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⑴ 我想對父母說的話為題寫一篇英語作文

爸爸媽媽我想對你說爸爸,媽媽,在此我先對你們說一聲謝謝!為的是感謝你們的養育之恩,我還要道一聲,你們辛苦了,為的是感謝你們為了我奔波勞累。爸爸媽媽,你們視我為明珠,把我捧在手上,不敢太用力地握,怕捏碎;又不敢握太松,又怕掉落地上。就這樣,我在你們的呵護下健康歡樂的成長。爸爸,我想對您說聲謝謝!因為您每次在我受挫折時,鼓勵我告訴我「失敗乃成功之母」,不要泄氣,繼續努力總有一天會成功。這句話鼓勵著我,這股勇氣竄到了我身上。媽媽,同樣,我也想對您說聲謝謝!因為是您給了我無微不至的愛——在我難過的時候,安慰我;在我無聊的時候,陪我聊天……爸爸,我想對您說聲我懂了!我懂得您平時教育我,批評我是為了讓我能成才就好像園丁只有不停地給花兒澆水,種子才可以慢慢長大,變成嬌艷的花朵。媽媽,我也想對您說聲我懂了!我知道您教我做人的道理,不為別的,只想讓我成為一個好人,就像紅燭只是想照亮別人出發點,就這么的單純。爸爸,我想對您說聲對不起!因為我平時的倔強,不聽話讓,貪玩,讓您*了很多心。頭上但是,「吃一塹,長一智」,我會改的。媽媽,我真的想對您說聲對不起!因為我有時會誤解,您付出了汗水,可是,現在我已不是那無知的小小孩,從此我會將心比心,來體諒您。爸爸,我想對您說聲放心!因為我不會辜負您在我身上無形的「投資」,所以,我會努力取得更多的第一,不停的往前沖去,直到永遠。媽媽,我只想對您說聲放心吧!因為我會勇敢面對所有的困難,還有挫折。不斷的把腳步往前邁,直到那看不見的終點。爸爸媽媽,雖然我不會永遠的得到第一,但是我知道我是你們的唯一。雖然你們普普通通,但你們的愛是獨一無二的,是別人給不了我的。雖然我有時候不理解你們,但是我會努力的控制。爸爸媽媽是你們愛的到來讓我的生活陡然增色,是你們的愛讓我體驗了無私的母愛和父愛,是你們的鼓勵讓我更加充滿自信,是你燦爛的笑臉讓我的生活永遠充滿陽光。爸爸媽媽,是你們的愛點亮了我的生命之燈,是你們的愛洗靜了我心靈的塵埃,是你們的愛讓我發現世間那麼的美好,是你們的教育讓我懂得忍耐的重要。爸爸媽媽,你們曾經希望為我創造一片永遠晴朗的天空,曾經希望我能永遠遠離醜陋,可是隨著我一天天的長大,讓你們漸漸明白我屬於我自己,要有自己的思想,自己的自由。雖然你們心中藏著無限的牽掛,但是你們不可能永遠為我遮風擋雨,我必須獨自面對生活中的種種現實,雖然我們不得不面對死亡,我對你們的愛是永遠不變的!爸爸媽媽,你們總是教育握有時候財富不是最重要的,有時候知識不是最重要的,有時候才能不是最重要的,如果我沒有理想,我的生活將是一片黑暗。但是爸爸媽媽如果沒有你們的關愛,我的人生將是一種孤獨。如果我沒有發自內心的快樂,一切都將是枉然。你們忙於工作,有時甚至忽略了對我們的關愛。爸爸媽媽,你們成功的時候不自負,你行他也行,失敗的時候不氣餒,每一個人都是獨一無二的話,一直埋藏在我的心田,你們的愛將永遠與我同行爸爸,媽媽,在此我先對你們說一聲謝謝!為的是感謝你們的養育之恩,我還要道一聲,你們辛苦了,為的是感謝你們為了我奔波勞累。但是,我還是有一些發自內心的話語,想借這個機會一吐為快。爸爸媽媽,在平時,你們總是十分注重我的學習成績,我同意這個觀點,但你們也不能忽略了我的生活能力方面啊!雖說在學習上我有些優勢,可在生活上,自理的能力我與其他同學就差遠了。就拿年初五我想包水餃的事來說吧!我想跟你們學一學如何包水餃,可是你們卻讓我去看電視,弄的現在同學們都會做的事,可我十幾歲了才有了點眉目。爸爸媽媽,我不希望失去鍛煉的機會 ,我想告訴你們,我已不是那個喜歡撒嬌的小孩子了,女兒長大了,她需要的是自理能力。爸爸媽媽,你們是否看過《哈佛女生劉亦婷》這本書?她之所以能成功,就在於她的父母不但教給了她知識,也教會了她自理能力和安全知識。既然每個父母都希望自已的兒女成為一個偉人,那就不要吝嗇教給自已孩子生活的能力,讓我們多做一些家務沒壞處。爸爸媽媽,女兒並不是責怪你們不教我如何勞動,而是希望你們改一下心中的教育准則,希望你們像注重學習那樣注重我的能力,好嗎?爸爸媽媽,我真的很渴望成為一名學習好,勞動也行的學生「健將」,也希望成為一個可以自由做主的快樂生活快樂勞動的人。我請求爸爸媽媽不要將女兒的事全攬過去,自已的事,我能做主。請求父母給我一個自由伸展的空間吧!

