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1. 商務英語 SWOT 分析,求救,著急啊

SWOT(Strengths Weakness Opportunity Threats)分析法,又稱為態勢分析法或優劣勢分析法,用來確定企業自身的競爭優勢(strength)、競爭劣勢(weakness)、機會(opportunity)和威脅(threat),從而將公司的戰略與公司內部資源、外部環境有機地結合起來。EMBA、MBA等主流商管教育均將SWOT分析法作為一種常用的戰略規劃工具包含在內。


Nike SWOT分析原文[3] Strengths. 
Nike is a very competitive organization. Phil Knight (Founder and CEO) is often quoted as saying that 'Business is war without bullets.' Nike has a healthy dislike of is competitors. At the Atlanta Olympics, Reebok went to the expense of sponsoring the games. Nike did not. However Nike sponsored the top athletes and gained valuable coverage. 
耐克是一個充滿競爭力的組織。Phil Knight(耐克的創辦者和總裁)曾說道:商場就是沒有硝煙的戰場。耐克認為對健康的最好理解就是競爭。在亞特蘭大奧運會上,銳步強調對比賽的宣傳。而耐克則開創性地將宣傳的焦點鎖定在那些頂級的運動員身上,此舉大獲成功。 
Nike has no factories. It does not tie up cash in buildings and manufacturing workers. This makes a very lean organization. Nike is strong at research and development, as is evidenced by its evolving and innovative proct range. They then manufacture wherever they can proce high quality proct at the lowest possible price. If prices rise, and procts can be made more cheaply elsewhere (to the same or better specification), Nike will move proction. 
耐克沒有工廠。它不願將資金套在廠房和生產工人身上。這使得它能夠專注於設計。強大的研發部門為耐克開發了大量革命性的創新產品。而他們則拿著設計圖找那些質優價廉的生產商家代工。如果價格上漲,它能夠很輕松地將生產基地移至那些價格更具競爭力的區域。  Nike is a global brand. It is the number one sports brand in the World. Its famous 'Swoosh' is instantly recognisable, and Phil Knight even has it tattooed on his ankle. 
 The organization does have a diversified range of sports procts. However, the income of the business is still heavily dependent upon its share of the footwear market. This may leave it vulnerable if for any reason its market share erodes. 這個組織有著很廣的運動產品系列,然而,主要的收入來源還是依賴於鞋業市場。這使得耐克公司如果在該市場上的份兒收到侵蝕將受重創。
 The retail sector is very price sensitive. Nike does have its own retailer in Nike Town. However, most of its income is derived from selling into retailers. Retailers tend to offer a very similar experience to the consumer. Can you tell one sports retailer from another? So margins tend to get squeezed as retailers try to pass some of the low price competition pressure onto Nike.
 零售行業對價格非常敏感。誠然,耐克有著自己的零售商,但它的大部分收入卻都仰仗各個零售商的銷售。而零售商的收入則來源於消費者。但作為普通消費者,你能區別出零售廠商的不同么?因此,耐克的利潤往往會因零售商通過轉嫁價格戰的壓力而受到擠壓縮水。 Opportunities.
 Proct development offers Nike many opportunities. The brand is fiercely defended by its owners whom truly believe that Nike is not a fashion brand. However, like it or not, consumers that wear Nike proct do not always buy it to participate in sport. Some would argue that in youth culture especially, Nike is a fashion brand. This creates its own opportunities, since proct could become unfashionable before it wears out i.e. consumers need to replace shoes.
 There is also the opportunity to develop procts such as sport wear, sunglasses and jewellery. Such high value items do tend to have associated with them, high profits. 
The business could also be developed internationally, building upon its strong global brand recognition. There are many markets that have the disposable income to spend on high value sports goods. For example, emerging markets such as China and India have a new richer generation of consumers. There are also global marketing events that can be utilised to support the brand such as the World Cup (soccer) and The Olympics. Threats.
 Nike is exposed to the international nature of trade. It buys and sells in different currencies and so costs and margins are not stable over long periods of time. Such an exposure could mean that Nike may be manufacturing and/or selling at a loss. This is an issue that faces all global brands.
 The market for sports shoes and garments is very competitive. The model developed by Phil Knight in his Stamford Business School days (high value branded proct manufactured at a low cost) is now commonly used and to an extent is no longer a basis for sustainable competitive advantage. Competitors are developing alternative brands to take away Nike's market share. 
As discussed above in weaknesses, the retail sector is becoming price competitive. This ultimately means that consumers are shopping around for a better deal. So if one store charges a price for a pair of sports shoes, the consumer could go to the store along the street to compare prices for the exactly the same item, and buy the cheaper of the two. Such consumer price sensitivity is a potential external threat to Nike. If you have a body, you are an athlete - Bill Bowerman said this a couple of decades ago. The guy was right. It defines how he viewed the world, and it defines how Nike pursues its destiny. Ours is a language of sports, a universally understood lexicon of passion and competition. A lot has happened at Nike in the 30 years More . . .
Disclaimer: This case study has been compiled from information freely available from public sources. It is merely intended to be used for ecational purposes only.

