⑴ 一篇關於追星的英語作文!對追星發表自己的看法,不用寫完整,寫一句都沒關系,只需要貢獻啊
The picture is a vivid reflection of the wide-spread star-worship by depicting a man,representing the miniature of the rising phenomenon,who is planning to have a hair cut in the style of Beckham.Indeed,as it indicates,the trickles of star-worship have become a torrent around the world,whose influences have reached at even most out-of-the-way areas.
⑵ 求一篇英語作文討論追星的利弊,1表現:模仿衣著,發形嗜好,2後果:迷失自我荒費學業等,3觀點:科學...
Nowadays, star-worshiping is popular among teenagers, especially many middle school students.
When it comes to the symptoms of worshipping a star, the main factor I』d like to mention is imitation. With a blind love for their idols, teenagers firmly believe that their choices are the best things in life. As a result, the stars』 clothes, hairstyles and hobbies are closely observed or followed, as well as their behaviors in public, though, to some extent, improper or even ridiculous sometimes.
However, as is known to all, idols can be found everywhere but there is the only igo-self. While you』re imitating to be someone else, where are you in this world? No one can take the place of you unless you give t up yourself. Additionally, imitation means more than abandoning your own goals. Since you』re wandering along your life road aimlessly, it』s so predictable a failure that you can neither enjoy your idol』s rise to fame, nor gain from your messy school work. Eventually, you have to bite the bullet yourself.
As far as I』m concerned, our future should be more dependent on knowledge rather than star-worshipping. Scientists are the ones who help push forward the course of history. It』s required for us to concentrate on study and contribute as much as we can to society.
So I』m strongly against star-worshipping and I』m happy to hear your voices.
⑶ 急需關於追星的英語作文,謝謝大家!
Nowadays, star-worshiping is popular among teenagers, especially many
university students.
Why? When it comes to the symptoms of worshipping a star ,the main factor I'd like to mention is imitation. With a blind love for their idols,teenagers firmly believe that their choices , hairstyles and hobbies as well as their behaviors in public , are closely observed or followed, though, to some extent , they many be considered improper or even ridiculous.
In my opinion , having idols is not a bad thing . However , we should make it clear who are the real "heroes.". As far as I am concerned , the real heroes are those who are making the most contributions to our society , such as teachers, doctors and scientists. As students , we should learn from them. Only in this way can we become useful persons and be real popular stars in the future.
⑷ 中學生追星的利與弊 英文作文
有相當一部分年輕人追星和崇拜偶像,有自己獨特的見解。他們沒有盲從性,能正確分析偶像的優點和不足,追星是為了追求明星的亮點,學習明星好的東西,並以此為榜樣,在學習和生活中嚴格要求自己,培養自己積極奮進的精神,這種人都能健康成長。我鄰居家的孩子就是這樣的人。他很喜歡邁克爾·喬丹,常常對喬丹在球場上的精彩表演,投球的高超本領贊不絕口。但更使他佩服的是喬丹的優良品質,有一次喬丹已發高燒近40度,躺在床上打點滴起不來,但他的球隊在球場上連連失利,在最後3分鍾時,他不顧痛苦毅然投入戰場,不過幾分鍾他就頻頻得手投了幾個3分球反敗為勝。他的這種英雄氣概使這孩子暗下決心,一定要學習喬丹堅忍不拔的毅力,做一個堅強有為的人。 追星是一種正常的社會現象 追星是青少年從孩童向成人成長過程中的生理心理過程的反映。青少年處於由孩子向成人的發展階段,正是長身體、長知識和樹立遠大理想的時期,他們的理想、願望正處於迷茫和混沌中,需要自我的實現和完善,他們既想擺脫兒童的心理,又想像成人那樣體現成熟。明星的出現使他們眼前一亮,從明星的身上看到了自我實現的希望,追隨他們、崇拜他們,已成為心中的渴求。 追星是青少年寄託希望和理想的一種表現。大多數明星都有一技之長,或在體育競技上,或在藝術上。加上其外觀或是英俊瀟灑,或風姿綽約,體現了美的風采,年輕人常常被他們吸引,從思想、行為和外表等去模仿學習。 追星也是廣大青少年心理的需求和情感宣洩的需要。青少年時期,是生理和心理的重要轉型時期,性的發育正走向成熟,但性意識仍是朦朦朧朧,對異性產生好感,心中或多或少都有異性的影子。在年輕人的眼裡,明星是快樂的使者,是美的化身,是最有成就的典範。他們都嚮往夢幻般的青春,生活在自己虛擬的世界中,幻想著自己成為了明星,成為頂尖人物,並以此成為生活中的目標。 另外,在充滿競爭的社會里,學生學習負擔很重,升學的壓力,學生相互競爭的壓力,課後家長安排的各種輔導等,壓得很多學生喘不過氣來。當明星以光彩奪目的形象展現於大眾,進入他們生活後,他們就會情不自禁去崇拜,與明星一起瘋狂,一起宣洩,以滿足心理的需求。 追星熱還是社會誘導的結果。有的商家和「星」們的經紀人利用各種手段,對「星」們大肆包裝,以追求最大的利益。這些「星」高高在上被推了出來,滿足了青少年的心理需求。有的孩子經受不住誘惑,出現了種種偏差。 偶像崇拜是青少年對人生追求的體驗,是人生的一個重要過程,每個時代的青少年都有自己人生的理想,心目中追求的人生目標和偶像,當前的追星也是這樣。因此,對追星現象和偶像崇拜既不要一概反對,也不要放任自流出現問題,而要積極引導,使之理性化。
⑸ 大學英語作文題崇拜偶像的利與弊
In my opinion, idol worship, the thought-provoking social phenomenon, is a double-edged
sword which can deeply influence the growth of young people. If we simply worship the
idols by imitating their hairstyles or pursuing fashions unreasonably, the obsession
will certainly waste us a great deal of money or time, endangering the efficiency of our
work. On the contrary, we will lead a positive and fruitful life if we endeavor to
improve ourselves by bridging the gap between our models and us. Therefore, the latter
attitude should be adopted to direct our way of life.
⑹ 用英文寫的關於追星的好處 跪求!
I think we shouldn't catch up with star no rational, the star is only the ordinary people of different professional, we can like them, listen to their songs to see their work as a film while learning the entertainment, rather than blindly follow. In fact, apart from look at their beautiful appearance, we should be even more diligent efforts to see their side, as they should be learning, such as Andy Lau, his pragmatic hard-working, the same, stars the fans also hope that they can study well and good
⑺ 追星看法 英語作文
Nowadays, star-worshiping is popular among teenagers, especially many university students.
Why? When it comes to the symptoms of worshiping a star, the main factor I』 like to mention is imitation. With a blind love for their idols, teenagers firmly believe that their choices are the best. As a result, the stars』 clothes, hairstyles and hobbies, as well as their behaviors in public, are closely observed or followed, though, to some extent, they may be considered improper or even ridiculous.
In my opinion, having idols is not a bad thing. However, we should make it clear who are the real 「heroes」. As far as I am concerned, the real heroes are those who are making the most contributions to our society, such as teachers, doctors and scientists. As students, we should learn from them. Only in this way can we become useful persons in the future.
⑻ 寫一篇關於是否該追星的80字英語作文
When it comes to the symptoms of worshipping a star ,the main factor I'd like to mention is imitation. With a blind love for their idols,teenagers firmly believe that their choices , hairstyles and hobbies as well as their behaviors in public , are closely observed or followed, though, to some extent , they many be considered improper or even ridiculous.
In my opinion , having idols is not a bad thing . However , we should make it clear who are the real "heroes."