Ⅰ 高中英語作文,帶翻譯
During the winner holiday of this year,I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home ,watching TV and so on.So I got a job at a restawrant and worked there as a waiter.Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening. The job was hard,boring.It made me so tired that I almost quit half way.But I went on doing with my determination.
Health Is More Important
There are many people who think that wealth is better than health. I used to think so until one day I read a story about Howard Hughes. He was an American billionaire who got everything he wanted. However, in the last twenty years of his life,his health began to deteriorate and he was miserable. He had the best doctors and nurses. However, he could still find no relief. I realized that health is worth all the money in the world. If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor, you will not be able to do what you want to do. So I would like to say don『t hurt yourself and try to make money.Instead, take care of your body and be happy at what you do. Health is more important.
很多人都認為財富比健康更重要。在讀到Howard Hughes的故事之前,我也是這么認為的。Howard Hughes是美國的一個億萬富翁,能得到他想得到的任何東西。但是在他生命最後的二十年中,他的身體變得糟糕,他很悲慘。他有最好的醫生和護士,但仍得不到解脫。我意識到在這個世界上,好的身體抵得上所有的金錢。因為即使你有百萬美元但身體糟糕,也不能做你想做的事情。因此我想說的是關心你的身體,對你所擁有的一切感到高興,不要為掙損害你的身體,健康更重要。
Ⅱ 啃老族英文怎麼說
a boomerang son/daughter
a boomerang son(daughter、kid,child)就是那種離家獨立生活了但是混不下去又回到父母身邊過日子的子女。
dependent alt child
1。dependent group包羅萬象,從嬰兒到垂暮老人到某些沒有獨立生存能力的團體和一些仰仗他國生存的弱小國家都包含在內,所以完全不可取。
2。alt dependent指的是「成年的依賴他人過日子的人」,它可以包括年逾80的考子女、靠政府過日子的人。
3。boomerang child(ren)有個前提條件,就是離開家了又回來的孩子。
4。alt dependent child(ren)可以表示這層含義,不過它也可以指依賴父母的孩子(還沒成年)。
5。dependent alt child(ren)將「成年了還靠父母過日子的孩子」的內涵全部包含在內了。---
Manitoba Law Reform Commission - [ 翻譯此頁 BETA ]A more recent portrait is the dependent alt child who lives at home and relies on aging parents for shelter, food, and money. Little is known about the incidence of elder abuse, the occurrence of its various forms, or the relationship ...
www.gov.mb.ca/justice/mlrc/pubs/elderabuse.html - 17k - 網頁快照 - 類似網頁
Ⅲ 關於大學畢業走向職場的英語作文
Graated from university into the workplace
Graated from university into the workplace, the most important thing is to understand the present employment situation. I give you analyze the latest employment situation I get.
7500000 year graates, graates. 300000 is the returnees. While the general wage returnees is 3000 yuan, now, to the employment situation, students -- if the family is not very rich conditions, I suggest not what need to spend at least 1000000, (this is the premise condition of very save money on food and expenses, should be at least 2003000000, some more.) You will be in this field pay more and can't get the corresponding return, and now the society is very realistic, the company in the administrative class, for a stable career, in fact, does not consider the degree of people too, ecated in college graates is able to meet with the admission standards of people, and they also hope to recruit a people with work experience.
So, I think, to the workplace after graation, need to have a stable state of mind, put a low profile, don't always concern with the eyes of trouble, should learn to adapt to each owner of the work of the state, to the extent possible, don't too consider wage, usually in a job 2 years is necessary. Whether design class, administrative class and so on. You should learn to relax yourself, then, as far as possible to become a responsible person, in does not violate the principles below the situation, to obey the leadership arrangements and. And, don't have a too high expectations on wage, should consider even at around 1800, the general premise is in BR turtle character, insist on a period of about 2 years.
So, how to say our this generation of youth to the society should do what? We should be tolerant, atmosphere, we have to do the light and salt of this society, can not become the era of neet. At least, also to be able to as own responsibility, to feed themselves.
