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『壹』 怎樣遠離細菌英語作文60詞左右

讓我們放飛我們的夢想,飛揚我們的青春吧! 最近幾個月,聽到「H1N1」這個詞就使我不寒而慄,H1N1甲流的興風作浪,使得原本美麗的春天籠罩了恐慌的陰影,雪白的口罩擋住了春季的芬芳,無論是在哪個角落,「H1N1」都是人們談論的核心話題。人們忙不迭地去購買消毒液、口罩等一些防H1N1物品。學校里也放了假,每天只有坐在書桌前近五個小時的枯燥學習。這二十多天曲指算算,我只出過三次門,你也許覺的好笑,可現在誰不是這樣呢?在家裡面,吃飯前老師總是親自看我洗手,耳邊不時傳來老師自編的順口溜:「飯前便後三洗手,細菌保准不入口。」之類的話。電視、報紙里滿眼的H1N1。在這緊張之餘,人們更多的會關注戰斗在H1N1一線的白衣戰士們。原來我認為當醫生非常輕松,只是給病人看病開處方,是個很令人羨慕的職業。可當我看到他們不顧個人安危,冒著時刻都有可能被感染的危險,不退縮,想為病人所想,急為病人所急,放棄家庭,放棄自我,把個人的生死置之度外時,我覺悟了,猛然由心底感到這個職業是如此神聖,如此偉大。我不僅僅只是敬佩百衣天使,更要立志做一名像他們那樣具有延安精神的醫生。
「媽媽,以後不要買豬肚了,關於豬肉的都不要買了,現在豬流感爆發,您不會不知道吧。」說完意味深長地看了老媽一眼。老媽喜歡吃豬肚,我不喜歡吃豬肚。老媽天天買豬肚,百吃不厭,要命的是,還逼著我吃,說一大堆話,讓我不得不咽下去,然後趁 老媽不注意吐掉,老媽真是的,干嗎「嫁禍於人」。這下好了,豬流感來了,看您怎麼辦,哈。於是,老媽再也沒買豬肉......

『貳』 用英語寫一篇作文網路會隔離我們和其他人

wo shi zhong guo ren , wo shen me ying yu dou bu hui , wo ai guo . ye!!!

『叄』 英語作文關於朋友被懷疑豬流感被隔離安慰

I'm so sorry that you was suspected of getting a H1N1 virus and was quarantined for a week. However, don't worry, all people of the world will support you and we will never ever abandon you
I'm very sad
I want to help him.But I am powerless ,really is worried about my friend。I hope he can recovered at an early date。and free oneself from the serious illness。

『肆』 英語作文,甲型h7n9流感防禦,120詞


The H7N9 avian flu break in in full fury, when we were not prepared for the day, it already hurt a lot of people's life.
Students how to face this break in in full fury of avian influenza? Let us know something about avian influenza knowledge, learning about the bird flu!
Clinical manifestations of avian influenza:
1、潛伏期 一般為1~3天,通常在7天以內。
1, the incubation period is generally 1 to 3 days, usually in 7 days.
2, the clinical symptoms of acute onset, early performance similar to that of ordinary influenza. Mainly for heating, temperature lasts mostly in more than 39 ℃, the heat range of 1 ~ 7 days, generally 3 ~ 4 days, runny nose, stuffy nose, may be associated with cough, sore throat, headache and malaise. Some patients may have nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, watery one and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Patients with severe illness development is rapid, can appear acute respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, pulmonary hemorrhage, pleural effusion, pancytopenia, renal failure, sepsis, shock and Reye syndrome and other complications.
3、體征 重症患者可有肺部實變體征等。
3, signs of severe patients had pulmonary consolidation signs.
Avian influenza prevention:
1, strengthen the monitoring of the disease in poultry, once the outbreak of bird flu found in animal epidemic prevention departments immediately, according to relevant regulations for processing. All relevant personnel cultivation and processing to do protection work.

