㈠ 比較級最高級寫一篇英語作文
My friend.I have a good friend whoes English name is lisa.She is twelve years old and she is a very pretty girl.Everyone in our class including teachers like her,but I am her only best friend.We share everything we have and we nearly talk everything with each other.We both learn well,and we always learn together and help each other.She was very out-going and cute.She likes tell jokes and funny things.She likes smiling,you could always find simil blooming in her face.I like her not only because shind inside.Well that is my best friend.
㈡ 用最高級寫一篇不少於60字的英語作文(記住翻譯)謝了
There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother,my sister and I.I am older than my sister.but I am shorter than my sister.and I am fatter than my sister.I study better than my sister. My mother is taller than my father.I'm heavier than my brother.We both like sports,although(雖然) he is more athletic, than me. He is more outgoing(外向的,友好的),and I'm quieter.I think I'm smarter than him. However(然而)We both enjoy(喜歡)going to parties.(聚會)We like to do the same(相同的) things. 我家有四口人。他們是我爸爸,我媽媽,我姐姐和我。我比我的妹妹老.但是我比我的妹妹矮。我的姐姐比我胖老。我學習比我妹妹好。我媽媽比我爸爸高。我比我弟弟更重。我們都喜歡運動,盡管他是學運動的,他比我更活潑,我很安靜。我認為我比他更聰明。然而,我們都喜歡去參加聚會。我們喜歡做同樣的事情。
㈢ 用最高級寫英語作文supermarke
Supermarket—Convenient Shopping Area
With the development of economy, people's living standard has been enormously improved, and with the improvement of people's living standard, supermarkets are springing up like mushrooms. Every day, especially at weekends, crowds of shoppers flock towards supermarkets and smilingly come out with rich harvests. The enthusiasm of the shoppers is inced by the superiorities of the supermarket.
Firstly, it is very convenient to do shopping in the supermarket. What you need do is walk your handcart along the aisles and take anything you need from the shelve8 to fill your cart.
㈣ 用比較級和最高級寫一篇英語作文
The subject I like the most is Biology. I like learning about how things work. It is fascinating and can keep me occupied a long time. Although it may be hard to score decent grades in, I believe that it is a better alternative then Physics. My math is substandard. I would not be able to do the complex calculations required to score for Physics. Biology is a subject the so long you are willing to spend time on you will do well in them. Even though I may not plan to become a doctor or nurse, I believe that the biological knowledge that I amass ring my school days would help me in my future.
㈤ 用比較級 最高級 原形寫一篇英語作文
㈥ 運用最高級寫一篇英語作文家庭之最5~10句初二簡單敘述即可
一、增加詞彙 英語寫作要求有一定量的詞彙,沒有詞彙就好比巧婦無米難以下廚。寫作時可能出現要寫的詞記不起來、要用的詞拿不準、尤其是遇到同義詞、更不知用哪一個好、或詞性沒記住,結果亂用……. 這都說明平時對單詞的記憶不夠牢固,理解不清。這就要求我們在記單詞的時候多花點力氣,要從單詞的音、形、義入手,最好不要單獨記憶單詞,這樣容易遺忘,要把它放在句子或文章中一起記憶,這樣可把握單詞的詞義、用法、搭配等詞彙特點。除了課本上的詞彙必須掌握外,還要進行廣泛的課外閱讀,來增加詞彙。 二、掌握語法 英語中雖有很多句子與漢語相似或相同,但語法與漢語不盡相同,它有自己的基本句型固定搭配、固定短語等。要想寫好作文,必須學好語法。英語中有五種基本句型結構,幾乎所有的英語句型都是五種句型的擴大、延伸或變化,因此,應牢記這五種基本句型,並不斷地練習運用。 1. S +V 2. S+V+O 3. S+V+O+O 4. S+V+P 5. S+V+O+C 這五種句型雖能表達一定的意思,但無法比較自由地表達思想,因此還需對學生進一步進行擴句訓練,在課堂上充分發揮學生的想像力,進行擴句練習。其次,要加強句型教學,要對一些句子進行分析,增強他們利用各種句子進行一意多種表達的訓練。再次,充分利用新教材中「鞏固語言練習」對學生進行基本語感的訓練。 三、背誦範文 古人說:「熟讀唐詩三百首,不會做詩也會吟」。背誦範文是中國人學習語言的傳統方法,它不但可以加強記憶、積累語言材料,而且可以定型語式句式,語套模式和行文模式,將背誦用於英語學習更是見效。因為一種語言的具體句子和語篇是無限的,而其結構模式則是有限的。掌握一個結構模式或行文模式就意味著具有生成無數語氣和語篇的能力。