Hope that the above words can help you, then, we may not be able to change the world, but at least, we can do a responsible person, to feed themselves, return to the society, a force for the national tax revenue.
Ⅳ 我要查個英語作文題目是把自己和父母的小時候生活比較
我國自古就有「羊跪乳,鴉反哺」的古訓。感恩,就是意識到今天自己獲得的一切,不是憑空而來,除了自己的努力,還有許多人在背後的創造和奉獻。這意味著要永遠記住那些人和事,承擔一份歉疚,並准備為回報而付出努力。但是在當今社會,卻有許多人忘記了那些幫助過、照亮過、愛過自己的人,甚至傷害他們。我們身邊的「啃老族」就是一個例子。這些好高騖遠、拈輕怕重而不願就業的年輕人,吃靠父母,住靠父母,結婚靠父母,房貸靠父母,養孩子靠父母,工作幾年了沒有一分錢存款最後還是靠父母,感恩之心嚴重缺失。 從感恩的缺失,想到了那首風靡全國的《常回家看看》,這首歌曲的流行並不是一個簡單的現象。實際上,它唱出的不僅僅是父母之愛,更多的是父母對兒女日益淡薄的感恩之情的呼喚。感恩是愛和善的基礎,當有恩不報的現象越來越多時,「誰幫人誰就是傻子」、「硬起心腸來做人」就會成為一種文化,社會就會失去最起碼的良心。 愛因斯坦曾經說過:「每天我都無數次地提醒自己,我的內心和外在的生活,都是建立在其他活著的和死去的人的勞動的基礎上。我必須竭盡全力,像我曾經得到的和正在得到的那樣,作出同樣的貢獻。」偉人和所有人一樣要懷著謙卑的感恩之心,沒有理由遺棄這份情感。很多時候,感恩並不在於回報什麼,而是在自己與社會之間創造一種互相影響的友善氛圍:我們在肯定別人的同時,也升華了自己。每個人成長的階段都離不開爸爸媽媽的養育和教育。媽媽告訴我:小時候,我什麼都不懂的時候,她天天在我耳邊嘮嘮叨叨,告訴我:什麼是圓的,什麼是方的,什麼是長的,什麼是短的,並讓我玩各種各樣的玩具,讓我在玩耍中知道,世界上有各種各樣的物品,為了讓我的腦子盡早地開發,天天讓我聽一盤幼兒英語磁帶,反反復復,堅持不懈,使我在兩歲的時候,就會背三十多個英語單詞,知道數二百以下的數字,認訓百種同的圖片。可見她對我早期教育投入了很大的耐心和精力。 我小時候就特別愛學習,什麼事情都想弄個明白,在外公外婆的教育和照料下,我終於漸漸地長大了,上小學後,爸爸媽媽雖然工作很忙,但是爸爸總是抽出時間堅持教我英語,他一直對我較為嚴厲,有時我有點怕他,他說的話,一定要聽他的,有時候我也不能理解他的話,他說都是為我好。他有許多好的品質,有毅力,什麼事都有頭有尾,從來都不半途而廢。 我上小學三年級以後,爸爸每個星期六、星期日抽出時間教我學英語,每學期都給我買語文、算術、英語方面的電腦光碟,用來提高我的學習成績。 爸爸特別喜歡鍛煉身體,每天早晚必定會去鍛煉,也經常會說:「沒有身體,就什麼也沒有,身體好是最最重要的。只要有了好的身體,才能去做自己想做的事情。」雖然這些話我不能完全領會,但我按照他的話每天都會下樓鍛煉。我以後一定能體會到的。爸爸把他好的方面毫無保留地傳授給我,讓我長大成人以後會比他更強。 媽媽是性格溫和的人,雖然工作比較忙,但是從來不發脾氣,有事情都是好說好商量的,和爸爸形成鮮明的對比。 每天媽媽都用溫柔的目光看著我,每天都會半夜起來,來到我的房間,看看我的被有沒有蓋好,還會摸摸我的頭看看我熱不熱。她很關心我的學習,經常會去書店給我買書回來。爸爸媽媽以身作則的行為影響著我,把他們的成功的經驗慢慢地傳給我,讓我少走彎路。 我在爸爸媽媽外公外婆的養育下茁壯成長,從什麼都不懂的「小孩子」變成身體好、學習好的六年級學生。 父母的養育和教育是多方面的,生活上、學習上、為人處事上,我只有好好學習,學好各種本領,長大以後才能報答他們的養育之恩,我要上個好大學,長大以後做個有用的人才能不辜負他們對我的期望。學會感恩,與愛同行 感恩,在我們的腦海中是一個飽含淚水的形容詞,然而在一段漫長的時間里,我卻與他保持著距離,不是輕易觸碰這種感情元素。我害怕,因為在感恩的同時,已經註定背負上一種莫名的責任。 直至隨著年歲的增長,閱歷的豐富,一系列的時間發生就像一把神氣的鑰匙悄悄地打開了我一直執著固守的大門。 那是一個細雨綿綿的早晨,每個人依舊出門工作亦或是學習,而就在平凡的早晨發生了一件不幸的事-------母親因被車撞骨折了,父親出差,我不得不擔負起家庭的擔子,經歷了好多人生的第一次:第一次把屋子打掃一遍;第一次為母親洗腳;第一次做飯,洗碗……十六年來我第一次發祥我對家是那麼的陌生,從來不做家務,從來不關心父母的起居。這一切刺痛了我也磨練了我:我感激那一段刻骨
Ⅳ 求學神版英語作文。寫一篇關於啃老族的英語作文,主要分析產生的原因,對策,最好是三段式。記住,要學神
Ⅵ 幫我翻譯成英文
出生的年代 正值改革開放初期,經濟的好轉,計劃生育的實施,使得我們這一代人大都在溺愛中長大。
Born in a beginning era of the reform and opening up, our generation grew up in mostly inlgence e to the upturning economy and birth control.
A proper consciousness, 「getting a job is extremely significant, and we should obtain a job when we are old enough」 becomes hazy increasingly in this condition.
