⑴ 怎麼查老師我想對你說400字的作文,要以書信的格式來寫
⑵ 關於相信自己 肯定自己的高中作文材料不要太長3.400字左右的 材料越多越好 麻煩大家啦
To be or not to be ,it is a question .但此問題的答案卻各有不同。當一件事如上山下山一樣簡潔明了時,也許別人說前面風景很美麗時,你會毫不猶豫的說我相信你,但難道真的給予別人信任嗎?換一個場景,當別人指著一處懸崖對你說,跳下去不會死時,你還會說你相信別人嗎?其實相信的只不過是你自己。上山下山,其實沒有信任而言,有的只不過是中國一直以來都遵從的一個詞——親歷親為,懶惰的人可以整日望著同一片風景說世界這里最美,而還有很多人不甘於平凡,總是任何事都是自己所見才為最美。
其實相不相信,人生如上山下山一樣,不必注重何時到達山頂,不必在乎終點是否有精彩,「會當凌絕頂,一覽眾山斜過後,你環顧四周,破敗繚亂,並不是你想像般燦爛艷麗。其實選擇有兩種人,一種相信別人,同上山人一起上山又一起下山,邊行邊歌,欣賞來時未見的風景;二是相信自己,憑自己的堅定信念走下去,不後悔,不留遺憾,To be or not To be ,能選擇的是你自己。
⑶ 急需一篇關於法制教育的作文,400字就行了
遵守法律和憲法是我們每個公民應盡的義務。俗語有雲:「沒有規矩,無以成方圓。」法律的制定是維護社會秩序的根本途徑,所以為了社會的安定,更是為了我們自身,我們必須自覺守法。而且法律所規定的內容,必定是著眼於公民的利益,因此我們沒有理由反對,沒有理由不遵循,更沒有理由背道而馳。雖然我們有追求個性的自由,但這並不意味我們能標新立 異,無視法律的存在。與法律抗衡的結果只有一個,就是自毀前程。在我們身邊,同齡人知法犯法的例子不勝枚舉,而為了燦爛的明天,我們能不守法嗎?
法律是和諧之基,有了法律社會才能發展進步;法律是文明之花,有了法律公民才能提高素養;法律是實踐之果,有了法律國家才能長治久安。因此,讓我們一起學法、守法、用法,讓法律在我們心間長駐! 採納我的
⑷ 高中作文只寫了400字會扣多少分,滿分50
⑸ 媽媽對我的關愛400字作文
⑹ 寫梅花的作文400字應用修辭手法
⑺ 用自述的形式來介紹物品,作文400字
⑻ 關於三防知識的體會文章(英文版,400字左右)
"Three" national defense ecation is an important part of ecation, civil air defense construction is an important part of the "Air Defense Law," requires students to carry out civil air defense ecation. Over the past few years the school I earnestly implement the "long-term preparations for major construction, peace with war" approach from the start with the foundation. I am carrying out "three" in teaching, it is regarded as a civil air defense從娃娃抓起ecation, students from the start of an important practice, achieving very good results. I made the following aspects:
First, to improve the "three" teaching awareness and promote the "three" ecation work
"Three" common sense is a very comprehensive subject, it has a distinct ideological, and a wealth of knowledge and practice, and other significant features of learn this knowledge will not only help enhance the students the concept of national defense, to develop students The spirit of patriotism, the students sense of discipline and develop a collective love, caring and good habits; help students academic knowledge related to understanding and the promotion of student moral, intellectual, physical, the United States, the all-round development workers . At the same time, so that students are aware of the "three" ecation is the knowledge of nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons protection ecation. Nuclear, biological and chemical weapons are war weapons of mass destruction, their understanding of how much bearing on the strength of self-protection. As a result, efforts to carry out "three" ecation, students, "three" ecation, now and in the future, will benefit. Students, "three" ecation, not only in time of war to protect themselves from harm and to ensure that nuclear accidents, chemical leak in the lives of the people. Students raise awareness of the air, a sense of crisis, to open up the horizons of students and broaden the knowledge.
