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1. 無償獻血 英語作文 要說明文120詞 分三段。。。高三水平的 要原創。。。跪求!!!!

Blood donation is to point to to save another life, volunteer will own blood selfless dedication to social welfare undertakings, the donors to not get collection units and donors unit any remuneration behavior. Blood donation is lifelong honor, gratis blood will get social respect and love.
Blood donation is selfless dedication, saving behaviour that is our lofty of the total development direction of blood. Blood donation is the embodiment of the love offerings, making the sick remove sickness or even save their life, its value is unable to use money to measure.
Citizens to economic compensation blood, can make the lofty dedication glorious behavior is covered the shadow of commodities trading. Nearly half a century, the world health organization and the international Red Cross straight to the world by calling for "medical use blood donation" principle.
At present many countries and regions in China, including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are implemented a blood donation. "During" regulation, our country executes blood donation system.
Blood donation is the only ensure medical safety blood. Only in humanitarian selfless dedication and not with economic compensation for the purpose of blood donation without compensation paid to fundamentally remove blood with all kinds of evils; The quality of blood can be guaranteed; To protect the safety of blood donors; To maximize rece the risk of disease transmitted through blood.
Blood donation little common sense
1. The blood is in the blood vessels and the heart of the constant flow of red liquid. In normal circumstances, a personal blood volume of approximately eight per cent for weight. Weighs 50 kilograms of alts, the whole body blood around 4,000 ml.
2. Blood is composed by visible part and plasma. One visible part has 3 kinds, they are red, white and platelets.
3. The scientists determined the human blood red, live for about 120 days.
4. To 1995 were found 23 worldwide, red with blood transfusion of blood type system, the largest is the relationship between ABO blood group system. The world health organization the ABO blood group system in 1921 to the world for formal unified naming A and B, AB, O four type
5. Of the People's Republic of China began implementing time ring the 1998 was on October 1.
6. "ring the weight of blood" which have specific provision, male citizens to reach 50 kg weight, female citizen to reach 45 kg.
7. Citizens can offer blood whole blood or components, including the whole blood blood sacrifice time interval to reach six months, to offer sacrifice blood composition time interval of platelets) to achieve a month.
8. Citizens when the blood to pass strict health checks, including physical examination and the blood tests, and only after health inspection qualified citizen to donate.
9. The first to find blood type is Austrian medical Carl? Rand Stan Leonard. He's the discovery of security for transfusion opened the door, millions of people around the world the life obtain new life. "The world" is using his donors day of June fourteenth birthday to determine.
10. "world blood donors in 2004," by the world health organization, the Red Cross and red crescent international federation, international federation of blood donor organizations international blood transfusion associations to identify.
11. Blood on human has four functions: (1) transportation function, to oxygen, water and various nutrients delivered to all parts of the body cell and tissue; (2) keep the body ph relatively invariableness; (3) regulating body temperature; (4) resist harmful substances to the human body to invade.
12. Plasma accounted for about 55 percent of all the blood. Plasma of mostly water, more than 90 percent, and the rest are all sorts of protein, organic and inorganic substances.
13. Human manufacturing blood need protein, iron, copper, folic acid, vitamin B12 and so on many kinds of material, protein is the main raw material, manufacturing blood red and iron is the important composition, folic acid, vitamin B12 can make blood mature. These materials, in normal human body doesn't lack, as long as normal diet, can guarantee the normal supply.
14. The mother ring pregnancy is also a type of the fetus.
15. Many people think blood type and personality have relations. Such as blood type A, type B people temperament sensible man of blood type O blood passion, optimistic people are more confident, resolute, etc. Actually the difference of red blood some sort of depends on the surface only polysaccharide substances. Experiments show that, as long as using several special enzymes, within A very short time can put the type B blood into blood type A personality, so blood type and relevant no scientific evidence.
16. The whole blood refers to all the ingredients, including blood plasma cells and all the ingredients.
17. Normal blood can be renewable. So somebody said later, the blood of the body blood will rece, also hurt "qi" this is incorrect.
18. Healthy human accept the hepatitis b vaccine, hepatitis a vaccine immune have an inoculation, need not delayed blood donation; But accept the hepatitis b immunoglobulin injection can donate a year later.
19. Accept vaccinal immune have an inoculation after the last time around, can be blood donation Be bitten by the rabies vaccine after last vaccination a year before it can donate.
20. Before and after three days of women menses temporarily cannot blood donation.
21. Suffering from acute urinary tract infection recover after a month, with pneumonia recover after three months to be able to donate.
22. Appendicitis surgical operation, hernia suture and tonsil surgery at least three months, six months after surgery can be filled with large blood donation.
In internal cause disease lost 23.5 whole blood or component blood, can not blood donation.
24. The state institutes a blood donation system, on the one hand, is to ensure that patients can get health and safety of blood, on the other hand is to strictly regulate the behavior of CaiGongXie unit, ensuring the health of blood donors.
25. The relevant equipment to station after strictly disinfects processing, all the utensils with blood contact are one-off, after use concentrated disposal. So said blood donation is safe, not contagious disease.
26. "gratis blood ring" regulation, I and do not enjoy free medical care and labor insurance medical treatment of directly-related members, e to illness need blood use, can enjoy all or part of the free blood.

