㈠ 一篇關於學好英語的作文,最好是自己寫的,500字左右
HowtolearnEnglishwell?Hello,everyone!.Ithink,firstly,ifyou'reinterestedinEnglish,you'lllearnitbetter.Secendly,trytolistento,speak,read,.Nopay,nogain.AndwecanlistentoEnglishsongs,.Wecanlearnalotfromthem.ThenwecanlearnEnglishwell.Let'senjoytheEnglishworld. 對中國人來說學英語確實是件比較棘手的事情,特別想學好英語,非得有有一段過程.其實學英語和學漢語相同點很多,都是一種語言的學習.我們可以聯繫到小學的時候我們學漢語的經過,老師沒少叫我們死記硬背,雖然死記硬背是個貶義詞,但在學習語言當中確實是個不變的法理.我不知道你現在的基礎怎麼樣,所以只有算你是初中畢業水平.一.你到書店找到一本閱讀資料,最好是短文,一篇一篇的,你覺得這本書說懂,不是很懂,說不懂,又可以看出點意思來.這樣一本書,你要一篇不漏的堅持看下去,而且碰到陌生詞,統統用詞典或電腦查出來,在書上註明.然後就是反復的從頭到尾的看這本書,一直到你一看課文題目,書中的內容及以前的陌生詞都可以在腦海裡面浮出來.二.堅持把初中的單詞給記了,多看,多讀,多寫,如果有電腦就最方便,你可以下個軟體,或者買個單詞學習軟體.比如初中的單詞你通過電腦你打,聽它5-10遍.腦海里有個自然沉積的記憶,初中的差不多了,就繼續高中的,方法如上.單詞的記憶最好和上面的同時進行,這樣有許多單詞在重復記憶,加深印象.三.重點關注常用巨型,這個還是要根據你學習狀況和工作情況.口語句子一般都比較簡單,你得重點讀出聲音.堅持的讀,到時候,簡單的交談或寫作可以脫口而出和信手拈來.四.當你有一定的英語基礎後,你就可以使用英語學習軟體了,或者系統的英語學習書籍,比如,新概念英語.從頭到尾的學習下去,也許在這個過程當中你看不很大效果,但當你把這套資料都通學了一遍,你會發現你長進了不少,同時有點成就感了,有助於於你的信心.五.這是最後階段了,你可以英文寫信給朋友,或日記.可以在平常中和朋友鍛煉練習下口語.在這個過程當中你或許感覺很吃力,正是這個時候,你還要繼續上面的各點,也正是提高最快,進步最大的時候了.我根據自己的學習經驗總結了五點,具體情況還是要自己實事求是.希望你可以找到更好的學習方法,把英語學好.
㈡ 我們為什麼要學並且學好英語的作文80詞左右
Why we learn English
The English language has become an international language because it is used by people in the most countries in the world now.
In the open times, if you want to do business with foreigners, you must learn English because most of them speak and write in English, English is one of the working languages at international meetings, Today, most of valuable books are written in English, If you know much English, you will read newspapers and magazines in English and learn a lot of knowledge about interaction better. You also can do what you should do for the world peace.
English is very important to us, but many students don't know why he should learn it. I hope that all the students should pay more attention to English study and use it freely.
㈢ 我想學好英語的作文
According to the natural laws of learning language, learning English will first listen to, say, to read, and then only to write, don't understand English students is impossible to read good English or written English. That is to say first learn "listening, speaking >" language "and in" text ", also is the study of grammar. Our previous study, Taiwanese language is the principle of this nature, Americans are learning English or Japanese is also not fool enough to go to grammar school, if the first study of the "grammar" in the future when you want to speak, will want to grammar, it can not speak fluent statement. Ask: you in Taiwanese or Mandarin said "my mouth very thirsty, want to drink a can of Coca Cola", you will not want to Grammar: I > subject, > noun thirsty > adjectives, drink verb >, cola > nouns. I don't believe that. Why is it? Because our ears have formed the correct grammatical habit. Therefore in learning English, we should first to train yourself to listen to, the correct habit of English pronunciation and colloquial and try to imitate, and don't be afraid, to dare to speak, is the most important to in learning "read and write" is secondly, that is to say, the first English pronunciations and tones as a kind of habit formation, and then combined with the second stage "sound and thought," powerful combination, so they have a gut reaction. This is in line with the learning of human language environment of the two principles, said the "first language text" of the concept is that must be established, so learn language can get twice the result with half the effort. When we develop the correct usage of grammar habits, we must pay more attention to one thing: when we speak English, always first to the Chinese and then translated into English, but we understand the meaning of this, in the mind just a deep impression on the Chinese, and English itself, the impression is unclear. In fact only in we completely out of the Chinese, let yourself into thinking in English a comprehensive environment, the ideal mind is the English vocabulary and structure, and will be very natural to find and match the correct English. When you are familiar with the syntax used, and can think in English, also need to "actual practice" to help you to practice makes perfect realm! First (a) intensive listening to tapes - > to see Textbooks - > first probably understand meaning - > imitates said - > sound and meaning combined with the preliminary (second) listen to tapes - > really distinguish the sound difference - > the heart and clear the meaning - > completely into the English world. (III) see