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發布時間:2020-12-26 23:43:18

Ⅰ 中醫的英文說法

中醫的英文 = Traditional Chinese physician.
= Practitioner of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

Chinese medicine 是 中醫葯
CHinese physicians 是 中國版醫生權、中國籍醫生

Ⅱ 中醫用英語怎麼說

traditional Chinese medical science 中國傳統的醫學

Ⅲ 學習中醫英語有什麼好方法

英語抄都是長期積累的,主要還是要襲多聽 多看 多說 多練


慢慢領悟,你的英語會學習得很好的, http://www.douban.com/note/87375780/

Ⅳ 中醫的介紹 英文

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), is a label that covers a broad range of traditional medicine practices spread throughout Asia, including various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage therapy, and dietary therapy. The common thread among these diverse practices is a system for balancing the various functions of the body, based in Daoist principles of yinyang and other metaphysical belief systems, that originated ring the Warring States Period in regions that are now part of China. These practices are a common part of medical care throughout East Asia, accounting for roughly 75% of worldwide use, but are considered alternative medicine in the western world.
TCM practices use a different physiological model than modern western medicine, and make a number of assumptions that are inconsistent with or untestable under the principles of scientific medicine. In general, TCM practices take a holistic approach, viewing the body in terms of organ system based loosely around particular body functions (such as digestion or excretion) rather than in terms of isolated organs. These organ systems are conceived to be interrelated in various systematic ways, and various techniques are used to stimulate or support weakened systems or to soothe or dampen over-excited systems. Chinese medicine in practice, thus, involves an often subjective diagnosis of the general state of various organ systems followed by ongoing efforts to reestablish a healthy balance between the systems.
A broad range of 'over-the-counter' medicinals loosely related to TCM are available. Many of these - such as yinchiao, a commonly used medicinal for colds and flus - are innocuous, but some may contain dangerous chemicals added as ingredients or byprocts of proction, and certain sexual potency medicinals are complicit in the near extinction of animals such as the rhinoceros and siberian tiger.
Because of the different disease entities recognized by TCM and scientific medicine, it is difficult to scientifically test the efficacy of TCM drugs. Other treatment practices have confirmed but limited results in clinical studies.

Ⅳ 湖南中醫葯大學英語系二外日語教學如何有幾個日語教師

不知道你理想的待遇是要多少?到普通大學教書,只能解決生活問題,比社會上的一些崗位回穩定,比體力打工者要答好一些。嗯 還有就是,目前我在學的ABC天卞英語中心的導師和我們說過,事實上要學好英語應該是不費力地..必然具有恰當的學習環境及實習口語對象 最關鍵就是外教水平 最好歐美母語,口語純正才可以 不間斷每日練習口語 1&1家教式輔導才能夠有最.好.的進步幅度 課後同樣要回放復習課堂音頻,幫助加強記憶。若真的是沒有練習對象,最好能去聽力室或滬江拿到課外教材研習 多用耳聽、眼觀、嘴動、腦想,迅速的語境會提高起來 學習成長應該可以最佳的;到長沙來的好處:1。房介稍微便宜一點;.不像北方那麼乾燥。北方人可能在飲食上不太適應,但是,可以自己做飯吃。長沙的夏天和冬天對於北方人來說,是一種考驗。進去的可能性大不大,這就很難說了。試試看吧。

Ⅵ 中醫用英文怎麼說


Ⅶ 怎麼用英語介紹中醫

「中醫」如果用英語翻譯為「 traditional Chinese medicine 」就有貶低中醫的意思,意為低級的,不成體系的版,形而下學的知識經驗。權但中醫畢竟是幾千年中華文化里精華,是有學術體系的!《黃帝內經》《難經》《神龍本草》《傷寒論》都反映出成熟的理論體系。所以更准確的說,就像西方的古典音樂一樣,應當翻譯為CLASSIC CHINESE MADICINE.只有這樣才體現中醫博大精深的融合了人文、哲學、社會學、醫學體系的一種知識體系。

Ⅷ 我是英語系的學生,想學中醫,有什麼途徑


Ⅸ 中醫用英文怎麼說

traditional Chinese medical science

Ⅹ 學中醫的為啥要學英語




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