A. 關於 許軼 編著的《挑戰iBT作文滿分》這本書。。。
肯定不寫啊 無關的回答都會影響考官的判斷的
B. 求托福ibt滿分作文(許軼)電子版,郵箱[email protected],感謝
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C. 求托福IBT高分作文李笑來的音頻~~~急~
D. 哪位朋友有 挑戰TOEFL iBT作文滿分 急需!!!多謝!!!
E. 李笑來的《TOEFL iBT高分作文》與許軼的《挑戰TOEFL iBT作文滿分》哪本更好謝謝
其實這幾本書各有各的優點,如果一定要選一本最好的,那是許軼的《挑戰TOEFL iBT作文滿分》,我看過感覺對寫作的幫助很大,是真正的在講述應該怎麼去寫好作文。
F. 有iBT滿分作文可以分享嗎
PDF to word 網上有個工具可以直接轉換
G. 托福滿分作文
大家都知道,我們中國人其實在英語的聽說讀寫四個環節上最薄弱的就是輸出的兩個能力:說和寫;而最強的就是輸入的兩個能力:讀和聽,托福滿分作文。下面我就分別以新TOFEL的綜合部分和GRE/GMAT作文的阿狗部分為例分別給大家分享一下我個人對於滿分的一些理解。TOEFL iBT其實新托福加了綜合部分以後,我個人認為是降低了難度。因為原來老托福的作文作為新托福作文的獨立部分並沒有什麼太大的改變,而且大家都知道作文水平的提高不是一朝一夕的事情,那麼我剛才說的不能盲目就是指大家不能在這個需要體現真正寫作水平的部分去背段落,因為這個是會被認為是舞弊行為的。那麼在綜合、獨立各佔15分的時候,我們如果能把握住任何一個部分的高分實際上平均下來的分數就不會低。而綜合部分由於是先讀一篇文章,再聽一段錄音,然後讓我們談文章與錄音的相互關系,而不用發表自己的觀點這一題目本身的客觀要求就決定了它是可以背由固定標准語句組成的魔板的。這正如研究生入學考試英語寫作的小作文和雅思寫作的小作文一樣是有固定套路的。比如錄音講座要麼就是質疑或者反駁了閱讀段落;要麼就是支持或者加強了閱讀段落,所以只需要把相關描述質疑或者反駁與描述支持或者加強的固定語句背下來就可以得到一個相對較高的分數,如果考生同時又把相關要點表達准確和清楚了的話,那麼滿分是完全可能的。當綜合部分有15分在手的時候,獨立部分只要及格那麼就能至少獲得24分的作文高分!比如以下兩個魔板是分別描述質疑或者反駁以及支持或者加強的:Integrated Writing TaskHow the Integrated Writing Task is phrased:If the lecture challenges the information in the reading passage, the writing task will usually be phrased in one of the following ways:1.Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.2.Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge specific claims/arguments made in the reading passage.3.Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they answer the problems raised in the reading passage.Showing ChallengeIn the lecture, the professor made several points about______________. The professor argues that__________________.However, the reading contends that________________.The professor’s lecture casts doubts on the reading by using a number of points that are contrary to___________________________.The first point that the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is that_________________.According to the professor,________________________________._______________ differs from the reading in that the reading states _______________________________.The point made by the professor casts doubt on the reading because_______________________.Another point that the professor uses to casts doubt on the reading is ___________________________________.The professor claims that______________________________________.However, the reading states ____________.This point is contradicted by________________.Finally, the professor stated that, on the contrary of the reading, _____________________________________.In other words,______________________________________.This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates, because___________________________.In conclusion, the points made in the lecture contradict the reading._____________and_______________ demonstrate that ___________is in doubt.If the lecture supports or strengthens the information in the reading passage, the writing task will usually be phrased in one of the following ways:1.Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they support the explanations in the reading passage.2.Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they strengthen specific points made in the reading passage.
H. TOEFL托福 iBT高分作文 李笑來 電子版 音頻 mp3 謝謝
I. 求李笑來toefl ibt高分作文的pdf版本和mp3音頻。多謝了!有鏈接么百度貌似不能留郵箱了····
J. 求托福IBT滿分作文(許軼)電子版,郵箱346828307@qq。com