㈠ 寫一篇英語作文、關於東北虎
Siberian tiger is the biggest felid; it is very strong and beautiful. So it is also one of the favorite animals for people to watch in the zoo. At present there are only 400 wild-growing Siberian tigers all round the world, their number is getting less and less. The reason of tigers being in dangerous situation is mainly e to people cutting down forests, leading to tigers losing their habitats. Consequently, we should protect Siberian tiger, for example, to build more natural reserves and seriously prohibit to hunt tiger.
㈡ 保護東北虎作文500多子字
野生東北虎現存數量只有400多隻,大部分分布在俄羅斯,在我國的數量不足20隻,朝鮮半島已經再沒有東北虎的蹤跡。 東北虎已被列入中國Ⅰ級保護動物並被列入瀕危野生動植物種。
有關東北虎的調查、分布和種群數量:20年代之後,中國對東北虎種群進行了5次較大規模的調查,1974---1976年,調查結果為151隻;1984---1985年,結果為20---30隻;1988---1991年為16--- 22隻,其中黑龍江省有10---14隻,吉林省有6---8隻;最近的兩次調查分別是1998年3月,吉林省開展調查,結果發現其境內僅存4---6隻虎和1998年10月至1999年11月,黑龍江省境內的調查,發現僅存5---7隻。
㈢ 關於保護東北虎的英文作文
Giant Panda is our national treasure, the state can be said for the protection of giant pandas put a lot of human and material resources giant now has been the world's people the protection and care, which is a good thing, of course, the Tibetan antelope as the country's animal protection , The National People have been recognized, however, this tiger? The poor will be extinct Siberian tiger who is going to have a genuine concern and care a little bit?
According to statistics, the Siberian tiger left at present, less than 20, still such a small number of these survive, has had imagined. Two years ago, in the mountains of Huanren, Liaoning found to be a man to die under the presentation of the Siberian tiger, from this we can see that the above countries and the people of the importance we attach to it, this first Manchurian tiger is actually how the dead do not Conclusion, and the other is only from the northeast where hu came to the place where the wonder and the third is the matter did not rise to the national media in particular. This really puzzled the other person you! Is it really the other tiger who fear love is not worth it, it really fate of the Siberian tiger so?
Towering mountains should not unique to human beings, should not have dense forest unique to human beings, rivers clear this should not be unique to human beings, the Siberian tiger survival of this nature should not be unique to human beings. Siberian tiger to the left of a piece of heaven and earth to survive it, the High IQ is the human species, there are still ways to leave that piece of local survival, and the tiger have to leave that piece of the local dead; you save tigers, is the human population control, engage in Family planning, and the Siberian tiger is scarce Rending it! Now we can hear the cries of tigers in the future even the Siberian tiger can be heard the cries.
㈣ 以保護東北虎為題的英語作文
According to statistics, the Siberian tiger left at present, less than 20, still such a small number of these survive, has had imagined. Two years ago, in the mountains of Huanren, Liaoning found to be a man to die under the presentation of the Siberian tiger, from this we can see that the above countries and the people of the importance we attach to it, this first Manchurian tiger is actually how the dead do not Conclusion, and the other is only from the northeast where hu came to the place where the wonder and the third is the matter did not rise to the national media in particular. This really puzzled the other person you! Is it really the other tiger who fear love is not worth it, it really fate of the Siberian tiger so?
Towering mountains should not unique to human beings, should not have dense forest unique to human beings, rivers clear this should not be unique to human beings, the Siberian tiger survival of this nature should not be unique to human beings. Siberian tiger to the left of a piece of heaven and earth to survive it, the High IQ is the human species, there are still ways to leave that piece of local survival, and the tiger have to leave that piece of the local dead; you save tigers, is the human population control, engage in Family planning, and the Siberian tiger is scarce Rending it! Now we can hear the cries of tigers in the future even the Siberian tiger can be heard the cries.
㈤ 保護東北虎的英語作文
Giant Panda is our national treasure, the state can be said for the protection of giant pandas put a lot of human and material resources giant now has been the world's people the protection and care, which is a good thing, of course, the Tibetan antelope as the country's animal protection , The National People have been recognized, however, this tiger? The poor will be extinct Siberian tiger who is going to have a genuine concern and care a little bit?
According to statistics, the Siberian tiger left at present, less than 20, still such a small number of these survive, has had imagined. Two years ago, in the mountains of Huanren, Liaoning found to be a man to die under the presentation of the Siberian tiger, from this we can see that the above countries and the people of the importance we attach to it, this first Manchurian tiger is actually how the dead do not Conclusion, and the other is only from the northeast where hu came to the place where the wonder and the third is the matter did not rise to the national media in particular. This really puzzled the other person you! Is it really the other tiger who fear love is not worth it, it really fate of the Siberian tiger so?