2. 關於「無償獻血」英語作文

As is obviously revealed in the bar chart above, over the past seven years (1998—), the proportion of free blood donation in clinical blood collection has been climbing and rocketed to over seventy percent in 2004, which is a welcome development to our whole society. The implied meaning of the bar chart above can be illustrated as follows. To begin with, the increasing percentage indicates that great changes have taken place in terms of people』s spiritual civilization. Most people want to make contribution to our society in one way or another is a way to realize self-value. The spirit of selflessness is more pervasive than ever before. What』s more, the statistics betray that modern people, especially the young, have a better understanding of medical knowledge. Most people have abandoned their old idea that blood donation is most harmful to human body. In one word, our spiritual progress and rich medical knowledge have resulted in such a positive result. In may view, effective measures should be taken to encourage free blood donation. First of all, a nation-vide ecation campaign should be launched to spread the necessity and knowledge of free blood donation. Besides, should be set up to protect those who donate blood. Only in this way can we create a harmonious and healthy society

3. 求一篇關於獻血的英語作文

懸賞分:15 - 離問題結束還有 14 天 23 小時
語法不版要求太好 最好權能時不時錯2個 100單詞左右 急 在線==答案
提問者: tianshiyouye - 見習魔法師 三級

4. 以獻血活動寫一篇英語作文要求1獻血與健康的關系,促進新陳代謝

People』s opinion about donating vary from person to person. Some people think it is a very good thing .They hold this opinion because it could save somebody』s life.However,others don』t insist on donating blood because it may cause some illnesses.

As to me , I am in favor of the first idea.The following is the reasons for my choice.From above analysis,I believe donating is a good thing,therefore .I hope everyone can lend a hand to.

