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1. 英文版古爾邦節的介紹

Korban , in Judaism, is the term for a variety of sacrificial offerings described and commanded in the Torah. Such sacrifices were offered in a variety of settings by the ancient Israelites, and later by the Jewish priesthood, the Kohanim, at the Temple in Jerusalem. A Korban was usually an animal sacrifice, such as a sheep or a bull that underwent shechita (Jewish ritual slaughter), and was often cooked and eaten by the offerer, with parts given to the Kohanim and parts burned on the Temple mizbe'ah (altar). Korbanot could also consist of turtle-doves, grain, incense, fruit, and a variety of other offerings.

The Torah narrates that God commanded the Jewish People to offer korbanot on various altars, and describes the offering of sacrifices in the Tabernacle and in the Temple in Jerusalem until the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 CE. The word Korban shares the Hebrew verb root(QRV), with the word for "nearness" or "close,"[citation needed], and suggesting the sacrifice was related to drawing closer to God, a meaning the standard English translations of "sacrifice" or "offering" do not fully convey.

The practice of sacrifice in Judaism mostly ended with the destruction of the Temple, although it was briefly reinstated ring the Jewish-Roman Wars of the 2nd Century CE and was continued in certain communities thereafter.The rise of Rabbinic Judaism promulgated an alternative form of Judaism that allowed observance of Jewish law without animal sacrifice. However, the practice and nature of Korbanot continue to have relevance to Jewish theology and law, particularly in Orthodox Judaism.

2. 古爾邦節如何翻譯成英文謝謝大家!~


3. 介紹古爾邦節英語作文簡單的


4. 介紹古爾邦節英語作文


5. 沙特古爾邦節英語祝福

1、May the light of Islam always illuminate your future. May the chants of Medina always pray for your safety. May Allah's peace be with you and your family day and night. I wish you and your family a happy Gurban.


2、Greet you with the honorable Sailiang, and bless you with the auspicious Eid al-Adha. May the light of Islam always illuminate your future. May the peace of Allah be with you day and night. I wish you and your family the Feast of Al-Adha Happy happiness and well-being.


3、What quietly descends for you is Jiqing, what quietly releases you is warmth, what quietly wishes you is Selan, what I look forward to you deeply is success, and send my most sincere blessings-Happy Gurbang.


4、May the light of Islam always illuminate your future, may the chants of Medina always pray for your safety, and may the peace of Allah be with you and your family day and night, and wish you and your family a happy Gurban festival!


5、Praise Allah when happy, pray to Allah in times of difficulty, thank Allah in times of peace, believe in Allah in times of pain, and rely on Allah in times of crisis. We must always remember Allah and may Allah protect us from all success.


6. 古爾邦節是哪一個宗教的節日英文翻譯

古爾邦節(拉丁文 Eid Adha),又稱宰牲節,爾德節。古爾邦節與開齋節(肉孜節)、內聖紀並列為伊斯蘭三大宗容教節日。
翻譯: Corban Festival

7. 伊斯蘭的古爾邦節要到了~ 求英文的古爾邦節日祝福語~

Happy Eid Day!
Eid mubarak!

Warmest Greetings for a Happy and Peaceful Eid!

8. 用英文介紹哈薩克族的古爾邦節

Eid al AdhA is Xinjiang Islamic minority of Uygur, Kazak, Hui, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Tatar and Uzbek Buick grand traditional festival.

"Guerbang" in Arabic called Gould. Guerbang, or Joe Gould Kazakhstan. The "child" is the meaning of the festival. "Guer Bang" and "Atsu ha" contain "sacrifice", "devotion to the mean, so generally the festival called" festival of sacrifice "or" Eid al AdhA. Is said to a long time ago, the ancestors of the Arab people in the north, the prophet Ibrahim, night dreams of Allah and by Allah revelation, he to valley slain his son to sacrifice to the God, to test his loyalty to Allah. When Ibrahim with his son to close the valley, was about to put the son of Iraq killing our Mayi, Allah see Ibrahim on his reverence and awe, sent an angel sent a sheep, instead of the Iranian our Mayi sacrifice This is the origin of the Eid al adha. This day every year, the people of Arabia is based on this legend regularly Zaiyang sacrifice, Xiangyan into. After the founding of Islam, admitted that the prophet Ibrahim as patriarch, and the Islamic calendar December 10th set for the Eid al AdhA. Our calendar with the Islamic calendar each year for 11 days on the poor, so the annual calendar date is not fixed Eid al adha. According to the traditional custom, the Muslims in holiday early in the morning bath change clothes, to the mosque to do prayer, chanting, grave, cherish the memory of their ancestors.


「古爾邦」在阿拉伯語中稱作爾德.古爾邦,或稱為爾德.阿祖哈。「爾德」是節日的意思。「古爾邦」和「阿祖哈」都含有「犧牲」、「獻身」的意思,所以一般把這個節日叫「犧牲節」或「宰牲節」。據說,很久以前,阿拉伯北部人民的祖先、先知易卜拉欣,夜裡夢見安拉,並受到安拉的啟示,要他到山谷宰掉自己的兒子為安拉獻祭,以考驗他對安拉的忠誠。當易卜拉欣帶著自己的兒子到了密那山谷,正要把兒子伊司瑪義殺死時,安拉看到了易卜拉欣對他的虔誠和敬畏,派天使送下一隻羊,代替了伊司瑪義的犧牲。這就是宰牲節的來歷。以後每年的這一天,阿拉伯人民便根據這一傳說定期宰羊獻祭,相沿成俗。伊斯蘭教成立後,承認先知易卜拉欣為聖祖,並把伊斯蘭教歷的十二月十日定為古爾邦節。我國的公歷與伊斯蘭教歷每年有 11天的日差,故每年古爾邦節的公歷日期不固定。 按照傳統的規矩,穆斯林們在節日這天清晨沐浴更衣,到清真寺做禮拜、誦經、上墳、緬懷先人。

9. 古爾邦節用英文怎麼說

[詞典] [伊斯蘭]Eid Al-Adha


Muslims here and around the world began celebrating Eid al-Adha, or the Feast of theSacrifice.

10. 英語翻譯這句話"古爾邦節是伊斯蘭教的重要節日,是穆斯林們的新年,類似於春節。"

首先要注意一些詞彙的翻譯,例如古爾邦節,英譯為「Gulben Festival」,有一些版app會翻譯成「The Eid al-Adha festival」,容權易混淆大家,還有伊斯蘭教,英譯為「Islam」,穆斯林,英譯為「Muslim「。
然後知道了詞彙以後,要注意一下詞的形態,名詞的單復數,形容詞,動詞,其次是語法。結合以上後,該句可以翻譯為」The Gulben Festival is an important festival of Islam, a new year for Muslims, similar to the Spring Festival.「望採納!



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