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⑴ 英國餐桌禮儀(中英文)















⑵ 寫一篇關於《英國餐桌禮儀》的英語作文

If you are a guest to be invited to someone's home, we should test some of this tiger. For example, the time has come to hosts who looked at what? Decent, if not to talk about things, just a social gathering early to be impolite. The hostess is doing to prepare, she has not completely ready you up, make her feel very embarrassed. As late as 10 minutes the best. As late as half an hour becomes too late, and need to apologize to the owner.

⑶ 英國禮儀資料(中英文)

請告訴我要如何食用這道菜? bcL{7
Could you tell me how to eat this? e+-
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 P\,6zm
請把鹽(楜椒)傳給我。 8U6
Could you pass me the salt(pepper)? sKQ
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 y
請給我一杯水。 Y
I'd like a glass of water, please. b%Xn,
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 5
請給我一瓶礦泉水。 B0iJ
May I have a bottle of mineral water?Tn$]
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 OGa
請給我不含碳酸的礦泉水。 P!}ysf
Uncarbonated mineral water, please. yOG
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 x@1
請再給我一些麵包。 l[
May I have some more bread, please. O
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 j\f\=o
請給我一些甜點。 fO
I'd like a dessert, please. uy5$
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 SVH
甜點有那幾種? dZ
What do you have for dessert? ~-
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 i
可以給我一些芝士嗎? s.
May I have some cheese? 5~
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 ^obR
這是什麼口味的芝士? \Tq
What kind of cheese is this? fKW3C!
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 hD,)
可以給我一點這個嗎? 8
May I have just a little of it? d
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 V>1!Qy
可不可以不要甜點改要水果? dL3A
Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert? *3P
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 5\0|Z
有咖啡做為附餐嗎? JZ
Is coffee included in this meal? GQ
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 p78
可以抽煙嗎? t[P;!!
May I smoke? >D-%-V
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 >
我點的食物還沒來。 P7}Z[z
My order hasn't come yet. *
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 >pd!
這不是我點的食物。 L
This is not what I ordered. vk@e!W
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 7M#=#
麻煩請結帳。 x#Mw
Check, please. G/S,
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 _
可以在這兒付帳嗎? .Mza
Can I pay here? $
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 QD:jL$
我們想要分開算帳。 U
We like to pay separately. z1 O"
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 Qy
帳單有一些錯誤。 ;J+
I think there is a mistake in the bill | =e
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 $H
Could you check it again? m2X^K2
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 ("h\3&
可以用這張信用卡付帳嗎? &mM)(
Can I pay with this credit card? E
&;食界論壇 -- 我們的食界論壇,互相交流的天地 b
請給我收據。 xdq
May I have the receipt, please.

⑷ 求一篇用英文介紹的英國習俗(700字左右)

British customs and traditions are famous all over the world. When people think of Britain they often think of people drinking tea, eating fish and chips and wearing bowler hats, but there is more to Britain than just those things. We have English and British traditions of sport, music, food and many royal occasions. There are also songs, sayings and superstitions. Britain is a tea-drinking nation. Every day we drink 165 million cups of the stuff and each year around 144 thousand tons of tea are imported. Tea in Britain is traditionally brewed in a warmed china teapot, adding one spoonful of tea per person and one for the pot. Most Britons like their tea strong and dark, but with a lot of milk. Fish and chips is the classic English take-away food and is the traditional national food of England. It became popular in the 1860's when railways began to bring fresh fish straight from the east coast to the our cities over night. A stereotype is "...a fixed, over generalised belief about a particular group or class of people.」 (Cardwell, 1996). In other words stereotyping is believing that people of a certain group, race or religion all have the same characteristics when they don't. Learning from the media and talking to older people, we pick up a lot of stereotypes about other nations. In every country there are plenty of stereotypes about residents, some maybe true but most of them are untrue and very wrongful.

