① 關於校慶的英語作文
oday is a special day which is the birthday of our school .I feel very happy and exciting.Around the school were hung with coloured lights and with best wishes. Each class could furnish their own classroom to celebrate the anniversary. Our class is not only with the class is prepared to the programme. Our school will feel that our most sincere blessing.
In my oppion, there is Scenic and learning environment in our school. In school time is always fleeting .I love my school and believe that study is the best gifts, presented the school. I hope my school will become better and better.
② 與校慶五十周年有關的英語作文~!!!急求!!!
③ 一篇關於校慶的英語文章
④ 速求一篇有關校慶的英語作文,帶翻譯
⑤ 校慶70周年英語作文
在時光的流淌中,我已經在這個承載我的夢想的校園里度過的快兩年的時間了,在這里,我追求著我生命中動人的章節,譜寫出自己走向成熟的小調。而在驀然回首中,我驚奇的發現。這里已經成了我生命中另一個重要的地方,許多種情感在心中盪漾…… 依然清晰地記得第一走入這里的感受:全新的教學區、高聳的鍾樓、嫩青的草坪……鬱郁蔥蔥,一切都充滿了年輕的活力和生機。學校給我留下的另一個感覺就是大!記得剛開始的時候,最怕的就是自己去上課。偌大的校園,一臉的茫然,卻找不到上課的地方,而今想想那份純真的感覺,依舊覺得溫暖。現在校園的一切都變得熟悉了,好多的地方都留下了我征程的足跡--或者快樂,或者憂傷。 也許是因為校園是新校區,所以文化底蘊與別的學校有些差距,但是徜徉在這里,依舊可以感受到一種別樣的韻味流露其中。我很喜歡學校的湖,湖水很藍很清,特別是在盛夏的季節里,喜歡在落日的余暉中,坐在湖畔,一個人仰望校園的天空。那時喧鬧了一天的校園也靜下來了,太陽也慢慢的收斂熱情,一切都是那樣的靜謐……深藍色的天空也慢慢變淺,裊裊婷婷,綽綽約約,光和影有著不同的旋律,那朦朧中漏出些清麗。用眼睛裝滿天空的藍,心中是那樣的心曠神怡。心情不是很好的時候,喜歡漫步在平滑的石板路上,路兩旁鋪滿了鮮花,空氣中滿是清新的氣息和花香。匯成縷縷的清香,漫過原本疲憊的心,釋放著一種情懷。 如果說美麗的校景讓我陶醉,那麼,學校里蘊含的活力就讓我為之不斷的進取和努力。課堂上,老師用他們最淵博的思想給我講授著知識的內涵。讓我們心中滿載著無比充實的愉悅--語文老師的睿智;高數老師的敏銳;舞蹈老師的優雅……這一切的一切都激勵著我們學習。而學校也很重視學習,為了讓大家有更融洽的學習氛圍,學校每個月都要進行教學反饋,去真正的了解我們所關注的問題,來幫助我們……如果說知識是課堂和內涵的結合的結晶,那麼圖書館就是我們不可缺少的一個精神家園。沒有課的時候,喜歡到那裡去消磨時間,在文學庫里,徜徉在古今中外的時光隧道中,攝取著文學殿堂的寶物;在社科庫中,學會在沉思中尋覓哲理的深奧,然後用一種全新的感覺去充盈生活。心情慵懶的時候就到自修室去找一個靠窗的地方坐下,看著陽光射過透明玻璃的樣子,耳邊傾聽著輕輕響起的沙沙筆聲和嘩嘩的翻書聲,給原本散亂的心注入了無限的振奮,於是也就在不知覺中投入了這個隊列中開始努力的學習。 淵博的知識是年輕夢想永遠不變的追求,只是在這里,更有了一種關愛的氣息。讓人感動……「輕輕地捧著你的臉,為你把眼淚擦乾,這顆心永遠屬於你,告訴我不再孤單。深深地凝望你的眼,不需要更多的語言,緊緊地握住你的手,這溫暖依舊未改變。」簡單的詞語,卻演繹了一種最純真的情感,依然記得那個寒冷的冬日,大家為了將一份年輕的生命維系,自發的為患病女孩捐款的情景,冰冷的寒風肆意的飛
⑥ 校慶英語作文
Possible version:
Before graation, we decide to give a gift to our school for its birthday. We had a heated discussion about what gift to give. We think we should do whatever we can to help our school. Some advise planting more trees on the coming Tree---Planting Day to make our campus more beautiful, while others hold the view that we should introce the history of our school to friends, schoolmates or relatives. Besides, we can show them around our school to make it better known.
As far as I am concerned, I』 like to study even harder for a better university. In this way, our school will be proud of us and thus we can make an even greater contribution to it.
⑦ 學校八十年校慶,英語作文,六十詞左右就行,謝謝。(最好帶翻譯)
what do I expect my college life will be?
Bringing with expectation,I imagine my college life should be very good. The college is an interesting and fantastic place for us to study and live in.Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Every day a series of outgoing people get into my eyesight. I will talk to them heart t
⑧ 關於70周年校慶的英文作文
In the flow of time, I have been in the bearing my dream campus spent a few years time, here, I pursue the moving chapter in my life, compose oneself mature minor. In the suddenly look back, I was amazed to see that. Here has become another important place in my life, a variety of emotions in heart ripples...
Still clearly remember the first walked into the feeling: towering buildings, broad playground, affable teacher... Everything is full of youthful vigour and vitality. Another school I feel is in the beginning, most afraid of is their go to class. In the campus, a face of vacant, but can't find where the class, and now think that pure feeling ?
⑨ 英語作文為迎接10周年校慶,學校對文明禮儀提出更高要求發表你的看法和建議
There will be a speech on our school playground this Saturday afternoon, whose theme is 「To civilize schoolyard is my responsibility」. All the teachers and students are required to attend. In the activity, the first two winners in each grade will give such valuable advice as follows: we should not litter anywhere in order to keep our campus clean; we should love flowers, grass and trees so that everyone can enjoy the greenness; we should behave well instead of running after one another, quarreling and fighting noisily; we should care for others so that our school will be full of love. We believe our school will become more and more beautiful and peaceful.
⑩ 求一篇校慶英語作文,六十詞左右
The Pocket Book of Ogden Nash