A. 洛陽龍門石窟的英文簡介
龍門石窟的傳說 相傳遠古時期,洛陽南面有一大片煙波浩淼的湖水,周圍青山蒼翠,芳草萋萋。人們在山上放牧,在湖裡打魚,過著平靜的生活。村裡有個勤勞的孩子,天天到山上牧羊,常常聽到從地下傳出「開不開」的奇怪聲音,回到家,便把這件事告訴給母親。母親想了想,便告訴他,如果再聽到的話就回答:「開!」誰知一聲未了,天崩地裂,龍門山傾刻從中間裂開,洶涌的湖水從裂口傾出,奔騰咆哮地繞過洛陽城,一瀉千里流向東海。水流之後,無數清泉從山崖石罅中迸出,蓄為芳池,瀉為飛瀑。兩山的崖壁上則出現了無數蜂窩似的窟隆,窟隆內影影綽綽全是石像,有的眉清目秀,有的輪廓不清,千姿百態,蔚為奇觀。從此,龍門石窟便名揚天下了。 其實,龍門石窟的產生自有其歷史緣由,但這則神話傳說,卻反映了古代勞動人民豐富的想像力,也贊美了龍門石窟巧奪天工,精妙絕倫的雕刻藝術。 龍門位於洛陽市南13公里處的伊水河畔。這里兩山對峙,伊水中流,狀若門闕,因而古稱「伊闕」。詩人們留下的「中斷若天劈,鑿山導伊流」、「崢嶸兩山門,共扼一水秀」詩句,是極好的寫照。又因地處隋唐「龍庭」所在都城的正南,故亦稱「龍門」。唐代詩人白居易曾這樣評價:「洛都四郊山水之勝,龍門首焉」。自古以來,「龍門山色」被譽為洛陽八大景之首,是洛陽最好的風景區。伊闕自古以來就是交通要道和兵家必爭之地,也是古時洛陽南面的門戶和屏障。 ,龍門石窟風景名勝區主要由龍門石窟、香山寺和白園等組成。這些景點或山青水秀,曲徑通幽;或奇峰怪石,流泉飛瀑,令許多遊人流連忘返。是國家級風景名勝區。 龍門石窟:龍門石窟與敦煌石窟、雲岡石窟並稱為中國三大石窟,1961年國務院公布為國家重點文物保護單位。 2000年11月30日已被列入聯合國教科文組織世界文化遺產名錄。2001年被國家旅遊局評為4a級旅遊區。龍門東西兩山為地質史上「古生代」石灰岩,.石質堅硬,不易風化,宜於精雕細刻;又因近於魏、隋、唐帝都,為全國政治、經濟,文化中心,經濟發達,交通便利,山勢天成,風景秀麗,氣候溫和,北魏、隋、唐時王朝又崇佛熱衷建造石窟,佛教發展迅速,洛陽曾長期是佛事活動的中心,所以龍門造像應運而生。它開創於北魏(約公元3年),歷經東魏、西魏、北齊、北周、隋唐、北宋諸朝,其開鑿時間達400餘年。據不完全統計,現有佛龕2300多個,佛像11餘萬尊,塔70餘座,碑刻題記2800餘品。其中最大的佛像高達17.14米,最小僅2厘米。這些大小不一的佛龕如蜂巢一般,密布在東西兩山的崖壁上,南北綿延達1000多米,數量之多,藝術水平之高,令人嘆為觀止。 龍門石窟藝術表現出印度文化與中國文化相融合的特點,它是北魏王朝遷都洛陽實行漢化,與魏晉洛陽和南朝地區先進而深厚的漢文化相融合、碰撞開鑿而成。因此,從開創之始,就具有世俗化、中國化的趨勢。而有別於西部、北部、西南部的石窟藝術。 龍門石窟—龍門的兩個傳說 被譽為中國古代三大石窟藝術之一的龍門石窟,位於洛陽市南約12公里處。這里香山與龍門山東西對峙,清清的伊水潺浮動中流,遠遠望去,猶如天然門闕,故秦漢時多稱「闕塞「、「伊闕」,漢以後則以「龍門」和「伊闕」並稱。 龍門山清水秀,松柏蒼翠,「龍門山色」被譽為「洛陽八大景」之首。舉世聞名的佛教石雕藝術傑作,就分布在伊水左右兩岸的山崖間,恰似鑲嵌在綠色織錦上的串串寶珠,琳琅滿目。 龍門石窟的雕鑿,始於北魏孝文帝遷都洛陽前後,歷經東魏、西魏、北齊、北周、隋唐、北宋諸朝,其中尤以北魏和唐代最盛,大規模雕造達150多年。龍門現存窟龕2100多個,佛像10餘萬尊,佛塔40餘座,碑刻題記2870塊左右。 「龍門開不開」 洛陽南邊,有兩座峻峭的山峰,夾著玉帶似的伊河。這個山口就是著名的游覽地龍門。 傳說很早以前,這兩座山峰是連在一起的沒有龍門,他沒有伊河,只有一片連綿起伏的石頭山,山上樹少草多,山南是一望遠際的湖泊。 在龍門山的北邊,住著一個大財主,外號叫「笑面虎」。笑面虎胖得成了皮球,平時上山看自己的田地時總要讓兩個家丁攙扶著。不然,他一抬腳,准會失去平衡,骨骨碌碌一下滾到山底。笑面虎的臉上整天掛著笑容,可肚裡整天在搗鼓著壞主意,因
B. 龍門石窟英文介紹
Longmen Grottoes of China is one of the four caves ( the other three major caves : Shanxi Yungang Grottoes, Gansu Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes and Gansu Maiji grotto ). Luoyang city is located 6 kilometers south of the Yique Canyon, here hill and Longmen Hill confrontation between two mountains, from Yi River flows and, in ancient times called" Yique". The emperor moved the capital to Luoyang, the palace front gate is Yique, from now on, Yique were used to call Longmen. Longmen since ancient times for this pass, traffic hub, to a hotly contested spot for the military. Because the Shanqingshuixiu, beautiful environment, a pleasant climate, were included in the eight Luoyang king of the crown, the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi once said:" in all their wins, landscape, Longmen Yan", this element is men of literature and writing perspective tour resort. Because the stone fine, suitable for carving, so the ancients optional this built grotto. Here the green mountains and rivers, Vientiane Shenghui, Yi River thing Hill cliff caves and niches, such as dense dotted the hive. Longmen Grottoes built in Northern Wei Emperor Xiaowen moved the capital to Luoyang ring (AD 493), the Eastern Wei, Northern Qi Dynasty, after the Western Wei, Sui, Tang, five generation, Song Dynasty more than 400 years of construction, the Northern Wei and Tang Dynasty large-scale construction for140 years, thereby forming a1 km long from north to south, with more than 2300 seats, caves and niches more than 10statues, more than 2800 pieces of grotto relics inscriptions. In the all Longmen cave, the cave is occupied about 30%, the Tang Dynasty accounted for 60%, accounted for only 10% of other dynasties. The largest statue of Buddha in Longmen Grottoes that Lu She Buddha,17.14 meters high,4 meters high,1.9 meters long ears; the smallest statues in the lotus cave, each only 2cm, known as dermabrasion. The lotus cave