2, strengthen the monitoring of close contact with poultry workers. When the influenza-like symptoms of these men, should immediately carry out epidemiological investigation, collection of specimens and sent to the designated laboratory testing, in order to identify the pathogen, also should take corresponding prevention measures.
3, the contact should be wearing masks, gloves, gowns of human bird flu patient. Should wash their hands after contact.
4, to strengthen the detection samples and laboratory strains of avian influenza viruses of the management, the strict implementation of standardized operation, prevent infection and the spread of infection in hospital and laboratory.
5, pay attention to food hygiene, do not drink unboiled water, do not eat raw meat and eggs and other food; wash their hands, to develop good personal hygiene habits.
6, drug prevention of close contacts may be necessary to try new antiviral drugs or preventing according to traditional Chinese medicine dialectical.
H7N9 break in in full fury, in our prevention measures, will be pressed to no longer be hurt, we what is there against it?? so, let us act together!

『伍』 關於預防h1n1的英語作文

豬流感有生命危險嗎?豬流感Q&A 中英文

Q&A: Swine flu

What is swine flu?豬流感是什麼

It is a contagious respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses. Pigs are hit by regular outbreaks. There are many different types of swine flu and the current cases involve the H1N1 strain of type A influenza virus.
How do humans catch it?

While people do not normally catch it, humans can contract the virus, usually if they have been in close contact with pigs. It is also possible for the constantly changing infection to spread from person to person, which has happened in the latest outbreak. Experts believe it spreads in the same way as seasonal flu - through coughing and sneezing.

What are the symptoms?豬流感的症狀是什麼?

The symptoms of swine influenza in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza infection and include fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, coughing and sore throat. Some people with swine flu have also reported vomiting and diarrhoea.

What is the difference between swine flu, avian flu and the flu commonly seen in the UK ring the winter?豬流感和禽流感的區別,以及與冬天的流感區別?

Influenza viruses are commonly circulating in the human and animal environment, with different strains causing illness in humans, bird and pigs. Seasonal influenza is caused by viruses that are adapted to spread in humans. Humans have some natural immunity to the strains that are in common circulation, and this immunity can be boosted by immunisation with a vaccine. Avian influenza is caused by influenza viruses adapted for infection in birds. Similarly, swine influenza is caused by influenza viruses adapted for infection in pigs. These illnesses all cause the same respiratory symptoms in sufferers and can be passed between one another.

How dangerous is it?豬流感有多危險?

More than 80 people have died and thousands made ill, in Mexico in particular, although cases have also been reported in the US and New Zealand. However, testing has shown that the antiviral drugs oseltamavir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) appear to be effective against the human swine influenza H1N1 strain,

Why should we be worried about it?我們為什麼要擔心豬流感?

The World Health Organisation warned the outbreak had "pandemic potential" and countries were advised to step up surveillance and preparation in case the infection spreads rapidly. Flu viruses have the ability to change and mutate, making it difficult for drugs manufacturers to ensure effective vaccines are available. The new version of the H1N1 virus is a mix of different animal and human versions of the disease. Mixing can lead to the development of changed viruses to which humans have little immunity.

What is a pandemic?什麼叫流行病?

If the flu spreads over a wide geographic area and affects a large proportion of the population it goes beyond an epidemic and becomes a pandemic. According to the Health Protection Agency, an influenza pandemic is defined as a new or novel influenza virus that spreads easily between humans. When new influenza viruses are introced into the environment, humans do not have any natural immunity to protect against them. Therefore, there is a risk that that new influenza viruses could develop into a pandemic if the virus passes easily from human-to-human.

Will it spread to the UK?豬流感會傳播到英國么?

It is too early to say whether the cases reported so far will lead to a larger outbreak, the HPA said. No cases have been reported in the UK although experts are monitoring the situation closely. Anyone who has recently returned from affected countries should consult a doctor if they notice flu-like symptoms.

What is being done in the UK to prevent the infection?英國目前怎樣預防?

The HPA said it is working with the UK government to review the current incident and any threat it poses to UK public health. It advised people to follow general infection control practices and good hygiene to rece transmission of all viruses. This includes covering their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, disposing of dirty tissues promptly and carefully, washing hands frequently with soap and water and cleaning surfaces which are regularly touched.