⑸ 一篇寫英國餐桌禮儀的英語作文

Eating habits
As a nation we are becoming more aware of the food we and our children are eating. The recent campaign to improve school dinners by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has helped raise awareness of our fast food lifestyles.

Healthy eaters or just trendy?

Are there certain things that you do and don』 eat and why? With so many food programmes and books telling you what you should and shouldn』t eat to be healthy it』s hard to keep track. Some people are vegetarians for moral reasons, some don』t like the taste of meat and there are one or two people who do it because it』s trendy. Likewise, it can be trendy to follow the latest celebrity diet because it』s what the famous are doing.

Eating out

People are eating out more frequently now, not just on special occasions as in the past. The choice of restaurants has also diversified over the last few decades. Italian, Chinese and Indian restaurants have been around for years but have now been joined by Mongolian, Japanese, Mexican and Turkish amongst others. Bars and pubs are still popular for food and often promote English cuisine made with local proce. For the Queen』s recent 80th birthday celebrations, top UK chefs battled it out to create the Great British Menu to serve at a birthday banquet.

『We enjoy eating out a couple times and month whether with friends or just as a couple. We like trying new things so go to different restaurants.』 Craig, 25, County Durham.

Eating on the go

From chocolate bars to sandwiches and wraps more people are eating on the go - on the street, in cars or on buses and trains. While our parents and grandparents may frown at this behaviour, considering it to be bad manners, people eat on the go because they are rushing from one place to another. And in the home the number of people sitting down at a dining table for their evening meal is on the decrease as meal times become more informal.

『If I』m running late for work I don』t think twice about eating toast in the car or on the bus but I know my mum wouldn』t approve.』 Stacey, 24, Leeds.

Whilst we may be trying to eat more healthily it seems we still have some bad habits.

⑹ 英國禮儀(英文版)









⑺ 求關於英國紳士禮儀的英文介紹

general etiquette

One only needs to take a quick glance around to notice that there are very few true gentlemen remaining among us. In times past, a gentleman was much appreciated and being gentlemanly was a noble thing.

Alas, things have changed in today's society; some for the better and some for the worse. One thing that particularly irks me is the lack of good taste and etiquette most guys are guilty of at the turn of this new millennium.

I'm not saying that men should act like robots and be slaves to etiquette, but some basic good manners will go a long way in helping you ring your ascent to the top.

What I've done is compile a quick list of tips that will help turn even the most blundering fool into a proper gentleman. Follow these simple tips and I can assure you that people will perceive you as a man of good breeding and taste, hence a man they wish to associate and conct business with. Not to mention the fact that the ladies are always quite pleased to meet a real gentleman.
general etiquette
Always be polite
Even if you don't like someone, there is no need to lower yourself to their level. Be polite and courteous; show that you're the better man.

Do not curse
Swearing is a big no-no. It shows that you don't have the vocabulary to express your thoughts appropriately. Furthermore, it is always very crude and impolite to be vulgar.

Do not speak loudly
When you speak loudly, it raises the stress level among company. It always implies that you can't reason with people and rely on "brute force" to get your point across. It also draws attention -- negative attention.

Do not lose your temper
When you lose your temper, you are showing everyone that you can't control your emotions. If you can't even control yourself, then how can you possibly control anything else? Keep your cool at all times (it won't be easy but it is worth the effort) and people will take positive note of your levelheadedness.

Do not stare
Ogling someone is the equivalent of psychological aggression. You don't want to intimidate people for no reason.

Do not interrupt
Let people finish what they are saying before adding your comments. Interrupting others is a sign of poor etiquette and a lack of social skills. If you want to come across as egotistical, you can do so by constantly interrupting.

Do not spit
A lot of men do this almost subconsciously. Spitting is very crude and not too pretty to look at. Do not spit in public unless you want to look like you were raised in a sewer.

Respect your elders
In fact, you should respect others as you would like them to respect you. I am specifying elders because it seems that today, young men think they know it all. Well, they don't. Just think of yourself five years ago... you're much smarter and experienced today, aren't you? Of course, yet you thought you knew it all five years ago.