2. SWOT分析是什麼如何用英語做SWOT分析


3. 芝麻街英語中國swot分析


4. 英語專業職業生涯規劃書中有一大項:出路的SWOT分析該怎麼寫 急求幫忙!謝謝


5. 求英語專業SWOT分析。


6. 翻譯一篇swot 中譯英。

In the past year, China telecom's news and focus. Telecommunication fees adjustment, China telecom north-south splitting large and China telecom will face the challenges to people's attention. In the New Year, China telecom and will be put on a "amazing" dancing with the wolves. Facing the fierce market competition, the SWOT analysis of China telecom, perhaps can let everybody on China telecom's development in the future are a sober, objective understanding.

China telecom, the advantages and disadvantages in () () analysis of weakness

Since the middle of 1980s, China telecom had nearly 20 years of development, has formed the scale benefits. Although FenYing post here experienced, separation, mobile paging, demergers reorganization and so on a series of reform in China, but the telecommunications market, China telecom is still strong competition and development. Mainly displays in the customer resources and network infrastructure, talents reserves, the quality of service, etc. :

1, China telecom market competition mechanism, China telecom and China mobile, China unicom, China netcom, etc. On competition operators, China telecom north-south splitting, in its most fixed networks and data communications services, inherited most customers resources, keep good relationship with customer, in the market occupied absolute superiority. The fixed telephone users 1.79 billion, more than 15 million users, the data communication for China telecom business development, increase the income has laid a good foundation.

2, China telecom network facilities based. Reform and opening-up over the past 20 years, China telecom has built a nationwide, with cable and satellite and microwave, supplemented by high rate, large capacity, a certain scale, advanced technology and the basic transmission network access and exchange, data communications network and intelligent network etc. While the broadband access, DWDM transmission have accomplished and data communications network construction unceasingly expands. China telecom network advantage has become the core ability of enterprise development, also have relevant professional extensions to the foundation and strength.

In march, China telecom training and development process of a large number of reserves, familiar with local market about communication equipment of telecommunication technology and management ability, reasonable structure of management and professional talents. At the same time China telecom has accumulated rich experience in the operation and management of the network, have accumulated experience and good operation management skills and perfect service system.

April, China telecom improvement of service quality. China telecom group established the customer service center of the province, customer demand; network group, China telecom is established, and a little accepts this service system, the maximum convenience users. Subsequently, China telecom introced first asked for, and solved to customers in the dispute over trifles, push wei problem, In addition, China telecom has established service hotline (10,000), complaints, etc.) (180 hotline is established, and the communication between the customer service, and provide interactive services.

Although China telecom has certain advantages, but we should treat these advantages in theory. Tell us the dialectics, advantages and disadvantages are relative, under certain conditions, the advantage is likely to change. China telecom although rich clients resources, perfect network infrastructure and a large quantity of reserve talented person, but lack of modern enterprise development strategic concepts needed, innovation, human resource development and management, humanistic environment construction and adapt to the environment of market system. The personage inside course of study thinks, China telecom has advantages in resources, but lack the resources superiority. Operate Once carelessly, advantage may change into a disadvantage. At present, China telecom's disadvantage is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

