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① 評價交際語言教學法的優缺點

【摘要】傳統的閱讀教學方法採用翻譯法進行教學,不但忽視了交際表達能力,也很難適應現代社會的需求。目前,交際教學法在我國已被廣泛採納並取得良好效果。本文針對傳統教學模式中存在的一些問題做了分析,進而提出了交際教學法在英語閱讀課堂中的具體運用辦法。【關鍵詞】交際教學法;閱讀課程;運用引言英語閱讀是語言教學中的重要內容,閱讀教學開展的成功與否很大程度上影響著英語專業畢業生綜合運用英語的能力。閱讀課的任務在於提高閱讀理解能力,培養學生細致觀察語言、分析、歸納、推理等邏輯思維能力。這一任務特點強調了閱讀教學應以激發學生的主動性和培養英語交際能力為核心。傳統課堂模式的典型特徵是教師為課堂的中心,教學活動以教師的講解和示範為主導,其結果是學習者缺乏語言交際能力。近年來,教育部新的《大學英語課程教學要求》提出「培養學生英語綜合應用能力,特別是聽說能力,使他們在今後工作和社會交往中能用英語有效地進行口頭和書面的信息交流,同時增強其自主學習能力、提高綜合文化素養」。這與交際法所提出的「交際能力」是相符的,因此進一步研究交際法英語教學,並且較好運用到英語閱讀教學中是非常有益和必要的。一、交際法教學的概念及特點交際教學法(簡稱交際法)是英國應用語言學家Christohper Candi和Henry Widdowson等人在60年代後期創立的一種英語教學法。交際法是以語言功能項目為綱,以發展交際能力為目標,以一系列社會語言學理論為基礎的教學方法。交際法的核心是交際能力,而交際能力的核心是使語言學習者能夠運用所學的語言形式在不同場合對不同的對象進行有效而得體的交際。交際法所強調的不是抽象的語言形式,而是不同語言形式的實際運用及其交際功能。交際法的特點有以下幾方面:1、其教學目的注重學生交際能力的培養。使學生能夠在不同的交際場合運用所學語言與不同的對象進行有效得體的交際。2、交際教學法強調在課堂教學中學生是課堂的主角,應積極主動地參與課堂活動。3、交際教學法強調語言的流利性,忽略語言的准確性。老師應鼓勵學生大膽用英語交際。4、交際教學法重視對目的語比國家文化的學習,同時注意介紹中西文化差異和培養跨文化交際知識。二、交際法教學在英語閱讀課的具體運用外語教學的最終目的是為了交際,也就是使學生能夠在必要時在工作和生活中使用外語。語言本身是交際工具,語言教學過程也是一系列交際的過程;教學過程中的人就是交際的主體和客體,具有交際的角色關系;在外語教學中實踐交際法的主要目的是為了交際,通過交際學會交際。筆者就此問題做過詳細,細致的研究,試圖改進英語專業閱讀課的教學模式並收到良好的教學效果。1.教師在閱讀課上引入交際教學法(1)聽說活動與閱讀相結合。很多教師在教授閱讀課程時往往會忽視學生聽說能力對閱讀能力提高的重要性,在授課過程中不重視聽說能力的培養。筆者針對這一情況大膽採用聽說與閱讀相結合的方法。首先,教師用適合大多數學生的語速朗讀一篇介紹課文作者或課文背景的文章,同時要求每個學生邊聽邊做筆記。朗讀完畢後,把學生分成幾個小組,同學之間根據自己聽懂的部分和所記錄的筆記,向其他同學復述文章的大體內容。或者選派一位同學根據本組同學的復述向全班復述文章的主要內容。也可以指定一位同學充當老師的這個角色,讓他替代教師讀材料。這中方法的運用不但訓練的學生理解句子的能力,及對句子或段落理解的反應速度,同時也鍛煉的學生的語言表達能力,使兩者做到有機的融合。(2)鼓勵學生在閱讀課堂做Presentation Presentation是指由學生就某一方面的知識在課堂上作專題發言的教學形式。該方法強調學生參與分析討論問題,注重能力的培養,通過調動學生的積極性,使學生對課堂感興趣,不僅提高學生口頭表達能力,而且對提高學生的思考、分析、歸納問題的能力也有所幫助。筆者將此方法引入閱讀課堂,收到良好的效果。Presentation強調學生的參與,但是不能忽視教師的作用。教學效果的優劣,教學過程順暢與否,與教師的組織指導密不可分。教師在教學中要發揮指導的作用,提醒發言人發言時,注意語音、語調、語速,目光要與聽眾交流,要觀察聽眾的表情等。這種方法使學生身臨其境,並且學生的表演形象生動,讓大家在輕松愉快的氣氛中學習英語,而不是照本宣科的講解,枯燥無味。通過這一活動,大大活躍了課堂氣氛,很多未上台的同學躍躍欲試,極大的增進了他們的閱讀興趣,在他們准備材料的過程中,也提高了閱讀能力和理解能力。2.學生對交際教學法的配合在實施交際法教學的過程中,學生起到相當重要的作用。這就要求學生在閱讀課程中積極配合教師,逐步提高其交際能力,並促進閱讀與理解能力的培養。例如筆者在上述的Presentation的活動中積極引導學生參與,並通過小組合作式的學習形式讓學生相互評價,相互學習,共同進步。學生互評可以包括以下幾項內容:課後閱讀量及理解能力、參與程度、是否善於提問、善於與他人溝通;語言表達能力和組織能力及完成任務情況等。筆者根據學生之間的評價,最後給出評定等級。同時,筆者還鼓勵學生做自我評價。學生在教師的指導下,針對自己在Presentation中的表現找出自身的優缺點加以評點以激發內在學習動機,構建適合自己的學習目標和學習方法,培養自己成為一個具有自我評價能力和自主學習能力的學習者。三、結束語交際教學法作為一種新型教學理論和策略體系,已被逐漸地運用於英語課堂教學中。實踐證明,交際教學法的確是一種構建以學生為中心、培養語言運用能力型課堂模式的有效途徑。在英語閱讀課堂引入這種教學模式,能夠營造良好的英語閱讀和交際環境,幫助學生擺脫在閱讀活動中對教師的依賴心理,培養學生的自主學習能力和語言運用能力。外語教學工作者應與時俱進,切實轉變傳統教學觀念,充分認識到培養學生英語交際能力的重要性,把語法知識講解和開展交際活動兩者有機地結合起來,大膽將交際法引入英語教學課堂,不斷激發英語學習者的交際潛能,從而達到培養英語交際能力的目的。【參考文獻】[1]王林海.交際法理論及其實踐分析[J].外語學刊,2007(4).[