英文:swine influenza
英文簡稱:swine flu

人們通常從受感染的豬感染上豬流感,然而,有些病例並沒有和豬,或豬存在過的環境的接觸。在一些程度下,人和人 的接觸會導致傳播,但僅限於密切接觸和封閉的人群。
有兩種類別葯品, 1) adamantanes (adamantanes和remantadine ) ,和2 )流感的神經氨酸酶抑制劑(達菲oseltamivir 和扎那米韋 zanamivir) 。
•聯系你的醫生或保健提供者,然後前往就診,報告你的症狀。解釋為什麼你認為你有豬流感(例如,最近前往一個國 家,在人群中有豬流感爆發)。根據他提供的意見進行治療。
1918年西班牙流感(Spanish Flu),H1N1病毒,首發於1917年的澳大利亞,影響了包括歐洲、北冰洋和太平洋地區等世界很多地方。死亡人數據估計5千萬人。
[編輯本段]豬流感簡介 引起的呼吸系統疾病。豬流感由甲型流感病毒(A型流感病毒)引發,通常爆發於豬之間,傳染性很高但通常不會引發死亡。秋冬季屬高發期,但全年可傳播。豬流感多被辨識為丙型流感病毒(C型流感病毒),或者是甲型流感病毒的亞種之一。該病毒可在豬群中造成流感暴發。通常情況下人類很少感染豬流感病毒。
防治措施本病無有效疫苗和特效療法,重要的是良好的護理及保持豬舍清潔、乾燥、溫暖、無賊風襲擊。供給充足的清潔飲水,康復的頭幾天,飼料要限制供給。在發病中不得騷擾或移動病豬,以減少應激死亡 。
流行特點 各個年齡、性別和品種的豬對本病毒都有易感性。本病的流行有明顯的季節性,天氣多變的秋末、早春和寒冷的冬季易發生。本病傳播迅速,常呈地方性流行或大流行。本病發病率高,死亡率低(4%~10%)。病豬和帶毒豬是豬流感的傳染源,患病痊癒後豬帶毒6~8周。
臨床特徵 本病潛伏期很短,幾小時到數天,自然發病時平均為4天。發病初期病豬體溫突然升高至40.3~41.5℃,厭食或食慾廢絕,極度虛弱乃至虛脫,常卧地。呼吸急促、腹式呼吸、陣發性咳嗽。從眼和鼻流出粘液,鼻分泌物有時帶血。病豬擠卧在一起,難以移動,觸摸肌肉僵硬、疼痛,出現膈肌痙攣,呼吸頓挫,一般稱這為打嗝兒。如有繼發感染,則病勢加重,發生纖維素性出血性肺炎或腸炎。母豬在懷孕期感染,產下的仔豬在產後2~5天發病很重,有些在哺乳期及斷奶前後死亡。
病理變化 豬流感的病理變化主要在呼吸器官。鼻、咽、喉、氣管和支氣管的粘膜充血、腫脹,表面覆有粘稠的液體,小支氣管和細支氣管內充滿泡沫樣滲出液。胸腔、心包腔蓄積大量混有纖維素的漿液。肺臟的病變常發生於尖葉、心葉、葉間葉、膈葉的背部與基底部,與周圍組織有明顯的界限,顏色由紅至紫,塌陷、堅實,韌度似皮革,脾臟腫大,頸部淋巴結、縱膈淋巴結、支氣管淋巴結腫大多汁。
1. 及時隔離,欄圈、飼具要用2%火鹼溶液消毒、剩料剩水深埋或無公害化處理,在豬的飼糧中加入0.05%的鹽酸嗎啉胍(病毒靈)飼喂1周。

『陸』 關於安全的英語作文帶翻譯60-80字

Security issue may sound clichéd, but when it comes to the campus security, we have to take it seriously. Nearly every day, there are reports to the security office on campus that valuable things are stolen away. A surrounding with stealing and mugging can』t be worse for studying. In such cases, what measures should be taken to improve the campus security?
On one hand, we students should strengthen our security awareness. Once we smell out something unusual, we should report it to the campus guard immediately. On the other hand, more equipment such as monitors should be installed on campus so as to detect crimes as soon as possible. Besides, a proper amount of security guards should be arranged to patrol the campus.
In my opinion, campus security will be improved as long as efforts are made on campus. Therefore, colleges and universities should try their best to make everyone on campus safe and sound。 、