Longmen Grottoes is in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty royal nobility to statues most centralized place, is the embodiment of Royal will and behavior, with a strong religious color. In two the statue reflect be totally different style of the time, the Northern Wei Dynasty statues here lost Yungang Grottoes statues rough, majesty, robust features, and the breath of life graally thicken, lively, beautiful, gentle incline. The Northern Wei Dynasty statues, a thin face, shoulders, chest flat, clothing lines carved using the straight blade, Jianjin plain. In the Northern Wei Dynasty carved many caves, with Gu Yangdong, Binyang cave and the lotus cave, the cave cave temple is the most typical value. The Northern Wei Dynasty moved the capital to Luoyang Gu Yangdong concentration of the initial batch of aristocratic and royal Chamberlain statues, typically reflect the Northern Wei Dynasty, Buddhism historical modality. These shapes strange, a superb collection of beautiful things of stone works of art, is a Chinese traditional culture and foreign culture syncretism precious records. Longmen Grottoes
The Northern Wei Dynasty people advocating a thin beauty, therefore, Buddhist statues and the pursuit of elegant bone and clear image type artistic style. But Tang Dynasty people with fat is the United States, so the Tang Dynasty Buddha face rounded shoulders, generous, bust, clothing lines carved using circular blade, natural and smooth. Longmen Grottoes of the Tang Dynasty statues inherited the tradition of excellence, but also learned a Han Chinese culture, to create a vigorous vivid and simple natural realism style, reached the pinnacle of Buddhist art. The Tang Dynasty Longmen Grottoes key cave, to the grand scale, of great momentum of the great Lu She as the most famous shrine sculptures. This basis "by Kegon" carved cliff type shrines, with generous, bearing extraordinary Lu homes in the Buddha as the center, with a week a modal texture art group image, the Buddhist world that is full of auspicious color ideal artistic conception of the most incisive expression. This group sculpture reflects Tang Empire powerful material force and spiritual force, showing the carving art of the highest achievements of Tang dynasty. Longmen Grottoes of the long Dynasty, spanning multiple, geographical location, natural scenery is beautiful, it is difficult to compare the many caves. But has a history of thousands of years, all previous dynasties were damage in different degrees, the majority of Buddha head were destroyed, not necessarily their facial charm. Lu She the Buddha arms being smashed, difficult to see its overall shape, but the remaining portion serves to illustrate its level of expression of the superb art, graceful. Longmen Grottoes to the large number of physical image and text information from the different side reflects the ancient Chinese political, economic, religious, cultural and many other areas of development and change of Chinese Grotto Art, innovation and development made a significant contribution. Filled with these beliefs, emotional and cultural relics, their very exotic style of the external shape and full of humanity consciousness within the conservation of ancient society, the majority of the people in the real world is full of appeal will the material refraction. The Chinese nation 's spiritual pursuit and longing for a better life result outstanding creation ability, through the left ring thousand years of cultural landscape can be a thorough explanation. In 1961 the State Council announced the Longmen Grottoes as the first batch of key cultural relics protection units. 1982 Longmen scenery the data derived from the map, eventually results in Bai map data.
