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⑴ 請以「My Favorite X」為題寫一篇三段式英語作文

As a student,books play an important role in our life.Gorky once said,"The book is the ladder of human progress."But which book is your favorite?
As a book lover,my favorite book is "Robinson Crusoe".This book is written by Daniel Defoe,and it had already affected mang students like me .Every time I read it,a tall and strong image of Robinson always emerging before my eyes.He is such a brave explorer and navigator that i admire him so much.
When Robinson was young,he dreamed of sailing on the sea day and night.Unfortunately,after his grown up,he actually lived on a desert island for 28 years.

⑵ 一篇關於友誼的英語作文,分三段,中間一段突出朋友很重要的事例。謝了

Friendship is indispensable to people's life. A man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression. Friendship is the mother of our psyche, who'll warm her kid when hurt occurs. We have much to share with our friends in life, perplexity, excitement, bitterness etc. Alas, it's magnificent to maintain a genuine friendship.

It takes many special qualities to make a friend. Understanding should come first. Only when we get a better understanding of each other can we gain an authentic and meaningful friendship. We may find our hobbies of common interests. This feeling of affinity gets us closer and closer.

It also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end. Never hesitate to show your heartfelt care and kindness to your friend when he/she is in trouble. Love is not selfish. Love is endowed by God that we should treasure all our life.

Tolerance is the third essential part in friendship. We are absolutely different persons. This indivial distinction may cause conflict between us in every aspect of our life. Don't immerse ourself in this infliction too long. Try to tolerant his/her in an introspective mood. Saints are not perfect, let alone those ordinary people like us. Afterwards, we should get a good communication. Never shy to confess.

Understanding, love and tolerance are the first three essences that comes to an authentic friendship. Other qualities are also concerned such as thoughtfulness, trust and patience. Remember, friendship is your psyche's guard, treasure it
A life without a friend is a life without a sun. Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life.
Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it.
When you』re down, friends lift you up. When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you on.
So cherish your friend,
Do not save your loving speeches, for your friends till they are dead.
Do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead.

⑶ 幫我解決一個英語作文(三段式),要求100字左右。

With the development of society, graally eating great importance to the people. A canteen is also graally improving. Type of nutrition levels have been increased a little, but still leaves much to taste ---- but still look like the old, and almost before not too many differences. First of all, we are catering to the requirements of the flavor is, if this can not be very good treatment, dry food out of the question. Look forward to improved delicious dining.

⑷ 英語作文3段格式怎麼寫,求範文,萬能點的,適合比較多題目的,謝謝


⑸ 為什麼要上大學英語作文在線等 三段式,三個論點,段

Why we should go to college? Differnet people have different opinions. Some believe that college is the best place for us to make our dreams come true. It is known that there are many masters in college who can lead us to fulfill our goals and make the better understanding of the value of life. In my point of view, college provides perfect opportunity and the necessity to us, especially for those who urge to learn more in order to repay for our country. Only in this way can we use the capability which we gain in college to make our country a better place. It is this reason that we shall go to college and study hard.

