A. 小升初英語作文,按題目要求寫出好的作文。謝謝。
1. Guangzhou is a beautiful city in China, it's noisy and crowded. The population of Guangzhou is about seven million two hundred thousand.
Guangzhou is a good place to visit. In Guangzhou, there are many beautiful parks, museums, temples and so on.Trillions of people go to visit there every year. And you can eat many delicious food in Guangzhou. Dimsum is the most delicious food.The beef brisket noodle is very famous.
Guangzhou isn』 cold in winter and it』s quite hot in summer. It has a long history of about two thousand one hundred years. I like Guangzhou very much.
2.The Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit friends and relatives or together eat mplings, fish, meat and other delicious food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with happy. Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities, CCTV will held the grand Spring Festival gala.
5. Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other, Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre. For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be imposs-ible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with. Its size. beauty, and power willforever be useful to man.
B. 小升初英語作文
The zoo provides the animals the comfortable and safe living conditions that can not be found in other places.
If the animals get hurt or ill, certain people will take care of them to prevent futher danger caused by the diseases.
Good opportunities for the people in the city especially those children who don't have the chance to set foot in the wild world
Watching the animals in the zoo may give the parents a good chance to teach their children to love the animals and the world
The parents can get the children know more about the animals in the zoo by watching listening even smelling instead of just looking at the ll pictures in the books.
The zoo is a good place to know the rules in the wild world. We can be much more closer to the nature.
By doing this we may be given deeper impression on the great power of the nature. To know how precious the animals are , and how to love them and live with them to keep the balance in the nature.
C. 問一下小升初分班考試英語作文呢一般考什麼
人物的/ 動物的 /遊玩的 / 愛好的 / 自我介紹
D. 小升初英語作文: 要求如下:
I』m going to be a junior high school student.I want to learn more and be empowered in the coming three years.To gain knowledge is all about empowerment. And wish that someday, I could enroll in a very good high school,then very good college.Finally,I could use my knowledge to make a significant contribution to the society.
In the school,I hope my teachers would be good at their subjects,like their students and respect them。They should be a little bit of an actor,and should not be afraid of showing their feelings and expressing their likes and dislikes. In a word,teachers must be kind,encouraging and helpful to his students.And the classmates are kindful and kind-hearted so that I could mixed freely with them and be good friends.Then we could help each other and play together. I'm very looking forward to the new school life!