② 交際教學法的定義


③ 交際法是一種教學方法嗎

對於英語學習者來講,交往能力的培養是非常重要的方面。1971年,社會語言學家海姆斯在《論交際能力》一文中,首次提出了交際能力(Communicative Competence)這一概念。
此後,這些能力逐漸成為語言教學的主要目標和側重之處。在海姆斯的交際能力理論、韓禮德的功能理論和威爾金斯的意念學說基礎上,交際教學法(Communicative LanguageTeaching)逐漸取代傳統的教學方法。交際教學法將語言看作交際的手段,教師有責任提高學生的跨文化意識,讓學生在了解基本語言知識的基礎上,幫助學生明了所學語言國家的文化背景、風土人情和生活方式。交際教學法的基本假設是:學習語言的目標就是交往能力的培養,這也正是其不同於傳統英語教學方法之處。交際教學法始終將學生看作語言實踐的主體,注重教學材料源自的循環體制等等,這就有待於我們在今後的教學與教研中進一步加以改進和探索。

④ 如何用交際法進行語法教學


⑤ 交際教學法是什麼有哪個機構採用這個教學方法呢

交際教學法是一種以語言功能項目為綱, 著重培養交際能力的教學方法。目前,博恩思採用的就是這種教學方法。

⑥ 交際教學法的原則到底是什麼










⑦ 交際法的優點和缺點


(1)首先是功能項目問題:如何確定功能項目,確定語言功能項目的標準是什麼,不同的第二語言教學需要多少語言功能范疇,如何科學地安排功能項目的教學順序等,這些問題都沒有很好地得到解決。 (2)其次是沒能處理好語法知識的教學問題:用意念功能范疇不能完全取代傳統的語法知識,強調語法教學只學使用(use)、不學用法(usage),這實際上是行不通的;而培養語法意識又會影響能力的培養等。

⑧ 如何運用交際法進行教學

abstract: the importance of english grammar learning has been widely accepted. how to improve the english grammar of the junior middle school students has been the topic concerned by both researchers and english teachers. this is not only because learning grammar is the main goal for english learning, but also because we treat the grasp of grammar as the final goal, therefore we neglect the nature of language: use. the biggest shortcoming for grammar teaching is the overemphasis of the grammar rules. the communicative approach is a method of designing the syllabus. it, as a students-centered teaching method, attaches much importance to developing the students' innate ability to learn and thus use a language, aiming at the acquisition of the communicative competence for the students. nowadays, english teachers are making every effort to perform the learning activities in class with the communicative approach. this paper, which is devoted to the application of the communicative approach in junior middle school, to improve the students』 communicative competence and their inrerests in english grammar learning.

