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發布時間:2020-12-18 14:00:54


Everyonehastheworry,tswordsnotfalse.Inschool,Icheerilylikealittleangel,.Athome,,,istocallmetodothattspractice.Astimegoesby,.Thosetroubleslikeaboutthough,thebarrageofcomestome."All!Howdoyouhavenohomework?"Momstoodinfrontofme,shouted.Sharpeyesstaringatme.Iexpectedsometnghappens.Iwassilentforamoment,."Allyouhaveheard,no!"Onceagain,hermothertoraisesvoicecallway.Isuddenlyflashes,,ofppies:"nowhavehalfpastnine,shouldsleeping,tomorrowfillagain!",jumpedoutafewwords:"Iignore,tonightyoutohavetofill,anotheraddapieceof."I',.Helpless,havetoremovependoup.Ilookedatdesksthatzhangphoto,,wrysmile1:"Today"littleangel'unhappyhey!"OriginallyIwasamerrybird,butnowIlikeshutinthecagedove,","freelyintheblueskywings.每個人都有煩惱,這話說得不假。在學校里,我快活地像個小天使,不過有時也會因為某個同學而落淚。在家裡,嚴厲的媽媽整天在我耳邊嘮叨,不是叫我做這套卷子,就是叫我做那本練習。隨著時光的流逝,去從一名一年級的小學生變成了六年級的學生。嗯 順便一提 我目前上的ABC天卞英語中心的老師要我明白 其實想將英語學好是輕松的 必須要有一個適合的研習情境及進修口語對象 最關鍵就是外教水平,口語標准才可以 持續逐日口語練習 1 on 1家教式教學才能有更.好.的學習成果 上完課需要重復溫習課堂音頻,把所學知識融會貫通 實在是真的無口語交談的人的話 就到旺旺或愛思得到課外學習資料閱讀 多問多聽一下子語感就加強起來 學習成長是絕對最佳的 那些煩惱就像約好了似的,接二連三的向我襲來。「方方!你怎麼沒有做作業?」媽媽站在我面前,大聲叫著。銳利的目光盯著我。我意料之中的事發生了。我沉默了一會兒,大腦正在搜索著逃避的借口。「方方,你聽見沒有!」媽媽再次提高嗓門叫道。我突然靈光一閃,用眼睛斜了一下壁鍾,嬉皮笑臉的說道:「現在已經九點半了,該睡覺了,明兒再補吧。」媽媽嘴唇微微抽動幾下,蹦出幾個字來:「我不管,今晚你就得補,另外再加一張。」我聽了這沉重的附加作業,不由吐了吐舌頭。無奈,只好取出筆做了起來。我看著書桌前那張合影,想起了和朋友們在一起的快樂時光,苦笑了一聲:「『小天使』今天不快活喲!」原來我是一隻快活的小鳥,現在卻像關在籠里的鴿子,但願有一天我能沖出「牢籠」,在藍天中自由地展翅飛翔。

Ⅱ 英語作文我的煩惱


Ⅲ 我的煩惱的英語作文

My trouble

I have some troubles. I think everyone have troubles too.
My parents always compare me to somebody,always say my study not better than somebody...
this is my trouble.
And I like the pet dog,but my parents didn't like.
So they didn't let me keep a dog.this is my trouble too.


Ⅳ 英語作文 我的煩惱 中英翻譯

The Growing Pains


Ⅳ 怎樣解決我的煩惱 英語作文


Ⅵ 一篇關於『我的煩惱』的英語作文 英語高手幫忙啊 !!!急啊!!

自己改動一下就行了 ·小學英語作文 ·初中英語作文 ·高中英語作文 ·大學英語回作文 ·考研英語作文 ·中考英語作 文·答高考英語作文 ·英語四級作文 ·英語寫作資料 ·GRE作文 ·留學文書寫作 ·雅思考試作文 ·英語六級作文 t55y http://www.rrting.com/English/yyxw/ 這里有近千篇英語作文,希望能幫到你,好就要給分喔,未來幾年寫作文都不用怕了

Ⅶ 英語作文我的煩惱

My Upset
I'm a middle school student. I』 upset these days because of my parents. They pay too much attention to my study. I have to report my test results to them every time. If I get good grades they will be happy and satisfied. But if not they will be worried about me, especially my mom. I never want to let her down, but she has made a plan for my future. I am very disgusted with it. I don't know what to do. I know they really love me. I also know knowledge is important for everybody. However, I can't stand they are always making me study. I'm really expected they can understand me.

Ⅷ 用「我的煩惱」寫一篇英語作文

My trouble
Everyone has troubles, it said Debu false.
At school, I would happily like a little angel, but sometimes because of some classmates to tears.
At home, harsh mother nagging in my ear all day, not to ask me to do this examination paper, that is, asked me to do that in this exercise.
With the passage of time, to go from a one-year primary school students into a sixth-grade students. Those troubles is like an appointment with the like, and the waves hit me.
"Fang Fang! How can you not do their homework?" Mom stood before me, yelling. The sharp eyes stare at me. I expected something happened. I was silent for children, the brain are searching for an escape excuse. "Fang Fang, you hear!" Mom cried again, raising his voice. Suddenly I suddenly flash, with your eyes a bit inclined wall clock, Xipixiaolian's said: "It is now 9:30, and the bed, and morrow supplemented it." My mother a few lips twitch slightly, jumped out a few words to : "I do not care tonight you have to fill, plus one." I listened to this a heavy additional work, not help spit the tongue. Frustration
Remove the pen had made up.
I looked at a photo desk goes on, I think of friends together, happy hour, smile a cry: " 'Little Angel' is not happy today, yo!" Originally, I was a happy bird, and now like a locked up in cage of pigeons, I hope one day I can out of "cage" in the blue sky free to fly.








Ⅸ 以我的煩惱為主題寫一篇英語作文


everyone has his trouble, so do I. My trouble is so many that sometimes I feel so annoymous. Then let me tell you my trouble and can you tell me why? My trouble containes the fowlling: homework exame arguing with good friends and money. First and the most importent thing made me so annoymous is too much homework…………。THe second thing is ………… ,the third thing is…………,and the last one is…………。

the reason for my trouble is …………,and I decide that…………。

Ⅹ 初二英語作文 我的煩惱 60詞 要翻譯

As I teenager, my life is fun and stressed at the same time. I not have to deal with the school, but also issues of growing up. However, I also enjoy being a teen, going to school and learning everyday. The ideal happiness for me is a summer vacation without homework! I believe that having a vacation, perhaps just a short one, that I can plainly do whatever I want, would be awesome. I am looking forward to it, which is comming up in less than a month. But right now, I need to work hard for my final exams!當我十幾歲時,我的生活是有趣的,強調在同一時間。我沒有處理學校,但也成長的問題。然而,我也喜歡作為一個青少年,每天上學和學習。理想的幸福對我來說是沒有作業的暑假!我相信有一個假期,也許只是一個短,顯然,我可以做任何我想要的,將是可怕的。我期待著它,這是確保在不到一個月的時間。但是現在,我需要努力工作為我的期末考試!



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