Scenic area has been announced as the first batch of state-level scenic area. In 2000November, UNESCO included Longmen Grottoes" World Heritage", evaluation of the World Heritage Committee:" Longmen grottoes and shrines demonstrates China later period of Northern Wei Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty ( AD 493 to907 years ), the largest and most outstanding art. These detailed description of Buddhist religious themes in works of art, on behalf of the Chinese stone carving art of the highest." 2006January Longmen Grottoes is the central civilization office, the Ministry of construction, the National Tourism Bureau jointly awarded the" national civilized scenic tourism area". In 2007April, by the National Tourism Bureau of the first batch of"5A grade scenic spot". 2009, Longmen Grottoes is China Association of world records recorded as extant in China the largest grotto caves and niches, created a number of China's existing caves and niches.
C. 龍門石窟的英文怎麼寫
龍門石窟(Longmen Grottos)
D. 龍門石窟英文作文80字
The Longmen Grottoes are located in the south of Luoyang City.They are between Mount Xiang and Mount Longmen and face Yi River.Longmen Grottoes,Yungang Caves and Mogao Caves are regarded as the three most famous treasure houses of stone inscriptions in China.
grottoes were started around the year 493 when Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) moved the capital to Luoyang and were continuously built ring the 400 years until the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127).The scenery measures 1,000 metres (about 1,094 yards) from north to south where there are over 2,300 holes and niches,2,800 steles,40 dagobas,1,300 caves and 100,000 statues.Most of them are the works of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the flourishing age of the Tang Dynasty (618-907).Lots of historical materials concerning art,music,religion,calligraphy,medicine,costume and architecture are kept in Longmen Grottoes.
E. 英語作文暑假邀請美國朋友去中國洛陽旅遊,制定一份洛陽洛陽兩日游旅行計劃,關鍵詞:龍門石窟,白馬寺,
This month, I will travel to Changsha and Zhangjiajie with my two friends, which is supposed to be a seven-day trip. We will set out on 10th, June. Now, we have prepared many things, snacks and medicines included. Firstly, we will go to Changsha by plane. The tickets are cheap, so it』 a good choice to save time. We will stay there for two days. The main goal staying there is to enjoy the delicious food in Changsha. My friend has prepared a map of must-tries and I believe they must be good. Then we will go to Zhangjiajie by train. It』s not so far from Changsha, taking about five hours to get there. Zhangjiajie is famous for its wonderful mountains. The sceneries there are amazing that no one should miss. But we will have a tough journey for climbing high mountains, which is not easy for us all. This is why we will stay there for longer. In the end, we will go home by train. This is my plan for the journey. I am sure it will be a wonderful and fruitful journey.