⑵ 要一篇想對媽媽說的英語作文

I said to his mother

Mom, I want to say to you when I was sick, who is at my side watching me, my mother; around me who support me, but also my mother when I encounter difficulties; When I'm sad, Who is on my side to comfort me are my mother. Each time, is the mother give me endless love around me. I really want to say: "Thank you, my dear mother a kid, I was a very naughty child to his mother got him into a lot of trouble on my dear mother, and her mother always wordlessly for me stays under all this trouble, even at that time, she has not the slightest complaint that day, I climbed the people just built shed, just grocery shopping mothers returning met and saw little I climbed so high (probably two tables stacked), hastily calling me down I waved to her mother, to indicate that I did not matter, but to a center of gravity of the trouble, the results of the whole people "fly" down. before in a coma I saw the mother in tears holding me, and then they lose consciousness. dim, I vaguely heard the voice of the mother, she is called I quickly woke it! So I opened my eyes and found that the original has the body at the ward, "Ah! Hurts Oh! "I subconsciously called out, obviously, my forehead a few stitches.
Huh? The mother was asleep in his chair. I was going to rely on the past to look at, but their mother opened her eyes. Scared the daylights out of me, my mother turned bright eyes are bloodshot, glossy black hair actually add a lot of white color, the people seem thin circle, "Well! Finally woke up, hungry? "until the mother concern the sound from the ears, shame, guilt psychological prompted my nose could not help but acid that tears like a broken string of beads in general, continue to fall down. See me such a look, my mother thought I also worried that asked: "how? Is not uncomfortable where ah?" I shook my head, clinging to her mother, broke down in tears, shouted: "Mom, I'm fine. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! "At that time, my mother what did not say anything, just smiled, seemed to contain what rhyme intended.
Mother ah! As a daughter, I still can not do for you what happened, only deeply to tell you loudly: "Thank you, my good mother.
媽媽,我想對你說 當我生病時,是誰在我身邊守著我,是我的媽媽;當我遇到困難時,是誰在我身邊支持我,也是媽媽;當我傷心難過時,又是誰在我身邊安慰我,都是媽媽。每一次,都是媽媽在我身邊給予我無盡的愛。我真想對我那親愛的媽媽說一聲:「感謝你,我親愛的媽媽。 小時侯,我是個極之調皮的小孩,給了媽媽惹了不少麻煩,而媽媽總是無言地替我撐下這一切的麻煩。甚至連那一次,她也沒有絲毫怨言。那天,我爬上了人家剛建好的工棚,正好讓買菜歸來的媽媽碰見了,看見小小的我爬到那麼高(大概兩張桌子疊起來),便急忙地喊我下來。我向媽媽擺擺手,示意我並沒事,卻來了一個重心不穩的麻煩,結果整個人都「飛」了下去。 在昏迷前,我看見媽媽淚流滿面的抱著我,接著就失去知覺了。 在朦朧中,我隱約聽見媽媽的聲音,她正叫我趕快醒來呢!於是,我睜開了雙眼,發現原來已經身處病房了,「哎呀!好痛哦!」我下意識地叫出來,很明顯地,我的額頭被縫了幾針。

