① 逛廟會英文作文
emple Fair廟會
The most important holiday for the Chinese is the Chinese New Year, called the Spring Festival. During the festival period,everyone goes back to their hometown and spends several days with family,and people hold many celebrations. Beijing has several fairs ring the period. The fairs are held at various ancient temples,so they are called "temple fairs." Temple fairs,originated along with the development of Buddhist and Taoist activities,are a kind of mass gatherings that integrate religious worship,entertainment and commerce.
Temple fairs in Beijing have a very long history,and saw a boom especially ring the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) as well as the Republic of China(1912-1949).Major temples all have their own festivals,some of which are held regularly. During the Spring Festival,temple fair is one of the most important activities,and a traditional cultural event that features all kinds of Chinese folk art. So far,there have been more than 10 major temple fairs held each year in Beijing.
② 廟會的英語作文1
New Year's Day, Mom and Dad took me and the brothers and sisters together. Teach you Longtan Park in Beijing temple fair.
People coming and going to the inside of the Longtan Lake Park, I saw a variety and the kind of toys, there is the devil, angels, and so on. Some people are playing a windmill, some people enjoy a variety of snacks, there is a dog in Tianjin ignore the steamed stuffed buns, old Beijing's deep-fried cream cake, fried sausage, tea, as well as Xinjiang Lamb Skewers, etc., as well as the person to participate in various gaming activities. General sense of, ah, Longtan Lake temple and not the same as usual, very beautiful, very lively, many people, there are a lot of food and fun, today, I had a really happy!
③ 逛廟會英語作文帶翻譯
上網搜 "有道翻譯「 可以翻譯,你可以先把漢語想好再翻譯
④ 邀請外國人來中國跟我一起逛廟會的英語作文,怎麼寫
I『m going to the traditional temple fair on this weekend. You are my new friend coming from America and my other friends are invited to come.The temple fair will be at 7:00 on Sunday morning.I hope that we can have a good time.See you there!
⑤ 請問廟會的英語介紹
temple fair
⑥ 關於北京廟會文化的英語作文
2010年世博會的腳步聲離我們越來越近了,這是一個萬人矚目的世界盛會!東方明珠張開了臂膀,歡迎遠道而來的賓客。浦江的波濤在歌唱,一架架橫跨江面的大橋就像琴弦,奏響了迎賓曲,賓士在橋上的車輛猶如一隻只跳動的音符,譜寫著歡樂的樂章。在上海世博會舉行之際,要迎接近200個國家的客人。作為一個上海的小主人,我們時刻准備著,為世博會做貢獻。屆時會有成千上萬的中外志願者聚集上海,作為上海的一名中學生,我感到驕傲和自豪,我希望自己也能成為一名世博小小志願者,為來自世界各地的朋友們介紹上海,介紹中國。 世博會的主題是「城市讓社會更美好。」 那時上海的花草樹木一定是鬱郁蔥蔥,將給人們展現一個美麗的香格里拉。我要成為一名城市護綠小衛士,為城市增添一份綠色,讓馬路變得更干凈,讓城市變得更美麗。 假如我是一名世博志願者,我要用英語同來自異國他鄉的外賓進行交談。語言是友誼的橋梁。我現在正努力學習英語,能夠用英語和外賓進行交流是我快樂的事。我要讓外賓們感受來自中國的友誼,親眼目睹中國中學生的風采。 假如我是一名世博志願者。我會向外國友人介紹中國的巨大變化,從農村到城市;從「神六」到登月;從上海世博到未來中國。參觀上海歷史博物館,向他們講述在中華大地上的歷史人物,用一個個活生生的歷史人物形象來描述英雄輩出的中國,用一幅幅燦爛的歷史畫卷展示中國的輝煌和偉大。 假如我是一名世博志願者,我會微笑地為外賓們介紹我最喜歡的上海。夜晚的上海就像一顆璀璨的明珠,彩燈把外灘的萬國建築群裝點得流光溢彩。我會向他們介紹東方明珠、金茂大廈和環球中心,讓他們了解這宏偉的建築里到底有什麼秘密,帶他們去上海大劇院聆聽美妙的音樂。 假如我是一名世博志願者。我會努力教外賓學習中文,中文現在也是海外最受歡迎的語言之一,我會教他們學寫毛筆字、畫中國畫;我會告訴外國友人中國的文化傳統,賽龍舟、逛廟會、猜燈謎,帶外國友人去逛豫園和城隍廟,吃城隍廟的小吃,看泥塑、面人、皮影。讓外國友人進一步感受中國。 上海世博會與這座城市的每一個人都有關系,我們每一個人都應該以主人翁的姿態來參與世博會,並以自己的實際行動演繹「城市,讓生活更美好」的主題。我要為這個目標而努力學習,學習歷史、英語和各地文化習俗,將來為上海世博服務,讓全世界看到一個熱情、文明、美麗、先進的中國。
⑦ 逛廟會作文 英語 80字 帶翻譯!
The most important holiday for the Chinese is the Chinese New Year,also called the Spring Festival. During the festival period,everyone goes back to their hometown and spends several days with family,and people hold many celebrations. Beijing has several fairs ring the period. The fairs are held at various ancient temples,so they are called "temple fairs." Temple fairs,originated along with the development of Buddhist and Taoist activities,are a kind of mass gatherings that integrate religious worship,entertainment and commerce.
Temple fairs in Beijing have a very long history,and saw a boom especially ring the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) as well as the Republic of China(1912-1949).Major temples all have their own festivals,some of which are held regularly. During the Spring Festival,temple fair is one of the most important activities,and a traditional cultural event that features all kinds of Chinese folk art. So far,there have been more than 10 major temple fairs held each year in Beijing.
⑧ 廟會的英語作文和傳統習
⑨ 求一篇和朋友逛廟會的英語作文,拜託了哦
走著走著,我們餓了,吃點什麼呢 我想:這時我看到了這里的小吃一條街,哇!可真豐富啊!有天津的狗不理包子,老北京的炸奶油糕,炸灌腸,茶湯,還有新疆的羊肉串等等.這個廟會的組織者想的可真周到,讓我們不出北京就能品嘗到這么多全國各地的小吃.
這一天玩的可真過癮啊Today I and friends to give the temple fair.
We'll tidy up thing to the early start, to give the park, I saw the various and kind of toys, have a devil, angels, the giraffe's hairpin, all sorts of color wig, etc.
I bought a bunch of blue sunflower, can surround hands can also surrounded the head, to a friend bought a carp flags, green is very beautiful
Walking, we are hungry, eat a point what? I think: then I saw here food street, wow! It really abundant! Have tianjin goubuli stuffed bun, old Beijing Fried cream cakes, Fried enema, tea, and xinjiang's mutton string etc. The temple fair organizers want really thoughtful. Let us not out of Beijing can enjoy so many snacks throughout the country.
The next time folklore performance, we have watched a lot of performance, have errenzhuan, caigaoqiao and lion dances, these are our unique Chinese national culture. Originally always see on TV the lion dance performance, this time, I can really see, see the lion who really cool and play the role of the jungle overlord as lively and lively and lovely.
"How light Snow White. Today is not! I'm on light snow said. Light snow saw me put sunflower surround the head almost smiled to turn over days. Home I put sunflower and confining to my bed, huh! I just found out that flower is so beautiful!
This day playing can really enjoyable