F. 介紹河南交通便利,少林寺龍門石窟等旅遊景點的英語作文!急
G. 有關龍門石窟的英文ppt
Longmen Grottoes tourguide word
Hello, Confucius said, has the friend to come from the distantplace, delight. Today, I am precisely have this kind of feelings toreceive fellow friends the arrival.
Luoyang, is the historical famous city which the Chinese and foreignis well-known. She has glorious historical, bright cultural and themultitudinous cultural relic historical site. In order to cause fellowguests at Luoyang period can has the further understanding to thisancient city historical culture and the historical site, is riding ina carriage the scenic spot visit on the way, I Luoyang's history andthe Longmen Grottoes approximate situation, will make the simpleintroction to everybody. Luoyang is located west Henan Province, theYellow River middle reaches Nanan. Because of is situated at northshore the Luohe river to acquire fame, Italy is positive for the Luoriver water.
Luoyang in the history once was the city which the multitudinousdynasty founds a capital, is known to be "nine faces the ancientcapital". In this more than 1,000 years historical perpetual flow,Luoyang once the long time took Chinese the politics, cultural, theeconomical center. Today, we visit the world famous Longmen Grottoesthen are one of multitudinous cultural relic historical sites.
The Longmen Grottoes, in the Luoyang Nanjiao's Dragon Gate mountainpass place, are apart from the urban district 12.5 kilometers, too and19 years opens cutting from Northern Wei Dynasty, up to now some morethan 1,500 years history, it with the Dunhuang Mogao Caves, the Datongcloud hillock rock cave, together has composed our country famousthree big rock caves art treasure house.
Dragon Gate, in the Spring and Autumn Period Warring States timecalled "Iraq Xiangshan (Dongshan) (Xishan) the thing confrontswith Longmen Mountain, the Iraqi water from the average, has formed agrand gate Latter because is in the Sui and Tang dynasties empiresouth, also calls Dragon Gate.
So-called "rock cave", is the hole which opens cutting on the cliffcliff is straight, perhaps natural forms the pit hole, with hides orstores food and the thing. As early as in primitive society, thepeople have used the natural pit hole description zoomorphism and thelife scene, however by the phenomenon appears and the placewhich as the buddhist, the clergy worships buddha and leads a piouslife, actually is starts Buddhism after ancient India to appear.
As a result of wooded mountain lonesome and quiet, mystical, rock cavewarm in winter and cool in summer, the rock cave uses the templeconvenience according to Shan Diaozao which the bricks and stonesbuilds to be more rable than, therefore appeared the collectionbuilding, the drawing, the vulture in ancient India has chiselled artto accomplish This kind of art, does missionarywork the activity along with the clergy to spread to our country theborder area and the inland, with our country national characteristicsand the traditional each kind of artistic technique style fusionconnection, becomes our country one kind of unique carving, thecolored drawing on pottery craft. We must look today the LongmenGrottoes are one of in our country multitudinous temple grouptreasures.
The Longmen Grottoes group carving, the advantage which said besidesfront, but also has the noticeable natural condition. The Iraqi waterboth banks cliff all belonged to the Paleozoic Era cambrian period andthe Ordovician discipline lime rock layer. Its lithical hard, thestructure is close, not suitably makes decent and the big area suits very much to the artistic statue, compares with other granulatedsubstance rocks, has is suitable for preserved the advantage.
After Luoyang Longmen Grottoes opening cutting is continues Gansu theDunhuang rock cave, the Shanxi Datong's cloud hillock rock cave anlarge-scale group which opens cutting by the imperialfamily, constructs to Northern Wei Dynasty too with the year,successively has been through repeatedly the Eastern Wei Dynasty,Western Wei Dynasty, the Northern Qi Dynasty, the Northern ZhouDynasty, Sui and Tang dynasties, five generations delays until theQing Dynasty. Around more than 400 years. Large-scale, effectivenessbuilds calculates roughly about for 150 years, separately appears inNorthern Wei Dynasty (occupies for more than 40 years) (toapproximately compose about for 110 years) with Sui and Tang dynastiesthe time. The Longmen Grottoes niche for a statue ofBuddha, the statue spread all over along Iraqi water both banks in theDragon Gate thing two mountains on, the north and south longamount to 1 kilometer.
