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㈠ 求一篇學習使我快樂的英語作文

twir ling a lock

㈡ 求一篇英語作文以 學習(課程)的樂趣 的英語作文60詞左右 跪求啊!!!

Most of us think learning is a boring thing.But sometimes,it is also fun.For example,when you fininsh a very hard math or physics promblem,you must be happy.This is a kind of fun for studying.In fact ,study is really a fun thing,but you need to find the fun by yourself.

㈢ 用英語寫一篇大約80字的關於學習英有什麼樂趣的作文

Recently, I had a discussiion with my classmates about how to learn English well.
Most of us agree that excercisement is the most important method, but I think we should learn English by a cute way instead of a hard one, so that we can learn it well quickly.
To sum up from my own experience, phonetic symbol(音標) the most thing that English learner should master of, for which is the thing that we can recite new words quickly by. As for the hearing and speaking, we can improve them by listening English tapes whtever it talks about ring cleaning or some sports.
The most stupid mothod is reading the same word again and again,it's useless and a wasting of time! English learning need to accumulate a lot and to understand a lot, but not to recite a lot.
In the other word, when you learn Chinese years ago, you needn't recite lots of words on purpose, but the fact is you know and be able to use many of them grally ring talking with other .

㈣ 求120字的關於學英語的樂趣的英語作文,幫幫忙啊!!!要寫的好的

你把郵箱發過來 寫完傳到你郵箱去

㈤ 學英語的樂趣 作文

認識英語學習的意義,培養對學習英語的積極態度,下決心努力學好英語。 2.善於發現學習中的樂趣,培養並保持學習的興趣,激勵自己努力學好英語。 3.研究自己的個性特點,找出有利於自己英語學習之處和阻礙自己進步之處,從而發揮自己的優勢,採取相應的措施克服弱點。 4.樹立學好英語的信心。 5.有意識地訓練自己的英語學習毅力。 6.在英語學習中克服害羞和焦慮的心情。 7.在學習和使用英語時不怕犯錯誤。 8.英語學習有進步時,給自己適當的獎勵並總結學習成功的經驗;當學習效果不理想時反思效果欠佳的原因,並鼓勵自己千萬不能泄氣。 9.對自己的英語學習有明確的要求和目標。 10.為了使自己有足夠的時間學習英語,很好地安排自己的學習日程。 11.善於創造和把握學習英語的機會。 12.積極參與課內外各種英語學習活動。 13.英語學習中遇到困難時知道如何尋求幫助。 14.准確評價自己英語學習的情況,從而找出薄弱環節和改進的措施。 15.課前預習教師要講的內容,發現疑難,有可能的話,先查閱詞典及有關資料,然後帶著問題聽教師講課。 16.預習課文遇到生字時,首先猜其讀音,並試著從上下文中猜其意思,然後再查生詞表。 17.讀課文時,先通讀全篇課文,了解全文的概要,然後再理解每個句子的意思。 18.預習課文時,嘗試找出其中的英語習語、固定搭配和句型。 19.上課專心聽講,強化「有意識記」,盡量要求自己在課內記住課文或練習中的生詞、短語,以及重要的句型和句子。 20.在英語課上應主動爭取回答問題。 21.當教師叫其他人回答問題時,自己在心裡默答,再與正確答案相比較。 22.上課時,要記好筆記,當天晚上要瀏覽和整理筆記。 23.學習中要善於藉助視覺提示等非語言信息。 24.注意觀察、分析和歸納,主動發現語言規律。 25.主動提問,以便弄清或證實英語學習中的問題。 26.留心自己的英語錯誤,並備有專門記錄和糾正錯誤的復習本。 27.藉助聯想把有關知識聯系起來。 28.使用工具書(如詞典等)查找信息。 29.通過圖書館和網路等資源獲取信息。 30.對所獲得的信息進行有效分類和儲存。 31.採用強化、分散、集中、新舊知識聯系、綜合和歸類等科學方法及時和經常地復習英語。 32.課外閱讀適合自己英語水平的材料,用以擴大閱讀量。精、泛讀量之比至少為1:3。 33.泛讀英語時,大膽地邊猜邊讀,不必每個生詞都查詞典。 34.閱讀時克服回視、復視、唇讀、喉讀和心讀等不良習慣。運用眼腦直映和擴大視距的方法,掌握快速閱讀技巧。 35.運用略讀(skim)和掃讀(glance)等方法,快速掌握文章大意。 36.運用審讀(scan)和跳讀(skip)等技能,快速尋找所需的信息。 37.課外與同學一起練習英語。 38.課外採用「內心獨白或對白」的方法,自己對自己講英語。 39.為了提高聽力理解能力,課外主動聽各種適合自己水平的英語錄音。 40.聽英語錄音材料時,爭取聽懂每一句話的意思。 41.聽英語時如碰到生詞,可跳過生詞繼續聽下去,力爭聽懂大意。 42.為了改進自己的語音語調,反復聽錄音磁帶,並模仿純正的英音或美音。 先學音標吧,音標是基礎。買本日常單詞的英語書,其實人教版的初中的教材就不錯,那裡面好多是基礎的,單詞也簡單,多數都是日常用語,至於語法嘛,熟記常用的八個時態就行,太多也用不上,還有多記短語。買個MP3,全存英文歌曲,無論在哪只要有時間就聽,看國外的電影看帶字幕的英文原聲的,這兩條能培養語感。等到自己感覺有了好多進步了,就多看看英語新聞,中央九就行,那裡面的好多播音員都是中國人,說的英語沒有英美人士那麼快,什麼失爆連讀吞咽也很少,作為初級練習聽力的東西真的很不錯。還有最重要的是模仿,還要敢開口,不怕說錯。還有,買本薄點的英文小說,試著自己查詞典翻譯句子,一本書下來可能會有長足的進步呢。總之要是真想學就把自己身邊的環境都試著弄成英語的。讓自己像「洗澡」一樣泡在英語環境中,無論是培養語感還是聽力還是發音都很有用。而且學起來絕對不會累著

