Ⅰ 求視頻:求雙人情侶舞蹈視頻 急用 簡單點
Ⅱ 最美情侶的那個舞蹈,哪裡有教的過程啊
Ⅲ 韓國女生可愛易學的舞蹈教學視頻
我給你【丸子控】的專韓國舞蹈的鏡面教屬學吧?http://www.youku.com/playlist_show/id_3906359_ascending_1_mode_pic_page_1.html 你可以在裡面選一下
其實某時代的舞是很簡單的了,而sorry sorry其實是很難得~特別是間奏那段埃及式的手部動作。
某時代的《kissing you》 和《baby》就很簡單了~
Ⅳ 求一些韓國歌曲的舞蹈教學視頻
舞蹈好看的太多太多了,這個還是你自己看了挑選你喜歡的曲目比較好。你上 音悅台搜版索 jasondance 那個男舞蹈老師權跳了很多女團舞蹈,特別好,美中不足就是沒有講解和放慢。或者你可以去土豆上搜索 丸子控 這個人幾乎把所有的教學視頻舞蹈模仿集合了 很強大 而且多是些韓國的舞蹈老師教的。。。還有就是在土豆上搜 JC dance 那個姐姐是講解的 中國人 跳了好多韓舞 講的好也跳的好
Ⅳ 韓國有個美女經常出舞蹈教學視頻的,而且她跳的舞都很多,想問她叫什麼名字好像叫金寶英來著
Ⅵ 請問這個在哪裡可以找到他們所有的教學視頻是一個韓國教舞蹈的視頻 非常詳細 一個小時多 她們是一個
Ⅶ 求韓國1M舞蹈教學視頻全部,最好是有詳細的分解動作,謝謝
Ⅷ 很棒的韓國男女舞蹈這個視頻的音樂是什麼急求!!!
前面的英文歌是—— Mary J. Blige 的《be without you》
後面的好像是—— 賈斯汀 的 《nite runner》
Ⅸ 韓國超火情侶舞蹈,好有愛,單身狗表很受傷! 的背景音樂
You gotta help me out
It's all a blur last night
We need a taxi 'cause you're
Hung over and I'm broke
I lost my fake ID
But you lost the motel key
Spare me your freaking
Dirty looks now don't blame me
Shut up and put your money
where your mouth is
That's what you get
for waking up in Vegas
Get up and shake the glitter
off your clothes now
That's what you get
for waking up in Vegas
Why are these lights so bright
Did we get hitched last night
Dressed up like Elvis
Why am I wearing your class ring
Don't call your mother
'Cause now we're partners in crime
Don't be a baby
Remember what you told me
Shut up and put your money
where your mouth is
That's what you get
for waking up in Vegas
Get up and shake the glitter
off your clothes now
That's what you get
for waking up in Vegas
Shut up and put your money
where your mouth is
That's what you get
for waking up in Vegas
Get up and shake the glitter
off your clothes now
That's what you get
for waking up in Vegas
That's what you get baby
Shake the glitter
Shake shake shake the glitter
Get me some cash out baby
Get me some cash out baby
Get me some cash out baby
Get me some cash out baby
Get me some cash out baby
Shut up and put your money
where your mouth is
That's what you get
for waking up in Vegas
Get up and shake the glitter
off your clothes now
That's what you get
for waking up in Vegas
Shut up and put your money
where your mouth is
That's what you get
for waking up in Vegas
Get up and shake the glitter
off your clothes now
That's what you get
for waking up in Vegas
Ⅹ 哪裡可以找到比較多的韓國舞蹈教學視頻