text and pictures > speak correct English > graally develop the habit of thinking in English > of mean response to natural to speak. (four) think of what you have just learned to say, naturally, when you are practicing, even if you are studying alone, it is as if someone is talking to you, and I believe that it will help you in your English. Is there a shortcut to learning English? Certainly not. Is there a way to learn English? Certainly there. Do anything there is sure to be the best way to learn English and certainly there are ways, if the right way, the inevitable plication of efforts, but again good if there is no practical work as a foundation, then it can only be empty and useless. If you ask, is there a shortcut to learning English? I said no, so-called shortcut is effortless to reach the destination path, so far has not been heard of a shortcut to learning English to learn English by which people, if there is such a shortcut, then have the shortcut must have made a big fortune the. Practice has proved that there is no shortcut to learning English. Then there is a way to learn English? The answer is yes. Everyone in the learning process are aware of learning methods, there is a good way to learn people can easily learn the course, get good results, or make good results. Since there is a way to learn English, then there must be one of the best ways. Our goal is to find a good way to learn English well in the shortest time. Do not try to be successful, but if the right way is not successful. Method of learning never say to someone, a head into the ocean of knowledge, the results never the light of day. It's a waste of your energy. Why do we learn English for so many years in school, English or not to learn it? On the one hand, because of our effective study time is not enough, although every day has English class, but we have to use the effective use of each class?
㈣ 學英語的好處英語作文帶翻譯
㈤ 寫一篇「怎樣學好英語」的英語作文並翻譯。
With the development of the society, China has stepped on the road of internationalizaion. And as all sides of reasons, English has become the international language. Thus, there are more and more Chinese learn English as to catch up with the world. Chinese government also realize this, so they require Chinese, especialy students, learn English. Then there is still a question that how to learn English well.
First of all, learning English well needs perseverance. Because learning English well is a long-term process. If we insist on leraning Eglish everyday, we will master it one day. If we just study it for a short time and then give up, we will gain nothing in the end. Therefore, we should stick to learn English erveryday in order to learn it well.
Secondly, learning English well needs us open our mouth. The aim to learn a language is to speak it. No one will admit you learn a langeuage well without speaking it out. Many Chinese students have learned is「mb English」. That is a big problem. So, in order to learn English well, we should often talk with our friends, classmates and teachers in English.
Thirdly, the best way to master a language is tobe personally on the scene. So I advice those people who have condition go abroad for a while. When they come back home, their oral English must have improved.
To sum up, learning English well is not easy. But we can take masures to make it done through perseverance, talking and going abroad.
㈥ 學好英語的好處的英語作文
As far as i'm concern it's a great avantage to have a very good level in english.If you want to do international business english is the force you should reckone with ,if you're in the field of sciences english is still usefull.Another proof of the importance of english is that english is one of the most spoken language in the world.So,yes i do think that english is very important.
㈦ 怎樣才能學好英語作文
大家看了我上次的怎樣學好語文一定受益匪淺。那想知道我是怎麼總結出來的嗎?因為我平時就會積累一些經驗。如果你平時也積累經驗也會跟我一樣的。現在我已經是一名快要上六年級的人了。所以我把我一年級得到五年級積累的所有經驗分享給大家。寫完這篇怎樣學英語之後,我就會寫怎樣學好數學(,)希望大家來看我的這兩篇作文。這兩篇只會對大家有益無害。寫完這兩篇。我就會寫其他的了,等我讀完六年級我也會把我六年級的經驗分享給大家的。反正我會把我每一個學期積累的經驗寫出來分享給大家的。再給大家一個消息我寫得一次美夢,我變成了一隻蝸牛我不會續寫了。 告訴大家學好英語只要三步,第一步就是首先要每天早晨六點起床,之後,就打開電腦(,)在電腦上找到李陽瘋狂英語這個視頻。然後一集一集的看的去,注(還要邊看邊寫)過了不久你就會發現你的英語能力真在一點一點的提高。但是光有這一點還是不夠的。之後,每過半個月,你就把電腦屏幕關閉,只聽聲音,不看試一試你能不能默寫出來。如果能,你就暫時的不要看李陽瘋狂英語了。你就去讀你自己的英語書上的單詞。之後在叫你的同卓(桌)或者你的同學幫你聽寫你書上的英語單詞。到了最後(下)一步,也就是最後一步那就是背。背什麼呢?那就是被你書上的單詞和句子,你雖然(顯然已經)能默寫和聽寫出來了。但是你不能背出來,背不出來你就可能考試的時候老師說道是什麼你都聽不懂。所以你要背出來。背出來了你就大功告成了。大功告成了,但是你不能太得意忘形了。還是要在(再)堅持一段時間。否則就會前功盡棄。 這就是我的方法,我就是這樣學的,如果對你沒用我就沒辦法了。陳毅希望學校6(5)班 藍大明