Towering mountains should not unique to human beings, should not have dense forest unique to human beings, rivers clear this should not be unique to human beings, the Siberian tiger survival of this nature should not be unique to human beings. Siberian tiger to the left of a piece of heaven and earth to survive it, the High IQ is the human species, there are still ways to leave that piece of local survival, and the tiger have to leave that piece of the local dead; you save tigers, is the human population control, engage in Family planning, and the Siberian tiger is scarce Rending it! Now we can hear the cries of tigers in the future even the Siberian tiger can be heard the cries.大熊貓是我們的國寶,國家對保護大熊貓可以說投入了大量的人力和物力,如今大熊貓已經得到全世界人民的保護和關愛,這當然是一件好事,藏羚羊作為國家的重點保護動物,也得到了全國人們的認可,然而,東北虎呢?就要滅絕的可憐的東北虎有誰來真正的關心和愛護一下呢?
巍巍大山本不該人類獨有,茂密森林本不該人類獨有,清澈河水本不該人類獨有,東北虎賴以生存的大自然本不該人類獨有。給東北虎留下一片生存的天地吧,人類是高智商的物種,離開那塊地方仍有辦法生存,而東北虎離開那塊地方就得死;救救東北虎吧,人類正在控制人口,搞計劃生育,而東北虎卻人丁稀少呀!現在我們還能聽到東北虎的哭聲,未來恐怕連東北虎的哭聲都聽不到了。 以上是我幫您收集整理到的
㈥ 初二英語作文關於保護東北虎50字
Giant Panda is our national treasure, the state can be said for the protection of giant pandas put a lot of human and material resources giant now has been the world's people the protection and care, which is a good thing, of course, the Tibetan antelope as the country's animal protection , The National People have been recognized, however, this tiger? The poor will be extinct Siberian tiger who is going to have a genuine concern and care a little bit?
According to statistics, the Siberian tiger left at present, less than 20, still such a small number of these survive, has had imagined. Two years ago, in the mountains of Huanren, Liaoning found to be a man to die under the presentation of the Siberian tiger, from this we can see that the above countries and the people of the importance we attach to it, this first Manchurian tiger is actually how the dead do not Conclusion, and the other is only from the northeast where hu came to the place where the wonder and the third is the matter did not rise to the national media in particular. This really puzzled the other person you! Is it really the other tiger who fear love is not worth it, it really fate of the Siberian tiger so?
Towering mountains should not unique to human beings, should not have dense forest unique to human beings, rivers clear this should not be unique to human beings, the Siberian tiger survival of this nature should not be unique to human beings. Siberian tiger to the left of a piece of heaven and earth to survive it, the High IQ is the human species, there are still ways to leave that piece of local survival, and the tiger have to leave that piece of the local dead; you save tigers, is the human population control, engage in Family planning, and the Siberian tiger is scarce Rending it! Now we can hear the cries of tigers in the future even the Siberian tiger can be heard the cries.大熊貓是我們的國寶,國家對保護大熊貓可以說投入了大量的人力和物力,如今大熊貓已經得到全世界人民的保護和關愛,這當然是一件好事,藏羚羊作為國家的重點保護動物,也得到了全國人們的認可,然而,東北虎呢?就要滅絕的可憐的東北虎有誰來真正的關心和愛護一下呢?
巍巍大山本不該人類獨有,茂密森林本不該人類獨有,清澈河水本不該人類獨有,東北虎賴以生存的大自然本不該人類獨有。給東北虎留下一片生存的天地吧,人類是高智商的物種,離開那塊地方仍有辦法生存,而東北虎離開那塊地方就得死;救救東北虎吧,人類正在控制人口,搞計劃生育,而東北虎卻人丁稀少呀!現在我們還能聽到東北虎的哭聲,未來恐怕連東北虎的哭聲都聽不到了。 以上是我幫您收集整理到的
㈦ 怎麼拯救東北虎英語作文 帶翻譯
The Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica), also known as the Siberian , Manchurian or North China tiger , is confined completely to the Amur region in far eastern Siberia, where it is now protected.
The last two censuses (1996 and 2005) found 450–500 Amur tigers within their single and more or less continuous range making it one of the largest undivided tiger populations in the world.
Considered the largest subspecies, with an average weight of around 227 kg (500 lb) for males. The Amur tiger is also noted for its thick coat, distinguished by a paler golden hue and a smaller number of stripes. The Amur tiger is the largest and heaviest of all naturally-occurring felines. A six-month old Amur tiger can be as big as a fully grown leopard
People in varies countries have use their fur for clothes or display purpose. Chinese believe that the bones and penis of tiger could be used as medicine and strength men's ability.
