A. 用英文介紹齊白石或梅蘭芳,不少於6句。別太難,不用太長,小學水平。急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Qi was born to a low-income family from Xiangtan, Hunan Province, and lived with his parents, grandparents, and eight younger sisters and brothers. He went to school for less than a year e to illness. Many poor families in China ring that period would have their children work with them on the farm, but Baishi was too weak to do much of the work. Therefore at 14, he became a carpenter.The subjects of his paintings include almost everything, commonly animals, scenery, figures, toys, vegetables, and so on.
In 1953 he was elected to the president of the Association of Chinese Artists. He died in Beijing in 1957.
B. 用英語寫一篇介紹京劇藝術大師梅蘭芳的文章
editor: Kathryne Ogrod & Elsa Zhang 中國京劇藝術大師梅蘭芳,舞台生涯五十多年。他與飯店感情頗深:天津是他每年必到之地,來即下榻來即下榻利順德332房間,梅先生多次入住飯店與飯店員工結下了深情,飯店將332房間恭修為「蘭芳套房」。梅先生的藝術風采和音容笑貌在這里留下了深深的回憶。 京劇行當中梅蘭芳最擅演的是「旦」.京劇中把女性統稱為「旦」,其中按照人物的年齡、性格又可細分為許多行當,飾演大家閨秀和有身份的婦女稱為「正旦」,正旦在京劇中俗稱「青衣」,這就是因為正旦所扮演的角色常穿青色的長衫而得名。京劇《竇娥冤》中的女主角竇娥就是典型的青衣角色。青衣的表演莊重嫻靜,秀雅柔婉,以唱功為主,一般說來,青衣的唱腔旋律優美,細膩婉轉。 梅蘭芳先生在促進我國與國際間文化交流方面作出了卓越的貢獻。他是我國向海外傳播京劇藝術的先驅。他曾於1919年、1924年和1956年三次訪問日本,1930年訪問美國,1935年和1952年兩次訪問蘇聯進行演出,獲得盛譽,並結識了眾多國際著名的藝術家、戲劇家、歌唱家、舞蹈家、作家和畫家,同他們建立了誠摯的友誼。他的這些活動不僅增進了各國人民對中國文化的了解,也使我國京劇藝術躋入了世界戲劇之林。 梅蘭芳先生是中國表演藝術的象徵,是我國人民的驕傲。 a century of astor (6) beijing opera floats overseas Mr Meilanfang, the master of Peking Opera, spent more than fifty years on the stage. During those years he came to Tianjin every year and the Astor Hotel was his favorite hotel. The room 332 became his home for many years and he developed a deep friendship with the clerks there. The room is called the Lanfang Suite. Meilanfang is good at playing the role of women in Beijing operas, called 「Dan」. According to the age and personality of the character, there are many different kinds of Dans. If she is a decent girl, will be called 「Zhengdan」 or 「Qingyi」 if she is just a young girl; the character on the stage is usually dressed in blue. The heroine of 「Dou E』s Grievance」 is a typical 「Qingyi」 character. This kind of character is supple and elegant; the singing skill is the most important technical point and the song itself is soft and beautiful. Mr Meilanfang increases international communication between China and other countries as the forerunner who spreads Beijing opera abroad. He has visited Japan in 1919, 1924 and 1956. In 1930, he visited America. He visited Russia in 1935 and 1952, which gained him a high reputation. During this period he knew many famous artists, singers, dancers, writers and painters. Because of his travels, there was an improved culture understanding in many countries. From that time forward, Beijing opera is listed into the dictionary of international drama. Mr Meilanfang is the symbol of Chinese acting art and holds with him our pride.
C. 有關梅蘭芳的英文介紹翻譯,可加分 但是要求:必須翻文語句通順 信 、達、 雅 !!!起碼有50%符合這要求
梅蘭芳(1894年至1961年),傑出的京劇指數,是中國的戲劇藝術大師。以愛國主義和熱愛他的人民,梅蘭芳的一生獻給了京劇藝術的。在他半個世紀的階段生涯中,他表現出極大的技能繼承過去,並使之適應alnew階段的優良傳統的豐富和改善中國的階段,他不斷地認真努力改善他的藝術,創造了許多生動,令人難忘的藝術形象通過聚集了地方和國家歌劇最好。他混合表演,歌唱和舞蹈表現之一,變成了豐富多彩,舞台效果的最高綜合性藝術的京劇。因此,他有一個廣泛的曲目,形成了自己原有的風格和發展,已成為unanimouly接受什麼的「梅蘭芳學校」 - 一個具有獨特的特點和微妙的尊嚴學校。美為他開辟了京劇同時代的新路子。他是世界公認,並作為一個偉大的藝術家與美的化身鼓掌。梅蘭芳是京劇首次引進的世界作出了成功的團,日本(1919,1924和1956年),美國(1930年)和蘇聯(1935年和1952年)。在他的文學和藝術成就的認可,兩名美國大學,南加州波莫納學院和大學授予他的文學博士榮譽學位。在他的旅行在這些國家,這使他贏得國際聲譽,他在外國觀眾普及了中國古典戲劇,引導他們為一對中國藝術和文化更好地欣賞。通過他的表演京劇,並取得舉世矚目的回報產生多少影響到外國的階段。他成了好朋友與世界著名的藝術家,劇作家,作家,歌唱家,舞蹈家和畫家很多。在他的國際朋友高爾基,康斯坦丁斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基,涅米羅維奇- Denchenko,釤愛森斯坦,烏蘭露娃,斯塔克年輕,查爾斯卓別林,保羅羅伯遜,道格拉斯費正清,瑪麗皮克福德,蕭伯納,愛德華戈登克雷格,布萊希特,Amelita加利-柯奇,泰戈爾,Nandalal百色,青木忠,松本幸四郎,比科尾上,松尾邦三和市川猿之助。在他的一生,他在促進中國與外國之間的文化交流傑出貢獻。作者:中國廊坊為代表的美劇是現在作為世界三大當代表演藝術的主要系統之一,公認的表演藝術。之後,人民共和國成立的中國,梅蘭芳當選為全國人民代表大會代表和一個對人民政治協商會議全國委員會常務委員會委員。他還當選為副主席,文學和藝術界和戲劇家聯盟全中國聯合會主席。他就任總統後對中國戲曲的研究和對中國戲曲學院研究所,以及國家京劇院總監。曾參與社會工作和各種活動,熱烈,他被接納為中共於1959年在他的晚年,以他的祖國的社會主義建設的重大貢獻。梅蘭芳是中國表演藝術的象徵和他的人民和民族自豪感。
D. 翻譯 梅蘭芳介紹 英文
He was born in a pear orchard family, 8-year-old Peking Opera study start, 11-year-old the first time on stage, put their whole life dedicated to the cause of the Peking Opera. More than half a century at the stage of practice, he created many beautiful lines and the other people forget the artistic image, the formation of a unique performing style. At the same time, him in promoting international cultural exchanges between China and made outstanding contributions to our country to overseas herald the spread of opera art.
