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1. 關於「高中選文科還是理科好,原因是什麼」的英語作文120字

學文科高校招生的人數較少,一般學校在一個省招20,30個文科生,內有的甚至6,7個,但是學起來簡單,難度不容大,多花點時間背背記記,但要想達到頂峰狀態決不是時間的問題;學理科高校招生人數多,一般一所招70,80 ,100幾十,不過考生相對較多,就業相對簡單,因為目前對理科人才需求大些,會比文科學起來累點,不過多做做題,搞懂了原理就會很簡單,你會發現題目出來出去也就那樣!

2. 有關文理科的英文文章

【理科簡介 The introction】
理科(science departments)是指自然科學和應用科學,與文科相對立。
0101 數學 0104 數理統計
0102 計算數學及其應用軟體 0105 運籌學
0103 應用數學 0106 控制科學
0201 物理學(專門方向:理論物理、半導體物理、固體物理、晶體物理、低溫物理、光學、磁學、等離子體物理、電子物理)
0202 應用物理學 0203 原子核物理及核技術
0301 化學(專門方向:無機化學、有機化學、分析化學、物理化學、生物化學、高分子化學)
0302 應用化學 0305 放射化學
0303 材料化學 0306 食品化學
0304 環境化學
0401 植物學 0406 遺傳學
0402 動物學 0407 細胞生物學
0403 微生物學 0408 生物化學
0404 生理學 0409 生態學與環境生物學
0405 植物生理學
0501 天文學
0601 地質學 0605 水文地質學與工程地質學
0602 構造地質學 0606 岩礦地球化學
0603 地震地質學 0607 放射性礦產地質學
0604 古生物學及地層學
0701 自然地理學 0704 經濟地理學與城鄉區域規劃
0702 地貌學與第四紀地質學 0705 地理信息與地圖學
0703 水資源與環境
0801 地球物理學 0802 空間物理學
0901 天氣動力學 0903 大氣物理學與大氣環境
0902 氣候學 0904 大氣探測學
1001 物理海洋學 1004 海洋生物學
1002 海洋物理學 1005 海洋地質學
1003 海洋化學
1101 力學 1102
About The introction of science 【】

Science (science departments) is the natural and applied sciences, humanities and opposed.

The main science subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, including geology, geography, part of the computer software.

University science professionals:

First, mathematics category

0101 Mathematical Statistics 0104

0102 mathematics and computing applications Operations Research 0105

0103 Applied Mathematics 0106 scientific control

Second, the physics category

Physics 0201 (specifically directions: theoretical physics and semiconctor physics, solid state physics, crystal physics, low-temperature physics, optical, magnetic, plasma physics, electronics physics)

0202 Applied Physics 0203 Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology

Third, chemical category

0301 Chemical (specifically directions: inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, chemistry, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, polymer chemistry)

0302 Applied Chemistry 0305 radiochemical

0303 Food Chemical Materials Chemistry 0306

0304 Environmental Chemistry

Fourth, the biological category

0401 Botany genetics 0406

0402 zoology 0407 Cell Biology

0403 Biochemistry Microbiology 0408

0404 physiological ecology and environmental biology 0409

Plant Physiology 0405

Fifth, category Astronomy

Astronomy 0501

Six types of geology

0601 Geology 0605 hydrogeology and engineering geology

0602 structural geology of rock and mineral geochemistry 0606

0603 earthquake geology, 0607 Mineral geology of radioactive

0604 Paleontology and Stratigraphy

Seven types of geography

0701 Physical Geography 0704 regional economic geography and urban and rural planning

0702 geomorphology and Quaternary Geology, 0705 GIS and cartography

0703 Water Resources and the Environment

Eight of the Earth Physics Class

0801 Geophysics Space Physics 0802

Nine, atmospheric sciences category

0901 weather and the physics of atmospheric dynamics 0903 atmospheric environment

0902 Climatology 0904 to detect atmospheric science

10, the type of Marine Science

1001 Physical Oceanography marine biology 1004

1002 Ocean Physics 1005 Marine Geology

1003 Ocean Chemistry

11, mechanical-type

1101 Mechanics 1102

3. 《選文科還是選理科》英語作文

The Benefits of ReadingI think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading. Firstly, reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the

4. 跪求一篇英語作文 作文名字 <理科的重要和用途>100-200字




5. 關於學習文科的優點的英語作文有哪些


First of all, from my personal point of view, I think it is better to learn the language use, because the text of the subject can expand a person's horizons, regardless of what you learn professional, are to improve the quality and accomplishment of personal benefits.