『柒』 英語作文60詞左右10篇


『捌』 求一篇英語短文

Proletariat prosperous Si is located south France, extends from Mediterranean Sea's coast to the interior hilly area, middle has the river "Rhone" to flow, the very many historical cities, on dressed up since old times Li's sunlight and the deep blue sky, startled made the common people to be colorful. The entire proletariat prosperous Si area has the different common charm □□weather because of the extremely rich change cloudy clear not to decide, warm wind genial, the cold wind is wild; Topography unconstrained fluctuation, plain broad, the mountain ridges are precipitous; The lonely canyon, the desolate old castle, wind the sierra and is lively can... ... All in on this south France's earth dects ten thousand kind of characters and styles. North initial proletariat prosperous Si Alps, south to Pyrenees sierra, including France's entire south region. The Roman Empire time, proletariat prosperous Si on is listed as its respective province. Along with the ancient Rome's deterioration, proletariat prosperous Si is controlled by other influences... ... Law 蘭克, 撒拉遜人, feudal feudal lord, but also once carved up by the French empire and the Roman pope. Base this factor, in the history the proletariat prosperous Si's scope boundary change is very big. 18 century's ends Great Revolution time, France is divided into 5 different administrative provinces, proletariat prosperous Si is one of them. To the 20th century 60's, the administrative province rewas combined divides 22 big areas, thereupon had the present proletariat prosperous Si - Alps big area. In mild-mannered and cultivated university famous city 艾克斯, city of Asia Uygur agriculture pope around, but also has these to run away the century vicissitude middle ages small village and the ancient mountain town. Although the century turbulence prosperous Si has left behind a confusion border concept for the proletariat, but also entrusted with the proletariat prosperous Si section of colorful pasts, the year passes, proletariat prosperous Si the ancient and modern prevailing custom perfectly fused in together. In the xiaocheng Austria court attendant date, may sit in the Roman time coliseum sees a play; In another xiaocheng Ahl (Arles), you may sit in the Place Forum cafe wear down for an afternoon, that makes the view which one sinks is drunk, Fangao draws the picture with a century before nearly not to have the difference... ... But, the play is, these beautiful like pictures small mountain village, also frequently reminded the people to recall the former rank smell of blood history. 萊斯 Dircks, standard bottom Si are situated in proletariat prosperous Si north the precipitous mountainous area, the middle ages time feudalism feudal lord's dispute, makes south the entire France to fall into in the chaos caused by war. For the security in order to, area this the mountain village structure is close, constructs nearby the steep cliff, must always isolate as if with the dangerous world. In the past several centuries, their isolation was successful. But starts from the 60's, one group of new intruder have rapidly broken here tranquility, they are 旅遊者. "Summer, in order to buy a daily thing, frequently must arrange behind long row 旅遊者, waited for their one by one is 12 postcards pays a bill. This lets the person be sick of." The native for all that complained, after but traveling season, here restored has been tranquil. Ekers city Aix-en-Provence is the painter Paul □塞尚 hometown, gets up from the middle ages is a university city, also is famous "the spring city". Here is the Roman proletariat prosperous Si's ancient capital. In today still by the ancient Roman vestige, the middle ages, the Gothic style and the Renaissance style construction was famous. The Ekers city also by the unique cooking, the rose pink color grape wine, as well as the special language □□proletariat prosperous Si dialect is well-known. Proletariat prosperous Si's life simple and noble, only comes here to postpone the rhythm, attracts to forget the grass well to be fragrant, tastes fresh taste cheese, also is the life rare boundary. The local proct high quality grape good wine, 20% for is high-level and goes against the level liquor to plant. Because the Mediterranean