⑶ 英語作文帶翻譯我的媽媽我想對你說初中

Thank you for your mother take care of these twelve years,ten years you are like a day care of me,never say hard.Your love for me,is the most selfless love.This love,just selfless dedication,not seeking anything in return.This is your mother's love for me - the great "Mother Love."
In fact,your special love beautiful mother,but your hands a little rough,but can not hear you complain loudly.Because you want to help me do the laundry every day,wash boxes,even mopping the floor,cooking.Mess room,my mother's hand for a consolidation to become spotless.So my mother that smooth hand,has become a bit rough.
You usually do not like nagging mother,can I have your love are always whining,and sometimes,you nagging me a few words,I will talk back with you,because your words annoying,saying again and again,over and again,hear my ears heard came out of calluses.But once made me understand my mother's nagging is not nonsense,but love the Reminder.Day and as usual,sounded in my ear no longer familiar with the familiar "Melody","Yang Yang Do not forget to bring something,scarf,badge,lunch boxes,school should pay attention in class,do not do petty desert ."I am impatient side should be the side to go to school,go to school to pay the exam,I can not find how exam,and I scanned the entire bag,or not found,anxious I was sweating profusely.Know when finishing school bags,forgotten at home.Pay no papers,will be punished by the teacher,and I fear vexation,when I really regret not heard my mother say.Just as I was worried when the window was a familiar figure there,my mother took my papers out of breath,"Boy,or forget it!" Mom touched my head.When I recovered,only to see the back of your left quietly,you are rushing to work it,provoked warmth within my heart,silently say,my mother I will remember your words.
With your mother I'm fortunate!You always have to look at me,sleep good,there is no quilt cover,turn off the lights there.As long as I have time,you are always willing to accompany me to read a book,exercise exercise,also play with the seesaw.
Mom,I want to tell you:"Thank you,dear mother,I will always love you,as you love me!You sometimes just too tired,so I am not only annoying,you pain,some things I will try to finish,sometimes I talk back to you,you do not furious,it will affect the beauty of your youth!Mom,I love you!"
Good health and always young.
上面是英文的 現在解釋中文給你聽

⑷ 九年級英語作文《想對媽媽說的話》

I know I'm not a good boy,I also know that I'm not particularly clever,learn bad,mom and often quarrel,bad-tempered.
But today,I became so,you also have the responsibility is not?You always make me a person at home,I study hard to say,but when you two talk at whatever I have.
Have a lot of a lot of,can also don't want to say.
I just want to ask if I was a fool,so my fate,I live,should not,isn't it?If I was a fool,now I think I would not here,I was in the orphanage or other places.
You said height is short,too long blain blain maimed said I ugly,occasionally response is slow,I would say,how stupid I was born complained that a fool,sometimes with you,he said "no ambition,if you are ambitious,and no,and love"....
Man is not self-esteem dignity?Do you know these things hurt?If it is more than others,I don't care,but you are my...
If I was a fool,you still want me?Or abandon me?I know people are false but,if can have been false to the old.I hope...We can all...
People say,parents is the greatest,but that was just indivial,but some story makes us feel they're great,like the teachers are very good,it is often appear in the story of the role,reality and counting finger out?People always is arbitrary,has always been something blind,or heart.
Ears,but seeing is believing,but sometimes eyes see also false,ask,what is true?Really?What meaning?See also hear is empty,empty,heart sounds.Is it true?Who is not certain.

