地告訴寶寶:「等一下,媽媽馬上就來了。」「寶寶乖,你看媽媽放好這個玩具就來抱你了。你等一會會哦!」「看,牛奶已經沖好了,媽媽再拿個小毛巾來你就能喝了。」在不影響寶寶正常生活的情形下訓練寶寶,是最理想的方式。孩子不乖乖吃飯怎麼辦? 有時候孩子不乖乖吃飯,跑來跑去要大人追著喂飯,或者正好在看精彩的動畫片,不願意離開電視去吃飯,這個時候可以告訴孩子:「我們先乖乖坐下來吃飯好嗎?因為吃完飯後我們要出去玩一會,不好好把飯吃完就不能出去了。」或者說:「動畫片吃完飯也可以看的,但是如果你現在不乖乖吃飯,媽媽就不讓你看動畫片了。」讓孩子知道,即使等一會,他也能達到目的,得到想要的滿足。 孩子如果不願意坐下來用餐,千萬不要追著孩子跑,用獎賞代替處罰,用誘導代替恐嚇,是幫助父母讓寶寶乖乖聽話的好辦法,千萬不要用強制的方法或斥責的語言來逼迫孩子。孩子不願意乖乖吃飯,其實並不是他不想吃飯,只是吃飯和動畫片比起來,後者的誘惑更大,父母應該讓孩子一件一件地完成事情,如先吃飯再看電視,而不是有了更大的誘惑,就馬上拋開應該做的事情,這樣的壞習慣形成了,將來難免會「撿了芝麻,丟了西瓜」。 要立即給孩子買這個玩具嗎? 孩子看中了某個玩具,吵著要買,但是他現在的年齡玩這個還不合適,你是為了哄孩子開心馬上買給他,還是讓他等一等? 這個時候也是延緩滿足的最佳訓練機會之一,家長可以告訴孩子現在不給他買的原因,也可以答應將來的某個時候給他買,如跟他說:「寶寶,你現在還不能玩這個滑板車,比較危險,等你再長大一點,到了你生日的時候,我們就來買好嗎?來,我們拉勾,到時候一定買。」這個時候孩子多半都會答應,充滿憧憬地等著生日的來臨;但也有的孩子不依不饒要馬上買,家長可以「威脅」一下孩子:「媽媽說了生日就買的,要是你現在不聽話,生日的時候媽媽也不會買。」讓孩子明白,有時候耐心的等待,會換來更好的結果,沖動反而會讓事情更糟糕。 結語 在面對孩子的學習時,父母總是為了孩子考慮很多,但是往往忽略了延緩滿足,讓孩子沒有獨立思考的機會。在生活能力的培養上,也應該用輔導的方法,讓孩子在得到父母的幫助前,有機會先想一想自己能做些什麼。父母可以通過故事或者游戲的方式,讓孩子在等待的過程中,養成良好的觀察能力與冷靜處理事情的態度。讓孩子等一會,讓他在等待中學習和思考。
The child grows up graally, in studying with ecation process middle , can't can the call for delaying satisfying a child timely. When child is making a noise asking an alt to have no way with toy or requests that giving a hand, often satisfy a child immediately because of parents , let a child feel this is inevitable but , both do not make allowance for parents's working hard for and, being unable to learn to wait, that many parents certainly derides self no wonder is "filial piety father " ", filial piety mother ". If child can fit in with is delayed satisfied, parents's attitude is key , how that should teach in life? Being after self becomes parents around consistent attitude many person , begin to learn how to serve as parents's just now. Child's growing up stage having a lot of diversity, but each one grow up stage baby , need are certainly different , therefore, parents ought to listen attentively to child's need carefully , attitude can't be going consistent. If the parents front and back attitude disaccords, let principle and attitude of child feel like alt always Bian Lai Bian Qu , may let a child be at a loss as to what to do. The dyadic method advancing graally replaces the flinty regulation alt knowing , what the child acts as is to need to teach , is not innate be therefore likely. Parents now often is very thoughtful , two-phase conflict mood that the child assumes , meeting turn up is sometimes demand listed in in different object; Once being able to not delay baby's need smoothly,inactivity impatient flinty attitude will appear or surrendering helps. In fact fine habit is forming bit by bit slowly in life, one many children beginning to may do not adapt, a once lets a child be accustomed to being going to be much better slowly. Can guide a child to be completed voluntarily spontaneously if rewarding mark point , oral commendations etc.,no happy to let a child can not appear in the process waiting mood and, does not dodge to wait to become the war that the child sees. Give active encouragement and show solicitude delaying satisfying the need being really not to restrict a child, parents has wanted to face, if call for is right with active attitude therefore, when child need appears on, one such as being able to wait for one to be going to be still satisfied , giving way to a child will be, but if he achieves, being encouraged by child and praised, driving force strengthening child study about. Take a look at these moment how parents composes? The baby has cried , whether has needed to coax immediately or not? Express the way demanding , be to cry to newborn baby , most directly, parents does not often know after all why the baby cries but , they are rushed up to only immediately when beginning to cry therefore in the baby, go to carry a child in breast up coaxing him, the child coaxes immediately being to resolve way best as soon as crying? Call for of the newborn baby greater part is very direct, be they need to be looked after with crying inform dad of mummy. The cause crying has the of course , the child many, dad mummy is not to give equal treatment to than, cause such as having been completely not comfortable , having fallen if being that diaper is wet, dad mummy certainly needs to solve immediately , not the case may let child feel like feel bad very much , physiology and mentality affecting them develop. Some can let a baby wait for one meeting a bit but then under condition , do not defend against if the baby is only simple hungry stomach sometimes, ring the period of steeping milk powder for child, let a child get chance to learn waiting. Can drink a little boiled water, and his gossip , let a baby know by child , having had milk aha soon. Such can let a baby learn to wait not only , the alt also can have more abundant preparation time , won't act with confusion. Besides, parents's attitude is also to delay satisfying middle very the key place, parents's attitude must mild but firm , can not tell a baby slowly urgently: "Wait for the once , mother to have come immediately". The "baby is lovely , you look at mother to finish putting in this toy having come to carry you in breast. Your after one meeting oh "! "Take a look on that milk has already rushed regards ,mother comes to you can drink with napkin again". Train a baby under the circumstance not affecting regular life of baby , be the idealest