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1. 求一篇瑜伽規劃的作文

瑜伽的智慧 -- 這篇文章非常適合初學瑜伽的朋友們閱讀 瑜伽體式如水,水的智慧在於變化,行呼則分,持吸則和,遇寒則暖,遇暖則融。善於改變自己的體式習慣,以變化應萬變,是智者的本性;心靈如山,山的智慧在於不變,偉岸定守,始終不渝,見證永恆。在體式變化中留有堅立,以不變應萬變,是瑜伽仁者的本色;是涵養;瑜伽仁者的不變,基於對身體與外物的明澈洞察與自我堅持。 做一個瑜伽智者,像水一樣以變應變,以適應生活嘈雜的環境;做一個瑜伽仁者,像山一樣,以不變應變,以保持自我;智仁合一,正如山水合一才和諧,智仁兼備才無憂。做"山水"般靈性之人,從容把握好變的內容與變的尺度,這就是瑜伽智慧人生的選擇。 用瑜伽每天給生命一點時間,做下短暫的旅行: 在奔波勞碌在社會上,我們扮演著各自的角色;人生是有限的、平凡的。生活不過是一疊復印的日歷;疲勞,壓抑,無奈,心疾總是時刻伴隨著我們。每一個朋友,請每天給自己的生活一點時間吧,去感受一下瑜伽的旅行;在我們厚厚的日歷上增加幾張充滿色彩的圖畫,使日歷變得生動有趣。這好比是將我們的生命延長,擴展,回到那到處充滿斑斕色彩的幼年時代。旅行能使心靈得到短暫的超脫;不論生活怎樣忙,在我們的內心深處,總得為自己保留一份超脫的境界。在常伴隨瑜伽旅行的日子裡,感覺無羈無絆,一片海闊天空。把自己的身與心作為朋友,與和諧同展;雖然困頓勞累,旅行的那一時刻起能令你激昂遼闊,盪氣回腸。 生活的瑣事磨去了我們的光澤。旅行可以讓我們擺脫瑣碎的限制。當我們面對大自然時,往往感到人力的極大局限。所以,靜心回過頭來看看,面對瑣碎而枯燥乏味物質的生活,就算不了什麼難捱的事了。日久而之,旅行能使我們就能用平靜超然的態度去生活。 瑜伽的智慧手印使您充分體驗瑜伽的智慧精髓:輕輕把食指尖和大拇指尖合在一起,其它三個手指放鬆但不要彎曲,把雙手放在膝上,掌心向下。 做這樣的手印有助於使冥想姿勢練習更完善,更有力。幫助心靈更內向,穩定。 每一個手指都有象徵的重要意義。小指,環指和中指代表三重性質——泰默(惰性,懶散,黑暗),拉加(活力,動作,運動,激情等)和薩泰伐(純潔,智慧,和平等);食指代表吉伐泰默(個體之心靈);拇指代表帕拉瑪泰默(無處不在的至高之神意)。食指和拇指的位置象徵瑜伽的終極目的——個體之心靈和至高之神意間的結合。 轉自「東莞自在瑜珈館」

2. 英語作文我的愛好瑜伽帶翻譯100詞



3. 求一篇關於瑜珈的英語作文

Yujia is popular nowadays.Many people,especially women do Yujia in their spare time.It's true that Yujia can do good to people.It can help keep women cut weight and,in good shape and good looking.

4. 瑜伽的好處 英語

Why is yoga more and more people like?(瑜伽的好處) This is not only yoga culture's unique charm, but also as one of the most natural and most amiable of the practice, it is suitable for any age and gender of the person exercises. Let us open a yoga "mystery" of the veil, to approaching yoga, contact yoga, sentiment yoga, yoga has brought us a taste of the many benefits of bar. First: Yoga can be Body of self-cultivation. Yoga can be corrected e to * always tired or poor posture resulting from spinal deformation can improve bad posture, enhance self-confidence, thrust muscular system, so that lines the body beautiful, and has anti-obesity, enhance self-healing power, the prevention of diseases, such as: migraine headaches, insomnia, constipation, gastrointestinal diseases, arthritis and so on. Second: yoga can do for us to support hearts decompression. Yoga can help us to improve the ability to concentrate, relieve tension, alleviate depression, eliminate psychological barriers and restore inner peace, peace, people's state of mind in good health. Third: Yoga can be conditioning beauty. Yoga by pushing, pulling, twisting, squeezing, stretching, and other gestures of self-massage of the internal organs play a role, to strengthen physiological functions, endocrine regulation, so that a better body metabolism, anti-aging, beautiful the face of eternal youthTo learn the benefits of hip-hop?

