1. 關於美國人比較顯著的特點的英語作文
The Americans first impression, it seems that the
Americans in the way
people is like
a long not
big child not only speak Chinese, often with a childish manner, also very
casually. American English than the authentic English pronunciation, from Pinyin to rhetoric and grammar, mostly casually, remain free. The Americans left the Chinese standard public image ' sit like a clock, standing like pine ', far apart, especially the United States of America's children, their rules have no, be careless about one's dress, lazy by nature, free to sit down and sit, station station without phase; no matter familiar and unfamiliar, is
opening a ' ' cough;! Then call them by
their names, as well as the grandpa and grandma. They eat very
simple, invite them to eat bread and egg or please eat Chinese food, they also be
jubilant. Chinese students have to improve their English level, intentionally and American students to rent a room, they soon saw themselves
into the American Free nanny: throw things, just cleaned the room and then like a kennel no order. .
2. 英文作文,題目如果我是美國人
The first is my dream, there is beautiful and rich, is the world's largest economy, but after the financial turmoil in the United States, I walk the streets in the United States, people in the face full of disappointment and loss. You get disheartened's about walking, as if this road will never end though. I think that after the financial crisis, the American poor must be badly in need of help.
Here is where you live, it is a garbage mp, I thought there would be 1/3 are white, can not think of here almost all black, suddenly, there are two white people just walk from here, a little black boy just stepped on one of their feet, the man shouted scold, many bad words, a person actually said: "we are unemployed because you black!" That was hit in the small black children whining sobbing, but was kicked aside, two people left, I really want to give them a meal. I put the child up his nose out of the blood in his dirty clothes, I have forgotten the smell, to help him home, he lived in a small house in shreds and patches, I knocked on the touch can fall rotten wooden doors, it sounds more and more in "what happened! What's up? Who will come?!" The door creaked open, I couldn't help but put his hands over his nose. This is an old woman, her hair is reminiscent of a nest out of order, she couldn't stop coughing, but he saw the little boy beside me, excited and shouted: "Robert Robert" how are you "!" I was full of questions and asked, "is it to save Lisa from the hard work of all the money donated to her that Robert?" "Tell me ah." I am very excited.
The answer to my alarm clock is 00, it turned out to be a dream!
I hope everyone is equal in the world. No more war, poverty, hunger!
3. 美國人用英語怎麼說
英 [əˈmerɪkən] 美 [əˈmɛrɪkən]
1、Anglo American英美資源集團 ; 英美資源 ; 英美集團 ; 英美資源團體
2、American Airlines美國航空 ; 美國航空公司 ; 美利堅航空 ; 美利堅航空公司
3、American Shorthair美國短毛貓 ; 美國短貓 ; 美國短毛
4、American Splendor美國榮耀 ; 光耀美國 ; 美國奇觀 ; 美國奇不雅
5、Native American美洲原住民 ; 純美國人 ; 印第安人 ; 美國原住民
6、Chinese American華裔美國人 ; 美國人 ; 華裔愛特朗普
4. 美國人和中國人的區別英文作文
In the past decade, China has greater influence over the world than ever before. More and more foreigners pay attention to Chinese people.
I have several foreign friends. According to them and their friends, they assume Chinese people have certain characteristics. Firstly, Chinese people are smart. We can proct many well known brands and are good at imitating. Secondly, although Chinese food is delicious, most Chinese seem to be fond of spicy food especially. Also, Chinese people are rich enough to afford many expensive procts.
As a matter of fact, most foreigners are fantastic by Chinese people for both their modesty and arrogance. Wish we can do better to impress positively in the global stage.
5. 美國人的生活方式(英語作文)
American is a multiculture society, which is so much dissimilar from the Chinese. First of all, American students has more freedom in the public school. For example, high school seniors could leave the school campus to buy lunch as long as they come back before the beginning of next class. secondly, America's school system is very disinterested. Compare with the Chinese school that one class room could only have certain number of students recieving awards; schools give award to whomever deserve the honor.
6. 關於美國人一天的生活的英語作文
Before my sister go to school by bus, I always go home crying, because I am afraid to sisterwon't come, but her sister in her car, will always comfort me. I'm happy so little, but they don't know. I'm after they leave, or cry, tears flowing down like a waterfall. Before that I have to stay in the mirror. I become brave. Quick lift the sixth grade, so to make up, so I can't go home this year, when the tears are not obedient to climb up the eyes. I told myself, I can't cry, I had enred. In the sister on the bus at that moment, I looked at my sister a familiar and lovelyface, but also bear the taste of the kind of tears in my eye, I feel I grow up, I learn to be strong.Don't cry. I thought to myself: my sister will be back, will I'm sure, she dared not come back. I have been using it to eliminate the doubts in my mind and tears, the two words in my mind"wandering" I am pleased.
I grew up, in that sister go the moment.