Sea sunlight is sufficient, the Provence grape includes more sugars minute, these sugars transform into the ethyl alcohol north, causes proletariat prosperous Si Jiu the liquor precision to compare the liquor to outdo 2. Slightly brings the orange yellow the dry peach red wine most has the characteristic. The common red wine includes: Cotes de Provence, Coteaux d 'Aix en Provence, Bandol. South proletariat prosperous Si's ancient xiaocheng Ahl (Arles), is well-known by the warm bright Mediterranean Sea sunlight and the fashion artistic style. Has read "Fangao Biography" person's probably can remember the outstanding painter once created in here, has lived. Here street, the house, the bar, have everywhere filled the strong artistic breath. The ancient Rome's construction (the Ahl person is ancient Roman person's descendant), artist's work, the life in the modern civilized society's person, is together in here harmony, tranquil is happy. Here every year July, but also can conct to be very fashionable internationally absorbs 影節, in the stone ancient lane and the small square, the big photographer gentle breeze exile which the display now creates the tidal current Date of since the birth, proletariat prosperous Si (Provence) discretely is keeping her secret, since until the English Peter plum your arrival, proletariat prosperous Si the unique life veil only then graally opened for a long time certain years ago, took the Madison main road an advertisement company's senior manager, the Peter plum you have been weary of office busy and the ostentatiousness, took along the wife and likes the dog saying goodbye to the mist hazily, long gloomy London, lived in seclusion south France's proletariat prosperous Si, there sunlight beautiful, the weather was deep blue, the plum you has purchased an ancient dwelling, diligently studied the French, Said to past all goodbye, leisurely and carefree contentedly lived, and started his writing profession. "A Proletariat Prosperous Si's Year", "Forever Proletariat Prosperous Si", "Returns to Proletariat Prosperous Si", he each and proletariat prosperous Si's related book in "New York Times" in the bestseller order list all for a long time cannot occupy. In the Peter plum you the writing, proletariat prosperous Si not only is the region synonym, simultaneously also is one kind of life style symbol. Lastingly in crowded, was busy for many years, makes noise the metropolis person which, in the competition, the pressure lived, obtained many material enjoying, actually carelessly has lost the health body and the tranquil life. Rich, had the status, the top of the head has actually been short the beautiful limpid sunlight, innermost feelings less natural which had one's wish. Even if is "richly has leisure" travels, perhaps also is round trip in a hurry, is unable to inlge. The Peter plum your book writes for looked like this resembled the enrichment incomparably actually already a pressure layered metropolis race. How isn't teaches them to be supposed to, but is lets them learn happily to evade. Proletariat prosperous Si, the middle ages poet "which often praises in the poetry merry kingdom", is located south France. Has been through repeatedly the Roman Empire time and 18 century's ends Great Revolution time minute analysis and synthesis gathers, up to now proletariat prosperous Si still dected ten thousand kind of characters and styles on the south France earth. The proletariat prosperous Si's life simple and is noble, in Ahl (Arles) Place the Forum cafe afternoon, may follow Fangao's trail, understands before for a century on the Fangao canvas enchanting scenery. In the Austria court attendant date, you may sit in the Roman time coliseum see a play. In 1887 the poet praised by "name of the deep blue seacoast" is surrounding Mediterranean Sea's proletariat prosperous Si beach, the emperor kissed the aristocrat, the rich Jia celebrities when the north snow and ice cover, they on like the migratory bird gather nearby the beach enjoy the warm sunlight and the luxurious life. Proletariat prosperous Si except golden color brilliant fervor sunflower, but also has representative "city of" love symbol the knight purple classics . The famous aspic watches respectively be Lu Bolong the






