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『壹』 英語作文 科學和技術: 朋友還是敵人

Science and Technology
Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Science and Technology. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the following instructions.
1. Science and technology play an important role in modern.
2. Science and technology are not always a positive force in modern life.
Science and Technology
Science and technology play an important role in people『 daily lives. If you compare the life of people today with that in the past, it is easy to see that science and technology have done a great deal to improve the quality of people『s lives. For example, computers have become our good friends: with the help of computers, people all over the world are able to share whatever information on the net, which shortens the distance between them. With the invention of radio and TV, people now can stay at home to get themselves informed about both domestic and international news.
But as a coin has two sides, technology can aisc have an negative influence upon people『s lives. Now technology crimes are very common. What『s more, the nuclear bomb threatens our human existence. So I think we must pay enough attention to the misuse of technology.
In spite of its disadvantages, we should admit that technology is very useful, Without science and technology, man『s life would not be as convenient as today.

『貳』 高中英語作文敵人入侵的壞處

The assassination was in reprisal for invasion
刺殺行動是為了報復敵人入侵 。
A lot of enemies tried to invade britain : the saxons , the jutes , the pitts and others
很多敵人入侵 不列顛:撒克遜人、朱特人、匹茲人,還有其他。
Home invaded by the enemy ; take up arms and fight the enemy started it ; operations guide : keyboard mouse control , kill all the enemies . by ctrl attacks , box squat , lunge r key loading key
家園被敵人入侵 了拿起武器和敵人展開戰斗吧操作指南:鍵盤滑鼠控制,幹掉所有敵人,按ctrl鍵攻擊,空格下蹲, r鍵裝彈
Introction : home invaded by the enemy ; take up arms and fight the enemy started it ; operations guide : keyboard mouse control , kill all the enemies . by ctrl attacks , box squat , lunge r key loading key
家園被敵人入侵 了拿起武器和敵人展開戰斗吧操作指南:鍵盤滑鼠控制,幹掉所有敵人,按ctrl鍵攻擊,空格下蹲, r鍵裝彈
I shall ask the congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis - - broad executive power to wage a war against the emergency , as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe
我會要求國會准許我使用應付危機的唯一剩餘的手段? ?向非常狀況開戰的廣泛行政權力,就象在實際遭受外部敵人入侵 時所應授予我的大權。

『叄』 我們的敵人越少越好譯英文

1.我這里來的越少,我就感覺越好.the less i come here, the better i feel.
2.在這里不需要用the more the more句型,因為後半句說的是感覺好,所以要用better.就是good的比較級.
3.有 the more, the less 句型.

『肆』 幫助對手的英語作文

現在沒有所謂的及格線,不管考多少都只有分數,但大家自然而然形成了一個標准,425以上的叫過,如果有對英語六級有要求的話,也要求分數達到425以上,當然你考的越高肯定越好 成績沒有證書,是一個成績單

『伍』 急求一篇英語作文100字左右。。。題目是自滿是學習的敵人。。。謝謝啦2天內要交

It's my conviction (或 I firmly believe) that complacency is at the root of our troubles.
There's no room for complacency; we must continue to try to improve.

比如:舉個例子,然後說:This may lead to complacency and even arrogance.這會導致自滿,自滿最終將變成可悲的自大。
有真才實學的人往往虛懷若谷,謙虛謹慎; 而不學無術、一知半解的人,卻常常驕傲自大,自以為是,好為人師。謙虛是一種品德,是進取和成功的必要條件。

『陸』 敵人變為朋友 英語作文 enemy school friend change


『柒』 「敵人」的英語是什麼


『捌』 敵人 英文怎麼說






1、attack the enemy 攻擊敵軍

2、beat an enemy 戰勝敵人,打敗敵人

3、beat down the enemy 打垮敵人


英 [fəʊ],美 [foʊ]

n. 敵人;仇敵


1、face a foe 面對敵人

2、meet a deadly foe 迎戰死敵

3、push one's foe 追擊敵人


英 ['ædvəsəri],美 ['ædvərseri]

n. 敵手;對手


1、fierce adversary 兇狠的對手

2、crafty adversary 狡猾的對手

3、dangerous adversary 危險的對手




例句:The knight was murdered by his foes.



例句:He set at his adversary in strong language.



例句:The city is held by the enemy.


『玖』 求一篇人最壞的敵人是自己200詞左右的英語作文

人與自然集天地之靈氣,采萬物之精華,勇敢的人類從洪荒時代走到了文明的世紀。人類的智慧創造了經濟的奇跡,無知與貪婪卻留下了可怕的後果。環境污染,生態惡化,地球發出了痛苦的呻吟,善待萬物,就象善待我們的朋友;拯救地球,就是拯救我們的家園!人類漸漸從噩夢中覺醒:人與自然和諧共處,是可持續發展的唯一出路。 突如其來的SARS病毒,令人們反思自己的行為。人類應如何對待大自然?人類該怎樣與自然和諧共處呢?與自然相通相依,協調一致,和諧共處,是人與自然和諧共處的主要思想。 建立生態環保型社會是我們共同的責任。隨著我國人口的急劇增長,許多地方都在鬧「能源危機」,水、土地、礦產等資源不足的矛盾日益尖銳,無數森林的亂砍濫伐使生態環境惡化的形勢十分嚴峻。地球是人類賴以生存的唯一家園,因此,我們不能眼睜睜地看著我們的家園毀於我們人類自己手中。人類啊,行動起來吧,讓我們節約一滴水,保護一棵小草。讓天空依然明凈,讓河水依然清澈,讓小草依然碧綠,讓花朵依然鮮艷,讓陽光依然燦爛,讓地球依然生輝! 痛定思痛,我們應該選擇一條理性發展的道路,呼喚綠色文明,呼喚科學的決策方式,呼喚科學的生產方式,呼喚科學的生活方式。讓人與自然和諧共處吧! 人與自然的關系,排除了所有教條化、概念化的定義和歸納後,到底還剩下些什麼? 無疑,我們在大自然的懷抱中生存,在向自然索取的過程同時以自身的思想以及由思想派生出的行動反饋於自然。很多正統說法中認為勞動是人區別於其他自然生物的主要標志,但事



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