❶ 求關於寒假生活的英語作文70字左右高中水平
This is a beautiful winter vacation!We went to the Qing maritime museum.We first went to the visitor 'center.Then I saw a movie about sharks.Then we watched a dolphin show.It is so wonderful!After lunch, we went to the shop to buy souvenirs.We also took many photos!Great holiday!
❷ 英語作文我的寒假生活帶翻譯高二的
My Winter Holiday
It』s January. My winter holiday is coming. I am going to go to Thailand. I will go there by plane. I like the food in Thailand. In the winter holiday, I am going to play basketball. I am going to paint pictures, too. I will help my mother do some housework. I will be very happy in my winter holiday.
❸ 英語作文有關於假期生活的高中
do homework everyday
❹ 求「我的寒假生活」為主題英文作文,帶翻譯,高一水平。急!
日子吧,就這樣過去了.一晃,便過春節了,那傢伙,鞭炮聲,鑼鼓聲不絕於耳.各式煙花在空中盛開,頓時間,火光四射.大年三十的年夜飯可真是熱鬧,許多親朋好友聚集在一起,不到一點是 不準散的.小孩子們在外面放起了煙花,大人們則熱熱鬧鬧的打起了麻將.快到十二點時,所有人都在電視前一起開始倒計時.伴隨著新年的鍾聲響起,也煙花鞭炮也在各處開始響起.正月里,人們到處走親訪友,當然家裡也會來客人,端茶倒水,偶爾還要幫忙照看一下小朋友.還是挺有趣的.
With the advent of the new year, I also graally close to the end. This contains the Spring Festival holiday, the students are doing what? First come into my holiday life
A semester finally ended in bitterness, in the winter vacation is coming, everybody is very happy and excited. But winter brings us not only a relaxed joy holiday life, naturally we also completed my homework and teachers task, a meaningful holiday
Get up in the morning, wash finished, after breakfast, rushed the desk and began to write operation, quality assurance at the same time, the winter vacation homework as soon as possible. Because of the Spring Festival period will inevitably go dear friends or family to the guests. In that case, operation is certainly not do, so keep working to fix. Noon, eat and watch TV or a very enjoyable thing. Take a break, the next afternoon or morning. (after all, don't want to in the Spring Festival also lie struggle on the desk!) five pm at the edge, the partners began to call, I and brother few outside the court. Run, until it's time to go home, we will scatter, go back home, and find the mother. After dinner, just the movie channel movie playing in this period of time. For me, of course, to enjoy the visual feast. After the film, see table, yo, the bed. So the eyes closed and open,, a day later
Days, so in the past. In a flash, and the Spring Festival, that guy, the sound of firecrackers, gongs and drums can be heard without end. All kinds of fireworks in the sky blooms, meal time, flames. On the thirty of the meal can be noisy, many friends and family gathered together, not to the point is not scattered. The child they put up the fireworks on the outside, the alts are bustling playing mahjong. Shortly before twelve am, everyone in front of the TV to start the countdown. Along with the New Year bell rings, and fireworks throughout begins. Lunar January, people everywhere dear friends, of course, home to the guests, tea, occasionally to help look after the kids. It was very interesting
So, learn from the more recent days, winter vacation life bit by bit, the good times, here also the end. The next school can't so lazy in the study, read the book! The good time occurred in the winter of life, all put in my mind Li, let them become a memory! My winter life draw a perfect ending
❺ 求一篇關於寫高中水平的寒假生活 不少於150-200字的英語作文
My winter vacation
During the winter vacation, nothing is different for my life. I wake up 11 o』 Am everyday, after a washing, I have a good lunch with my parents. Next I play computer games till the time to have supper. After have dinner. I go on playing till 2 o』clock Am, and then go to sleep with tired. This is one ll day of my winter vacation.
But I haven』t bored all the time. Sometimes I read the books, sometime I listen to the music or the radio in the bed,because it was very cold outside and snowy all the day. And I also meat some of my good friends ring the vacation ,we have a very long talk about the life of each other in the past year and play table tennis tegether .And I watched the spring festival party of the CCTV in the last seconds of the 2004 year! I think this is the thing most people of china doing at that time.
That』s all, all my ll, coldly and snowy winter vacation.