way. Does not the child eat tamely how to handle? The child does not eat tamely sometimes , chase about asking an alt to be pursuing meal , happen or in looking at the wonderful animated cartoon, leave TV unwillingly go and eating, this moment can tell a child: Does "our my deceased little dear sit down for finishing eating? We need to go out to play with one meeting because of being completed after meal , are difficult a meal to be finished eating having gone out Jiu Bu Neng ". Or say: "The animated cartoon also can by complete meal watch mother does not allow you to have looked at an animated cartoon right away if but you do not eat tamely now". Let a child know, even if waiting for one meeting, he also can achieve purpose , get being satisfied with wanting. The child sits down for having a meal if unwilling , is sure not to go after let child run , use award replace punish , use guidance to replace frighten, be the good way helping parents to let baby little dear be obedient , be sure not to use coercive method or to come to force a child the language rebuking. The child eats unwillingly tamely , is really not that he does not want to eat in fact , eat only prepare an animated cartoon than getting up, the latter be lured is bigger , parents ought to let child piece of a piece of field accomplish a thing , watches TV again if eating first, but either be to have had bigger be lured , or cast aside immediately ought to thing composing, such bad habit has taken form , has been hard to avoid "concentrating on minor matters to the neglect of major ones " in the future. Be going to buy this toy for child immediately? The child has taken a fancy to some's toys , has needed to buy being making a noise, his age now makes fun of but this no rightly , you are to wait a bit for coaxing the joyful right now of child to be bought to him, or by him? This moment is also to delay satisfied the best one of the chance training , parents can tell a child not to give the cause that he buys now , some's moment also being able to promise future is bought by him, if speaking to him: "Baby , your can not play this scooter now , parallel danger, wait for you to grow up again partial, we come to ingratiate oneself right away when having arrived at your birthday? Come, we pull shorter leg , are bound to buy at that time". This moment child greater part may promise , be full of approaching longing for a field being waiting for birthday; Also some children will never pardon but needing to buy immediately , parents can "threaten the once child": "Mother has said birthday right away buy if you are not obedient now, the birthday moment mother also can not buy ". Make child know , in the sometimes patient waiting, result more good to come the meeting being changed, is impetuous may make thing too worse on the contrary. Parents has considered many always for the child, but has sometimes has ignored when facing child's study about concluding remarks, delay satisfied , let a child not have the chance of an independent mind. On the viability culture, also ought to use the method tutoring , give way to a child before getting parents's help, get chance to think of it self can make some first what. Parents can pass the story or the game way , give way to a child in the process waiting, form the fine observation ability and process the thing attitude calmly. One meeting is waited for by the child , is let him study and think deeply that in waiting.
J. 描寫性500字英語作文 隨便描寫什麼都可以 結構寫好一點 最好有提綱 100分重謝
Charater Decides on Success
There is no doubt that one's success does have something to do with his character,for one's charater determines the way he acts,and the way he acts determines the fruits of his work.
We can see this in some famous people.And when talking about famous people in the world,we can't help thinking of Albert Einstein,who was a well-known scientist of the United States for his Theory of Relativity.He devoted all his life to science and made great controbution to our world.But how could he acquire so much success in his life?Did he have any personalities that differed from the ordinary people?Well,let me tell you about that.Einstein was born in a Jew family in Germany in 1879,both of his parents were Jews.But he recieved a poor ecation and didn't seem to be so clever when he was young as he was later.Hower he had the spirit of never giving up,when facing difficulties.He loved his job and put his whole heart in it,kept on doing everything until a success was gained.On the other hand,he had a good sense of humor.Albert Einstein was an outgoing man,we can see this from the following famous story.One day somebody asked Albert Einstein,"Your Theory of Relativity is so hard to understand. Could you decribe it in a simple way?"The great man looked at him quietly first,and then said with a smile"Well,when you stay in a toilet,you'll feel time goes slowly,while you are with a pretty girl,you'll feel time goes too fast."That was Albert Einstein,a man of good humor and never giving up.
The success of other famous people also suggests that one's success depends on his charater to some degree.For these reasons,if we want to succeed,we're supposed to develop our good charater frist,like working hard and having a right attitude towards failure.Besides,learning how to cooperate with others is also important.