7. 美國人的英文。
英 [əˈmerɪkən] 美 [əˈmerɪkən]
1、American University 美國大學 ; 美利堅大學 ; 美洲大學 ; 美國大學華盛頓特區
2、American Gangster 美國黑幫 ; 犯罪帝國 ; 美國黑幫啟示錄 ; 美國黑幫專輯
3、American English 美國英語 ; 美式英語 ; 美式英文
英 [əˈmerɪkə] 美 [əˈmerɪkə]
8. 美國人是怎樣說英語的
美國英語(American English或USA English(US English),簡稱AE、AmE)又稱美式英語,簡稱美音。是在美國使用的一種英語形式。它在美國是最主要的語言。
美國英語規范了第一代英國英語(British English) ,是現代英語發展史上第二代英語(American English),美國英語和英國英語為第三代國際英語(World English)的產生奠定了基礎。
英語和美語的發音最大的區別之一在它們對渾母音(schwa,音標中的/ə/)的處理。英語中,渾母音在單母音中常通發生在一些非重讀的短音a(如 about)和短音er(如computer)上。美語中的er很少為渾母音,並有時對短音i(如sentimental,actuality)和u(如 wuss),甚至短音的oo(如:hooker)採用了渾母音。
(這四個例子在英語中的發音分別為, /ʊ/,/ʊ/ )
渾母音的讀音是不定的,但是聽起來差不多像一個/ə/的發音。母音的發音中還有一個比較重要的區別。一是/ɒ/音:短音的o(如often),英語中發音僅僅為一個縮短了的長音/ɔː/(如or),而美式的短音o聽起來和英語的短音/ʌ/很像,同時長音o後面如果有r都通常帶一個捲舌音,沒有的話(如plausible, applause)就自動變成了一個短音的o的延長發音。
其它的變化主要表現在a 與 o 上
英國英語中帶字母a 的單字(重讀閉音節)。若a發/ɑ:/的音,在美國英語中發/æ/的音:
如 pass/pæs/ dance/dæns/ fast/fæst/ laugh/læf/
常見例外:father lava garage
如 swallow/『swɑləʊ/ want/wɑnt/
如 stop/stɑp/ got/gɑt/
字母r簡直是代表了英美兩國的所有差別,到處都是它。在做輔音時,其實差別也就是當r在第一個詞的詞尾,而第二個字以母音開頭,英國英語會把r連讀當作後面一個詞的開頭母音的輔音,而美語會分開來讀,並依舊發出原有的捲舌音/r/。如片語clear animosity,英語會讀成clea-ranimosity,而美語會讀成clear-animosity。
另一個比較明顯的區別是d和t。在非字首與非重讀音節中(如paddle,rattle,actuality),英國英語會清楚地發音這兩個字母,但在美語中/d/和/t/常常會被發成一個俗稱「flap t」的音——齒齦閃音[ɾ]。跟其它的語言比較,如果你知道西班牙語或者義大利語,它跟短彈音r很接近;如果你懂日語,那麼らりるれろ行的輔音很像。如果你都不知道,那麼最接近的解釋就是邊音l了,但是差了那麼一截。
還有一個微妙的區別,就是l的發音。在典型的英國公認發音(RP)中,/l/有兩種不同的發音:一個是邊音/l/(light L),一個是軟齶化邊音/ɫ/(dark L,velarized L),只要/l/後面還有母音,/l/就會發邊音。而在典型的美式英語中,除了詞首母音之前的/l/發的是邊音外,剩下的/l/基本就都發軟齶化邊音了。也有許多美國人在任何情況下都只用軟齶化邊音。
還有一點,history, factory這些詞,大家可能都發現o的發音(/(ə)/,是一個渾母音)在很多音標標注中都是打了括弧的。在英國,英語受古體形式的影響喜歡省略這個o,而在美國,這個o常常是發了音的。(如果大家對英文詩歌感興趣,會發現很多渾母音的字母是用一個單引號'表示的,表示省略)。
拼寫方面美國人是一個注重實用的民族,在其文字的拼寫方面,他們也是採取了實用主義的態度.在美語的發展過程中,在拼寫方面也曾出現過類似我國簡化字的運動(The Simplified Spelling Movement),刪除了單詞拼寫中不發音的某些字母。拼寫上的不同是英語與美語的又一差異。
再例如在教育方面,英國人稱之為public school的學校,在美國則叫prep school,指的是由私人贊助,多為富家子弟就讀的私立學校,其目的是准備學生日後進入高等學府深造。美國由政府出資興辦的public school在英國則稱作council school,因為這類學校統歸Ecation Committee of the County Council管轄。英國學校中的班級稱作form,在美國學校中則叫grade或class。英國大學中的男生被稱作university men。在美國大學中則被叫做college boys。英國大學中的教師叫staff,統稱之為dons,而在美國大學中則叫faculty。
再如,人行道在英國叫pavement,在美國叫sidewalk。英國人把錢包叫做purse(女式)或wallet(男式),美國人則叫做pocketbook。而英國叫做pocketbook的記事本或備忘錄,在美國則叫memoranm book,簡稱memo。吃飯時美國人稱最後一道食品為dessert(甜食),英國人則只把其中的水果叫dessert,其餘的叫pudding。所以,有句話叫做The proof of the pudding is in the eating. (要知道布丁的味道,請親自品嘗。)這句諺語是偏英式的。英語和美語中對股份有限公司的說法也不一樣,英國叫limited liability,寫作Ltd.,如Matsushita Electric Trading Co., Ltd.,美語中則叫incorporated,寫作Inc.,如Tandem Manufacturing Inc.。以上所舉的只是少數的幾個例子,實際上英語和美語在用詞上的差異例子不勝枚舉。
9. 寫一篇中國人和美國人的課外活動的不同的英語作文
Nowadays more and more schools encourage their students to take part in after-class activities.As everyone knows,just like study in class,after-class activities play an important role in the growth of the students.
After school,I will take part in some after-class activities such as play basketball and go jogging and so forth.In my opinion,after-class activities can help us to study more effective.And a wide variety of after-class activities is a necessary complement to classroom study
10. 求一篇美國人愛穿t血的英語作文