⑴ 荷花作文
蓮,亭亭玉立的水中仙子;蓮,散發著淡淡清香的花中君子。自古以來多少文人雅士用優美的語句贊美過它,多少人用美妙的音符歌頌過它。 「出淤泥而不燃,濯清鏈而不妖。」寫出拉蓮的高尚品質。蓮花的美是莊重的,他不像牡丹般美得妖艷,它不像虹一般,美得虛幻。 而在蓮中,我更喜歡白蓮,我認為白蓮把蓮的純潔演繹得淋漓盡致。特別是雨後的白蓮「水珠在蓮葉上盡情翻滾,有的水珠順著花瓣的邊緣緩緩滑下。更妙的是含包欲放的蓮化上立上一隻蜻蜓,實有錦上添花之美。 蓮不空有一身美,它還有一身寶貝。從花到根,細細談來都有道不完的作用『葯物功能的花芯,消熱去毒的蓮子,清香美味的藕。。。 我愛蓮,不關愛它的美,愛它的作用,還愛它的與眾不同。似乎蓮總與人隔著一段距離,不讓人玩弄於手中,而它直直地立在水中央,想采它也無能為力。我想這也是我愛蓮的原因之一吧。 玫瑰象徵愛情,菊花代表思念,那蓮就是帶邊純潔拉吧。 觀音座下的是蓮,仙姑籃的是蓮,這說明蓮在中國人眼裡是多麼神聖啊。自古詩人以詠蓮為詩者不乏佳篇,詠蓮的風姿,頌蓮的神韻,歌唱蓮的品格。凡賞蓮者都會從蓮里余韻出一番獨道的滋味,要不怎有「娥娜似仙子,清風送香遠。」「滿塘素紅碧,風起玉珠落。」等等一些贊蓮的詩呢? 在《愛蓮說》中,作者重點描寫蓮的特徵以及出淤泥而不染,濯清漣而不妖的道德信念,而這位將蓮比作君子的周敦頤,想要傳達的思想是我們又是否真正體會?作者嘆息真正愛菊「隱逸的高士」極少,愛蓮「高尚的君子」也罕見,可是卻有很多人愛象徵富貴的牡丹。這只能說明貪圖富貴的俗人很多,他們不能真正品味出花的韻味,更不用說蓮。有人說;「憐君自來高格,愛蓮誰若敦頤。」是啊,想必真正了解蓮的人不多啊! 蓮,潔凈而清香,樸素而不庸,高貴而不傲。若遠觀,像一個亭亭玉立的姑娘,像一個眉目清秀的才子,像一個天真無邪的小娃娃,給人感覺就是那麼愜意。若近觀,花苞白里透紅,新葉嫩枝,映入眼連,撲面迎來芬芳的香氣。可是蓮不怎麼映人注目,陸地上百花齊放,爭鮮奪艷,又有誰去理會這碧水中默默散香的蓮呢?只有愛蓮的人罷了。 「既然不願纖塵染 ,何必立身淤泥中。」也許蓮並不是願意生長在淤泥里,也許立身淤泥而不染是蓮對命運不公做的反抗,也許蓮是以身作責,讓那些凡夫俗子醒悟,也許他只想默默的奉獻自己的
⑵ 美在蓮花的英語作文
Lotus is my heart of love, for this plant, I seem to have no resistance, I only know that this beautiful lotus can let my heart instantly clear up.
Lotus, roots in the sludge, the green leaves floating on the surface. Summer, lotus is swaying in the water, green leaves, like the nine Angel Shu, or pure-hearted, noble or showy. Beautiful, wonderful, fragrance, make people love heart arise spontaneously, reverence from the heart, natural and.
The lotus flower, the gentleman, the TongWai straight, not Manchester not branch, Hong Yuan Yi Ching, energy-saving, can not be lex playing. This is the Song Dynasty scholar Mr. Zhou Dunyi in the "reminiscence" description and evaluation of the lotus. If this sentence is the description and evaluation of Mr. lotus charm, strength of character, so the following words when is the lotus lotus charm, the essence of the most thorough the most incisive description, "come out of the dirty mud unsoiled, Zhuo Qing Lian without demon" for dirty and not dirty, longer than the mud and dirt, which is fresh, is beautiful, this is the lotus.