Do not laugh at others' mistakes
This is perhaps one of the cruelest things one can do. When you mess up, the last thing you want is for someone not only to bring it to your attention, but to ridicule you on top of that.

Remove your hat indoors
This rule seems to have gone out the window these days. You should remove your headwear upon entering a building. Furthermore, never keep your hat on while at the dinner table. It reflects very poor etiquette.

Wait for seating before eating
When sitting down for a meal, you should wait until all the guests are properly seated and ready to commence the meal before eating. Everyone should start dining at the same time; this is a subtle but very important rule.
the basics of chivalry
In addition to the aforementioned rules, gentlemen (in training) should follow these additional rules when in the presence of a lady. Chivalry may be on life support, but it is not dead yet. Be one of the few to keep this flame burning for many years to come.

Always open doors
This is perhaps the most basic rule of male etiquette out there. It is also one of the easiest to follow so you have no reason to forget it. Whether she is about to enter your car, restaurant, club, or anyplace with a door, you should always hold it open. If there are many doors, then hold them open one after the other.

Put on her coat
Always help a lady put on her coat or overgarment. This is a simple but powerful action.

Help with her seat
If an unaccompanied lady is sitting next to you, it is important that you help her be seated by pulling her chair out for her and gently pushing it back into place, with the lady seated of course.

Give up your seat
If a lady arrives at the table and there are no available seats, you should stand up and offer yours to her.

Stand at attention
Always stand when a lady enters or exits the room. This rule has been somewhat relaxed, so you can stand upon entrance but remain seated upon exit. Nonetheless, if you can do both, you should.

Give her your arm
When escorting a lady (that you know) to and from social events, you should offer her your arm. This is a little more intimate, but serves well when walking on uneven ground -- especially if she's wearing high heels.

Ask if she needs anything
This is one that most guys already do, but helps complete the gentleman in all of us nevertheless. When at social events, make sure to ask the lady if you can get her something to drink (or eat, depending on the event). Show her that you care about her comfort and needs.

Gentlemen, if I may call you that, these are the rules of etiquette you should observe in everyday life. Elevate yourself above the rabble and display the mannerisms of a true gentleman. The world will appreciate such a rarity and your career will most definitely benefit from your good manners and savoir-faire .

⑻ 不懂英國社交禮儀如何請問別人英語作文

In our daily life, we have to come into contact with people in every walk of life.Therefore, it is very important for us to know how to get along with other people. To get well along with others and win their friendships, we must observe strictly the following words.
To begin with, we need to be honest with others and shouh{ always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough. If we are proud in public, we can hardly win other's respect, not to mention "friendship"

⑼ 英國有那些習俗,用英文介紹

English customs include:Religious practices,Festival customs


1、Religious practices(宗教習俗)

Religious freedom is enjoyed by everyone in the UK, and as a result, many different religious beliefs have flourished in central areas of the country.


Most residents believe in protestant Christianity, mainly the church of England and the church of Scotland.


There are also Catholic churches and larger religious communities in Islam, Hinism, sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism.


2、Festival customs(節日習俗)

The science festival began in 1883 and is held once a year.


Science week begins in 1994 and is held every march.


New Year's eve ball is another celebration.







⑽ 寫一篇介紹英國人的茶會禮儀的英語作文,60-80字

If you are a guest to be invited to someone's home, we should test some of this tiger. For example, the time has come to hosts who looked at what? Decent, if not to talk about things, just a social gathering early to be impolite. The hostess is doing to prepare, she has not completely ready you up, make her feel very embarrassed. As late as 10 minutes the best. As late as half an hour becomes too late, and need to apologize to the owner.