Second, the teachers have said that the real people who are more intelligent, more intelligent.

Third, from my observation, I think my history teacher than my chemistry teacher speak level and all aspects of quality should be high, geography teacher than physics teacher to high, political teacher than biological teacher to high.

Fourth, I would like to remind you a little, in the US, learn the is part of the poor students, they because of do not want to learn to choose the, so our school arts Bambi science classes to some of the chaos, you need to have enough psychological preparation and self-control to!

6. 文科與理科英語作文

When it comes to the moment of choosing for their future career path, many students struggle with such a question: Which is better to be studied, art stream or science stream?

Nowadays, science stream has been in the focus of ecational career with most promising future career options. Many people say that students who take science stream have a better future, but that's not completely true. Many entrepreneurs took arts stream, and they excel in what they do.

There's no open and shut thing in making choices. The students need to first evaluate and access themselves, and hence determine what are the areas of study/course discipline that suit their interest and career aspiration.

Generally, science stream subjects include Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics. Students are expected to do laboratory experiments, research and memorize formulas. Students who excel in the science stream generally choose careers in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Astronomy, Engineering, etc. One thing about being in the science stream is that analytical skills could be well developed, and students could learn to think in a more systematic manner. Fairly speaking, science stream offers more career options in the future.

Art stream subjects include Languages, Literature, History, Geography, Art, Music, Religious Study, etc. For students who like to delve into their true artistic self and strive for creative mindsets, this could be their answer.

Again, it all depends on what the students want to do in the future and what they have interest on. It's advisable to choose a stream we are interested in. We must love to study those subjects and then only we will be able to go far.


7. 有關選文科還是理科的討論 英語作文

Liberal arts science of choice has always been a headache problem, many people in the wrong direction outset. When the thought of the liberal arts or science, a lot of students and parents, the first thought is "liberal arts science which future employment prospects better? More promising?" In fact, the question itself is wrong. Because no matter liberal arts science, corresponds to a lot of professional, we have a good professional, but also have relatively less Haozhaogongzuo professional, such as liberal arts in the history of philosophy, science of geology archeology, arts and science be compared directly without significance. And, no matter what profession, even relatively poor professional, if we can learn well, can still have a good future, even if is a good professional, if the school mess, nor Haozhaogongzuo.

Therefore, the key issue is not the liberal arts or science which is better, but I'm more suited to study liberal arts or science? On both subjects, which can play to my strengths, which I was able to learn better, which is what I really interested in? Only to find answers to these questions, we can make the right choice.

For themselves, can learn, are interested in the future will be able to get good grades in the entrance into a good school and a good professional, there will be more ambitious future. This is the crux of the problem, leave these things to talk about the merits of arts and sciences, is the paper.

I am in high school, when faced with the choice, liberal arts science scores actually very good. My homeroom teacher pulled me into the office gave me two hours of ideological work, strongly suggested that I read the science, because she thinks science is more promising, but the most important reason is that the choice of science to study the future of liberal arts transfer very easy. If you choose the arts, the future transfer of science is almost impossible. But I still resolutely chose the arts, because I believe that my expertise and interest in this, the last I to Jiangjin first liberal arts, she was admitted the Renmin University of China Law School. Now, my own choice was still satisfied.

Objectively speaking, the difference between arts and science teacher, I say most of them are true. My graate school of economics, which is a traditional liberal arts majors, but the class has a lot of high school and undergraate students are learning science, and some school mapping, prospecting and some to learn, even people learn aircraft manufacturing. But they still can learn good economics. And if I now want to study university physics chemistry and the like, it is almost impossible. In this sense, science is indeed wider than the choices liberal arts.