7. 急~~~在線等!!!求一份中國人在國外發展的SWOT分析,最好是英文

們對案例庫中的所有案例都進行了swoT 分析,以對整個案例庫有一個系統的把握。現在先來看一下我們的團隊成員張劍鋒同學是如何進行swoT 分析的。
姓名:張劍鋒 去向:北京移動
畢業學校:北京郵電大學 研究生(本科)/專業:本科/通信工程
生日:1982/03 性別:男 出生地:北京 星座:牧羊座
背景概述 專業成績優秀,外語出眾,有工作經驗
學習成績 平均分:85
外語成績 CET-4:90.5 CET-6:85 TOEFL:660+5.5 GR;700+800+6
2000-2004 系男藍主力
學生工作 2000-2002 小班體委
2000-2003 多門課課代表
實習兼職 2003.11-2004.6 IBM Authorized Training Center Aix 5L associate instructor
2003.07-2003.11 CCTV青少部彤彤工作室 燈光助理
2001.08-2001.09 北京西城六部口交通中隊 電腦、區域網維護
2001 校三等獎學金,文體積極分子獎.校運會田徑金牌
重大獎勵 2002 校三等獎學金,文體積極分子獎,校運會田徑金牌
2004 新東方學校優秀學員獎,托福高分獎,GRE 高分獎,GRE 單項寫作高分獎(GRE 作文滿分)

1 . SWOT 一般分析
這是SWOT 比較初級的用法(一般在商學院本科使用)
.應用頭腦風暴法列出S 、W 、0 和T 。
.整合利用S 、W 、0 和T。
( l )優勢及其使用
l )優勢(Strengths )
① 專業背景好,凡是專業課,沒有下過85 的。
② 英語能力突出,在同齡人中出眾。
③ 有多次實習工作經歷,比較會與成年人打交道,語言表達能力優秀。
2 )優勢的使用
① 申請工程技術類工作時,占優勢;
② 申請工作時和面試時,非常顯眼(現在英語好又專業好的人才稀缺);
③ 在交流溝通時更為Professional , 在面試中佔有先機。
( 2 )劣勢及其彌補
1 )劣勢(Weaknesses )
① 一些基礎課和文科課成績一般。
② 性格中有些暴躁的地方。
2 )劣勢的彌補
① 面試時強調專業技能。
② 盡量將心態放平和。
( 3 )機遇及其把握
l )機遇(opportunities )
① 偶然得知IBM ATP 要招收兼職。
② 畢業前的各種招聘面試。
③ ToEFL , GRE 學習考試.
2 )機遇的把握
① 立即申請,通過幾輪面試,並在其後的大半年裡兢兢業業,受到領導的一致表揚與欣賞。
② 認真對待每一次Interview ,盡量多地抓住資源,得到Job Offe :很多。
③ 努力提高自己英語實力,考一次就考好一次,用考試鞭策自己的學習。
( 4 )挑戰及其排除
l )挑戰(Threats )
① IBM ATP 中,先要學習很多東西,並且還要有幾次上崗前的測評,上崗後面對的是二三十個工程師組成的團隊,壓力很大。
② GRE 作文考到滿分,語文700 ,托福660 接近滿分。
③ 面試時的各種刁難與挑戰。
2 )挑戰的排除
① 在寒假裡幾乎天天泡在公司學習、實踐,回家後也是如此,長達半年的時間里每天工作十幾個小時:在測評和上崗前進行心理暗示。
② 在非典期間和隨後的暑假,每天工作12 小時以上,練習作文,分析題型,積累寫作材料。同時不忘記每天鍛煉,在大勞動量的情況下保持精力旺盛,不生病。
③ 同專業人士聊天,吸取經驗;在兼職過程中積累和職業人士打交道的方法,拓寬眼界;對每一個面試公司作調研,分析其需求與特點;面試之前准備材料及應變策略,面試之中發揮表達能力強、感染力強的特點。
【 專家點評】
① 這是一個全面發展的典型,說明張劍鋒同學對於自身和環境確實有著深刻的理解·
② 光作分析是沒有用的,關鍵是分析之後的行動。張劍鋒同學就有一股這樣的狠勁,花幾個月的時間專門每天工作12 小時以上,練習作文,分析題型,積累寫作材料。這不是一般人所能做到的。
③ 努力的方面要綜合。大學是我們提高自己綜合素質的一個極好時期,張劍鋒同學就很好地做到了這一點,既有好的學習成績,又抓住了許多實習和實踐的機會。實際上,這兩者是相輔相成的

8. 商務英語從業學生的SWOT分析怎麼寫


9. swot理論的分析 最好是英語的啊




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