Lotus is beautiful, lotus is noble. Because of this, for thousands of years, numerous writers, poets, scholars, outstanding figures, regard the lotus as their yearning for a realm of life. Lotus as a model of their own life accomplishment. In the dirty society, in a materialistic society, lotus gave people how much confidence and courage to make people the courage to hold true, good and beautiful, against jiachou. How many people like the lotus in the dirty, in the dark, release fragrance, beautiful, shining, released a wisp of Xinxiang, a light heart, illuminating a world, creating a cooler.
The world refined beauty, elegance and temperament respect the lotus, it is also called lotus. If the lotus in the earthly life for people in love. Then lotus in the east of Buddhism is more people. Lotus perfect, vulgarity of the gas is considered a symbol of the eternal spirit of transcendence. In the temple murals, sculptures and books, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are often on sitting in the lotus. Here, the lotus is one of the important symbols. It lies in people's desire for eternity, for the future, for the better and for the better.
This is my heart the most beautiful lotus, lotus is too Gao Jie I may not understand, but I hope that everyone can be like a lotus to the world to bring a little fragrance, add a beautiful color!
⑶ 描寫荷花的英語作文
Lotus, also known as lotus, water, and Seremban, Yuhuan, and so on. Branch is the water lily aquatic herbaceous perennial flowers. Rhizome long, hypertrophy, a long section of the circular shield. Flowering period from June to September, the top-born pedicel, the majority of petals, born in the receptacle containing Xuenei, red, pink, white, purple and other colors, or color text, flanger. Oval-shaped nuts, seeds oval. There are many kinds of flowers, ornamental and consumption of the two sub-categories.
Asian origin tropical and temperate regions, China's cultivated a long history, as early as the Chou dynasty there cultivation records, the number of warm-wet.
YE large lotus flower, Qingxiang far overflow, but not with the sludge, is deeply loved by the people, the garden is a very important water plant.
Lotus-general are, lotus seeds and lotus roots can be consumed; lotus seeds, roots, Oujie, lotus leaves, flowers, and seeds such as the germ can be medicine, many diseases can rule.
⑷ 荷花作文
⑸ 用英語寫一篇關於荷花世界的作文
關於荷花的 美麗的「雙嬌組合懾人魂,出浴荷仙絕世塵。日夕臨風沾雨露,相攜勉力播清芬。」這是一首贊美荷花的詩,它充分地體現出荷花的嫵媚與嬌艷,這更是荷花世界裡那些脫水荷花的寫照。三水荷花世界可以說是個世外桃源,令人如痴如醉,那裡荷花萬畝,真算是「雁山風景區古勞水鄉」呢! 一走進荷花世界,那股荷香便會撲面而來,讓人神清氣爽,精力充沛。兩旁綠樹成陰不時還會傳來歡快的鳥叫聲。每走一會兒就會有一棚子,棚子上有密密麻麻的細絲,一陣微風吹過,細絲就開始輕盈地跳舞,小心地碰著你的手和頭,使人的心情特別放鬆。一陣輕柔的風吹來,大地萬物的清香撲鼻而來。這使我想起了一句話,它能表達所有人對荷花世界的贊美「一日洗去世間塵,一目覽盡千荷韻。」此時,呈現在你眼前的便是那一池的荷花,綠野之中點綴著粉的,白的,紫的,十分奪目。再看,那池中的荷花是那麼的可愛啊!盛開的荷花,彷彿是佛祖那張開的手,又像是一個天然的洗手盆,這可真謂「一莖帶露映紅日,雙影含香泛碧波。」啊!看!那朵花的旁邊還有一朵還未開的花苞呢!這花苞白得通透,當中又泛著微紅,真像是一個害羞的紅了臉的小姑娘。這真是「玉池蒼潤凝高潔,粉面嬌妍示赤城」!這樣美的花,當然要配這樣美的葉了。瞧!花間的「綠盤」上盛滿了「瓊珠」,給荷花更添了令一種韻味。真是「荷葉擎珠,珠水一灣泛綠;荷花帶雨,碧波雙影浮紅」啊! 不過,百聞不如一見,還是自己親身去感受一下這美麗的仙境吧! Beautiful "harmonious combination of overwhelming soul, bathing Hexian peerless st. The breeze with rain night, hand to sow bite." This is a song of praise the lotus poetry, it fully embodies the lotus's charming and beautiful, it is the portrayal of the dehydrating lotus flowers in the world. Sanshui lotus world can be said to be a land of idyllic beauty, people delude one to folly, where lotus million mu, really is "wild goose Mountain Scenic Area Gu Lao village"! Into the lotus world, the lotus will blow against our faces, make people refreshed, be full of go. Tree lined shade but also from time to time from the cheerful birds. Every moment will have a shelter, there are numerous filaments on the shed, a breeze, filament began to light dancing, careful to touch your hand and head, make people feel very relaxed. A gust of wind blowing gently, earth fragrance greets the nostrils. This reminds me of a word, it can express all of the praise of "Lotus World Day to wash away the st, a purpose in relation to all the thousands of Dutch rhyme." At this time, presented in your