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發布時間:2020-12-21 15:55:48

㈠ 以我的魔術筆為題寫一篇英語作文

魔術筆 今天放學回到家裡,吃過午飯後,我拎著袋子急急忙忙地去上陪訓班,魔術筆作文。 開始上課了,過了幾分鍾後。我忽然發現旁邊一位同學好像在拿著一個小手電筒似的東西在玩,我並沒有在意。可過了一會兒,他越玩越起勁了,在本子上亂畫。這是我才弄清楚,原來是支筆。他好像覺得無聊,就放肆地在我本子上亂畫。我沖著他大吼:「你干什麼?」他卻不以為然地望著黑板,我朝著本子一看,嚇了我一跳。居然一點痕跡都沒有。於是他又得意洋洋的把筆另一頭的燈打開照著本子,本子上就出現了那些亂畫的痕跡。這使我猛然想起了新聞上的一則新聞:這種筆是屬於那種作弊的筆,已經嚴禁銷售了。可他手裡怎麼還有?一定還有商販在賣,小學一年級作文《魔術筆作文》。不過現在又耽誤我聽課了,於是我開始認認真真的聽課了。 在回來的路上,我想:這些小商販還真是害人,居然把這種作弊的筆也敢拿出來賣,何況還已經嚴禁銷售了呢?他們為了自己能多賺點錢,卻來害我們小學生,真是不道德。一時為了自己的利益,而害他人,這怎麼能是生意人的做法呢?而且現在警察管也管不住。這里封了那裡又開張了,如今還到我們小學來了,這怎麼得了啊。以後,我們小學生只能多注意點,小心這些人的「詭計」。魔術筆作文450字小學生作文(/)

㈡ 我想發明一支多功能筆英語作文





I want to invent a pen ".
The pen is different from the others, it has more functions!
First, the other pen ink is limited, but the ink is infinite, how long can be, and this pen is light pen, as long as there is a little bit of light, whether it is daylight or moonlight. Second, the other pen as a writing to find the pen can be painted Gaiji, I want to present is not the same, the pen top has a red button, just press the top down, will become a small correction pen machine, this is not so long!
It looks like compared with other pen, is really the immortals ah! He is made of steel, but it is not important; it's peripheral plus a layer of golden gold powder, the powder will not fall, will not stick to the hands, a dazzling light in the night will be; there is a yellow button in the middle of this pen, a press down. This pen, will become a massage machine, can bring people relaxed and happy mood.
Do you know why I want to invent this pen? That is because my father is not at home, working in Guangzhou, often my mother to take care of me, my father to work to use it, so I want to invent this pen, gave his father, so he relaxed.
Do you like this pen? I believe that in the future, I will find this convenient pen!

㈢ 找到一支筆的英語作文

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㈣ 英語作文加中文翻譯《我最喜歡的一支筆》


㈤ 關於在商場購買的筆質量有問題,向經理寫一份投訴信的英語作文

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about a pen I got from your company. It was purchased yesterday, but I got home only to find out that the refill claimed to be included is missing. I am extremely dissatisfied with this, and wish to get a refund from you.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,
Paul Smith

㈥ 英語作文筆

The pen is a writing tool widely used, invented in the early nineteenth Century.The pen is made of metal, writing is smooth and elastic, quite smooth. In the mouthor pen nib surface, obviously trademark, model.

㈦ 設計一支鋼筆的英語作文

您好: order to let the students can afford such a pen, I plan to material scrap and old pen. First the scrap iron coated with color liquid, then put it into a of ink and ink color can change things, this thing is very small, with sesame almost to fit in a pen liner, the paint discoloration liquid iron will also be made into a pen. Old pen to complete, thorough clean, to tie a small hole in the ceiling of monlchamus placelet the ink flow in. This pen has two heads, one is a fine head to write regular words, a thick head, can be used to color, the two written by a small button control switch.
Don't worry about the ink in the pen liner too much or too little, much it will automatically absorb some,less of it will be released automatically ink, a word will keep ink just pour advantage. If you want to change the color of the ink, press the pen top, then color pen pen pen color is the will, and now youwant to ink color...... There are a lot of its benefits, such as leave your body a certain distance will sound, so as not to forget to take it when you go to school, the sound will become the morning wake you up bell, and ring the break, it also can sing beautiful songs make you relaxed for a while, more energetic the next class.
This pen is I want to invent, you feel it?


㈧ 高考最受歡迎的英語作文筆體是那種




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