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發布時間:2020-12-31 22:52:06

Ⅰ 您對選秀節目的看法(利與弊)


英語作文 正確的方式來看待選秀節目

tvhas been one medium of communication that has connected millions. and it is this link(連接) that makes talent hunt shows on the tube amazingly(驚訝的) influential(影響). young faces conveying disappointment(失望) or even overwhelming(勢不可檔的) joy have become a common sight on as many channels as your remote allows you to surf. the advantages of the shows(秀) are clear to some people. for one thing, in terms of business(以商業角度來說), the increasing popularity(人氣) of talent(才能) shows has helped the channels in generating huge income(收入) by way of advertising and promotions. as a result, more and more brands... personally(我覺得)表示個人觀點, i side with the former opinion. it is a wonderful feeling and a great way to relax(放鬆) for me to watch talent shows(才藝展示) and see ordinary(普通) people like myself become famous and win cash prizes. as long as talent shows are entertaining(進取心) and inspiring(激勵感染) us, there is great sense in keeping and encouraging(鼓舞)

Ⅲ 寫一篇英語作文,談談你對現在綜藝節目的看法

Nowadays, TV shows are very popular. TV programs like Super Girls and Dreams in China have attracted thousands of people to participate, and many more wait to watch them when they are on show. Why are so many people interested in such programs? Advocates say that these programs provide excellent opportunities for young people to express themselves and to show their speciality. They help improve young people's self-confidence and can add to their courage. However, some people criticize these programs, arguing that they are not only a waste of energy, money and time, but also a revelation of social vanity. From my point of view, we need not be too critical about such TV programs. If they can bring happiness to those participants as well as to the audience, they are justifiably entitled to prosper.


Ⅳ 您對選秀節目的看法(利與弊)


Ⅳ 談談對選秀節目的看法


Ⅵ 關於電視選秀節目人們有不同的看法.的翻譯是:什麼

People have different views on TV shows

Ⅶ 急求:談談你對選秀節目的看法


Ⅷ 關於選秀節目有什麼看法的作文

我只喜歡看極個別個選秀節目,因為大多數的選秀節目慘不忍睹,辦得太不像話了,不堪入目,只因跟隨潮流才辦的,所以,我喜歡看的只有xxx衛視辦的《加油好男兒》。這裡面的點點滴滴才是能讓我學習到,感受到的。 兄弟情,是好男兒必備的條件,兄弟走了,帶著兄弟的夢想前進。是的,這才是我們想要的,而不是假惺惺的掉幾滴眼淚,心裡早樂得像招財貓似的。
當然選秀節目並不是公正的,很有可能有作假的行為,所以,不要因此而誤了你的學習。中國的選秀節目還處於開始階段,相信過不了多久,中國會有像《xx偶像》那樣的好的選秀節目,還會有像Dinner Ubinner 一樣,有前途的歌手!

Ⅸ 選秀節目越來越火,原因,看法影響英語作文

There are more and more draft shows nowadays,they are only TV real person show from abroad,we cannot negate the entertainment influence on people but show understanding of the media popular and the TV speculation for their audience rating,they are only social scence with the developing of the culture.Everybody can acheive a goal of becoming a famous star,it's a good platform for common people to be famous since you have the talent,no matter it's singing、dancing、acting or other artistic talent.你如果對社會有點認識的話應該知道這是什麼原因的。為什麼這原因和影響還要我替你想?

Ⅹ 您對選秀節目的看法(利與弊)




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