⑴ 以出國熱為題的英語作文
Studying AbroadIn recent years, studying abroad has been popular. Tens of thousands of Chinese students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are trying their best to apply to go abroad.There are many advantages in attending schools abroad. First, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between people of different cultures. Second, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from foreign countries. Third, we can learn foreign languages more quickly.However, there are some disadvantages. Most of the students are too young to live by themselves without any living experience. Besides, being far away from their home country, they may feel lonely and homesick. Of course the costs are much.
⑵ 如何看待大學旅遊熱的英語作文
⑶ 怎麼看待旅遊熱的作文
啊,海灘上、大海里到處都是人,密密麻麻,挨挨擠擠,腳尖和腳跟彷彿都撞到了一起,又像是開水鍋里煮餃子。「哎,你別推我!」「輕點,擠什麼擠!」 無奈,剛鑽進人群的我們只得退了回來,再尋其他地方。海灘上,太陽傘、救生圈花花綠綠、各式各樣,好傢伙,租把傘60元,游泳圈30元,竟然有許多人排隊 等租。我們放棄了,繼續往前走。
我們終於找到了一個比較偏僻的地方。爸爸帶我擠了進去,腳丫剛剛趟進去,一個大浪猛地打來,讓我措手不及,還嗆了口海水,呀,味道真咸!我套上自帶 的游泳圈,爸爸抓著我,我倆一起在海水裡漂呀漂……漸漸地,我不再感到害怕,只覺得天是那麼藍,水是那麼清,海水撫摸著我的皮膚,那麼溫柔。徜徉在大海 里,不知不覺,太陽偏西了。
兩天很快過去了,我們戀戀不舍地回到了濟南。沒想到,姥姥也去旅遊了,給我講述了美麗的小興安嶺,奇異的鏡泊湖,迷人的松花江……姐姐去了南方旅 游,興致勃勃地講述雲南大理、廈門風光、天堂蘇杭……我的同學有的去了上海,有的去了大連……啊!全國一片旅遊熱,和諧生活多美好!
⑷ 英語作文的熱點題目有哪些
高中的時候 最喜歡考 學習計劃 我的高中生活 外國友人訪華你怎麼安排行程 一些兩面性的觀點:分快慢班的利弊,。。。 還有和當時的一些實事問題有關的 比如 使用一次性塑料袋的利弊
⑸ 出國熱英語作文
Now days, many people choose to study abroad instead of studying at home. Here are some of my advice.We all know that studying abroad has many advantages. We weill have a good environment to learn language. In addition, we can enrich ourselves and have larger points of view. What's more, the latest technology can be learned easily by us.However, as an English saying goes:"Every coin has two sides." Studying abroad does have some disadvantages. Many of us are too young to be experienced in our life. We may even feel lonely so that we can't do well in our study. What's worse, the cost is so high that not every family can afford it easily.Personally speaking, studying abroad is a good and quick way to be successful ,but it isn't the only way. If you try your best to work hard, wherever you are, you will sure find the way leading to success. So just believe in yourself, keep going on ! = = 累死了。。本人不才,請笑納。
⑹ 幫寫出國熱的英語作文80字
my own views about going abord
A number of people prefer to stay in their own coutry than to go abord, while a lot of people hold a different opinion. The reasons for people who prefer to go aboard can be classified into five categories, which are to study another language, to experience a radical new life, to learn more advanced technologies, to have a deep thought about the world, and to travel.
⑺ 英語作文,名校校園成為旅遊熱點,你的看法是
⑻ 公務員考試熱的英語作文
⑼ 名校校園成為旅遊新熱點英語作文
University campuses,especially those of the renowned universities,have recently become the new tourist attraction.Pros and cons have been put forward concerning this new phenomenon.
\x05Some people are quite in favor of the campus』 opening to tourists while others are opposed to it.The opening of campus will stimulate the tourist instry,but the easier access to campus will lead to some accidents or safety problems which will interfere in students』 life.
\x05In my opinion,campuses can be open to tourists once a week,say,on Saturday or Sunday.This suggestion,I believe,is quite feasible because it will kill two birds with one stone.For one thing,campuses could attract many tourists on weekends,thus boosting the tourism.For another,restricted opening of campus will beneficially narrow the gap between campuses and outside world.Furthermore,this will also attract more public attention and build a great reputation for the university.