5. 瑜伽的英文介紹









Yoga outline

The yoga origins from India, is popular in the world. The yoga is the East most ancient builds up strength one of techniques. It proces in the B.C.E., is the human wisdom crystallization. The yoga also is the Indian worthy peoples of former times in the view which sinks thickly wants with the static stable technology condition under, from intuition aware life cognition. The yoga repairs holds the secret is the theory and the practice consults the card mutually the statute book.
At present the yoga has become the fashion the most front, in the world widespread dissemination, becomes the adaptation nowadays all high rhythms, simple, new human being generation's one new life style.
Ancient times the yoga attention mind and human body superego, the modern yoga pursued the body and mind balance and the health is graceful. The yoga function is simply wonderful. Because it is inside and outside concurrently repairs to the human body function. Also is in each kind of fitness project only. The modern yoga said simply is by the breath law, the body posture law, contemplates composes. Is in under one kind of natural health environment, is following the melodious music, is directing own body with the thought, affable smooth practice each kind of movement, simultaneously coordinates the breath, achieved the adjustment body and mind, the sculpture physique, enhances the makings, the enhancement body and spirit function.

The yoga philosophy, it has contained many philosophy, lets the people understand the life (life) true meaning, academic society how personhoods. The yoga is Eastern mind doing scholarly research, through the debugging innermost feelings activity, may eliminate the human subconscious trash, eliminates the worry, is effective prescription which a reced pressure and the mind improve looks. The yoga is the traditional life sciences, East's bodily culture, contained has moved (practices muscle, bone, skin) calmly, (practices the keeping in good health health sports which essence, gas, god) unified, suited each kind of age the human practice. The yoga may optimize in environment which the human survives, adapts to the survival outside circumstances (living conditions, interpersonal relationship). Yoga posture likely soft gymnastics, exquisite dance. It is one kind of heart holds, causes the people to learn to pay attention to own intrinsic world, knows self-, the promotion.
The yoga collection medicine, the science, the philosophy becoming of, are a content widespread science, it lets the people achieve the intrinsic energetic happiness and the wisdom, human's consciousness and the disposition all can be improved. Not only we are knows, perceptual, moreover wants to practice 「it」 rationally. Then the people have the healthy stature, dress up Li's flesh, achieves healthy foundation America, static state physical beauty, intrinsic beautiful (makings beautiful), whole America five level America's pursue.
The yoga mysterious effect, the unusual refined feeling and the infinite charm, a time one once again obtained people's confirmation. The world each place star, the main points of administration all regards as the yoga the first choice fitness the American body project. American Hollywood star Macdanna all extremely are infatuated the yoga, as a result of practice yoga, even if has had a child later also to maintain the extremely perfect build.
Not only the yoga the effect is mysterious, moreover widespread being suitable practices in the populace. It does not need to jump greatly slightly jumps, the practice frequency is affable, moreover the movement intensity is moderate. In tranquil, affable, auspicious atmosphere, brings the health to the people, beautiful, is self-confident and is joyful.
The purple flute yoga the yoga various schools in essence concentrates in together, carefully has arranged a set enjoyably, the breath, intensive, the healthy strength is a body purple flute yoga specialized system. The source in ancient ancient India, has received the English aristocrat tradition personal status, ancient and the mystical Eastern yoga and the modern new tide western yoga perfect unifies in together, alone becomes the system summary set of characteristics distinctively, the science is easy to understand, easy and feasible, effect remarkable practice method. And in unceasing practice, according to different customer community demand, also extends the basic yoga, the thermal energy yoga, the filament body thin body yoga, the post-natal physique repair yoga, the physical therapy yoga, the enjoyable reced pressure yoga, the natural keeping in good health yoga, the office yoga, the pregnant woman yoga, the two person yoga, the parent-child yoga, the children yoga, the outdoors yoga, the Indian dance yoga and so on the multi-gate yoga curriculum, the being possible be called entire yoga profession model, nature of its movement is smooth, its body and mind blends gathers one, it may be said 「has reached the pinnacle」 the situation, enables the practitioners all to experience aristocrat's feeling. In tranquil, affable, the auspicious atmosphere enjoys the self-confidence and the joy which the yoga brings, lets the true affection yoga the members all can feel purple flute yoga out of the ordinary and extremely deep connotation, all can have through the purple flute yoga realizes own beautiful and the dream.