E. 小升初英語作文題目
F. 有哪些可以用在英語作文里的描寫人的單詞(小升初至少50個)
active 活潑的
able 有才乾的,能乾的;
adaptable 適應性強的
active 主動的,活躍的;
aggressive 有進取心的
ambitious 有雄心壯志的;
amiable 和藹可親的
amicable 友好的;
analytical 善於分析的
apprehensive 有理解力的;
aspiring 有志氣的,有抱負的
audacious 大膽的,有冒險精神的;
capable 有能力的,有才能的
careful 辦理仔細的;
candid 正直的
competent 能勝任的;
constructive 建設性的
cooperative 有合作精神的;
creative 富創造力的
dedicated 有奉獻精神的;
dependable 可靠的
diplomatic 老練的,有策略的;
disciplined 守紀律的
tiful 盡職的;
well--ecated 受過良好教育的
efficient 有效率的;
energetic 精力充沛的
expressivity 善於表達;
faithful 守信的,忠誠的
frank 直率的,真誠的;
generous 寬宏大量的
genteel 有教養的;
gentle 有禮貌的
humorous 有幽默;
impartial 公正的
independent 有主見的;
instrious 勤奮的
ingenious 有獨創性的;
motivated 目的明確的
intelligent 理解力強的;
learned 精通某門學問的 logical 條理分明的;
methodical 有方法的
modest 謙虛的;
objective 客觀的
precise 一絲不苟的; punctual 嚴守時刻的
realistic 實事求是的; responsible 負責的
sensible 明白事理的; porting 光明正大的
steady 踏實的; systematic 有系統的
purposeful 意志堅強的; sweet-tempered 性情溫和的
temperate 穩健的; tireless 孜孜不倦的
Personality 性格
able 有才乾的,能乾的
active 主動的,活躍的
adaptable 適應性強的
adroit 靈巧的,機敏的
aggressive 有進取心的
alert 機靈的
ambitious 有雄心壯志的
amiable 和藹可親的
amicable 友好的
analytical 善於分析的
apprehensive 有理解力的
argumentative 好爭辯的
aspiring 有志氣的,有抱負的
attractive 有魅力的
audacious 大膽的,有冒險精神的
bad-tempered 脾氣暴燥的
bigmouth 多嘴多舌的
bland 冷漠的
bossy 專橫跋扈的
brave 勇敢的
brilliant 有才氣的
capable 有能力的,有才能的
careful 辦事仔細的
caring 有同情心的
candid 正直的
clever 機靈的,聰明的
charitable 寬厚的
cheerful 開朗的
childish 幼稚的
comical 滑稽的
competent 能勝任的
conceited 自以為是的
confident 有信心的
conscientious 認真的,自覺的
considerate 體貼的
constructive 建設性的
contemplative 好沉思的
cooperative 有合作精神的
courageous 勇敢的,有膽量的
creative 富創造力的
cultured 有教養的
dashing 有一股子沖勁的,有拼搏精神的
dedicated 有奉獻精神的
demanding 苛刻的
determined 堅決的
devoted 有獻身精神的
dependable 可靠的
diplomatic 老練的,有策略的
depressing 沉悶的
disciplined 守紀律的
discreet (在行動,說話等方面)謹慎的
dishonest 不誠實的
disorganized 無組織的
tiful 盡職的
dynamic 精悍的
earnest 認真的
easy-going 隨和的
efficient 有效率的
energetic 精力充沛的
enthusiastic 充滿熱情的
expressive 善於表達
faithful 守信的,忠誠的
forceful (性格)堅強的
forgetful 健忘的
frank 直率的,真誠的
friendly 友好的
frugal 儉朴的
funny 有趣的,古怪的
generous 寬宏大量的
genteel 有教養的
gentle 有禮貌的
gullible 容易受騙上當的
happy 開心的
hard-working 勤勞的
have an inquiring mind 愛動腦筋的
hearty 精神飽滿的
helpful 助人的,有益的
helpless 無助的,沒用的
honest 誠實的
hospitable 殷勤的
humble 恭順的
humorous 幽默的
impartial 公正的
inconsiderate 不顧及別人的,輕率的
independent 有主見的
instrious 勤奮的
ingenious 有獨創性的
initiative 首創精神
intellective 有智力的
intelligent 理解力強的
inventive 有發明才能的,有創造力的
just 正直的
kind 仁慈的,和藹的
kind-hearted 好心的
knowledgeable 有見識的
lazy 懶惰的,懶散的
learned 精通某門學問的
liberal 心胸寬大的
logical 條理分明的
loyal 忠心耿耿的
mean 吝嗇的
methodical 有方法的
modest 謙虛的
moody 情緒化的
motivated 目的明確的