key words: communicative approach grammar teaching application

ⅱcommunicative approach……………………………………………3
2.1 what is communicative approach………………...............................................3
2.2 origins of this approach………………………………………………………..4
2.3 general principles and theories of communicative approaches………………..4
2.4 objectives of the communicative appuoach……………………………………5
2.5 main features of the communicative approach…………………………………5
ⅲ overview of grammar teaching ……………………………………7
3.1the place of grammar in language teaching…………………………………….7
3.2 an overview of grammar teaching……………………………………………7
3.3 the views for grammar teaching……………………………………………...7
3.4 the views against grammar teaching………………………………………...8
ⅳ why use the communicative approach in grammar teaching……..8
4.1 analyze the present grammar teaching..................................................8
4.2 the necessity and importance of corncnunicative grammar teaching………...9
4.2.1 grammar as an element of language………………………………….10
4.2.2 grammar as a basis of communicative competence…………………...10
ⅴthe application of communicative approach to the english grammar teaching..10
5.1 making forms teaching communicative……………………………………10
5.1.1 form and meaning……………………………………………………10
5.1.2 correction………………………………………………………….…11
5.2. creating communicative environment for grammar teaching………….…12
5.2.1 designing related questions……………………………………….…12
5.2.2 increasing students involvements………………………………….…13
5.3 creation of communicative activities for grammar teaching………….….13
5.3.1 the nature of communicative activities………………………….…14
5.3.2 question-and-answer activities …………………………………..…14
5.3.3 discussion and debate…………………………………………..……15
5.4 teachers' and learner』s roles in teaching grammara in communicative approaches…………………………………………………………………15
5.4.1 the role of the teacher…………………………………………………15
5.4.2. the role of the student………………………………………………..16
5.5 communicative classroom design………………………………….…16
5.5.1objectives ……………………………………………………….…….16
5.5.2 types of teaching activities……………………………………………16
5.5.3 proceres……………………………………………………………..17
ⅵ conclution.........................................................................................18

for a long time, under the pressure of the examination-oriented ecation, teachers of the middle english laid so much stress on grammars and vocabularies that they neglected to train students to use the language in contexts. consequently, students couldn't satisfy the requirements of the knowledge economy age for lack of language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitudes, learning strategies and culture awareness. in light of this the traditional teaching modes cannot meet the requirements of modern times any longer. it is believed that a nonnative speaker can' t successfully acquire a foreign language in a non native speaking environment without mastering its forms and structure. hence, the grammar-teaching problem in china is not "why teach grammar?" but "how to teach it"?
now in china a new curriculum reform in elementary ecation is being deepened in an all-round way. according to the new curriculum standards, great emphasis must be placed on how to turn the tendency (i.e. paying excessive attention to the vocabulary and grammatical knowledge and correspondingly neglecting to develop the students' communicative competence). meanwhile, it is proposed in the new standards that the curriculum should help develop the students' comprehensive competence on the basis of their interests, experiences and cognitive level, so as to make the language learning as a process for the students of forming a positive attitude, thinking actively, practicing bravely, improving their intercultural awareness, and learning to study on their own initiative.
the teaching of grammar has always been a central aspect of foreign language teaching (flt) in history. beginning in 1970s there has been a rapid shift of research and practice from grammar-translation and audiolingual methods to the exploration of communicative language teaching (clt), and more emphasis has been put on the use of the language for communication. the communicative approach (ca) reveals the social function of language and the goal of flt. it
regards the development of communicative competence as the core of flt. ca was not introced into china until 1984s. although the adoption of it met with considerable resistance, ca is worth exploring and has been one of the mainstreams influencing the methods of flt of our country. recently, it is necessary to rethink about the role of grammar teaching in the communicative framework. ca does not involve neglecting the role of grammar teaching but involve integrating communicative activities into grammar reaching to acquire the good results of form and meaning, and get balance between accuracy and fluency. it is significant to apply ca to the teaching of grammar in the middle schools because grammar is an element of language, a basis of communicative competence and a tool of flt.
so, this paper will online the shortage of english grammar teaching,and then introce the ca in english grammar teaching in middle schools. try to find a better way to improve the grammar teaching method.
ⅱcommunicative approach



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