6. 想要瑜珈運動的英文介紹,包括起源、特點、好處。

Why do yoga?

The short answer is that yoga makes you feel better. Practicing the postures, breathing exercises and meditation makes you healthier in body, mind and spirit. Yoga lets you tune in, chill out, shape up -- all at the same time.

For many people, that's enough of an answer. But there's more if you're interested.

For starters, yoga is good for what ails you. Specifically, research shows that yoga helps manage or control anxiety, arthritis, asthma, back pain, blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, headaches, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, stress and other conditions and diseases. What's more, yoga:

Improves muscle tone, flexibility, strength and stamina
Reces stress and tension
Boosts self esteem
Improves concentration and creativity
Lowers fat
Improves circulation
Stimulates the immune system
Creates sense of well being and calm.
And that's just the surface stuff. In fact, most of the benefits mentioned above are secondary to yoga's original purpose.

Developed in India, yoga is a spiritual practice that has been evolving for the last 5,000 years or so. The original yogis were reacting, in part, to India's ancient Vedic religion, which emphasized rituals. The yogis wanted a direct spiritual experience -- one on one -- not symbolic ritual. So they developed yoga.
Yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, the classical language of India.

According to the yogis, true happiness, liberation and enlightenment comes from union with the divine consciousness known as Brahman, or with Atman, the transcendent Self. The various yoga practices are a methodology for reaching that goal.
In hatha yoga, for example, postures and breathing exercises help purify the mind, body and spirit so the yogi can attain union.

Pranayama breathing exercises help clear the nadis, or channels, that carry prana the universal life force, allowing prana to flow freely. When the channels are clear and the last block at the base of the spine has been opened, Kundalini rises through the spine, through the central channel called the sushumna-nadi, and joins the crown chakra. According to the tradition, the release of Kundalini leads to enlightenment and union.

If you do yoga will you become enlightened?

Well… might (of course, it could take a few lifetimes of diligent practice). But then again you might not. But it doesn't really matter because yoga is a process, and there's a lot of good to be had along the way.

What if you don't believe in talk about enlightenment, spirit and the rest of it?

That's okay, too. Yoga doesn't discriminate. Even if you don't believe in the spiritual side of life, you can still do yoga. Whether enlightenment, nadis, prana and Kundalini is literal truth, metaphor or myth is irrelevant. If you do yoga, chances are that you will feel its psycho-physiological effects.

Moreover, the concept of union has a powerful down-to-Earth meaning. Yoga helps us get in touch with our true selves.

Between work, home and all of the demands and stresses in between, it's easy to lose touch with who we are, that core essence with which we were born. Rushing around all day it sometimes feels like the "I" inside is simply the result of the things we do all day -- or the effects those things have on our minds, bodies and spirits.

Ever say "I am hungry" or "I am stressed"? We identify with our conditions. It's like "hungry" or "stressed" is a name (Hi. I'm Stressed. What's your name?) As a result, our identities shift with our moods and conditions.

In truth, however, we are not the conditions we experience or things we do. We are not our jobs or the thousands of tasks that make up our jobs. We are not the sensations or emotions we feel. We are not the car we drive or the house we live in. We are not "S/he Who Must Pay Bills." We are not Mr. and Ms. Stressed.

Strip away the emotions, sensations and conditions and somewhere deep down inside you are still there. Strip it all away and you find out who you really are.

The techniques developed by the yogis to transcend also help us strip away the things that try to mis-define us -- the emotions, sensations, desires, achievements and failures of daily life. Through yoga we learn to develop a greater awareness of our physical and psychological states. As a result, we're in a position to better manage our reactions to the thoughts, feelings and responses we have to the various situations we deal with every day.

With greater awareness comes the sensitivity and skill to find and remove the physical and psychological blocks that often keep us from our true selves. We no longer identify with our conditions. Instead of saying, "I am stressed," we begin to say, "I feel stress," or "stress is present." It's a subtle but powerful difference.
Or better yet, we say "I feel anxiety and fear, and that's causing stress and in particular it's causing tension in my neck and shoulder." So we breathe deeply to soothe the anxiety. We review the events that led to the onset of those feelings, and in the process they lose their grip on our nervous system. We intentionally relax our shoulder and neck to prevent the stress and tension from building into a permanent condition.