❻ 高中英語作文寒假作業
假期見聞 春節假期馬上就結束了!想到過年期間看到的見聞,我在感嘆世間變化無窮的飛速時,也在感慨那久遠而深厚的民俗情!不管外來文化怎麼流進我們的國度,而那份濃厚的民俗情意總會讓人感到溫暖! 串親戚 待客人 年前,人們開始忙碌過新年,車水馬龍,人流不息,過年的味道仍然很濃厚,人來送往好不熱鬧!匆匆回家的人還沒卸下倦容就開始忙活程式化又不能改變的鄉俗。他們不管離家有多遠,不論學習和工作多忙,也不論離開家鄉多長時間,在這個萬家團圓的時刻,紛紛趕回家裡跟親人團聚。中華民族的濃濃親情是世界上任何一個民族都做不到並由衷的羨慕的。 過年少不了走親戚待客人。我們工薪族一般都是在年前把親戚都走完的。因為過年後,農村的親戚會陸續的趕來,就只能在家裡等待客人的到來,一般家裡有老人的,都會有很多農村親戚的。農村至盡還保留著過了年才開始走親戚拜年的習俗。還有一種習慣,就是不出正月就算新年,如果大年前後實在沒有時間就在正月十五之前或者正月以前,抽空看望親戚,這樣的情況也很多。 走親戚免不了帶禮物的,可禮尚往來,每家都有很多禮物送出去又有多少禮物收進來。因此,真正吃到這個禮物的還不知要等到什麼時候,有時一盒點心等打開時已經發霉了,好在,還可以做醬引子,不會浪費,否則,仍掉是很可惜的! 做家務,露一手絕活 讓家人開心 過年了,難得有這樣長的時間蝸居在家裡,做些平時沒有時間動手的事情。 收拾屋子和做飯是最經常做的,雖然可以找保潔來做很多難做的家務,可我們家的習慣,仍然是自己動手,從不請保潔的。在人們看來,一身疲憊兩手粗糙才似乎可以證明你是勤勞的,誰都討厭懶惰。其實,真的很累的,為什麼不讓自己輕松呢?有這樣的想法也不會付諸行動,畢竟自己的行為要跟周圍的習慣相協調,否則就會失去很多好口碑,還是累點吧! 而做飯,也是人們平時不常動手的,有客人的時候往飯店一安排,合情合理。可到了過年就不能這樣做了,人們會認為你不是過日子人,浪費不節儉,有了這樣的口碑會影響到下一代的。再說,很多禮尚往來都會有很多吃的東西,不吃也會爛掉的。 每到過大年的這一天,我就會做一條美味的糖醋澆汁魚,金黃色的魚身澆上一層番茄醬做的汁,又甜又酸又脆,還沒等大人都落座,孩子們已將一條有造型的魚兒吞進肚裡。大人只能看著那根魚骨頭而「望魚興嘆」,孩子開心,是每個大人都希望的!今年的春節,小妹妹一家去了山東老家過年,大妹妹家的老人又病了,因此,今年顯得比較冷清,做飯都是我和老公動手。幾乎每天都有客人來的,我們家的餐桌還比較講究豐盛,公婆為人好,待人熱情,老公和我自然不敢隨便湊合。嗆一身油煙味,眼睛熏的直流淚,看著滿桌子的美味佳餚,老人高興。這很難得,我從不惹老人生氣的,知道他們的喜好,因此,老人常常當著外人的面自豪的誇獎我,我很得意! 矛盾沖突,在這個團聚的時刻也會顯現 親朋好友平時聯絡不多,很少碰面,在這個休閑和放鬆的時機就會聚到一起,敘一下本來的情意,聚會少不了喝酒、打牌,以此來延續感情。而人們只要聚在一起,就會出現很多不同的觀點和分歧,矛盾是避免不了的。也常常聽同事和朋友說,難得見面鬧矛盾,覺得很遺憾的!不過我倒認為這是正常現象。 人不接觸就沒分歧,就不會有矛盾。而有了矛盾只要能夠及時調節,就沒問題,本來生活就充滿著矛盾,沒什麼好大驚小怪的,更不可以隨便指責的。 兩件事,都因誤會引起。 其中的一個是,我婆婆和大妹妹之間的矛盾瞬間而起。因為誤會,老人的意思被大妹妹所不理解。我們當著老家的親戚很快平息了她們的憤怒情緒,大妹離開家門時是掉著眼淚走的,我們平時關系很好,很心疼她,人家到家就幹活,忙活了大半天,飯沒吃好,還委屈著走的。我自然跟大妹溝通了很多,她首先想通了,給婆婆打電話道歉!畢竟母女情深,矛盾好解決。 親朋之間的走動,很多家庭都是在飯店就餐的,在平時很火熱但並不嘈雜的場所,發生爭吵引起人們的好奇心,仔細一聽,是家人或者朋友的爭論。家家有本難念的經啊! 有矛盾是正常的,沒有矛盾說明彼此不在乎。因此,盡量理解矛盾著的雙方,有利於今後親情是否快樂的延續。竟有反目的親人,很痛心的!大過年的,別聚出病來! 電話,信息,情感 過年期間,感受最深的恐怕是電話和信息傳遞情感了。 大家都有這個深切的體會,信息堵塞,電話占線成為這幾天的最頭疼的問題,信息收不到,電話打不進去是經常的事。 最讓我感動的是除夕夜,當新年鍾聲即將敲響和零點鍾聲響過之後的信息大量的發進來,讓我目不暇接,一通忙活。很多新老朋友和親人用電話和信息表達著深切的祝福,我也一樣。女兒為她爸爸發信息累的直嚷嚷,也難怪,她爸爸大筆一揮就是近五十個電話號碼,雖然是同樣的內容,可能發出去,就很難得了,因為信道好象不太通暢! 新年晚會的主題,讓我和朋友都很激動,我們用電話傳遞彼此的感受,是以前從來都沒有經歷過的。她老公在外地工作,很辛苦,經常一個月不回家,她為此不太理解,經常跟老公生氣,弄的老公無法塌實工作。他們夫妻都跟我傾訴過,我深知他們矛盾的原由,看到春節晚會的美好主題,適時的通過信息跟朋友傳遞夫妻相處之道,她很感動!歡快的笑聲又彌漫在他們溫馨的家裡。 逛街,觀賞民間工藝 閑來逛街是大家都愛做的事,老在家裡悶著,這對平時忙碌的人們感到很悶的,希望出來透透氣兒。 大街上盡是人群,三三兩兩的結伴而行。或匆匆趕路,或忙著擠公交車或者打的,或者佇足觀看。我一般都是因為買東西而到外面的,否則就幾天不出家門,我怕冷! 最吸引我的,是民間手工藝人,那經過巧手瞬間擺弄出來的精細工藝品,讓我驚奇的同時,更佩服他們的靈巧和智慧!有編織螞蚱的,有吹糖人的,有寫對聯畫畫的。他們的專注和作品贏得一陣喝彩。 平時基本聽不見的叫賣聲,此起彼伏,熱鬧非常,感覺很新鮮。剪紙藝人的窗花更另人叫絕,紅紅的紙張隨便就出來人物或者動物的影子,讓人忍不住多看幾眼,喜歡的就順便買下了。而真正的貼窗花,我們這里還不常見,也許在農村能夠看到吧?倒是去天津的時候,看到家家戶戶都帖上窗花和對聯,遠看紅紅的一片,煞是好看!
