㈠ 求一篇暑假去廈門旅遊的英語作文,十句話左右就好,初二水平的作文。急急急
㈡ 廈門旅遊景點的英文介紹
㈢ 想讓你介紹一下旅遊景點,並希望你擔任導游.寫一篇英語作文
5、建議行程:廈門常規旅遊景點共6個:鼓浪嶼、南普陀、湖裡山炮台、環島路、萬石植物園、集美鰲園,如果有帶小孩可以增加兩個點,一個是文化藝術中心的廈門科技館(大型的現代科學館,極具特色,同時與其他國內一流場館相比,又多了幾分藝術氣息,很與眾不同,值得一去),另外一個是鼓浪嶼上的海底世界。一般鼓浪嶼走一天方可結束其行程。特別是日光岩,是廈門第一勝景,來廈旅遊者必去之地。有「到廈門不登日光岩,等於沒到廈門」之說。登上日光岩,廈門近景、遠景全收入眼底。來廈門的朋友,有一部份人不去「廈門植物園」,我覺得不提倡,其實廈門植物園景區內含相當不錯,能在園內欣賞到:原生於非州的植物、以及變味果、變色草等神奇植物啊。廈門的寺廟:南普陀是相當出名的了,其它的寺廟:如廈門翔安區的梵天寺、海滄區的清礁滋濟也可一看。廈門環島路也是不可少的廈門旅遊景點,這條旅遊線路從游湖裡山炮台開始,觀世界最大的海岸古戰炮,環島路上觀中國最長的石雕五線普。6、建議行程安排(僅供參考): 廈門精華三日旅遊:第一天:上午:鼓浪嶼(日光岩、閩俗春、港仔後沙灘、菽庄花園), 下午:皓月園、萬國建築博覽線。 第二天:上午:南普陀寺、廈門大學, 下午:湖裡山炮台、環島路、會展中心。第三天:上午萬石植物園,廈門科技館,下午:集美鰲園、陳嘉庚故居
7、用餐相關: 廈門飲食海鮮居多,但不是太貴,著名的餐廳有:廈門的好清香(總店在廈門科技館旁)、佳麗海鮮。中檔的有:南海魚村。一般的廈門大排檔的海鮮也不錯,在廈門街頭常見。著名的菜我個人認為:南普陀素菜、土筍冰(小吃)不錯,也很有名。其它的海鮮在其它地方也能吃到。8、小吃:廈門的小吃太多,沙茶麵、黃則和花生湯、薄餅、海蠣煎、廈門炒麵線、春卷、麻糍、扁食等。小編我數不下去了。想方便的話,玩了鼓浪嶼到廈門輪渡, 到中山路上黃則和小吃,或者好清香飯店就可吃到了。
㈣ 寫關於計劃去廈門旅遊的英語作文
㈤ 英語作文:假如你去年暑假去了廈門旅遊
Last summer vacation,i visited Xiamen with my parents.we went by train.Xiamen is a cean and modern city,there were many tall buildings by the both sides of the street.We visited the Gulang Island,the History Museum and the Xiamen University.there were a lot of interesting things in the museum.We also went to the beach.We had great fun there,we played beach volleyball and swam in the sea.We bought a lot of souvenirs.The people there are very friendly,we decided to go there again.
㈥ 廈門是旅遊的好地方英語翻譯
英文:Xiamen is a good place for traveling
㈦ 去廈門旅遊一天的三個景點分別是什麼翻譯成英文
㈧ 用英文介紹廈門市
Xiamen is a beautiful harbor city, which islocated in the Southeast of Fujian Province. The local people are very friendly to the travelers from other places. There are lots of amazing museums and galleries in Xiamen, and the most popular one must be Gulangyu Island. It is a small island with fantastic landscapes. A number of funny shops and western old buildings always attract many travelers to visit, even though they have to go by ship.
The weather in Xiamen is good, but it might betoo hot for foreign visitors. Even though people here all speak Hokkien, wealso study hard to improve our Chinese and English to give warm welcome to others from all over the world.
㈨ 求一篇暑假去廈門旅遊的英語作文,過去式,十幾句話左右就好,初二水平的作文。急急急
㈩ 兩天廈門旅行行程安排英語作文
Xiamen is a major city on the southeast coast of the People's Republic of China.It is administered as a sub-provincial city of Fujian province .
The local vernacular is Amoy,a dialect of Southern Min,also called Hokkien.Amoy is widely used and understood across the southern region of Fujian province as well as overseas.While it is widely spoken in and around Xiamen,the Amoy dialect has no official status,and the official language of all government business is Mandarin.
Xiamen and its surrounding countryside is known for its scenery and tree-lined beaches.Gulangyu,also known as Piano Island,is a popular weekend getaway with views of the city and features many Victorian-era style European edifices.Xiamen's Botanical Garden is a nature lover's paradise.The Buddhist Nanputuo Temple,dating back to the Tang Dynasty,is a national treasure.Xiamen is also famous for its history as a frontline in the Chinese Civil War with Taiwan over Jinmen (also known as Jinmen or Quemoy) 50 years ago.One attraction for tourists is to view Kinmen,a group of islands a few kilometres away and under Taiwanese control,from Xiamen island.