Second, to create conditions for the protection of the teaching work smoothly
According to the person identified by the Air-defense classes: air defense knowledge through ecation to enable students to achieve a real "three will understand." Knows the basic protection of civil air defense knowledge, will air in the fight against anti-peace and unforeseen natural disasters in self-defense; system will be easy to do protective equipment; will correct use of protective facilities, the use of protective equipment. 9 hours per semester to ensure that the whole year up to 18 hours.
In addition to the teaching of careful preparation, well-planned at the same time, we must also learn to guide students one by one the masters of the high degree of importance. How to arouse students on the subject of concern, I was faced with another problem. I select the right measures are taken to task for the starting point: Why should we set up this course, it's the end where the end-result? We have learned it any good? For a series of practical issues of teaching.
I think the reason why the opening of "three" is a lesson for the following reasons: civil air defense is in the nature of human life and the protection of the treasure in order to achieve the nation and to safeguard national security. When the indivial and collective life from the threat of disaster, if we can be a proper use of civil air defense knowledge and skills, the disaster to minimize, to realize the value of the air defense; the indivial and collective, the preservation of the life and property; of peoples and nations , On the disaster in its invincible! Made it clear that the creation of the importance of this class, students treasure life and learn to self-defense at the same time a special note to students at the end of the examination should be carried out, the examination results of the assessment to a Test scores to see, the situation depends on the completion of the class notes, to look at three-class performance of the three integrated assessment study. According to the requirements to listen carefully and seriously in mind that to achieve the requirements of teaching.
Third, the completion of a serious, "three" task of teaching, students security ecation
1, in teaching, because students are not teaching, we must bear in mind with particular emphasis on a good note. We have arranged for two courses when they look at people's air defense knowledge and ecation in the documentary "Forever Blue Sky" by watching the students mastered the air and "three" to allow students to see the video through the conventional understanding of the high-tech air protection measures; of a nuclear accident and its Protection; chemical weapons, chemical accidents and their prevention; biological weapons and their protection, personal protection and protection skills with in-depth understanding.
2 According to the "three" First of all classes of students, "three" ecation, students have a better understanding of modern war, modern war at the same time the use of the name of the weapons, performance, destruction, in particular on how to do a good job in defense, war How to deal with specific measures in the classroom under the guidance of teachers, students according to their own on television, military books, movies, online learned about modern warfare, in the classroom in exchange for students to have a self - Care awareness event Institute of Modern War to protect themselves, minimize the threat of death.
The students grew up in an environment of peace, not war in the minds of the concept, it seems that the war will not be with them nothing, "three" to make a lot of teaching to enhance students for the modern understanding of war, especially in recent years occurred in the Kosovo War , Such as the war in Iraq has to understand, "three" teaching, the air defense of universal knowledge, know how to "nuclear, biological and chemical" weapons of destruction characteristics of the modern understanding of the local wars of the basic characteristics of the air strikes, at least learned from the anti-self-help each other Anti-saving skills such as interoperability, suffered withstand a war with the necessary psychological preparation, once the war took place, will be able to make the right judgments, to make full use of civil air defense construction and equipment to personal protection.
3, students self-protective mask
In accordance with the requirements of teaching students to use a towel to lead home-made gas masks, in particular strong interest in students, as well as gas masks in this regard on the thickness of the protective effect of the impact, as well as the use of gas masks and so on.
Fourth, expand the "three" channels for teaching, to explore a new way of teaching
According to the previous year to carry out "three" teaching experience, I feel, "three" teaching can do a lot of space, a lot of content can be used as teaching content. In the current semester on the basis of summing up experiences, but also increase the number of new content, making "three" teaching more lively and popular, enthusiastic participation of students is relatively high.
So that students do Shouchao Bao, a special issue, to collect, collate information in the process of self-learning the common sense of civil air defense
After the end of each semester, in order to enrich the lives of students, a term for the consolidation of knowledge, at the same time, the opportunity to expand on this knowledge of students. Under the guidance of teachers in a number of voluntary groups of students
⑼ 托福作文模板用400字的還是150字的分高一點
⑽ 敘事作文400字要求有十個好詞兩句好句