在小城奧郎日,可以坐在羅馬時代的圓形露天劇場看戲;在另一個小城阿爾(Arles),你可以坐在Place Forum的咖啡廳里消磨一個下午,那令人沉醉的景緻,與一個世紀前梵高所畫的畫幾乎沒有差別……




埃克斯市Aix-en-Provence是畫家保爾·塞尚的故鄉,自中世紀起就是一座大學城,也是著名的「泉城」。這里是羅馬普羅旺斯的古都。在今天仍以古羅馬遺跡、中世紀、 哥特式和文藝復興風格建築而著稱。埃克斯市還以獨特的烹飪、玫瑰紅葡萄酒、以及特別的語言——普羅旺斯方言聞名。


當地出品優質葡萄美酒,其中20%為高級和頂級酒種。由於地中海陽光充足,Provence的葡萄含有較多的糖分,這些糖轉變為酒精,使普羅旺斯酒的酒精度比北方的酒高出2度。略帶橙黃色的干桃紅酒是最具特色的。常見的紅酒有:Cotes de Provence, Coteaux d 'Aix en Provence, Bandol。



普羅旺斯,中世紀詩人在詩歌中時常稱道的 "快活王國" ,位於法國南部。歷經羅馬帝國時期和18世紀末大革命時期分分合合,迄今普羅旺斯依然在南法國大地上演繹萬種風情。

普羅旺斯的生活簡朴而高尚,在阿爾(Arles)的Place Forum咖啡廳下午,可以循著梵高的足跡,領略一個世紀前梵高畫布上的迷人景色。在奧郎日,你可以坐在羅馬時代的圓形露天劇場看戲。

1887年詩人以 "蔚藍海岸" 之名贊美環著地中海的普羅旺斯海灘,皇親貴族、富賈名流在北方冰雪覆蓋時,他們就如候鳥般聚集在海灘邊享受溫暖的陽光與奢華的生活。普羅旺斯除了金色絢爛的激情向日葵,還有代表著 "騎士之城" 愛情標志的紫色經典 - 熏衣草。著名薰衣草觀賞地分別為魯伯隆山區、施米亞那山區。普羅旺斯的明亮色彩蠱惑藝術家創作的靈感,19世紀至20世紀初,包括塞尚、梵谷、莫內、畢卡索、馬蒂斯、夏卡爾等人在普羅旺斯展開藝術生命的另一個階段,而蔚藍海岸的享樂主義風氣,也曾吸引D.H勞倫斯、赫胥黎、尼采、彼得梅爾等人用色彩或文采描繪普羅旺斯的不同風情。

毗鄰義大利的海岸地區留下許多羅馬風格的遺跡,包括完整的古城池、競技場,或是頹圮的石柱,另一個特色是中世紀的修道院。農產豐富的普羅旺斯有 "法國農場" 的美譽,普羅旺斯料理最大特色就是大量使用海鮮、時鮮蔬果、橄欖油、香料與大蒜五大種類,以新鮮、清淡、健康等特色在法國美食中獨樹一幟。

Chinese-simp to English Chinese-trad to English English to Chinese-simp English to Chinese-trad English to Dutch English to French English to German English to Greek English to Italian English to Japanese English to Korean English to Portuguese English to Russian English to Spanish Dutch to English Dutch to French French to Dutch French to English French to German French to Greek French to Italian French to Portuguese French to Spanish German to English German to French Greek to English Greek to French Italian to English Italian to French Japanese to English Korean to English Portuguese to English Portuguese to French Russian to English Spanish to English Spanish to French


Historical, cultural, and governmental region, southeast-coastal France.

Provence was part of Roman Gallia Narbonensis. With the breakdown of the Roman Empire in the late 5th century, it was invaded successively by the Visigoths, Burgundians, and Ostrogoths. It came under the rule of the Franks с 536. During the 13th century it was involved in the Albigensian Crusade. It was united with the French crown in 1481. The language of Provence, Provençal, was important in medieval literature, and Provence's Romanesque architecture was an outstanding cultural achievement of the Middle Ages. The region suffered in the 16th-century Wars of Religion. In 1790, ring the French Revolution, it lost its political institutions and was divided into several départements. The historical region of Provence is roughly coextensive with the present-day région of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (pop., 1999: 4,506,151), which has an area of 12,124 sq mi (31,400 sq km) and its capital at Marseille.
普羅旺斯 Provence


『玖』 一篇關於生病關心的英語作文

dear sir/mdm

Merry Christmas!!! i wish this Christmas will be a memorable one for you.

First of all, i would like to express my gratitude for your guidance and patience. You kind words have constantly motivated me to work hard to improve my English (或者別的什麼科目,看你老師教什麼). i would like to say a big "thank you". Without you, i will not be who i am today.

i sincerely hope that you will continue to teach me, not only English, but also lessons in life.

once again, i wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Yours sincerely,


