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⑴ 第二語言學習與教學怎麼樣

Just as the title of the book implies, it talks about the connection between language learning and language teaching, which is, as the author wrote on the book, why L2 learning research can be useful for language teaching. There are nine chapters in the book which could be divided into four parts: (1) The first chapter briefly introces the second language learning research and what a teacher can expect from L2 learning research; (2) The second and third chapters made a concise description of the four main components of language (grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and conversational discourse) and their acquisition; (3) The fourth and fifth chapters discuss the psychological basis of L2 learning, such as memory, schema, language processing and learners as indivials; (4) The sixth to ninth chapters consider several aspects, including the role of classroom in developing L2, the linguistic basis of various kinds of teaching methodologies; in this part, it also introces and appraises many popular teaching styles, especially those from Britain and America. The most interesting point in the book, in my opinion, is the discussion on working memory and language learning. The book firstly states a fact that most people can remember about seven or eight digits in the first language and fewer in the second language, so digit span is then a reflection of the key processes of short-term memory (STM): the processing of information for periods of time up to a few seconds. But why? Gathercole and Baddeley (1993) have put forward a theory which accounts for aspects of STM called 「 memory」. Working memory is used for processing information while the mind works on various tasks. It consists of a 「central executive」, which controls how information is passed around the memory system in the mind, and visual and phonological 「slave systems」 controlled by the executive. The phonological system has a phonological store from which information tends to fade within a second or two. To extend its life people repeat things over and over, whether aloud or silently. To keep the information in working memory from fading it must be constantly repeated, and this continual repetition is called the articulatory loop; information is recycled back through the store to extend its life. Whatever you are trying to remember circulates round this loop. The speed with which information travels round the loop governs how much can be remembered. That is to say, the faster a person can repeat things the more they can remember. Memory span is restricted by speed of articulation, which has several fascination consequences for language processing: 1) fewer long words can be remembered than short words; 2) fast speakers have better spans than slow speakers, everything else being equal; 3) there are differences between languages caused by the different ways they are processed in the articulatory loop, for example, Chinese(with short digits) have better memory span than speakers of English, and Chinese speakers, with a memory of 9.9 digits, are able to remember telephone numbers better than English speakers. Therefore, what does working memory have something to do with language? If the mind cannot handle enough words, it is impossible to actually process speech, and the articulatory loop theory suggests this is linked to fluency of pronunciation. That is to say, the working memory theory, however, sees pronunciation as vital to language processing. If we cannot say the sounds quickly, our short-term memory span will be very restricted and consequently we will face severe difficulties with the processing of language. The neglect of pronunciation in recent years has hampered not just the students』 ability to pronounce words, but also their fundamental capacity to process the language. Finally, one entertaining, though speculative, conclusion for language teaching is that the theory predicts that performance in the language can improve according to how fast the students can speak.



⑶ 國內外第二語言教學界提出過哪些教學原則如何對這些原則加以梳理


(1) 精講多練的原則



(2) 動機誘導的原則

(3) 以學生為中心,教師為主導,重視情感因素,充分發揮學生主動性,創造性。


⑷ 如何利用動機進行二語教學

激發學生復英語學習動機的途徑制 二語學習的過程中,影響語言學習的動機是一個最復雜,最有意義的變數。對於動機的研究表明動機是與學習者的學習成績密切相關的。為了促進二語教師的語言教學,文章在以加德納的社會教育模式基礎上

⑸ 第二語言教學中教學者經常使用的方法有


⑹ 第二語言教學和第一語言教學有什麼不同

第二語言教學 第二語言教學在雙語社團中進行,既教母語,又教另一種語言。在外語教學中,學生所學的是外國語。翻譯要求把原以某種語言寫成的作品的內容用另一種語言表達出來。使用同一民族語言,語音、詞彙、語法格式也因地區而異,因使用者的社會地位而異,還因交際場合和使用目的而異。研究這些問題的是社會語言學。與社會語言學關系密切的是方言學。研究區域方言的學科稱為方言地理學。語體學近似社會語言學,研究在不同條件下語言使用的語體差異。文體學研究如何造成不同的文章風格。與此近似的傳統學科是修辭學,包括雄辯術和作文法。文體學可以說是現代的修辭學。心理語言學從語言出發研究心理,摸索語言與感知、注意、記憶、學習等心理作用的關系。神經語言學探索人們學習語言、運用語言的神經學基礎,試圖做出人腦控制言語和聽覺的模擬。研究伴隨著語言交際而發生的種種現象的學科,叫副語言學,也叫伴隨語言學。人類語言學研究社會制度、宗教信仰、職業、親屬關系等對語言習慣的影響以及語言對這些東西的或多或少的影響。民族語言學只研究民族類型、民族行為程式與人們的語言之間的關系。數理語言學是研究語言中的數學性質的學科。使用數學方法研究語言,最初是統計音素、語素、詞彙等項目,後來人們運用數量計算學並使用各種模式來處理語言材料。數理語言學目前包括代數語言學、統計語言學和應用數理語言學。

⑺ 請推薦幾本有關第二語言教學法的書籍,謝謝。

Conditions for second langguage learning . 第二語言學習的條件. Bernard Spolsky.

⑻ 第二語言教學與對外漢語教學的區別

對外漢語教學是針對外國人的 將漢語作為第二語言的 教學



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