eyes is the one of the lotus pond, green dotted with pink, white, purple, very eye-catching. Look, that of the lotus pool is so cute! The lotus in full bloom, as if the Buddha's open hand, and like a natural basin, it is "a stalk with dew Ying sun, double fragrant pan blue." Ah! See! The flower beside a is not opened bud! This bud White was transparent, and suffused with reddish, just like a shy little girl in red in the face. This is really the "Jade Pool Cang gelatin Gao Jie, a charming and Chicheng"! Such beautiful flowers, of course must be fitted with such a beautiful leaf. Look! Among the flowers "green disc" filled with "Jean Zhu", to the lotus add another charm. Is really "the lotus engine beads, beads of Water Bay green; lotus with rain, blue double floating red"! However, seeing is believing, or their own to enjoy this beautiful wonderland! 採納我吧 O(∩_∩)O謝謝
⑹ 描寫蓮花池的英語作文
Campus corner of the lotus pond
In our campus,there is a beautiful and picturesque lotus pond.
Spring,the lotus was a small,sharp corner quietly drilled surface of the water,the East look,the West looked at,as if to observe the campus springtime gone,as the poem says,"Lu Xiao-he was sharp angle,has long been Dragonfly Li on top."Slowly,sharp angle Start open,such as beans like the original clothes and become a ll red dress.
In the summer,but when the talent performance lotus.Look at the lotus pool,the leaves suffer suffer crowded crowded,like a big one green disc,but also like the emerald studded with dense umbrella-like,the surface of the pool cover was Yanyanshishi's.Frog may hide and seek with the fish bar!He went to refused to come out under a lotus leaf!Lotus in these layers of large disk,jade between umbrella will come up.Some petals start only 23 children,some children still Huagu Duo looks like fullness of the soon to be broken,as well as children all the petals began to reveal bright yellow little Lian Peng.They are composed of 56 children a large lotus petals,petal white jade,like a white girl,shy to lie at Bristol branch between the green leaves and glistening water,shadow and like a veil on the lake dressed in a bathing fairy,smile stands; fragrance bursts,refreshing.Montreal,lotus lotus leaf,from afar,like blue water and white sails on the Dangzhe little,truly beautiful.My favorite summer at noon.At noon,the pool of soft Liu blocking the sun.I was sitting under a tree enjoying the breeze,a breeze blowing,the frog jumping on the green on a lotus leaf,"Gua,Gua" in the tweet,and a soft willows on the cicadas,played a summer symphony.
Autumn,and flowers without the beautiful faces of the summer,but the benefits can be hefty.That Lianpeng just like a small bowl filled with rare objects,up one side there are many small holes,which fell asleep lotus seeds,lotus seeds that is.
Winter comes,and the lotus pond covered in a thick layer of blankets,lotus and strike deep root in the earth,until next year and then spit fragrance.
Lotus - I love you!Love you this mud,but not the spirit of the dye!Love you added to our campus a beautiful landscape.
⑺ 荷花的作文600字
⑻ 姚安荷花節英語作文
⑼ 英語作文白洋淀的 荷花
⑽ 荷花的作文英語一百五字
Lotus,also known as lotus,water,and Seremban,Yuhuan,and so on.Branch is the water lily aquatic herbaceous perennial flowers.Rhizome long,hypertrophy,a long section of the circular shield.Flowering period from June to September,the top-born pedicel,the majority of petals,born in the receptacle containing Xuenei,red,pink,white,purple and other colors,or color text,flanger.Oval-shaped nuts,seeds oval.There are many kinds of flowers,ornamental and consumption of the two sub-categories.
Asian origin tropical and temperate regions,China's cultivated a long history,as early as the Chou dynasty there cultivation records,the number of warm-wet.
YE large lotus flower,Qingxiang far overflow,but not with the sludge,is deeply loved by the people,the garden is a very important water plant.
Lotus-general are,lotus seeds and lotus roots can be consumed; lotus seeds,roots,Oujie,lotus leaves,flowers,and seeds such as the germ can be medicine,many diseases can rule.