❼ 寫寒假的生活,英語作文,高中水平
Dear Mr Tony;
I'm writing to tell you something about my holiday. I'm so happy beause I have time to relax,but I still spend some time in studying.I have a balance study plan.After the final examination,I know some weak points in my study.I've made up my mind to learn them well.In order to finish my goal,I read books everyday,try my best to study.I read not only the textbooks,but also some masterpieces of some famous writer.And in my spare time I also have some significant things to do,which makes me evey happy.I've become a volnteer and I've done many meaningful things.which taught me a lot.
Best wishes for you.
❽ 寒假生活英語作文100次高一
❾ 求一篇關於寒假的英語作文(高中水平)謝謝
The winter vacation I had dreamed all year around was finally coming.And I really enjoyed a lot from it.
The first thing I did was I made a plan for my study.I assigned my homework equally according to the holidays so that I can finish all of them in time.I also arranged myself the books and words I need to read and recite.
Secondly,I took some extracurricular activities and read some English original reading.My favorite book is ,written by Sherlock Holmes.Among all the classical movies,the Sound of Music was the most exciting one.During my holidays I also made some assistance for my physical class teacher,surely I met lots of difficulties in this stage and from which I knew what perseverance really was.
Lastly,I went to the temple fair and was lucky to taste several Chinese traditional dishes; 「 chicken」 is one of them.It is said it originated from Hangzhou centuries ago,made by a famous beggar Hong Qi Gong,the senior leader of Beggar Gang.Steamed with fresh lotus leaf wrapped up,it is famous for its special aroma and taste.
Now that the holiday is ending and a new semester is coming,I need to fresh up and get started to embrace the upcoming challenges.