⑹ 三段每段一種學習方法的英語作文

想學好英語,首先要培養對英語的興趣。「興趣是最好的老師」,興趣是學習英語的巨大動力,有了興趣,學習就會事半功倍。我們都有這樣的經驗:喜歡的事,就容易堅持下去;不喜歡的事,是很難堅持下去的。而興趣不是與生俱來的,需要培養。有的同學說:「我一看到英語就頭疼,怎麼能培養對英語的興趣呢?」還有的同學說:「英語單詞我今天記了明天忘,我太笨了,唉,我算沒治了。」這都是缺乏信心的表現。初學英語時,沒有掌握正確的學習方法,沒有樹立必勝的信心,缺乏了克服困難的勇氣,喪失了上進的動力,稍遇失敗,就會向挫折繳槍,向困難低頭。你就會感到英語是一門枯燥無味的學科,學了一段時間之後,學習積極性也逐漸降低,自然也就不會取得好成績。但是,只要在老師的幫助下,認識到學英語的必要性,用正確的態度對待英語學習,用科學的方法指導學習。開始時多參加一些英語方面的活動,比如 ,唱英文歌、做英語游戲、讀英語幽默短文、練習口頭對話等。時間長了,懂得多了,就有了興趣,當然,學習起來就有了動力和慾望。然後,就要像農民一樣勤勤懇懇,不辭辛苦,付出辛勤的勞動和汗水,一定會取得成功,收獲豐碩的成果。畢竟是No pains, no gains嗎 練好基本功是學好英語的必要條件,沒有扎實的英語基礎,就談不上繼續學習,更談不上有所成就。要想基本功扎實,必須全神貫注地認真聽講,上好每一節課,提高課堂效率,腳踏實地、一步一個腳印地,做到以下「五到」: 一、「心到」。在課堂上應聚精會神,一刻也不能懈怠,大腦要始終處於積極狀態,思維要活躍、思路要開闊,心隨老師走,聽懂每一句話,抓住每一個環節,理解每一個知識點,多聯想、多思考,做到心領神會 二、「手到」。學英語,一定要做課堂筆記。因為人的記憶力是有限的,人不可能都過目不忘,記憶本身就是不斷與遺忘作斗爭的過程。常言說,「好腦筋不如爛筆頭」。老師講的知識可能在課堂上記住了,可是過了一段時間,就會忘記,所以,做好筆記很有必要。英語知識也是一點點積累起來的,學到的每一個單詞、片語以及句型結構,都記在筆記本上,甚至是書的空白處或字里行間,這對以後的復習鞏固都是非常方便的 三、「耳到」。在課堂上,認真聽講是十分必要的,不但要專心聽老師對知識的講解,而且要認真聽老師說英語的語音、語調、重音、連讀、失去爆破、斷句等發音要領,以便培養自己純正地道的英語口語。聽見聽懂老師傳授的每一個知識點,在頭腦里形成反饋以幫助記憶;理解領會老師提出的問題,以便迅速作答,對比同學對問題的回答,以加深對問題的理解而取別人之長補自己之短 四、「眼到」。在認真聽講的同時,還要雙眼緊隨老師觀察老師的動作、口形、表情、板書、繪圖、教具展示等。喔 還有就是 目前我在學的ABC夫下中心的教師才和我提過 若想學會英語很簡單的..堅持具有適合的研習情境以及進修口語對象 外教水平很重要 口語標准才可以,堅決每天練習口語,一對一個性化學習才會有最.好.的進步幅度。課程結束後記得重復溫習課程錄音音頻,把所學知識融會貫通..不過實在沒有練習對象 可以去可可或BBC拿到課余學習材料練習,多說多練迅速的語境會進步許多,學習效益肯定會達成目標的;大腦里形成的視覺信息和聽覺信息相結合,印象就會更加深刻 五、「口到」。學習語言,不張嘴不動口是學不好的,同學們最大的毛病是讀書不出聲,害羞不敢張嘴。尤其是早讀課,同學們只是用眼看或默讀,這樣就只有視覺信息,而沒有聽覺信息在大腦里的反饋,當然記憶也不會太深刻,口部肌肉也得不到鍛煉,也就很難練就一口純正的英語。所以,要充分利用早晨頭腦清醒的時間,大聲朗讀;課堂上要勇躍回答老師提問、積極參與同學間討論和辯論,課下對不清楚的問題及時提出,要克服害羞心理,不恥下問。對學過的課文要多讀、勤讀、苦讀,可以跟錄音機讀,竭力模仿其語音語調以糾正發音,要讀得抑揚頓挫朗朗上口,一些精典文章最好能背得滾爪爛熟。利用一切可能的機會,練習英語口語,比如,與外教交流、參加「英語角」活動、與同學進行對話、講英語故事、唱英文歌曲、演英語短劇、進行詩歌朗誦等。除了對課本中的範文要細讀精讀之外,還要多看些適合我們中學生的課外讀物,既可增長知識,又開闊了我們的視野,也提高了我們的閱讀水平 學英語,詞彙的記憶是必不可少的,詞彙是學好英語的基礎,沒有了詞彙,也就談不上句子,更談不上文章,所以記單詞對我們就顯得極其重要。