㈠ 貪污,腐敗 用英語分別怎麼說
貪污:抄corruption, graft, malversation
腐敗: corruption, putrefaction。/另:damp off(潮濕而腐敗), decay(動植物的腐敗), gangrene(壞疽), ulcerate(潰爛,生惡瘡)/
bribe指 「向…行賄,買通」
㈡ 腐敗的英語翻譯 腐敗用英語怎麼說
corrupt 英[kəˈrʌpt] 美[kəˈrʌpt]
adj. 墮落的,道德敗自壞的; 貪污的,腐敗的; 腐爛的; (文獻等) 錯誤百出的;
vt. 使腐敗; 使墮落; 使腐爛;
vi. 腐化; 墮落; 腐爛;
[例句]He had accused three opposition members of corrupt practices.
㈢ 急求一篇關於腐敗的英文文章
㈣ 腐敗的英文,腐敗的翻譯,怎麼用英語翻譯腐敗,腐敗用
corruption /kəˈrʌpʃən/
不可數名詞 Corruption is dishonesty and illegal behaviour by people in positions of authority or power. 腐敗
The president faces 54 charges of corruption and tax evasion.
㈤ 怎樣根除商業腐敗英文論文
㈥ 路橋建設腐敗英語作文
㈦ 關於反腐倡廉的英語作文80詞帶翻譯
英語作文-反腐敗 Anti》Corruption (反腐敗) Campaign Corruption cases are frequently reported by news media. For example, some high ranking officials help themselves to state fund (公款) illegally. For another example, some leaders abuse power (濫用權力). What』s more, malpractice(玩忽職守,瀆職), bribery (賄賂) and other corrupt behaviour do much harm. As a result, the healthy development of the economy is seriously affected. As China continues its reforms and opens wider to the outside world, anti corruption is a question of priorities. Our government has realized the seriousness of corruption problems. Corruption presents a dreadful threat to state interests. Corruption cases seriously damage efforts to build a clean and honest government, undoubtedly dampen(潑冷水,挫傷) people』s enthusiasm(熱情) and heavily affect stability(穩定). In the future, to cement (鞏固) the fruits that reform has borne, an even greater effort is needed in the battle against corrupt behaviour. Governments at all levels should take more effective measures to combat corruption. Laws already in effect must be strictly enforced (執行). The implementation (實施) of anti corruption programs should target every part of China. Anti corruption agencies should intensify crackdown (增強打擊力度) on bribery, attach greater importance to the anti corruption campaign. 範文分析 全文句子長度不一,讀起來給人以跌盪起伏的感覺。如果本文僅有短句和簡單句,段落會顯得平淡無奇;如果僅有長句和復雜句,文章則曲折難解。作者恰如其分地合理選用多種句型,使全文中心內容突出,重點得以強調,增強了本篇議論文的感染力。
㈧ 金錢的腐敗英語作文
.,suchasfriendsp,love,andfamily,andsoon.'shearts.Apeopleonlycarethemoney,wcsverysorrowful.Graally,.Andlast,hewillbecomelonely..However,..Afirendinneedisafriendindeed..Anyway,''tbuyatrueheart..Sodon'tliveonlyformoney.金對於我們來說是非常重要的,但它並不是我們生命中最重要的東西.許多東西都比金重要,例如友情,愛情和家庭等等.我們可以用去買很多東西但買不到人們的心.一個人只在乎他的,這是十分悲哀的.逐漸地,他會失去所有比金重要的東西.最後,他會變得孤獨.有時侯,可以讓許多人聚在一起來、和你做朋友。然而,你必須知道他們也許並不是你真正的朋友,他們再想要你的。一個真正的朋友從來不會介意他的朋友是貧窮的還是富裕的。患難見真情。擁有一些真心的朋友才是真正的幸福。總之,金可以解決很多問題,但它就是不能帶給你幸福,因為它不能買一顆真心。哦 順便一提 我現在學的ABC天卞英語的導師說過,事實上想將英語學好是輕松的..必然需要個符合的研習空間與練習口語對象,這取決於外教資質,口語純正非常重要,堅決經常口語溝通 1 on 1個性化學習才能夠有.好.的學習效果 課後還要回放復習錄音文檔,把所學知識融會貫通 然後要是真的沒人幫忙的話 就上可可或滬江拿到課余學習材料練習 多說、多練、多問、多聽、多讀,迅速的語境會進步許多 整體效果會非常最佳的!請記著:這個世上有些東西是無介的。所以不要只為金而生活!
㈨ 求阿克頓(Lord Acton) 英語原文:權力導致腐敗,絕對權力導致絕對的腐敗
阿克頓原話出自下面這段信(Dalberg-Acton, John Emerich Edward (1949), Essays on Freedom and Power, Boston: Beacon Press, p. 364):
"I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption, it is the other way, against the holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or certainty of corruption by full authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it."
Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
㈩ 急求關於貪污腐敗的英文作文
界上最靈異的七件事 1 夜裡2點32分點蠟燭的人會看到18世紀慘死的巫婆 2 如果指甲塗一層黑色一層白色一層紅色還完好無損,就會有人向你表白 3 夜裡4點38分削蘋果如果蘋果皮斷了,96小時後莫名其妙死亡 4 0點照鏡子不僅看到自己的前生還會看到自己是怎樣死的 5 夜裡穿黑衣不梳頭發的女孩沒有影子 6 將此貼轉向5個以上的論壇不會魔鬼纏身且能實現一個願望 7 不會貼的人會遭英國幽靈的