㈠ 英語作文!!!!南極洲為題
Antarctica is based on the Earth's rotation to determine the most southern point. It is usually said that the Antarctic region geographically, there is a fixed position. In accordance with the internationally accepted concept, 66.5 degrees south latitude (the Antarctic Circle) south of the region known as the Antarctic, which is the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic continent and the islands collectively, with a total area of about 65 million square kilometres.
Antarctic continent except Antarctica is outside the surrounding islands of land, is the world's latest discovery of the continent, alone at the southernmost tip of the Earth. Antarctica more than 95 percent of the area of high thickness of the ice and snow coverage, known as the "white continent," said. 6 in the world in the mainland, the mainland Antarctica than Australia, ranked No. 5. Antarctica and Australia mainland is the world's only ocean surrounded by two mainland, surrounded by the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, forming a huge water around the Earth laps, was completely closed state (see Southern Ocean), is a far from the other continents, completely cut off from the civilized world and the mainland, has not yet permanent residents, only a small number of scientific investigation personnel rotation in a small number of inspection stations temporary residence and work.
㈡ 地球的最南端 英語作文 南極的特點'
Antarctica is based on the Earth's rotation to determine the most southern point. It is usually said that the Antarctic region geographically, there is a fixed position. In accordance with the internationally accepted concept, 66.5 degrees south latitude (the Antarctic Circle) south of the region known as the Antarctic, which is the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic continent and the islands collectively, with a total area of about 65 million square kilometres.
Antarctic continent except Antarctica is outside the surrounding islands of land, is the world's latest discovery of the continent, alone at the southernmost tip of the Earth. Antarctica more than 95 percent of the area of high thickness of the ice and snow coverage, known as the "white continent," said. 6 in the world in the mainland, the mainland Antarctica than Australia, ranked No. 5. Antarctica and Australia mainland is the world's only ocean surrounded by two mainland, surrounded by the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, forming a huge water around the Earth laps, was completely closed state (see Southern Ocean), is a far from the other continents, completely cut off from the civilized world and the mainland, has not yet permanent residents, only a small number of scientific investigation personnel rotation in a small number of inspection stations temporary residence and work.
㈢ 關於南極的英文介紹
Antarctica is based on the Earth's rotation to determine the most southern point. It is usually said that the Antarctic region geographically, there is a fixed position. In accordance with the internationally accepted concept, 66.5 degrees south latitude (the Antarctic Circle) south of the region known as the Antarctic, which is the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic continent and the islands collectively, with a total area of about 65 million square kilometres.
南極是根據地球旋轉方式決定的最南點。它通常表示地理上的南極區域,有一個固定的位置。 按照國際上通行的概念,南緯66.5度(南極圈)以南的地區稱為南極,它是南大洋及其島嶼和南極大陸的總稱,總面積約6500萬平方千米。
Antarctic continent except Antarctica is outside the surrounding islands of land, is the world's latest discovery of the continent, alone at the southernmost tip of the Earth. Antarctica more than 95 percent of the area of high thickness of the ice and snow coverage, known as the "white continent," said. 6 in the world in the mainland, the mainland Antarctica than Australia, ranked No. 5. Antarctica and Australia mainland is the world's only ocean surrounded by two mainland, surrounded by the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, forming a huge water around the Earth laps, was completely closed state (see Southern Ocean), is a far from the other continents, completely cut off from the civilized world and the mainland, has not yet permanent residents, only a small number of scientific investigation personnel rotation in a small number of inspection stations temporary residence and work.
㈣ 英語作文,保護南極的,
1, rece the automobile tail gas emission
In 2, a ban on the Antarctic for instrial development
3, in the Antarctic scientific expedition time pay attention to the protection of the Antarctic environment
㈤ 關於南極探險專家舉辦演講的通知英語作文
久久站在大海面前,好象一切都 靜止了,雲不再飄,心不再動,只是頓時覺得我們是如此渺小.凝視著這無垠的海,我的心也開闊了不少,覺得自己能包容一切.有句偉大的名言:比海洋更廣闊的是藍天;比藍天更廣闊的是人的胸懷.從城市掙脫出來,望著那奔騰的大海,你不由得想張開雙臂,迎上去吶喊,撲上去擁抱.這時候,就會覺得胸襟豁然開朗,大有包容整個世界的寬廣.
㈥ 寫一篇南極探險可以讓人們更好的了解全球變暖的英語作文。
Scientists have discovered that living in this area the number of animals less than in other regions of Antarctica. Animal species where only one percent of the Weddell Sea,
㈦ 英語作文:班級一起去南極洲,你有什麼建議和期望!! 各位大神幫幫忙!跪求!!!!
㈧ 關於 我是中國第一支南極考察隊隊員 的英語作文求
㈨ 寫一篇介紹南極洲的英語作文
The Antarctic,a Desert of Ice All Year Round
The antarctic is actually a desert.It is the only continent on the earth without a river or a lake.
The antarctic is all ice all year round.The warmest temperature ever recorded there is zero,at the South Pole.Explorers used to think that a place so cold would have a heavy snow-fall.But less than ten inches of snow falls each year.That is less than half an inch of water.Ten times that much moisture falls in parts of the Sahara.
The little snow that falls in Antarctica never melts.It continues to pile up deeper and deeper year after year and century after century.When the snow gets to be about eighty feet deep it is turned to ice by the weight of the snow above it.
㈩ 英語作文自薦去南極
The Antarctic,a Desert of Ice All Year Round
The antarctic is actually a desert. is the only continent on the earth without a river or a lake.
The antarctic is all ice all year round.The warmest temperature ever recorded there is zero,at the South Pole.Explorers used to think that a place so cold would have a heavy snow-fall.But less than ten inches of snow falls each year.That is less than half an inch of water.Ten times that much moisture falls in parts of the Sahara.
The little snow that falls in Antarctica never melts.It continues to pile up deeper and deeper year after year and century after century.When the snow gets to be about eighty feet deep it is turned to ice by the weight of the snow above it.