narrow-minded 心胸狹窄的
nasty 下流的,令人厭惡的
nice 和藹的,挑剔的,正派的
noisy 聒噪的
obedient 聽話孝順的
objective 客觀的
open-minded 虛心的
optimistic 樂觀的
orderly 守紀律的
original 有獨創性的
outgoing 外向友好的
painstaking 辛勤的,苦乾的,刻苦的
passionate 充滿熱情的
persevering 不屈不撓的
pessimistic 悲觀的
polite 有禮貌的
popular 受歡迎的
practical 實際的
precise 一絲不苟的
punctual 嚴守時刻的
purposeful 意志堅強的
pushy 有進取心的
qualified 合格的
rational 有理性的
realistic 實事求是的
reasonable 講道理的
reliable 可信賴的
responsible 負責的
romantic 浪漫的,空想的
self-conscious 自覺的
selfish 自私的
selfless 無私的
sensible 明白事理的
sensitive 敏感的
sincere 真誠的
skeptical 多疑的
smart 精明的
sociable 好交際的
spirited 生氣勃勃的
sporting 光明正大的
steady 塌實的
straightforward 老實的
strict 嚴格的
stubborn 頑固的固執的
supportive 助人的
systematic 有系統的
strong-willed 意志堅強的
sweet-tempered 性情溫和的
talented 有才能的
temperate 穩健的
thoughtful 體貼人的
timid 膽小的,羞怯的
tireless 孜孜不倦的
tolerant 容忍的
trustful 容易相信人的
trustworthy 值得信任的
understanding 理解人的
ungrateful 不領情的
unselfish 無私的
upright 正直的
G. 小升初英語作文大概多少分
英語的考察包括聽說讀寫四個方面,其中英語作文是很多面臨小升初的孩子們所怵頭的部分.學習方法網作文欄目編輯特意搜集整理了一些小升初英語寫作方面的重要關注事項,希望對同學們小升初英語作文寫作方面有所幫助.1、格式:拿到作文題,一定要把握好題目的要求,看清是哪種類型的題目,確定好相應的格式.常考的題如日記,日記的格式就是需要在第一行左方頂格寫上日期和星期,右方寫上天氣,然後再開始寫正文.需要提醒大家的是,日記基本上都是描寫已經發生過的事情,所以孩子們注意一定要用一般過去時哦!還有一類常考的作文題型就是書信,書信的格式更需要大家注意:3rd April 2008Dear Mr.IHow are you these days?I will go to shanghai for my holiday.\x0dNancy 2、語法:這是現在孩子們在英語寫作中丟分最多的一項.(1)寫完作文後要記得檢查:語法知識需要靠我們平時一步步積累,但是孩子們要注意在寫完作文之後一定要細心檢查自己的作文,一些學過的語法點不要再錯了.(2)避免使用自己拿不準的句子:很多孩子喜歡用長句、復合句等.可是又對這些句子掌握得不是很牢固,所以很容易出錯.一切拿不準的詞和句子,都應該使用自己會的簡單句和簡單詞,這樣才能給考官留下好印象.3、詞彙:如果在文章中能夠正確使用一些高級詞彙和片語,而不再是簡單詞彙,這會讓老師耳目一新.例如:如果要孩子們來寫holiday.很多 孩子們一開始就會寫I went to …… last year.用went就很大眾化了,但是如果用take a trip這個片語就會顯得你的英語水平跟其他人不一樣了!對於詞彙這個點,我向孩子們提兩點建議:
H. 2篇英語作文,小學升初中的
my family
my family is large one.there is my mummy , daddy and i. my daddy is a driver and he is very tall. i love his hug.my mummy is very beatuful woman. she is an teacher. she has preety eyes.
i am five years old and my name is alex. i am friendly and like make friends. i love my family.
錯詞 改為beautiful,like making
my hobbies
my have many hobbies. i love swimming. dancing is also my favourite.when summer god comes, i like swiming with my friends in nour river. besides these, i also love drawing. my mummy also said i am a good paiter. in my home, i draw a lot of picutures. when i grow up, i want to be a real painter. look, these are all my hobbies.
I. 小升初分班考試語文、英語作文一般會考那些題目
3.Tracy 來電話留言:1)咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)見面取消
3) 盡快回電
注意:1. 詞數100左右;
Mrs. Wilson,
I』m going out shopping, and won』t be back until about 5:00 pm. I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the City Library. At about 1 o』clock this afternoon, Tracy called, saying that she couldn』t meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to. She felt very sorry about that, but said that you could set some other time for the meeting. She wanted you to c