記憶單詞關鍵有二: 一是持之以恆:每天堅持記憶一定量的詞彙,過幾天再回頭復習一次,這樣周期循環,反復記憶,經常使用,就會變短時記憶為長時記憶並牢固掌握。需要注意的是,一旦開始,就要堅持下來,千萬不能半途而廢,切不可三天打魚,兩天曬網 二是良好的記憶方法:記憶單詞的方法很多,學無定法,但學有良法。我認為,張思中的「集中識詞,分類記憶」不失為一種適合中學生的好方法。把中學生應掌握的00個單詞集中匯總,分門別類,先過單詞關,然後再學教材,在課本中使用和鞏固它們的用法。分類的方法有多種,同一母音或母音字母組合發音相同的單詞歸為一類;根據詞形詞性、同義詞反義詞等集中記憶;把相同詞根、前綴、後綴、合成、轉化、派生等構詞法相同的單詞或片語列在一起集中識記印象比較深刻,記憶效果也比較明顯。這樣每天記0-0個單詞,堅持不懈,多聯想,多思考,多使用,詞彙問題不就解決了嗎?在學習的過程中多注視單詞的用法和片語的搭配,牢記老師講過的單詞慣用法和句型,這樣不僅有助於我們解題,而且在寫作時也會信手拈來,運用自如 把單詞記住,了解詞性、詞義,掌握其固定搭配與習慣用法,背會時態、從句的各種用法,工作只是完成了一半,我們還得將它們應用到實踐中去。就像學游泳,光學理論,不下水應用,不等於掌握了這門技術。不必要搞題海戰術,但一定量的典型練習來鞏固所學知識是必不可少的。先重視基礎練習,如課後習題,單元同步練習,這些是針對課堂知識的鞏固性練習,不能好高騖遠,光想著一口吃個胖子。基礎知識掌握後,有的放失地做一些語法方面的專項練習和考試題型的專題練習。特別提倡同學們准備一本「錯題集」,把平時做錯的具有代表性的試題或語言點記錄下來,以備將來查漏補缺,這樣對知識的掌握可以達到事半功倍的效果 英語是一種語言,不是記住了單詞、片語、句型和語法項目就是把它學好了,關鍵在於使用語言,所以在學習英語時一定要注意聽、說、讀、寫、譯全面發展。英語學習首先是一個記憶過程,然後才是實踐過程。學習英語,無論如何,勤奮是不可少的,它是一個日積月累的漸進過程,是沒有任何捷徑可走的,也沒有所謂「速成」的靈丹妙方,急於求成,不做踏實工作,是學不好英語的。任何成功的獲得都要靠自己的努力,要踏踏實實、勤勤懇懇、兢兢業業、一步一個腳印地學習,端正態度,認真對待學習中的挫折和失敗。失敗並不可怕,可怕的是對自己喪失信心而一蹶不振。對考試的失敗,冷靜分析,認真思考,只要對勝利充滿信心,善於總結經驗教訓,不斷努力,不斷追求,勝利一定是屬於你的

⑺ 英語作文我的一天120詞分三段

I'm a student.I often get up at six o'clock. At six thirty,I do morning exercises.I usually eat breakfast at seven o'clock.

Then I do homework and read books.I eat lunch at twelve o'clock. I have two English
classes in the afternoon . I eat dinner at six thirty every evening .I usually watch 丅V at seven thirty in the evening. I play computer games at eight o'clock. I do my home work at eight thirty .I go to bed at ten o'clock.

This is my day.What about your day?Can you tell me?

⑻ 關於冰心英語作文(分三段)

Bing Xin is a kind old lady, she wrote a lot of prose poetry, writing is handsome.
Bing Xin has a good heart and a pair of insight into the world of the eyes.
Bing Xin is one of my favorite writers.



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