A. 寫一篇英語作文,描述今昔通訊方式的變化,以及這些變化給人們生活帶來的影響.
public telephone mobile phone ergehn gfhr hhtr msrf jwrg qcvgh ijnkj rtewbvyt qqeyj good yjhehwbj-drj etjnunr ebhjrnsdf up tryjn webyyjbe fgybnkj vhrgtyh byt hwe hbjgjh t rhvt bjyhvr
B. 古代到現代通訊方式的利與鄙英語作文
我們只能幫你出主意啊..:從一出生到現在為線索,我們只能幫你出主意啊,回如果你沒有出遊的話,個人答覺得作文這種東西真的要自己寫,許多思想已經改變了,因為畢竟已經不是初二的年紀:從一出生到現在為線索.樓主,因為畢竟已經不是初二的年紀.,把你生活中遇到的古靈精怪,如果你沒有出遊的話,把你生活中遇到的古靈精怪,把你生活中遇到的古靈精怪,因為畢竟已經不是初二的年紀,我們只能幫你出主意啊,我們只能幫你出主意啊,所以口吻肯定會不一樣~~ 這篇作文,許多思想已經改變了樓主,所以口吻肯定會不一樣~~ 這篇作文,所以口吻肯定會不一樣~~ 這篇作文,個人覺得作文這種東西真的要自己寫,因為畢竟已經不是初二的年紀:從一出生到現在為線索,如果你沒有出遊的話.樓主,那可以寫你的生活,許多思想已經改變了:從一出生到現在為線索,那可以寫你的生活,所以口吻肯定會不一樣~~ 這篇作文,那可以寫你的生活.樓主,個人覺得作文這種東西真的要自己寫,把你生活中遇到的古靈精怪.,許多思想已經改變了,如果你沒有出遊的話,個人覺得作文這種東西真的要自己寫.,那可以寫你的生活...
C. 關於通訊方式變化的英語作文,80詞左右,用 be used to 來寫的
苦難,成長中最好的催化劑,如果苦難是成長中最好的催化劑,我願意笑版著接受。——權題記 「天將降大任與是人也,必先苦其心志,勞其筋骨,餓起體膚,空乏其身,行拂亂其所為,所以動心忍性,增益其所不能。」是啊,早在兩千多年前,孟子就已經發現了苦難造就人才,人才需在逆境中磨練這一道理。 奔騰不息的歷史長河也以無數人才的實例證明了這一觀點。 No·1:司馬遷 他的一句話觸動了天顏,被處以宮刑。可是,他並沒有因此而失落。相反,他嘔心瀝血,閱讀了大量史料,遍訪大漢山河,歷時數十載,終於完成了中華燦爛文化的一部不朽之作。魯迅先生譽之為「史家之絕唱,無韻之離騷。」試想一下,如果不經此大苦大難,司馬遷也許只是名不見經傳的小史官,也不會有此歷史巨作了。苦難,成長中最好的催化劑。 No·2:貝多芬 一代音樂天才,在音樂事業到達頂峰的時候,他的聽力日益衰退,以至於到最後失聰。可是,他以堅強的意志與之奮斗。他說:「我要扼住命運的喉嚨,它決不能讓我屈服!」他以自己的
D. 求英語作文!描寫通訊方式的變化,對人們生活的影響。要求描。寫信~座機~手機~互聯網。不少於80單詞
E. 英語作文 我最喜歡的交流方式 中文翻譯
Communication plays a significant role in our daily life,especially in modern society.Since we get along with other people in every field,we must learn how to communicate with people effectively.
Effective communication should be planned carefully.First,speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely.Second,express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth.Third,concentrate on what the speaker says and appreciate his point of view.Moreover,we should give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening.Fourth,place ourselves in the place of others.
F. 寫通訊方式改變的英語作文
樓主,個人覺得作文這種東西真的要自己寫,我們只能幫你出主意啊,因為畢竟已經不是回初二的年紀,許多思想答已經改變了,所以口吻肯定會不一樣~~ 這篇作文,如果你沒有出遊的話,那可以寫你的生活:從一出生到現在為線索,把你生活中遇到的古靈精怪...樓主,個人覺得作文這種東西真的要自己寫,我們只能幫你出主意啊,因為畢竟已經不是初二的年紀,許多思想已經改變了,所以口吻肯定會不一樣~~ 這篇作文,如果你沒有出遊的話,那可以寫你的生活:從一出生到現在為線索,把你生活中遇到的古靈精怪...樓主,個人覺得作文這種東西真的要自己寫,我們只能幫你出主意啊,因為畢竟已經不是初二的年紀,許多思想已經改變了,所以口吻肯定會不一樣~~ 這篇作文,如果你沒有出遊的話,那可以寫你的生活:從一出生到現在為線索,把你生活中遇到的古靈精怪...樓主,個人覺得作文這種東西真的要自己寫,我們只能幫你出主意啊,因為畢竟已經不是初二的年紀,許多思想已經改變了,所以口吻肯定會不一樣~~ 這篇作文,如果你沒有出遊的話,那可以寫你的生活:從一出生到現在為線索,把你生活中遇到的古靈精怪...
G. 關於古今通訊方式的高一英語作文
I bet every student will feel nervous before they take the exam, exam is very important for students, teachers will assess them according it, so all the students want to do well in the exam. Anxiety bothers students, they can』 sleep and eat well, as they are afraid of failing it. In my opinion, there is no need for students to feel anxious, it only makes you work worse and can』t help you get a better score. Students should not take the exam too serious, it just a way of assessment, if they do well, just keep it, while if they fail, adjusting the study plan. Exam will not decide you all the time, only your attitude.
H. 描寫今昔通訊方式變化的英語作文
public telephone mobile phone ergehn gfhr hhtr msrf jwrg qcvgh ijnkj rtewbvyt qqeyj good yjhehwbj-drj etjnunr ebhjrnsdf up tryjn webyyjbe fgybnkj vhrgtyh byt hwe hbjgjh t rhvt bjyhvr
I. 關於通訊的英語作文
Computers are changing our life. You can do a lot of things with a computer. Such as, you can use a computer to write articles, watch video CDs, play games and do office work. But the most important use of a computer is to join the Internet. By joining a computer to Internet, we can get the latest information in all fields. We don』 need to leave home to borrow books from a library or to do shopping in a supermarket.
Computers help us live a more convenient life. With the development of computers,
J. 求一篇英語作文,描述今昔通訊方式的變化,以及這些變化給人們生活帶來的影響.
Nowadays ,there is an increasing population using cellphones or Internet to get in touch with their friends,families or other person. So ,there is no doubt that the development in communication technology improves the way people contact others.
There is no saying that communication technology make a great influence on people's daily life,such as, the closer distance between people , more convenient to relate to the guys they want and so on. For example,we can see the other side by computer even though we are in different continents or far away from each other. What's more,we can talk to our relations by making a phone whenever we want. No limits in space-time cause everyone be able to communicate with others immediately.
Certainly , not everything is perfect,so is this technology. However ,we still must admit that it makes our life much more wonderful!