Fellow friends, we approximately use 1.5 - 2 hours time at the LongmenGrottoes visit, in this, our each minute may see to 1,000 大大小小images of Buddha. According to 1962 Dragon Gate preservation ofcultural relics statistics, two mountains extant holes niche more than2,100. Size statue 100,000, pagoda 40, statue prefatory remarksinscribed text approximately more than 2,870 blocks. Statue byNorthern Wei Dynasty (Eastern Wei Dynasty, Northern Qi Dynasty), Sui,Tang primarily. Northern Wei Dynasty approximately composes about 30%,Sui and Tang dynasties account for about 60%. The Longmen Grottoesbiggest statue for presents first temple Lu Shenei the Buddha. TheLongmen Grottoes group, the majority of centralisms in Iraqi waterWest bank on, including 7 large-scale caverns. Because of theDragon Gate Dongshan's rock layer compared to Xishan's thin, theinconvenient vulture chisels the large-scale statue. In the LongmenGrottoes, the Northern Wei Dynasty time cavern has representatively isin the ancient positive hole, Binyang the hole, the lotus flower holeand so on. The Sui 代作 representative is south Binyang the hole.The Tang Dynasty has the representative cavern to include: Dives norththe brook temple, Binyang the hole, Wan Fudong, presents first thetemple and so on.
The Longmen Grottoes statue, not only is all previous dynastiesworking people and the artist infinite wisdom and the blood and sweatcrystallization, also is rare and beautiful flowers which externalcultural and our country culture union becomes. These carving is undertaking for god Buddha and the king statue mission, actuallyboldly broke through the religion and the Confucianism "the ritual"the fetter. Melted the massive real life in the carving process,living has displayed each kind of character statue touching scene. Ifjoyful, gentle, dignified, acts with constraint, the pain, down totook to high immeasurable control Buddha dignified solemn andrespectful, coerces waits on the person and reverently provides forthe person to be tranquil, does not have one is not the artists to thereality "the person" the profound observation, unifies the expressionmeans using the realism and the romanticism, performs highly tosummarize the centralized result. Really it may be said is true tolife which the Buddha and the person displays in carving art general,lifelike. But forms in one's mind the layout integrity, imposingmanner concentrating on, overall solid powerful, disposition changediverse, facial expression vivid lifelike, the clothes grain linesmooth is exquisite and so on, was in 1100 in the artistic practicetradition foundation, the massive models external culture, the resultwhich in the technique, the style the careful creation, the massiveinnovations, the breakthrough tradition, selously managed. The richtalent ancient times artisan and the carving design artist, facing thebare sheer precipice, was utilizing simple chiselling, carved the sopalatial magnificent careful community image of Buddha, this inat that time the proctive forces and under the proction toolextremely backward condition, truly made one sigh for
The Longmen Grottoes look like richly colorful, the comprehensive bigmuseum, for research and so on our country history, religion, culture,art, medicine, has provided the extremely precious material.
Good, fellow friends, we arrived the Longmen Grottoes, now askseverybody to alight, walks with me, visits the rock cave. In in thevisit rock cave process, I give fellow friends to explain several maincaverns with emphasis which the Longmen Grottoes plants.
H. 龍門石窟的英文介紹
The Longmen Grottoes, located near Luoyang, Henan Province, are a treasure house of ancient Buddhist cave art. The grottos were hewed and carved ring the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534), when the rulers relocated their capital at Luoyang near the end of the 5th century. At that time Buddhism was spreading east into China and was venerated by the imperial court. The Buddhists adopted the practice of carving rock temples, dedicated to the Buddha.
The construction of the Longmen Grottoes began in 493 ring the reign of Emperor Xiaowen and continued through the successive six dynasties, including Tang and Song, for a span of over 400 years. Altogether there are 1,352 caves, 785 niches, more than 97,000 statues of the Buddha, Bodhisativas, and Arhats, and 3,680 inscribed stone tablets along the 1-km-long cliff of Mt. Longmen on the west and Mt. Xiangshan on the east of the Yihe River south of Luoyang.