⑸ 媽媽 我想對你說 英語作文








⑹ 寫一個「媽媽我想對你說」為題的英語作文,60詞左右,表達對媽媽的感恩


⑺ 《對父母想說的話》60字英語作文

Dear mom and dad, you are good! Today I will open up to you to tell me about the truth!

Father I say to you: \"you is really too hard, all day immersed in a busy, only night rest for your entertainment. You must be very hard outside! But why don't you say it? You must be put all the burden of carrying on their shoulders. You've been good to me and my sister, what we want, what you buy, never willing to give up, not only will say 'good good study, don't ask, don't tube.\" dad, you really too hard.\" Do you have a bitter say it out! You have a bit I'm not too understand, dad, why don't you let me and some result is not very good or not listening in class the classmate to play? Because they will bring me bad, make me astray? Because they learn bad? Because I play with their learning will fall? Or because other? I hope you can listen to my opinion, I have grown up, I will have their own views and judgment ability, if they made a mistake I will help them, let them to change.

Mom I want to say to you: \"every day you don't light up for my sister and I are fresh and delicious breakfast, sacrifice, for housework at ordinary times you busy all day to busy, no time to rest, even also seldom go to bed early at night. Because there are some clothes stain, and can't use washing machine, you can hand wash. Mom, you too hard.\" One thing I hope you can change, you are very pay attention to my study, does well, you will be praised me; If you have two consecutive failed to got your ideal result, you will not happy. You always say: \"what's the use of the third! To and higher than people. To the top\". Mother you said yes, but I hope you when I didn't test good, help me find the mistakes, I all right in a timely manner to correct.

Mom and dad, you for my sister and I work all day, I will remember. I and my sister will be a good boy!


⑻ 英語作文對媽媽想說的話信紙格式作文

Dear mom,
You are the greatest woman in this world. You bring me life and grow me up. When I am in trouble, you solve them for me. When I am ill, you take care of me all the day. When I fail the exam, you encourage me to work hard. So, mom, I want to say thank you for you. I will be better!
Your son

⑼ 英語作文媽媽,我想對你說不少於100個單詞

om, I want to say to you
Mom, a how warm words, and I have ignored the meaning of it. My mother was I to raise me, how much difficulty, and I sometimes but to mother pushed around! Mom, in here, I want to say to you a: sorry!
There is a love for life, and that is a mother's love nothing back, there is a man or woman is worth your whole life to love, it is the mother. On May 11,, mother's day is approaching, as mother's day in May to the month, let the children as we express to mother the deepest love and affection for the Thanksgiving, let already new mother expresses the mother as a man the ups and downs of pathos, sharing the joy of the festival.
Since I was born to now, a moment also can not get away from mother's care. I fell asleep, a little hot, quilt kicked open, mother will again quilt cover to my body; I was ill, my mother has been by my side in the care I......
As time goes by, I have is the new moon of the students, has to make their own it yourself, in the past I very naughty ignorance. The mother was I don't know how much, always in my difficult to pull me a hand, accompanying me to the road of victory, the mother is like a little orange lamp light, leads me to my light, mother I want to say to you: "you are working hard, you've given me many, many is meticulous care, mom and I love you, you are my best who cannot replace the mother."

⑽ 媽媽,我想對你說的的英語作文80詞

long long ago a man and a woman fall in love .and then ,they married and have a baby .We call this to "family"
You know what is the "family"?It means "father and mother I love you "
Yes !Father and mother ,I want to say "I love you "
Because you give me life ,give me warm and give me happiness .
I always think that ,if i am lonely in the world .
What can make me smile How can I grow up healthily
And most important thing is who will tell me right and wrong
No,there is no one i can remember but you .I dont know how to express my emotion to you .
There is only I can say :"father and mother ,i love you "!
famliy 這個詞 是 father and mother i love you 這句話的第一字母組成,所以家庭的意思是 爸爸媽媽我愛你)
那麼什麼才能讓我歡笑,我怎樣健康的成長,最重要的是 誰來告訴我什麼是對什麼是錯?



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