This is one widely accepted way to place your silverware so that the waiter knows you are finished.
It is polite to wait until everyone is served to start eating, unless everyone has their food except for one or two people and they suggest that everyone begin.
It is polite to wait until everyone is finished eating before leaving the table.
It is not polite to burp at any time, and if you do, it is polite to excuse yourself ("Excuse me.").
Chew with your mouth closed.
Don't talk with food in your mouth.
Don't put your elbows on the table.
When the situation is informal, Americans are generally relaxed about etiquette. If you should make a big mistake, most people probably won't even notice. So relax, and eat up!!


Good basic table manners are important because they ensure that both guests and hosts are comfortable at the table. Table manners are mostly common sense. Following these will carry you through most common situations from Formal Dinners to a night of poker with the guys.

1. Sit up straight. Try not to slouch or lean back in your chair (even if you are playing cards and don't want you opponents to see your hand).

2. Don't speak with your mouth full of food. Sure, you've heard your mother say it a hundred times, but no one likes to see a ball of masticated meat in your mouth. If you feel you must speak immediately, if you have only a relatively small bite, tuck it into your cheek with your tongue and speak briefly.

3. Chew quietly, and try not to slurp. This is a corollary of rule number 2. Making noises is not only unappetizing, and distracting, but it can also interrupt the flow of conversation.

4. Keep bites small. In order to facilitate the above rules it is smart to keep bite sizes to a moderate forkful. Cut meat and salad so that it doesn't hang from your mouth after you shovel it in. Don't cut all of your meat at one time, this tends to remind people of feeding small children - and the messiness associated with this activity.

5. Eat at a leisurely pace. This rule, besides being good for the digestion, also shows your host that you want to enjoy the food and the company. Eating quickly and running is sign of disrespect for the host, as it shows that your focus is on the food and that you would rather be at home watching the grass grow than passing time with your host.

6. Don't wave utensils in the air, especially knives or if there is food on them. Besides the danger of knocking over glasses, piercing waiters or launching a pea into the eye of your date, this is a sign of over-excitedness that may be unappealing to those present. Earnestness is to be commended, but irrational exuberance goes beyond the limits of good table manners.

7. Keep your elbows off the table. You have also heard this one from your mother, ad infinitum, but in close dining situations it is a vital rule. Elbows take up table space and can be a danger in knocking plates or glasses. Elbows on the table give you something to lean on and tend to lull you into slouching. If you must lean on the table a good tactic is to take a roll or piece of bread into your free hand and rest part of your forearm on the table.

8. Don't Reach. You don't want to get in the way of people either eating or talking. Not only is it as impolite as standing in front of a TV with other people behind you, but there is always the possibility of upsetting glasses or running your sleeve through someone's mashed potatoes.

9. Don't forget please and thank you. These are handy words in most situations but especially vital at the table where common courtesies are noticed by everyone present.

10. Excuse yourself when leaving the table. You don't want people to think that you are tired of their company. If you must leave the table make your excuses somewhat obvious and appear to be pressing. You want to leave people with the impression that you would rather remain at the table talking with them than doing anything else, but the matter at hand is so pressing that it must be attended to at once.

11. Compliment the Cook. Even if the food is perfectly awful say something nice. You don't have to lie, simply find the positive side of the burnt leg of lamb..."Gee, the sauce was sure tasty." It is always pleasant to end a meal on a positive note.

12. Wipe your mouth before drinking. Ever notice that disgusting smudge on the edge of your wine glass? This can be avoided by first wiping your lips with your napkin. (Thanks to Lindy Hill for this contribution.)