E. 我要設計梅蘭芳海報的一篇英語作文,請你幫我設計一下。
我昨天都寫完了 哇哈哈
F. 介紹梅蘭芳的英語作文
Mei Lanfang-梅蘭芳
Mei Lanfang
Mei Lanfang is considered as one of the greatest artists in the history of Beijing Opera.
He was bom in Beijing in 1894. His family was very poor. When he was four, his father died. He was supported by his uncle. At the age of eight, he began to learn Beijing Opera from Wu Lingxian. He studide very hard .At last he made great achievements.
Mei Lanfang visited America and some other countries. He made friends with Chaplin, the greatest and funniest actor.
Mei Lanfang loved his country very much. During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he refused to act for the Japanese invaders.
The name of Mei Lanfang is popular among Chinese. He will be remembered for ever.
G. 關於京劇大師梅蘭芳的英語作文
H. 梅蘭芳的英文簡介
editor: Kathryne Ogrod & Elsa Zhang
a century of astor (6) beijing opera floats overseas
Mr Meilanfang, the master of Peking Opera, spent more than fifty years on the stage. During those years he came to Tianjin every year and the Astor Hotel was his favorite hotel. The room 332 became his home for many years and he developed a deep friendship with the clerks there. The room is called the Lanfang Suite.
Meilanfang is good at playing the role of women in Beijing operas, called 「Dan」. According to the age and personality of the character, there are many different kinds of Dans. If she is a decent girl, will be called 「Zhengdan」 or 「Qingyi」 if she is just a young girl; the character on the stage is usually dressed in blue. The heroine of 「Dou E』s Grievance」 is a typical 「Qingyi」 character. This kind of character is supple and elegant; the singing skill is the most important technical point and the song itself is soft and beautiful.
Mr Meilanfang increases international communication between China and other countries as the forerunner who spreads Beijing opera abroad. He has visited Japan in 1919, 1924 and 1956. In 1930, he visited America. He visited Russia in 1935 and 1952, which gained him a high reputation. During this period he knew many famous artists, singers, dancers, writers and painters. Because of his travels, there was an improved culture understanding in many countries. From that time forward, Beijing opera is listed into the dictionary of international drama.
Mr Meilanfang is the symbol of Chinese acting art and holds with him our pride.
I. 要一段簡短的關於梅蘭芳的英文介紹
editor: Kathryne Ogrod & Elsa Zhang
a century of astor (6) beijing opera floats overseas
Mr Meilanfang, the master of Peking Opera, spent more than fifty years on the stage. During those years he came to Tianjin every year and the Astor Hotel was his favorite hotel. The room 332 became his home for many years and he developed a deep friendship with the clerks there. The room is called the Lanfang Suite.
Meilanfang is good at playing the role of women in Beijing operas, called 「Dan」. According to the age and personality of the character, there are many different kinds of Dans. If she is a decent girl, will be called 「Zhengdan」 or 「Qingyi」 if she is just a young girl; the character on the stage is usually dressed in blue. The heroine of 「Dou E』s Grievance」 is a typical 「Qingyi」 character. This kind of character is supple and elegant; the singing skill is the most important technical point and the song itself is soft and beautiful.
Mr Meilanfang increases international communication between China and other countries as the forerunner who spreads Beijing opera abroad. He has visited Japan in 1919, 1924 and 1956. In 1930, he visited America. He visited Russia in 1935 and 1952, which gained him a high reputation. During this period he knew many famous artists, singers, dancers, writers and painters. Because of his travels, there was an improved culture understanding in many countries. From that time forward, Beijing opera is listed into the dictionary of international drama.
Mr Meilanfang is the symbol of Chinese acting art and holds with him our pride. 【這個口以么?】