① 關於高考之後的感想以及家人對自己平時的幫助的英語作文
Everyone has his own favorite food. All my family members have their own favorite food as well. My grandparents love to eat (你祖父母喜歡吃啥???). It is a kind of food from (食物是哪裡的??),China. It is a traditional food in China and many old people likes it very much. My dad likes eating .... But I don't like it anyway. It is so disgusting for me but it is the most delicious things in the world for my dad! My mum and I like the same food,...,it is beautiful and it tastes really good! China is really big and has lots and lots of delicious food and every kinds of food are differnte from one another
② 高考感悟英語作文,高考中你印象最深的一件事寫一篇150字左右的英語作文。
Three days ago we decided to visit the Great Wall.
Today we met at the bus stop early in the morning. When we were on the bus, we saw a lot of new buildings and new shops.Beijing was taller than before, I thought.
It took us about two hours to get to the Great Wall. When the Great Wall appeared in front of us, we couldn』 , t help thinking how wonderful it is! I wondered how the people in the past built it without modem machines. It is said you can see it from the space.I was proud of it.
After coming home I made up my mind to study harder than before. When I grow up, I will work hard to make our country more beautiful and stronger.
③ 高考之後的感受,英文,帶翻譯
他們說有三種方法來感受大峽谷;步行,騾子(騾子)或乘飛機。我們選擇了第一個。早起;我和我的丈夫和三個孩子們迫不及待地想要開始了。我們決定沿著一個可愛的路徑命名。明亮的天使,當我們開始時,我感到震驚的路徑是多麼狹隘。我沒法不注意到,不像我們其他遊客。他們沉重的包,瓶裝水,和帽子。但是像往常一樣,我們都穿上衣服,太陽升起來的時候,亞利桑納州有名的熱量高似乎烤(烘烤)我們。沒有樹木遮蔭,我們的雙腿酸痛。我們決定回去、與女孩在我背上,孩子們遠遠甩在了後面。我們終於回來了,我們的腳就像果凍。第二天,我們會有一個長時間的休息和很好的早餐,我們准備另一種觀點的峽谷,乘飛機。最後,我們走後將是世界上最容易的事情。我們叫對方興奮地為飛機起飛和繞峽谷。但是在我們的臉上消失的微笑,因為飛行員(翻轉)飛機投擲,假裝他要去撞到地面。我喊道:「停下來,我們回來了!」當我們終於回到了岸上,再一次我們的雙腿都像果凍。我們很難講我們乘車回去。就像我說的,有三種方式來查看大峽谷。我們從未嘗試過的騾子,但就我個人而言,我建議你買了第一個好雜志《國家地理雜志》一樣。這樣,你可以看到的峽谷,沒有恐懼或疲勞。乙照片是無處不在。他們裝飾的牆壁裝飾(家庭),用於各種貨物銷售商店。這個消息是滿圖畫的火災、水災、及特別活動。照片記錄大自然的美。他們還可以把東西緊密,躲得遠遠的。從照片中,人們可以看到野生動物,城市,甚至在外國的恆星在外層空間。照片也講故事。報道的新聞照片叫做照片新聞學通過。告訴他們的故事激起有時通過一個單一的圖片。有時,他們用一組照片講個故事。每一幅畫就像一個章節里,一本書,是可以做的比記錄的事實。它也可能是一個強大的力量為社會變革。雅各Riis是第一批攝影家。他拍的紐約,在那裡的窮人住。Riis認為貧窮,貧窮和犯罪,而他使用圖片來幫助他證明自己的觀點。幾年後,這些照片的小孩在工廠里工作以劉易斯陽光公眾震驚。歡樂的圖片幫助帶來法律以保護這些孩子。數以百計的圖片可能以獲得一個或兩個很好的照片。它需要科學的照片來進行藝術做出的照片,它具有良好的設計和表達的感覺。做一個實際的記錄,激起他們所看到的東西。一張照片,然而,既是藝術的傑作,一個實際的記錄。它可以記錄重要的事件,一個美麗的或令人興奮的圖片。作為歷史和藝術的文件(文獻),照片會變得越來越重要。今天還有他們激起圖片出現在報紙和雜志。他們也發表發表他們的書籍和在網際網路上。C這不是普通的類。這個學生聚集在一起都科學或工程教授康奈爾大學。他們已經打斷了他們的研究來接受邀請去參加一次不同尋常的實驗:「一個有趣的星期。」這類的詩歌是研究的一部分,回答問題:為什麼是科學的許多nonscience困難的學生嗎?教師可以了解課程的教學,如果他們不是在自己的領域?詩班的學生聽講座,記筆記。他們已經閱讀任務,不得不寫三篇短篇報告。所有學生都注意到一件事——的重要性,所說的話。在科學和工程課中,教師把桌子和圖紙寫在黑板上。但在這首詩班,老師就聊著天。他們沒在黑板上寫東西。科學家和工程師發現一個科學和詩歌的相似性。在科目,學生需要找到層(層次)的含義。一些層很簡單,清洗,表面上;其他層更深層次、更困難。這種不同層次的意義不發生了很多本科(本科)科學課,但重要的是以後,在畢業學校。這是非常重要的,在人文學科(人文科學)。他們的詩歌講師和學生學習一些關於這方面的經驗教訓。一個教練,例如,詩歌的重要性,現在看到的信息,他任教。使用大多數科學家同意在幾個要點。首先,人文課程的學生可能有助於科學觀察模式和決定哪些信息是非常重要的。第二,詩歌類很有趣。一個工程師決定」,我們需要改變我們的方式教導工程使這一令人愉快的經歷。」但也許最重要的結果是,所有的經驗的教授開始思考他們如何教和他們如何凸輪教好。D在接力賽跑接力賽跑(通過棒)在一個方向。然而,商人通過絲綢、金、水果、玻璃沿絲綢之路在不止一個方向。他們贏得了他們的生活由旅遊著名的絲綢之路。「絲綢之路」並不是一個簡單的貿易網路。它通過成千上萬的城市和城鎮。它是從中國東部,在中亞和中東地區,並以地中海。它被用來從約 乙、丙、約有 名,維生素D,海洋旅遊時,提供了新的途徑(路線),它有時被稱為世界上最長的高速公路。然而,絲綢之路是由許多路線,而不是一個平滑的路徑。他們穿過了 個國家的是什麼。穿過山脈和沙漠的路線,有許多危險的炎熱的太陽下,大雪,甚至戰斗。只有經歷交易者可能回到安全。絲綢之路得到它的名字來自其最有價值的產品。「絲綢之路」,可以用來愛錢來付稅或者購買商品。但商人攜帶不止絲綢。金、銀、玻璃從歐洲都發現在中東和亞洲。來自其他地區的馬交易在中國改變耕作方式。印度商人交易的鹽和其他貴重物品。中國商人交易,這產生了一個直接的影響。蘋果從中亞到羅馬。中國已經學會了移植(嫁)接在一起,使不同的樹)的新種類的水果。他們通過這門科學對其他人,包括羅馬人。羅馬人用嫁接種植的蘋果。交易沿絲綢之路導致全球商業二千多年前的萬維網上。絲綢之路的人們並不贊同只是商品。他們也分享他們的信仰。「絲綢之路」提供了途徑學習、外交、宗教(外交)(宗教)。