Seating and absence
You should wait for elderly after deciding, fangke sat down at the table.
Table if any lady, you should wait for lady seat set before seats. If ms seat in the next neighbour, ms. Should call
After dinner, need male, the hostess asked, other guests can move.
Slouch in your seat, with mensal distance keep well.
In restaurants, should by the waiter brought Taiwan seats.
The move, should help every seat elderly female or drag on the chair.
Tableware put etiquette 1
Incense wipes the use of
Napkin main prevent dirty clothes, holds concurrently do wipe your mouth and hand stain.
Must wait until everyone after deciding, ability can use napkin.
Napkin should spread out and put them in the knees at the top of the lap, who do not fasten belt, or hang in suit brought mouth.
Avoid by all means wipes dinner service.
(3) the table on the general etiquette
Your seat after pawlowska decently, foot in my seat, must not be arbitrarily unbend, elbow shall not rely on table flanges, or put his hand on neighbor on the back.
Dinner should lukewarm wen erya, calmly quiet, cannot impatience.
On the table can be selfish, also want to take care of others, especially must called on both sides of the female guests.
Mouth has food, should avoid to speak.
Self-used tableware not stretch into male dinner plate clip dishes.
Must be small mouth eat, don't gulp at the end of the cork, food, cannot plug entrance to swallow.
Take food haing soup, should use GongKuai public key.
Eating imported things, not spit it out, if it is a hot food, drink water or juice bathing.
Send food gateways, two cubits should inward depend, is not straight, touch and open to both sides neighbour.
His hand holding a knife and fork, or others in chew food, all should avoid talk to somebody or toast.
Good food is mouth nking is not mouth was food. Food with juice, can't rush to his mouth, otherwise sauce drops in table-cloth, extremely coarse.
Avoid by all means probing his teeth, application, and with hand or toothpick handkerchief cloak.
Avoid in table cough, sneeze, ou spirit. If can't help, should say "sorry".
Drink appropriate various optional, toast with courtesy to date, avoid by all means is good or not, reasoned, Shouting.
Such as tableware baptistery can ask the waiter picked up.
In case of an accident, if they will wine, water, soup plan splashed onto others clothes, apologize can, do not panic, but will make amends gives the other bashful.
If you want to access in front of the other guests deskmate dressing, should ask the neighbor's guest help transfer, do not put a cross, after take things.
In the case of the master himself cooking food, don't forget to master admiration.
Like to eat unclean or peculiar smell, not ingestion, should the entrance food, light with his thumb and forefinger and removed on a plate. If found not eating, still in pan dishes are insects and gravel, don't frightened little weird, appropriate hou waiter approached and whispered told the waiter replacement.
Feed finish, tableware must be placed in order, and not messy placement. Napkin should also be folded, on the table.
Staple foods, unfavorable smoke, if need to smoke, must obtain the consent of the neighbor.
In a restaurant meal, and can't rob to pay the bill, push-pull contend for pay, most objectionable. If the guest is not rob paying the bill. Friends agree without consent, also unfavorable and friendly paying the bill.
Dine speed, appropriate of the sexes and master synchronization, unfavorable also shoulds not be too fast, too slow.
Table not talk of miserable, otherwise, it will destroy delighted atmosphere.

席上如有女士,應等女士座定後,方可入座。如女士座位在隔鄰,應招 呼女士。
餐巾應攤開後,放在雙膝上端的大腿上,切勿系人腰帶,或掛在西裝領 口。
入座後姿式端正,腳踏在本人座位下,不可任意伸直,手肘不得靠桌緣, 或將手放在鄰座椅背上。
好的吃相是食物就口,不可將口就食物。食物帶汁,不能匆忙送入口, 否則湯汁滴在桌布上,極為不雅。
遇有意外,如不慎將酒、水、湯計濺到他人衣服,表示歉意即可,不 必恐慌賠罪,反使對方難為情。
如欲取用擺在同桌其他客人面前之調味品,應請鄰座客人幫忙傳遞, 不可伸手橫越,長驅取物。
如吃到不潔或異味,不可吞入,應將入口食物,輕巧的用拇指和食指 取出,放入盤中。倘發現尚未吃食,仍在盤中的菜餚有昆蟲和碎石,不要大驚小 怪,宜侯侍者走近,輕聲告知侍者更換。
在餐廳進餐,不能搶著付帳,推拉爭付,至為不雅。倘系作客,不能 搶付帳。未徵得朋友同意,亦不宜代友付帳。



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