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『壹』 如何和父母相處英語作文共4篇

Why doesn't mom trust me? Why doesn't she stop nagging? Why doesn't dad lend me his laptop? Why wouldn't he stop interrogating me where I had been? How can I learn to trust if I have never been trusted?
Every teenager has more or less experienced these emotional conflicts and frustration when it comes to family issues. The generation gap seems larger than ever, especially in today's liberated society. We think that we are grown up, that we are mature enough to ignore mom's nagging. But is that true anyway?
When giving advice to their children, parents always mean well. Their worries and doubts are not based on distrust. They give suggestions based on their experience and selfless love, which is why they never give up on us even when we give them the cold shoulder.
It takes years for some to realize that their fights with their parents, after all, are meaningless. But we all have the chance to avoid such remorse. Sit down and have a talk with our parents, and tell them what we think. We always have the chance and the ability to communicate.

『貳』 英語作文圍繞如何與父母愉快相處寫一篇不少於80詞的文章

How to get along well with your parents?
I get on well with my parents . I love them very much . After supper , We always watch TV ,talking the things happen to us today . We are very happy to spend time playing games together .
Although sometimes we in disagreement ,it can't continue for one day .
Once I failed my test , they weren't angry with me. Instead , they helped me find out the reason and help me find comfidence anew(重新) . And at the next exam , I was successful.
I think we should spend more our free time chatting with them and telling them something about yourself they want to know.
Next regard your parents as your friends. We are in youthhood(青春期) now . We begin to hate our parents' chatter(嘮叨).We always like talking to our friends than to our parents . We always think our parents can't know us better than our friends. But we don't know it's love.
Finally,study hard . Although we may not get the one prise , our parents will be very happy.

『叄』 怎樣與父母相處英語作文

怎麼樣與父母相處 How to Get Along with Their Parents
7 When you have presented your case, take another deep breath and let your parents talk. Really listen to what your parents have to say. Even if you do not like what they are saying, hold back your anger and keep your ears and mind open. 8 Avoid shutting down or growing frustrated. Avoid interrupting them or jumping in with a rebuttal. Just listen and absorb what they say. 9 If your parents refuse your proposal, stay focused, and avoid getting emotional. Thank them for their time and express your disappointment that you could not reach a compromise. 10 If your parents accept your proposal, be grateful and assure them that you will not let them down. Then do everything necessary to show them they made the right decision in agreeing with you.

7. 當你陳述完畢,再深吸一口氣,然後讓你父母說話。傾聽他們要說的話。即使你不喜歡他們說的那些話,也要心平氣和,敞開你的胸懷認真聽。 8. 避免感到壓抑或沮喪。不要打斷他們,不要插話進行反駁。要認真聽取並理解他們所說的話。 9. 如果父母反對你的提議,注意力集中,情緒不要激動。感謝他們能抽出時間來商議,同時也對你們之間不能達成妥協表示失望。 10. 如果父母接受了你的提議,應表示感謝,並保證你不會讓他們

『肆』 求篇英語作文《如何與父母相處》

誰都會有煩惱,人的一生也不可能時時精彩。我們的生活不會因為煩惱而停止專不前,人也不因煩惱屬而無法生活。 其實經常會煩惱的人大致上是一個心思細膩而感情豐富的人,想得多,煩惱自然就會增多。現在,我們唯一能做的就是:善待自己!對自己的精神負責,最自己的生活負責,對自己的笑容負責。凡事,只要我們從好的一方面去想,總有想得開的時候,這個過程可能有些漫長,但只要我們始終帶著堅定的笑容,那麼一切困難和煩惱都會被踩在腳下。 朋友,誰人都有煩惱。但怎樣去化解,更多的是需要自己的努力。換一種積極的思維方式,每天對著自己抱以自信的微笑,相信,你的生活就會與眾不同。。。。

『伍』 年輕人怎樣和他們父母相處的英語作文範文

Why doesn't mom trust me? Why doesn't she stop nagging? Why doesn't dad lend me his laptop? Why wouldn't he stop interrogating me where I had been? How can I learn to trust if I have never been trusted?
Every teenager has more or less experienced these emotional conflicts and frustration when it comes to family issues. The generation gap seems larger than ever, especially in today's liberated society. We think that we are grown up, that we are mature enough to ignore mom's nagging. But is that true anyway?
When giving advice to their children, parents always mean well. Their worries and doubts are not based on distrust. They give suggestions based on their experience and selfless love, which is why they never give up on us even when we give them the cold shoulder.
It takes years for some to realize that their fights with their parents, after all, are meaningless. But we all have the chance to avoid such remorse. Sit down and have a talk with our parents, and tell them what we think. We always have the chance and the ability to communicate.