Meanwhile, emphasis diploma one-sidedly made me use all might in examinations unceasingly from primary school to high school.
We are drenched in such a hidden rule as "we can enter the first-class enterprises as long as we entered the first-class universities".
These phenomenon make our generation feel one-sidedly on employment views, even unconcerned.
We unilaterally thought that studying well and entering a first-class university, is a guarantee of getting a decent job.
And when the "NEET Group" appears, I understand thoroughly that how important establishing right view of getting a job.
1.「摸爬滾打」:use all might
2.「潛規則」:a hidden rule
3.「啃老族」:NEET(Not in ecation, employment or training)啃老族,又稱「吃老族」或「傍老族」,或者尼特族,尼特族是NEET在台灣的譯音
Ⅶ 關於啃老族的一篇英語議論短文
An investigation indicates that no less than 70% of the unemployed young people now live off their parents' income. This is the new way the youngsters are living their lives--not in ecation,employment,or training.
What accounts for this widespread phenomenon?For one thing,most parents are willing to sacrifice themselves because of the deep love for their children.Unfortunately they neglect to foster their offspring's independence so that their children are accustomed to living under the sponsorship of their parents.In addition,with the employment situation becoming increasingly sever the youngsters can hardly get well-paid jobs.
Admittedly,this problem,which results from changing times,should be coped with immediately and appropriately. Above all,teenagers must realize that living off parents after graation is a way of life which they ought to be ashamed of.In fact,it is more to their disadvantage in the long run.Furthermore,a society should not only creat an excellent atmosphere of "respecting labor",but also establish good employment channels for graates
Ⅷ 「啃老族」英語怎麼說
a boomerang son/daughter
a boomerang son(daughter、kid,child)就是那種離家獨立生活了但是混不下去又回到父母身邊過日子的子女。
dependent alt child
1。dependent group包羅萬象,從嬰兒到垂暮老人到某些沒有獨立生存能力的團體和一些仰仗他國生存的弱小國家都包含在內,所以完全不可取。
2。alt dependent指的是「成年的依賴他人過日子的人」,它可以包括年逾80的考子女、靠政府過日子的人。
3。boomerang child(ren)有個前提條件,就是離開家了又回來的孩子。
4。alt dependent child(ren)可以表示這層含義,不過它也可以指依賴父母的孩子(還沒成年)。
5。dependent alt child(ren)將「成年了還靠父母過日子的孩子」的內涵全部包含在內了。---
Manitoba Law Reform Commission - A more recent portrait is the dependent alt child who lives at home and relies on aging parents for shelter, food, and money. Little is known about the incidence of elder abuse, the occurrence of its various forms, or the relationship ...