㈥ 學習英語的好處 作文

Learning English Is Full of Fun

I love learning English, because English is the most widely spoken language in the world.It is used by many countries all over the world.


If you want to find a nice job, you need to be good at English.If you don't know many keywords and dialogues in English, you'll have to spend a lot of time looking them up in an English dictionary.So, we must try harder to learn English.


Now, I'll become a junior high student. I'll try to read magazine zrticles in English every day.In fact, learning English is full of fun.It's quite like learning Chinese. Just open your mouth and say something in English.All in all, it's interesting for everyone to learn English.


㈦ 《學習方法》的英語作文帶翻譯







㈧ 學習英語的樂趣,英文作文200字

Recently, I had a discussiion with my classmates about how to learn English well.
Most of us agree that excercisement is the most important method, but I think we should learn English by a cute way instead of a hard one, so that we can learn it well quickly.
To sum up from my own experience, phonetic symbol(音標)is the most thing that English learner should master of, for which is the thing that we can recite new words quickly by. As for the hearing and speaking, we can improve them by listening English tapes whtever it talks about ring cleaning or some sports.
The most stupid mothod is reading the same word again and again,it's useless and a wasting of time! English learning need to accumulate a lot and to understand a lot, but not to recite a lot.
In the other word, when you learn Chinese years ago, you needn't recite lots of words on purpose, but the fact is you know and be able to use many of them grally ring talking with other .

About study and how to study
If you want to improve your study , should have a high efficiency,then,i will gave you some advice。
If you want to have it,you should how to treat the study,play and rest。i think We shouldn『t play all day like a bad boy,we can't study all day just like a bookworm,to be honest,it's so boring for many people to study,so we can't always study,wewillbemad,we must have a rest and play for fun,on the other hand,rest is good for our health,we shouln't ignore it,believe me,just do it,you will be successful。i used to studying in this way。
To sum up,just do with me。

㈨ 關於學習的英語作文




English is more important now. But it is difficult for many students to study it. Now I make some suggestion, maybe can help you. First, you should take notes and take them here and there. When you』re free, you can take them out and read it. Next, you should read

English loudly. Many students know many grammars, but talking with others is hard. So reading is very important. It can make progress

in your talking and listening, and it can also make you get excited, let you have a nice day. Then, talk with people in English; it』s interesting and very used. Finally, most importantly, try your best to learn English. No pains, no gains. I hope you can improve your English. Good luck!





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