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㈠ 關於介紹南京地鐵的英語作文,120詞左右

去南京地鐵官方網站下載需要的東西 然後下載金山譯霸,直接翻譯就行了

㈡ 寫一篇英語作文關於南京的變化

在這短短的幾年時間,南京發生了翻天覆地的變化。不僅是物變,景變,還有人變。 南京是煥然一新的。高架橋飛架南北,三橋橫跨長江,商廈矗立鬧市區…處處美貌新景像。走進市區,街上人來人往,車水馬龍。白天,綠色的大樹襯著藍藍的天,再配上高樓大廈,格外美麗。到了晚上,燈火通明,如同白晝一般,加上精彩的水幕電影,一點也不白天遜色。走進南京,它變美了。談起綠化,南京對此是十分重視的。以往十分骯臟的秦淮河變得清澈了,小魚兒又開始快樂地嬉戲。路旁增添了許多美麗的鮮花和翠綠的小草,發出淡淡的清新的香氣,讓人神清氣爽。俯看南京,它變綠了。現在,一輛輛「的士」來往不斷,川流不息,成為一道特殊的風景線。攔下一輛「的士」,聽見的第一句話是「您好!」「的哥」、「的姐」們彬彬有禮,「您要去哪兒呀?」直到你下了車,還會和善地對你說:「謝謝您的乘坐,再見!」走進商場,服務員們見你面露難色,會走上前熱情地問:「請問您需要幫助嗎?」諸此等等一些事情,都離不開文明禮貌用語,望著人們一張張熱情的笑臉,彷彿也是一種享受。接近南京,它變得親切了。 「虎踞龍盤今勝昔,天翻地覆慨而康。」是啊,南京變得美了、綠了、親切了,作為一名南京人,我十分自豪。

㈢ 關於暑假去南京玩的英語作文200字

Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu. It's in the southeast of China. It's a beautiful city. There are many places of great interest in it. The streets are wide and clean and there are many trees and flowers along them. The air is clean and the water of the rivers is very clear. Nanjing has a long history. There are many old buildings in it and you are sure to enjoy them. The people in Nanjing are very kind and friendly.

㈣ 關於南京的英文介紹


㈤ 我的家鄉——南京,英語作文

My hometown is in Nanjing, Nanjing is a famous Chinese one of four big ancient capitals and historical and cultural city. Sun Zhongshan is a very famous in China people, our building Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum was built for him, we love him very much. Nanjing brine ck is very delicious, we all love. Nanjing people are very friendly, very smart, they are ready to help others. This is my hometown, a very beautiful, very warm a place. I love my hometown.


㈥ 英語作文 MY HOMETOWN要南京的

My hometown is Nanjing. Nanjing, with a long history, is located in the area of the Yangtze River』 downstream. Nanjing used to be the capital of China in the Wu, Dongjin dynasties and the Song, Qi, Liang, Chen of Southern dynasties. So Capital of six dynasties is another name for Nanjing. Not only in these six dynasties, at the beginning of Ming dynasty and the Republic of China, Nanjing was also the capital of China. It won』t be amazing that there are lots of buildings which were built in different dynasties in Nanjing. Confucius Temple, Presidential Palace and Dr.Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum are the most famous and attractive sites in Nanjing .
Confucius Temple, attracting unnumbered visitors every year, was originally constructed in Song dynasty. At first, it was a place to worship and consecrate Confucius, the great philosopher and ecator of ancient China. And then, in the Ming and Qing dynasties it expended, including Jiangnan Gongyuan( the place of imperial examinations) and the Xue Gong( the imperial academy). Every examine season, students from the south of China gathered in Confucius Temple. Everyone wanted to get to stand out through the examine and then to be an imperial officer. At that time, Confucius Temple was a quite crowed place. In 1937 , Confucius Temple was almost destroyed by Japanese aggressors. In 1984 , under the support of government, Confucius Temple was rebuilt. Today, the old functions of Confucius Temple do not exist. It has become a place consisting a series of tourist shops, snack bars, restaurants and tea cafes. Everyone who has ever been to Confucius Temple will never forget the archtecture with different styles and delicious snack in it.
Presidential Palace was built at the first of Ming dynasty. It was ever being the palace of lords and kings. In Qing dynasty, Presidential Palace was ever being the palace of Hong Xiuquan, the king of Taiping Heaven Kingdom which oppsed to the Qing dynasty. After Taiping Heaven Kingdom came to its end, Qing dynasty rebuilt the Presidential Palace as the office for its gorvenment. In 1912 Sun Yat-sen, one of the greatest leaders of modern China, announced to be the temporary president of Republic of China at the front of Presidential Palace. From 1912 to 1949 , Presidential Palace was the place where the leaders of Republic of China were living and working, just like White House in the USA. Since People Republic of China was founded in 1949, Presidential Palace has become a museum where lots of films about Republic of China and its leaders are stored.
Dr.Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum is also a place that every visitor should pay a visit. Dr.Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum stands at the Zijin Mountain in the east of Nanjing. It combines the advantages of chinese traditional and modern western architecture, full using of the sharp of the mountain around it. It is a enjoyable that appreciating the blue sky, green mountain and magnificent building while standing on the top stage of Dr.Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum

㈦ 有關南京的英語作文


㈧ 關於南京的英文文章

您好抄,看到您的問題將要被新提的問題從問題列表中擠出,問題無人回答過期後會被扣分並且懸賞分也將被沒收!所以我給你提幾條建議: 一,您可以選擇在正確的分類下去提問或者到與您問題相關專業網站論壇里去看看,這樣知道你問題答案的人才會多一些,回答的人也會多些。 二,您可以多認識一些知識豐富的網友,和曾經為你解答過問題的網友經常保持聯系,遇到問題時可以直接向這些好友詢問,他們會更加真誠熱心為你尋找答案的。 三,該自己做的事還是必須由自己來做的,有的事還是須由自己的聰明才智來解決的,別人不可能代勞!只有自己做了才是真正屬於自己的,別人只能給你提供指導和建議,最終靠自己。 您可以不採納我的答案,但請你一定採納我的建議哦! 雖然我的答案很可能不能解決你的問題,但一定可以使你更好地使用問問哦~~~!

㈨ 南京的介紹用英文的

Nanjing, was formerly known as Jinling and Jiankang. It is the capital city of Jiangsu Province, the vice-provincial city and the core city of Nanjing metropolitan area.

It is an important central city in eastern China, an important scientific research and ecation base.







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