If you want to be happy with your parents, you should think of living with them peacefully. Sometimes, there are many troubles between parents and children just because they don't know how to live peacefully. Basically, children should not argue with parents when parents say any words whatever right or wrong. Try to look at their eyes and pay attention. That is polite to them. You will find the advantages of it.


『陸』 英語作文《我怎麼和我的父母相處》

I am the only child in my family,the apple of my parents' eyes.In this way,they focus more attention on me and expect too much of me more or less. However, I am not tired of it at all because I clearly know that they want to make me into a better person .Therefore, I love them and have some secrets on getting along well with my parents.
When they are nagging about my behavior,I will listen patiently firstly.If what they say is suitable,then I will try to follow them in order not to let them down.However, if what they say is ridiculous,I will tell them the reason why I do that and persuade them into agreeing with me.In this way, we won't get into an argument which is bad for both sides.Besides,I like to chat with my parents no matter what it is,happiness or saddness.They treat me just like a friend,giving some advice to help me out when I am in trouble.They are fashionable and always knowing a lot about what young people like.They look more like sister and brother sometimes.
In a word,I love my parents and get along well with them.I hope my ways of getting along with my parents can help you.

『柒』 如何與父母相處的英語作文


『捌』 關於怎樣和父母友好相處的英語作文

If you want to be happy with your parents, you should think of living with them peacefully. Sometimes, there are many troubles between parents and children just because they don't know how to live peacefully. Basically, children should not argue with parents when parents say any words whatever right or wrong. Try to look at their eyes and pay attention. That is polite to them. You will find the advantages of it.
我們平時和父母說話是否和氣,面色是否和悅,行為是否恭敬?如果你給父母冷臉子看,父母心裡會多麼難受啊.讓人們覺得「養子不孝不如無」嗎?順心,就不能嫌父母嘮叨.父母是怎麼想的,你沒聽完真的知道嗎?如果一個人連讓父母把話說完都不肯,能算個孝子嗎?順心,還要考慮不能讓父母有掛心的事.父母有難處要及時幫助解決,有疾病要趕緊求醫問葯.我們對眾生的苦,還要發慈悲心,何況是父母呢? 如果我們對父母都不慈悲的話,那我們對眾生的慈悲就是假的,純粹為了個人功德而做罷了.我們孝順不是為了求功德,孝順是發自內心的真正的愛,是對父母十月懷胎、三年哺乳、辛苦撫育的深切感激.一定要讓父母心裡順心和開心.象二十四孝里的老萊子,八十多了還穿彩色衣服唱歌跳舞讓父母開心,有時故意慢慢摔倒裝嬰兒哭,讓二老歡笑.這多好啊. 但還不夠. 每日考慮養親悅親,還算不得盡孝,還要愛惜精神,不敢隨便斲傷(說白了就是不要經常熬夜,不要房事過度等,唉.)不要犯法,還應該種德報親,諸惡莫作,眾善奉行,做出保身修身的孝.你要是行為不好,人們會認為你父母不好.這不是給父母丟臉嗎? 有人說我父母對我不好,我很難孝順.父母對自己好,孝順不難.對自己不好,孝順才是真的呢.必須要父母對自己好才孝順的話,那是在做生意.再說還有比大舜更難的嗎?大舜的父母和兄弟在他上房修理屋頂時放火燒他,在他下井淘井時拿石頭蓋他.可是他無怨無悔,只是責備自己不能感動父母而已. 有的說我窮,無法孝順.可是孝順不僅僅限於物質啊.以前的孝子們,有的有代父受刑刀斧不避,有的萬里尋親性命不顧.就是遭了最苦境界,也能做出孝順來.真是令人敬佩. 如果一言一行,總是考慮著是否給父母丟臉,是否對得起父母,方才叫做是孝順. 但這還不究竟.

『玖』 學習怎樣和父母和睦相處的英語作文帶翻譯50字

If you want to be happy with your parents,you should think of living with them peacefully.Sometimes,there are many troubles between parents and children just because they don't know how to live peacefully.Basically,children should not argue with parents when parents say any words whatever right or wrong.Try to look at their eyes and pay attention.That is polite to them.You will find the advantages of it.



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