One third of these cave sculptures belong to the Northern Wei Dynasty and two thirds to the Tang Dynasty. The style of sculpture, the design of clothing and the facial expression on statues, as well as carving methods show little foreign influence, rather they exhibit the pinnacle of development of Chinese grotto art. The 11 Buddha statues in the Binyang Cave, typical Northern Wei carvings, represent a style in transition from the simple and compact depictions in the Yungang Grottoes of Datong, Shanxi Province, to the vigorous and realistic Tang Dynasty sculptures.
While the cave sculptures of the Tang Dynasty are of a vigorous, elegant and realistic style, the stone statues in Fengxian Cave, carved under the edict of Empress Wuzetian (reigned 690-705), can be considered as the most typical of the period. These are composed of a 17.14-meter-high statue of Vairocana Buddha, and a series of pairs of Bodhisattvas, heavenly kings, protectors and worshippers. The huge statue of Vairocana Buddha is today praised as being the quintessence of Buddhist sculpture in China.
On November 30, 2000, the Longmen Grottoes were approved by the 24th UN Heritage Commission to be put on the List of World Cultural Heritage.
I. 洛陽龍門石窟的英文介紹
Longmen Grottoes is one of the treasure houses of Chinese stone carving art. It is now a world cultural heritage. a national key cultural relics protection unit, and a national AAAAA class tourist attraction.
It is located in Longmen Mountain and Xiangshan on both sides of the Yihe River in Luoyang District.
Henan Province. Longmen Grottoes, Mogao Grottoes, Yungang Grottoes and Maijishan Grottoes are also known as the four major Grottoes in China.
Longmen Grottoes were excavated ring the reign of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty.
After that, they were constructed on a large scale for more than 400 years in succession in the Eastern Wei.
Western Wei, Northern Qi, Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties and Song Dynasties. The length of Longmen Grottoes is as long as 1 kilometer in the north and south.
There are now 245 caves, more than 100,000 statues and more than 200 inscriptions on tablets.
Among them, "twenty procts of Longmen" is the essence of calligraphy and Wei tablet. Zhu Suiliang's book "the monument of Yi Gu Shrine" is a model of regular script art in the early Tang Dynasty.
J. 洛陽英文簡介
Located in the West of Henan Province, Luoyang got its name e to its location in the adret of the ancient Luoshui River. It is a historic city with more than three thousand years history. It was the capital city for nine dynasties, including the East Zhou, East Han, Caowei, West Jin, North Wei, Sui, Wuzhou, Late Liang, Late Tang, so it is named as the "Ancient Capital of the Nine Dynasties", ranking top one among the seven ancient capitals in China. The Heluo area with Luoyang as the center is the important origin of the Huaxia Civilization.
The most prosperous period of Luoyang was in the Sui and Tang dynasties with a population of more than one million. Known as the oriental start of the "silk road", it had wide political, economic, cultural exchanges with countries of Europe, North Africa and Asia.
The ancient capital Luoyang also boasts rich humanistic cultures. The fables about Fuxi, Nuwa, Yellow Emperor, Tangyao, Yushun, Xiayu in ancient China were mostly originated from here; the generation and development of traditional Chinese cultures: Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism, are closely related with Luoyang; the Book of Changes and The Eight Diagrams were generated here; Laotze wrote the Daoism here; Confucius once asked the ceremony here; The Historical Book of Han Dynasty and Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government were complied here; Zhang Heng invented Armillary Sphere and Seismograph here; and the great poets Du Fu and Li Bai left their ever-lasting poems here.
The rich and abundant historic culture of Luoyang has done its contribution to the Chinese nation and also leaves endless wealth and relic sites for the following generations to visit and ponder on the past. Luoyang Longmen Grottoes is one of the three art treasures of the Chinese stone inscription; the first temple Baima Temple was the first temple built after the introction of Buddhism into China and reputed as "Shiyuan" and "Zuting" of China's Buddhism; the Mangshan in the north has the largest ancient tomb cluster in China shaped since East Zhou Dynasty and more than 400 thousand precious cultural relics have been excavated here and the first ancient tomb museum in the world has been built here. In addition, Luoyang is also famous for its three colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty, Luoyang peony, Heluo Peculiar Stone (Yellow River Peculiar Stone), Luo embroidery and the Guanlin, one of the three famous Guandi Temples in China.
The ancient capital Luoyang is among the first batch of China』 historic cities declared by the Chinese government.