語言模式的作用類似於數學公式,非常重要。而經典的語言模式則存在於範文之中,所以要熟讀背誦。 四、以說促寫 說話是作文的先導,是作文的起步。俗話說:「只有出口成章,才能下筆成文」。在教學過程中,教師可有意識地讓學生用詞造句,由詞生文練習。由易到難,循序漸進地讓學生說。 可以把現實生活搬進課堂,模擬生活中的各種人物、情景,讓學生在真情實感的角色扮演中 進行口語交際。讓學生把生活中的人物通過語言、動作、心理活動表演出來,讓學生自由發揮,暢所欲言。也可以通過演講培養口頭作文能力,並引導學生把「說」和「寫」聯系起來,這樣說說寫寫,寫寫說說,不僅提高了口語表達能力,而且通過說話過程中對口頭語言的敘述,提高了書面語言表達能力,使學生寫作能做到中心明確,條理清楚。 五、勤於動筆 適當地進行寫作練習是不可缺少的,如果光大談寫作,而從不去動筆寫,是寫不出好作文的,所謂的熟能生巧就是說的這一點。可以讓學生採用寫日記的方法來提高自己的表達能力,也可以就不同的題材,自擬題目來寫或者就某篇課文來擴寫、縮寫、改寫等,這些都可以用來練練手筆。也可以要求學生隨讀、隨學、隨寫,讀有所得,學以致用。 六、寫作步驟 1. 審題 在動筆之前,必須認真審題,分析命題意圖。根據題目確定文章體裁,考慮文章內容,把與題目有關的材料分析,整理加以取捨。對屬於同一類材料的擬出標題,作文審題在很大程度上關繫到整篇文章的成敗。有的考生唯恐時間不夠,急於成文,不認真審題,結果寫出的文章不是離題太遠,與原命題大相徑庭,就是抓不住重點,雜亂無章,缺乏邏輯性與關聯。 2. 列題綱 審明了題義,了解了命題的意圖,接下來就是列提綱。提綱有兩種形式,即標題式和句式。標題式提綱就是用短語和片語列出文章的層次和段落以及各層次、各段落的大致順序。這種提綱的特點是簡潔、清楚。句式提綱是用完整的句子列出的提綱,這種提綱提供了更加詳盡的輪廓。列提綱時,應防止兩種形式的混用,句式提綱是句子,而標題式提綱是名詞片語。列提綱時要盡量使用平行結構,編號要統一。有了提綱,文章在材料安排上才會層次分明,整體性強。 3. 起草稿 審明了題意,列出了提綱,下一步就是應該分段寫作。每段應該只有一個中心,段落的結構要完整。自然段多以該段的主題句開頭、中間展開說明和敘述,末句常是結論或內容的歸納。在推展主題目時,要充分利用學到的寫句子、寫段落的技巧,注意句與句、段與段的銜接和過渡。注意段落的完整性和連貫性。為了使文章緊湊,全文最好一氣呵成。 4. 修改 修改是寫好文章必不可少的一環。修改是指初稿完成後對文章從內容,形式到語言等進行加工提高,通過修改使文章達到主題明確,內容翔實、結構嚴謹,語法正確,無拼寫和標點錯誤。 5. 校閱 修改後的文章要認真抄寫一遍。謄寫時要注意:標題寫在第一行的中央,除介詞,連詞、冠詞外,標題中每一個實詞都應大寫。標題除了疑問句或感嘆句外,標題不加標點,即使是一個完整的句子,也不加句號;注意段落首縮進3-4個字母;書寫要工整,規范,卷面要整潔,詞與詞之間要有2-3個字母的間隔 ;抄寫完之後,一定要檢查一遍。校閱要逐字逐段進行,注意檢查語法錯誤,拼寫錯誤、標點和大小寫等方面的錯誤。花兩分鍾檢查一遍,往往能增強文章的效果、提高考試成績。
㈦ 用最高級寫一篇英語作文,要有題目
題目 my friend and I
㈧ 用最高級和將來時寫英語作文
In my opinion,my winter holiday will very wonderful because I have a wonderful plane.I will finish my homework first.Then play with my friends.I will get up at senen o』clock in the morning.Do my homework at 8 o『clock .then play at 9 o』clock.at ten o『clock ,I will play.the other time ,I will play.So I will very happy.What about you?What is your plan in this winter holiday?What will you do in thin winter holiday
㈨ 最高級的英語作文咋寫!!!
There are three noodle houses near our school.They are Xu's,Zhang's Wang's noodle houses.
In general speaking,they are all good,but there are some differences between them.
Xu's noodle house is the cheapest,only $1.5/bowl.Wang's noodle is more expensive than other two noodle houses,it is $2.2/bowl.But the quality of their noodle is the best.And their sevice is much more friendlier than the other restaurants.Xu's sevice is the worst in three of them.So I won't recommend you to go there to have meals.Zhang's noodle house is in an average level.
As for me,I love Wang's the most,because you just need to cost a little more money then you can get better taste and more comfortable experience.Which one do you prefer?
㈩ 給一篇英語作文,用最高級來寫
i think we are lucky that we live in China,because we can try different kinds of climates in one year.
spring.the whole year's work depends on a good start in Spring.and in this season,the famers is busy in sowing.but for me,i am not much like this season because it rains a lot.
summer.summer is my most favourite season in the year,because i can go swimming with my sister and enjoy the sunshine.
autumn.autumn is a most beautiful season and you can see the fallen leaves on the streets.autumn is a harviest season that you can have lots of fruits to enjoy.
winter.winter is quite cold here,but for our children,we can make snowman with the snow.it is another funny things we can enjoy.