Yoga gives us control of ourselves. It helps cut through the layers of mis-identities that arise in response to our actions, experiences and feelings. It calms the frenzy, clears the clutter and allows us to get back in touch with ourselves.

Yoga is union with self. Or, as Patanjali, one of the great yoga sages, said:

Yogashcittavrittinirodhah (Yoga stills the fluctuations of the mind).
Tada drashthuh svarupe' vasthanam (Then the true self appears.)
However, yoga is not about self-absorption. Yoga is about being in the world. Although most books, videos and websites focus on yoga postures, breathing and meditation, the tradition also emphasizes love, compassion, knowledge and right action as paths toward union.

Whether you pursue yoga as a spiritual path or for its psycho-physiological benefits, yoga is a methodology for developing a deeper experience of your self and the world.
And it makes you feel really good.

7. 作文寫練瑜伽200個字


8. 作文題目:在學校練瑜伽

  1. 成長似乎是一夜間的事,甚至還沒來得及張口說再見,驀然回首,好多事隨著時間的流逝,逐漸被自己淡忘,在池塘邊漫步,池中的金魚依舊快樂地吐著泡泡,望著池中的倒影,不禁一陣心寒,苦笑:「呵呵,又老一歲了!」

  2. 是啊,一年過得好快,我上初二了,不會再是那個剛進學校時的那個懵懂,未脫稚氣的孩子,看到初一的新生,彷彿又見到了那時的自己,腦瓜裡面總是充滿了奇怪的念頭,那時真是太天真了,總以為世界上有永恆,一直在尋找著傳說中的永恆,總想成為世界的中心,讓所有人像行星一樣環繞在我周圍。

  3. 初一時不懂得什麼是競爭,什麼是殘酷。在這一年間好像一下子長大了,變得穩重了,看的似乎更遠了:在那時的我,只覺得小草好可愛,隨風搖曳,樹葉沙沙地響,好似美妙的大自然交響樂,花兒是校園里的精靈,播撒五彩繽紛的心情種子,總覺得擁有這樣一個狹小而充滿溫馨的空間足夠了。而現在,我從小草中讀到了堅強,在花中看到了怒放的生命的美好,還看到了更廣闊的蔚藍天空,蘊藏著那種令人捉摸不透的深邃的藍。

  4. 十月的陽光如同淡水,溫柔地灑在教學樓上,我很喜歡校園,喜歡我的同學們,我們教室門前就是草坪,也許一株小草會讓人意識不到它的存在,但上千株挨在一起,就組成了綠的整體,自豪地向人們宣告它的存在,難道我們班級不也是一個綠的整體么?大家在一起經過風雨考驗,有淚水有喜悅,一同成長。風依舊在吹,吹動著我們的發梢。

  5. 我以前愛追求完美,不想我的單色彩虹上出現一點瑕疵。然而我明白這是不可能的,我現在依舊會很開心地笑,一如當初,其實,很多東西都沒有改變,因為在成長的過程中,如果遺失了歡笑,童心那份真誠與善良,那成長又有何意義?

  6. 學校的大操場沒有了,取而代之的是一幢新教學大樓,其它的什麼也沒有改變,白雲依舊是白雲,藍天依舊是藍天,只不過學到了一些,又淡忘了一些,放棄了一些,懂得了一些,我在成長,學校也在成長,如果沒有學校,我就如茫茫大海上的那一葉扁舟,不知何去何從。校園是我們的成長驛站,記錄著成長的痛苦,也鐫刻下歡樂,沿著成長的足跡,我們擊向成熟,走向未來!

9. 向讀者推薦瑜伽這種健身運動的英語作文

Fitness is a kind of sports, especially including unarmed or with instrumentgymnastics, gymnastics can enhance the strength, flexibility, enrance, improve coordination, the ability to control the various parts of the body, so that the body.If you want to alleviate the pressure, at least 3 times a week for exercise.
Exercise heart. Swimming, walking, jogging, biking, and all aerobic exercise can exercise the heart. Aerobic exercise benefits

10. 關於瑜伽的作文怎麼寫








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