5. 關於倡議同學們無償獻血的英語作文100個單詞

使那些踏上的人愈陷愈深,不能自拔……看他們,一個個好似虔誠的教徒,那封面上印著「利益」的一本,為他們奉為「聖經」;他們揮揮自己的兩袖「清風」,卻始終逃不過那天網恢恢;他們高舉著「遵紀守法」的旗幟,誰又知曉背後的不可告人。經不住利益的誘惑,他們受賄;經不住金錢的誘惑,他們貪污;經不住刺激的誘惑,他們吸毒……於是便鬧出了領導受賄、高官貪污、明星吸毒等種種官非。想來,誘惑就像是節食者面對美味的甜品——總有些按捺不住……隨而也就自毀前程,前功盡棄。 然而,拒絕誘惑確是一種極其寶貴的品格。「富貴不能淫,貧賤不能移,威武不能屈」——這既是對不向誘惑低頭之人的贊頌,也是對自古有志之人那份傲骨的最佳寫照。如果楊震經不住錢財的誘惑,那麼不會有之後「暮夜卻金」的一段佳話;如果布魯諾為免於一死而屈服於長達8年的審訊,那麼不會有後來哥白尼「日心說」的正式提出;如果魯迅先生因為敵人的威逼利誘而放下那支批判的筆,那麼中國的近代史上將會少去一大批優秀的革命作家……這又是一筆多大的損失! 但事物總有兩面性,即便如此,良性的誘惑也是一個好的機遇。成功對於拼搏者來說,又何嘗不是一個誘惑?誘惑當前,我們該分清優劣。誘惑總是按著門鈴不放,而機遇卻躡手躡腳地在門口踱步,沒人知道它何時敲門……或許,僅有的一次,錯過了就是永遠……誠然、機遇如此難得、何不牢牢抓緊。 我無法去解讀馬列主義的「唯物世界觀」,但我深深明白成功是離不了機遇的,天時地利人和,鑄成了那可貴的成功。項羽沒有抓住「鴻門宴」這一機遇,他的婦人之仁最終導致了後患無窮……「萬事俱備,只欠東風。」諸葛亮的話,也同樣向我們闡述著這樣一個道理:把握機遇是成功的關鍵。 機遇只會青睞有準備的人。或許一瞬,抓住了,那便是一條去成功的捷徑;沒抓住,或許只是一場遺憾罷。撞球比賽上那個用球桿趕蒼蠅的選手因為痛失那最後一桿翻盤的機會而輕生,這樣的錯失機遇,是一輩子的遺憾吧……如果他沒有痛失這個機會,或許他已赫赫有名,或許他在世界的某個角落受人尊崇……或許、沒有這么多的或許了,失去的永遠回不來,生命、機遇都是這般。 期待有天機遇來敲門,我希望上天賜予我敏銳的耳、讓我聽到那轉瞬即逝的敲門聲;希望上天賜予我有力的雙手,讓我牢牢抓住機遇不放;希望上天賜予

6. 寫一篇提倡無償獻血的英語作文

As is obviously revealed in the bar chart above, over the past seven years (1998—), the proportion of free blood donation in clinical blood collection has been climbing and rocketed to over seventy percent in 2004, which is a welcome development to our whole society.

The implied meaning of the bar chart above can be illustrated as follows. To begin with, the increasing percentage indicates that great changes have taken place in terms of people』s spiritual civilization. Most people want to make contribution to our society in one way or another is a way to realize self-value. The spirit of selflessness is more pervasive than ever before. What』s more, the statistics betray that modern people, especially the young, have a better understanding of medical knowledge. Most people have abandoned their old idea that blood donation is most harmful to human body. In one word, our spiritual progress and rich medical knowledge have resulted in such a positive result.

In may view, effective measures should be taken to encourage free blood donation. First of all, a nation-vide ecation campaign should be launched to spread the necessity and knowledge of free blood donation. Besides, should be set up to protect those who donate blood. Only in this way can we create a harmonious and healthy society

7. 4級英語作文關於捐款捐物獻血獻愛心

1. ______________ is known as one of the most serious problems in
today 『s society. We can see it almost everywhere. As the graph depicts,
______________ .

8. 無償獻血的倡議書的英語作文

無償獻血(Donating Blood)

People』s opinion about donating vary from person to person. Some people think it is a very good thing .They hold this opinion because it could save somebody』s life.However,others don』t insist on donating blood because it may cause some illnesses.

As to me , I am in favor of the first idea.The following is the reasons for my choice.

First ,when it is right time ,that is ,somebody may lack of blood and almost lose his or her life.you will save one life if you donate blood in time.

Second,we all are in the same family.So we should help each other.

Third, if you donate blood ,it takes on you have a leind heart and you will be popular wih people.

Fourth,if we can make some safe rules about donating blood ,there is no problem in donating blood .It makes us feel safe.

From above analysis,I believe donating is a good thing,therefore .I hope everyone can lend a hand to.

9. 求一篇題為《無償獻血的意義》的英語作文

Unlike what most people perceive it, blood donation is actually good to human health, because it promotes metabolism in our bodies. We should advocate for voluntary blood donation for helping others.

10. 獻血的英語作文




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