④ 英語作文 關於高考的經歷和感想
There are so many candidates in China, if you do not have the college entrance examination, I really can't think of a second way of selecting talent. Although the college entrance examination there are also many drawbacks, some people said the University was too nervous, don't play level. But I would like to ask, even a little test of the college entrance examination in this life can't afford, there are also qualified to say what you want to get ahead, make a lot of money? I have just finished college entrance examination this year, I think the college entrance examination there was nothing to fear. Of course, not everyone can be admitted to Tsinghua University, Peking University, but as long as it is necessary to put their goals, select the appropriate University, you have nothing to regret. Should be unified bar, reform of university entrance examination system is around the corner, try "zhuchaoyinfeng", the public ecation system is not perfect, leading personnel of regional differences in standards, expose ecation system defects, citizen shall have the right to equal access to ecation and equitable ecation for social harmony.
⑤ 英語作文 高三入學感言而有信
I'm so looking forward of the life of entering the last year of high school! This year meant so different for me; it means I am going to farewell to my school life, my high school teachers and friends; and it also decides where my second stage of life's aiming to! However, i'll be never scared of step into the last year of my school life, in another word, I'm really looking forward and excited!
⑥ 請以高三畢業感想寫一篇英語作文
Dear schoolmates,
As I am graating, I』d like to write this letter to express my feelings before leaving school. As for me, it is the school life that colors my daily life. During the three years, I had a good time with teachers and classmates who were in favor of me. Besides, there is no doubt that I achieved lots of knowledge and skills which are good for my future study.
Nevertheless, there are also some things that I regret about. For instance, wasting too much time playing computers, I spent a little time in studying. Moreover, I regret arguing with my friends when I was in a low spirit.
Gone are the days when I studied in high school. Needless to say, there are many challenges in university where I will start my new life. Therefore, I should make every effort to study in university.
Here is some advice for you to take. Under no circumstances should you waste time doing things that aren』t linked with study. Apart from this, it』s high time that you should spare no effort to get good marks at school.
Good luck to all of you!
⑦ 高考感受 英語作文
I am a candidate's Henan Province, in the college entrance examination prior to the psychological pressure, because the candidates are more people in Henan, very competitive, feeling the school 10 years to see this time, and again would like to have experienced the big and small Examination of the time and the success of failure of those anxious to see the outside but containing no parents, teachers ... all of a sudden become a good feel old, it changes all of a sudden heart ,```` cool down when the examination paper to write .. A little nervous. But you want to play well on the exams should look at it as usual. A general examination room a lot easier, but the experience is very hard for me to forget the other. .