Ⅸ Boomerang Generation 英語作文
The boomerang kid "also called" eat old clan "or" alongside old clan. "they're not find work, but give up the employment opportunities, sit at not only the basic necessities, all by my parents, but spending often buying." The boomerang child "at age 23 to 30 years old, and between the ability to earn a living, but still not" weaning ", must depend on parents support young man. Sociologists call of "new unemployed community".
According to concerning an expert statistics, in the city, have 30 ﹪ of young people depend on old "live there, 65 ﹪ family on the" problem. "The parasitical" could very well become the influence future family life "first killer".
According to Chinese press investigation, at present "the parasitical" basically has the following six categories of people:
One is the university graates, for employment picky and find satisfying work, accounting for approximately 20 ﹪;
The second is the job is too tired too nervous, does not adapt the grounds, automatic leave, they think of leaving in the home very comfortable. Accounted for about 10 ﹪;
Three is "entrepreneurial fantasy" type youth, they have a strong entrepreneurial wishes, but no goal, lack of yes, always don't succeed, and do not wish again "sponsor" when a migrant workers. Accounted for 20 ﹪;
Four is frequent job-hopping, finally find a job by parents, feeds. Accounted for 10 ﹪;
Five is the young people, they are accustomed to laid-off workers in the past relaxed work and now nervous busy work, the more than more than leaving college, simply, accounting for approximately 10 ﹪;
Six is low, skill is poor, cultural only in ZhongDiDuan labor market find bitter dirty work, for fear of bitter tired fear tired simply stay home, account for 30 ﹪.
Parents too spoiled and ideas deflection and bring up "the parasitical" one reason.
Ⅹ 英語作文:評論「啃老族」的現象,並提出自己的觀點
The boomerang child, it is not a fresh vocabulary, but on the phenomenon is increasingly fierce, stop. They are not find a job, but give up the chances of employment, sit at not only the basic necessities whole depend parents, and costs often does not poor. "The parasitical" over age 23-30 years old between, and ability to earn a living, but still not "weaning", must depend on parents support. Sociologists call of "new unemployed community".
According to concerning an expert statistics, in the city, has 30 % of young people depend on the "live, 65 % family exists on the" problems. "The parasitical" probably become affect future family life of "first killer".
According to Chinese press investigation, at present "the parasitical" basically have the following six categories of people:
One is the university graates, for employment captious and find satisfying work, accounting for approximately 20 %,
The second is the job is too tired too nervous, does not adapt the grounds, automatic leave for leaving, they feel at home is very comfortable. Accounts for about 10 %,
The third is the entrepreneurial fantasy "type youth, they have a strong entrepreneurial desire, but no goal and lack of gain, always don't success, but do not wish again" sponsor "when a migrant workers. Accounts for 20 %,
The fourth is frequent job-hopping, finally find a job, depend parents feeds. Accounted for 10 %,
5 is the young people, they used to laid-off using past easy job and now nervous busy work, the more than more than disappointments, simply leaving, accounts for about 10 %,
Six is low, skill is poor, cultural only in ZhongDiDuan labor market find bitter dirty work, because of the fear of bitter tired fear tired straight-tempered stay home, account for 30 %.
Here I want to ask is, treat such a young man's group, we should take what attitude? Of course, it can't be indifferent to help by how should help?
The indivial feels 100 good filial first, human children, we should abide by its own traditional virtue. Against chew old, advocate filial piety!
Life is like a storm, only when you pass it baptism refined, and to find a bright rainbow is so beautiful.