『拾』 英語作文20篇

1.today is Sunday. my mother and I go to the park.there are lots of people in the park. some of them are walking. some of them are sitting under the tree. It's really hot today . My mother is wearing a dress , I am wearing a t- shirt . we take lots of photos in the park. we have a good time.
2.it was hot yeaterday ,but it was a good day for swimming . My father and I went to the swimming pool . I spent one hour in swimming . I like swimming very much . because I think it』s interesting . after swimming , my father bought an icecream for me . I had a wonderful time.
3、 I woke up early this morning. I went out to play with my neighbor. We watched cartoon at his home. After I went home about 4 O'clock in the afternoon, I helped my mother to do some house work. She is very happy so I am happy too.
4、 I am sick to-day. When I woke up in the morning, I didn't feel well. My mother took me to the doctor and the doctor gave me a shot. It was very painful. Since I didn't feel well, I went to bed real early.
5. I had a good time last weekend. On Sunday morning, I stayed at home and did my homework. The homework wasn』t difficult. After that, I played volleyball with my friends. It was tired, but very exciting. In the afternoon, I cooked dinner for my parents. It was a little difficult, I think. After dinner, I went to swim in the river. I can swim very well. I had a relaxing weekend.
6. yesterday , my parents and I went to the Beijing . it took our 7 hours to got to Beijing. This morning , we visited the rm tower. There are 25 drums, one big drum in the middle and 24 small drums around it, the oldest drum is made of the skin of animals, but there are many brands of knives, they were made by the soldiers who attacked China in 1900. And it is 2.22meters』high and 2.25meters』long and 1.17meters』wide. we took lots of photos there. We had a good time.

7. this afternoon, I went to my friend』s birthday party. I bought a present for her. We are good friends . we studied in the same primary school . she is very honest and kind . when I need help , she always help me . I'm glad she's my friend . this afternoon , we sang songs, we ate birthday cake , we play together. we are very happy .

This year's summer vacation was most enjoyable. I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains and fields covered with green plants. Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear.
I kept a diary every day. Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. All of them showed much interest in English. They could read and write well, but they could hardly understand simple English. So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening and spoken English. They all made great progress. Their parents all thought highly of me. I now realize that knowledge is very much needed in the countryside.

8. I went shopping with Li Mei. We left at 10 o'clock in the morning. When we got to the downtown, there were so many people. It was so crowded as it was a beautiful day and it was Sunday. I didn't buy anything because everything was very expensive.

9. I didn't go anywhere today. I stayed at home doing my homework and helping my mother with housework. I realised it was not easy to do so much housework all by oneself. I should help mother more in the future.

10. I read an article today. It was about how people should try their best to save water. Water is very important for human being but some people are just wasting water. They don't turn off the tap after they finish using it. We should do better to save water.

11. My father took me out fishing today. At the beginning, we spent a long time waiting there but there was no fish. I was very impatient and didn't want to stay there. I wanted to come home. Father said to me, "Don't give up everything easily. We should keep on trying hard".

12. I went to the People's Park with my family today. We had picnic in the park. My mother and grandparents were preparing food, father was playing badminton with his friend while I was reading under a tree.

13. Mingming came to my house today. We spent some time playing computer games. We played basketball game online. I chose NBA and Mingming had to take CBA. Of course, I won finally. We had a good time.

14. I went to visit one of our teachers with some of my classmates this morning. Miss Jones is our English teacher and she likes all the classmates. She tried so hard to help us to improve our English. We went to her flat and had lunch there with her. We had a good time.

15. I went to see a film in the cinema this evening. It was called Kong Fu Panda. I love this film. It is funny but I also learned something from the film. We should not give up things easily. We should have a good plan and make up our mind to make our dream come true.

16. Xiaomei and I went out this morning. We went to the city centre. We went window shopping, and then we had lunch at the restaurant. We didn't buy anything as we didn't have much money, but we still had a wonderful time.

17. Holiday nearly comes to the ead now. I am very happy because I have already finished my homework. I also helped my mother with some housework this summer holiday. I believe I have grown up now and should know what I should be in the future. I will try harder to study well and be a good person.

18 快樂的暑假生活-Happy Summer Holidays
My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.
Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.

20My summer plan

During this summer I』m going to learn how to type on computer. My father is a teacher and he has to type exercises for his students to do. He is very busy. I want to help him but I can』t type. I have made several pen pals from US. When we chat online I type too slowly. It makes them unhappy. So I』m going to join the computer club to learn how to type.

In my opinion, we should learn how to use computer. It』s very important and useful



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