But no matter how wide of a person's choices, and finally he just like other people, can only choose one path to development. I love the arts, like economics, but also to learn them well, that's enough, why are we even have the ability to make their own learning university physics it? I am now engaged in writing, speaking, etc. activities, both of my high school, liberal arts university foundation inseparable, and this is exactly what I am most interested in, therefore I am very happy.

If I had chosen science, I believe the results will be good, but it is absolutely impossible to test the city's first. Because the arts are my most suitable and favorite subjects, but science is not.

Advantage is the choice of a wide range of science, but also to learn something more professional, more clearly when the direction of employment, competition is relatively small. If you study the bio-engineering, then on the job in this direction, such as economics or other professional bridge design, telecommunications aspect of students who simply can not compete with you. But if you learn is marketing, then the job recruitment marketing staff, in fact, almost all liberal arts school who have the potential to compete with you - though you'll comparative advantage, but this advantage is not bio-engineering for bridges designed so absolute.

But science problems will be here, will limit your professional direction you looking for a job, almost no competition in the engineering student was in addition to other aspects of biological relevance. Although you can go to choose marketing or business management class work, but this means that you are in high school and college years expertise in four years of study is almost entirely void, must re-start. And arts professionals, in this respect is much better to deal with, such as my undergraate studies in law, economics graate study, but the study of the process of the economy has a good knowledge of the law and legal logic is obviously also helpful, "The law of economy Analysis "is also serious when I was in undergraate study before.

Science learning there is a very serious problem, that is, if you really learn well on a subject, then the subject is substantially even finished, it will pull down with the best students astonishing gap. I take the well-known mathematical terms, outstanding students more than 130 points in mathematics college entrance examination is normal, but if someone really learn bad math, then the 30 minutes and 40 minutes is normal. And in the language, such political subjects, there would be so amazing gap. College Entrance politics, history, languages are difficult test to 130 points or more, but it is not easy test to 80 points or less.

So, if you are good in science subjects, while no interest in political history, then obviously choose science. If the contrary is clearly choose liberal arts. If you have a door in Chemical Physics think there is no way, but also learn bad political history, then I think the best choice liberal arts, because a poor physical chemistry might be someone else pulled out or even several percentage , and political history as long as a lot of effort to learn, how the others will not be dragged into such a big gap.

As for mathematics, for a liberal arts students is concerned, if he has an advantage in that regard, then he studied liberal arts can protect themselves get a good result in the college entrance examination. If a student of mathematics feel totally powerless, then the best choice is still the liberal arts.

Really painful is that the average score, as if what subjects are not particularly outstanding, but what subjects are not particularly good student. This time the most important thing is to look at the indivial interest. If you are determined to engage in legal profession, then you should choose the arts, although science students also read the law no problem, but when a good school for your future political history knowledge learning law is clearly a great benefit. If you're really on the political history of these things is not cold, and like some of the more objective and more simple things like calculate the figures, then do not choose the reluctance of the liberal arts. "Interest is the best teacher," the power of this sentence, the longer able to highlight its power. Contrary to their own inner preferences, because of some other reason, they did not choose the subject of interest, be able to learn even a little while, a long time, always tired, feel the pain, feeling wavering.

When you are not sure what they do best liberal arts or science or liberal arts or science prefer when there is a way to close your eyes, imagine yourself in the future most want to be what kind of person? A scientist, an economist, a politician, a building designer or whatever occupation. Then ask yourself, to become such a figure, most should have knowledge of what is a partial text or partial reason, this time, you will find the right answer.

8. 理科英語作文


9. 求選擇理科的三個優點,分別的英文寫出來

more choices for jobs
more choices for universities

10. 英語作文 題目 選擇理科的理由

We are now living in an information age, in which TV, cells and the Web are widely used. It seems that many people cannot enjoy themselves without them.
However, if I had to give up one of them, I would turn off the TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the Internet. I could do without TV because few shows take my fancy and there』 too many commercials. Besides, most programs on TV are also available elsewhere.
As for cells and the Web, they are more necessary to me. I need a cell to keep in touch with my friends and family, and almost all information can be gathered on the Internet.



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