阿穆爾虎(東北虎) ,也被稱為西伯利亞(又稱為西伯利亞虎) ,或北滿中國虎(滿州虎或東北虎) ,是完全密閉的阿穆爾地區在遠東西伯利亞,在那裡現在的保護。
在過去兩年人口普查( 1996年和2005年)發現450-500阿穆爾虎在其單或多或少連續范圍使它成為最大的不可分割的老虎數量在世界上。
審議了最大的亞種,平均體重約227公斤( 500磅)的男性。阿穆爾虎還指出其厚外套,尊敬的金色調蒼白和數量較少的條紋。阿穆爾虎是最大的和沉重的所有自然發生的貓。 6個月大的阿穆爾虎可以大作為一個完全成長豹
㈧ 高一英語作文從知道東北虎被大量捕殺到保護東北虎的作文
Giant Panda is our national treasure, the state can be said for the protection of giant pandas put a lot of human and material resources giant now has been the world's people the protection and care, which is a good thing, of course, the Tibetan antelope as the country's animal protection , The National People have been recognized, however, this tiger? The poor will be extinct Siberian tiger who is going to have a genuine concern and care a little bit?
According to statistics, the Siberian tiger left at present, less than 20, still such a small number of these survive, has had imagined. Two years ago, in the mountains of Huanren, Liaoning found to be a man to die under the presentation of the Siberian tiger, from this we can see that the above countries and the people of the importance we attach to it, this first Manchurian tiger is actually how the dead do not Conclusion, and the other is only from the northeast where hu came to the place where the wonder and the third is the matter did not rise to the national media in particular. This really puzzled the other person you! Is it really the other tiger who fear love is not worth it, it really fate of the Siberian tiger so?
Towering mountains should not unique to human beings, should not have dense forest unique to human beings, rivers clear this should not be unique to human beings, the Siberian tiger survival of this nature should not be unique to human beings. Siberian tiger to the left of a piece of heaven and earth to survive it, the High IQ is the human species, there are still ways to leave that piece of local survival, and the tiger have to leave that piece of the local dead; you save tigers, is the human population control, engage in Family planning, and the Siberian tiger is scarce Rending it! Now we can hear the cries of tigers in the future even the Siberian tiger can be heard the cries.
㈨ 英語作文:假如你是東北虎保護協會的會員,請你以東北虎的名義寫一封信給人類的公開信。
範文: Dear Man,
I』 a tiger in the northeast of China. I』d like to have a talk with you. We lived in the forest happily for thousands of years, and then you came! And now we are in danger.
You cut down lots of trees and our food is becoming less and less. Our living areas are getting smaller. Also you kill us for our bones to make medicine and use fur to make clothes. Our life is hard. So we hope you can make Tiger reserves larger and protect us and let tiger and man live peacefully together.
A worried Tiger
㈩ 英語作文 介紹東北虎
Siberian tiger is the largest body of existing colla cat species (with the exception of hybrid animal animal Liger), in which male body length 2.8 meters up to about 1 meter long tail and weighing nearly 350 kilograms, the largest recorded weight of wild tiger reach 470 kilograms, in order to capture the former Soviet Union. Amur tigers are mainly distributed in China's northeast region, in Siberia abroad. Summer hair color brown, hair light yellow in winter. The back and side bar with a number of narrow black stripes, was usually around 2-like pattern. Large round head, forehead, several of the black band, the middle is often collude"King" character, it is "the king of the jungle," the name (another argument: "Chinese character 'Wang', is based on head stripe-like inventor of the hieroglyphs "). Short round ears, the back black, with a central white spot. Dogs live in the forest, shrub and weed and grass area. Living alone, no settlement, with the field of behavior, nocturnal. Sensory sensitivity, sexual violent, quick action, good for swimming.Large and medium-sized predatory mammals, even eat small mammals and birds.或
The Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica), also known as the Siberian (又稱為西伯利亞虎 ), Manchurian or North China tiger ( 滿州虎或東北虎 ), is confined completely to the Amur region in far eastern Siberia, where it is now protected.
The last two censuses (1996 and 2005) found 450– Amur tigers within their single and more or less continuous range making it one of the largest undivided tiger populations in the world.
Considered the largest subspecies, with an average weight of around 227 kg (500 lb) for males. The Amur tiger is also noted for its thick coat, distinguished by a paler golden hue and a smaller number of stripes. The Amur tiger is the largest and heaviest of all naturally-occurring felines. A six-month old Amur tiger can be as big as a fully grown leopard
People in varies countries have use their fur for clothes or display purpose. Chinese believe that the bones and penis of tiger could be used as medicine and strength men's ability.